California Connection 3

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California Connection 3 Page 10

by Chunichi

  I pondered this dilemma all the way back to Virginia. I’d driven all the way from Virginia Beach just to meet with Jewel. As I drove, I thought long and hard about my feelings for Jamie and my feelings for Jewel. No matter from which angle I looked at things, it always pointed back at Jewel. For some reason, I just couldn’t let her slip through my fingers again.

  By the time I’d hit Seven Cities, my mind was made up. I had to get rid of Jamie. I saw no upside to keeping him in my life.

  Chapter 16


  “Does Someone Have Voodoo on Me?”

  In all my years of being in the drug game, I ain’t never had no fucking body come where I lay my head at and put their hands on me. This is some bullshit, I thought to myself as I looked over my numerous scars and my missing tooth in the bathroom mirror.

  I couldn’t believe that shit had really happened to me. The fucked-up thing about it, I couldn’t remember a gotdamn thing about the previous night. I was seriously going to have to consider not getting so fucked up on booze and weed. What I did know was, it had to be a nigga to do that shit. Sure, I thought about that psycho Lisa, but there was no way that bitch would have the strength to tie me up.

  I wracked my brain trying to figure out who the fuck it could have been. I ain’t had no beef on the streets, so it wasn’t from a business associate. Maybe it was Lisa and some nigga that did this to me, I thought as I prepared to hit the road. If so, that bitch was reaching new levels of crazy, and I would need to end her life for that shit.

  I was headed straight to the dentist. There was no way in hell I was walking around town looking like a fucking crackhead with missing teeth. As I got dressed, I continued to think through all the people it might be that fucked me up. That’s when that nigga Rico popped in my head. All of a sudden, he’d moved to the top of my list of suspects. If it wasn’t for Jewel’s dumb ass inviting him into my house, the other night probably would have never happened. If the bitch was so eager to fuck, why couldn’t she fuck him at his house?

  Fuming from the thoughts of this nigga fucking me up like he did, I called Jewel up. I wanted her to know that she was going to be responsible for this nigga’s death. I got her voice mail. I called back to back three more times and got her voice mail every time. The last time, I decided to leave a message.

  “Jewel, you know who the hell this is. Answer the phone when I call you. Your boyfriend paid me a visit. You should have said your final good-byes the last time you saw him because he’s dead for sure now!” I screamed in the phone.

  I was hoping that message would get her attention. I went to take a leak, and before I could finish the phone was ringing. I knew it was Jewel. I answered right away ready to light her ass up.

  “Yo’, bitch, you got it coming to you when I see you,” I yelled into the phone as soon as I picked up.

  “Yo’, nigga, this Deuce. What’s up with you? Long night last night?” Deuce laughed.

  What the fuck he mean by that? Is he referring to me getting a beat-down? Is he involved?

  Many thoughts went streaming through my mind. Now I had another suspect to consider. The last thing I wanted to do was to off this nigga. It could cause some major problems with Jimmy and me. Which would seriously affect my money. I didn’t even bother explaining my situation with that nigga. We had a brief business talk, and I got off the phone.

  Despite the bullshit I was going through, I had to get on with my day. I hopped in my truck and started out the neighborhood. I didn’t even get to the end of the block before it shut off on me.

  “Damn!” I banged the steering wheel then got out.

  I had to wonder if this day could get any worse. Thinking maybe it was the battery, I popped the hood. When I got out of the truck, I noticed my gas tank was open with a little note tied to it. The note read, “Sweeter than sugar, baby.”

  “Damn it!” I yelled to no one in particular.

  Just when I thought it was over, Lisa struck again. This bitch is relentless, I thought. I looked down at my ringing cell phone. It was Jimmy.

  “Hey, Jimmy. What’s up?” I greeted him, trying to maintain my composure on the phone.

  “There is a slight problem with our pictures,” he said, letting me know there was a problem with the business.

  “From my end, there isn’t a problem. The pictures seem clear to me. Everything is accounted for,” I said, assuring Jimmy that all the figures added up.

  “I will be home soon to straighten it out.”

  “All right. So everything good otherwise?” I asked.

  “See you soon,” Jimmy responded, cutting me off, and hung up the phone.

  I could tell by that conversation that things weren’t good. I wasn’t too worried because I knew I made sure everything was accounted for at all times. I wasn’t no rookie to the game, so I knew to not even be a dollar short when working on consignment. Having Jimmy back on the street was going to be nice. I couldn’t wait for his release.

  I called up ma dukes to take me to the dentist. I had to get my grill right, but after that, it was pure relaxation. I looked forward to locking myself in the house and drinking a few Heinekens, smoking a blunt, while watching my DVD collection of Martin. I had to do something to keep from catching a murder charge. I didn’t know if it would be that bitch Lisa or that punk Rico, but somebody was gonna die soon.

  Chapter 17


  “Making a Change”

  I finally mustered up the energy to listen to the numerous voice mails Touch had left. I already had an idea what to look forward to. Bitch was my middle name to him if he was angry.

  Touch barked on the phone, “Bitch, I know you were behind this. Don’t worry. We’ll get another battle together. This time, I will be the only one standing. I thought you learned your lesson last time I beat your ass. Sending that nigga to my fuckin’ house. Is you crazy?”

  The next few messages after that started off the same way, “Bitch this, bitch that.” Here we go again, I thought. Others messages followed, but they were kind and sweet, with Touch damn near begging me to come back to him. Blah, blah, blah, it was all the same shit with Touch—Yell at me, hit me then proclaim how sorry you are and how much you love me. I deleted the messages. I was really starting to tire of his stupid ass. I thought about calling him and chewing his ass out, but I dialed another number instead. Without giving it a second thought, I pressed send.

  “Hello,” I heard on the other end of the phone.

  Although I wanted to speak, no words came out. I didn’t really have a reason to call. I was just feeling lonely and wanted someone to talk to. It didn’t hurt that I had been intrigued by Misty’s offer ever since we’d met at the bookstore café.

  “Hello?” the voice said again.

  “Hi.” I managed to force out one word.

  “Jewel?” Misty sounded excited.

  “Yes. I had no one else to call.”

  “Hey, baby. I’m so happy you called. I never thought I would see this day. I’m here for you. What’s on your mind?”

  “Just going through the highs and lows of Touch. I just checked my voice messages, and it was the same old thing I have been dealing with. It seemed like every other word was bitch. Men don’t understand how much that word really hurts. I guess they were going-away presents.”

  “That’s crazy. Jewel, I told you, you deserve better. No man should ever disrespect you like that,” Misty said, a bit of anger in her tone.

  “Plus, he fucked some girl name Lisa and end up beating her or something. They went to court, and he won the case, and now she’s out for revenge. This chick came to my house and everything. It was a mess.”

  “He cheats on you, and now Lisa won’t go away. Jewel, this is crazy. I can’t believe you are even keeping contact with him. Why don’t you get a new phone? I’ll pay for it.” She sounded so soothing.

  “You know how hard it was to hold my composure when Touch told me he had to go to court behind her?”

  “I can tell you’re still hurting behind all of this. Sounds like you’re getting angry all over again just talking about it.”

  “You’re probably right. I feel like a hole has been ripped through my heart. I don’t know what to do. I thought he was my best friend, but friends don’t treat each other like this, do they?”

  “No, Jewel, they don’t. My best advice to you is to separate yourself from him. It’s the only way you will get strong, independent, and feel more secure about yourself. What can I do to help you? I am here for you, no matter what.”

  “You’re right. It’s time to make a change. Thanks for talking to me, Misty. I really need an ear to listen. You always were a good listener, even if it was to try and get information for the feds.”

  “I am so sorry about all of that, Jewel. Even though I was trying to put Touch away, I would never have hurt you. It seemed like I was interested in what you had to say, because I was. I still am. You are an amazing and beautiful woman.”

  Misty’s sincerity made me cry. No one had been this kind to me in a long while. All the stress of my life with Touch was coming out through those tears.

  “Thanks, Misty. You are too kind. I have to be going now. You’ve given me a lot to think about,” I said, wiping my tears.

  I was glad I’d called Misty. It felt like the best decision I had made in a while. I found comfort in talking with her. It felt familiar. Before I knew she was a cop, when we would have our conversations, I’d always appreciated her advice. She was so confident and knew the answer to everything. She always seemed to know what to say, and at the right time. Once again I found myself putting my trust in Misty. I prayed to God I wasn’t making a horrible mistake like I’d done in the past.

  After talking to Misty, it was clear that I needed to go back to Virginia and face my demons once and for all. I started by calling my lawyer and telling him I needed an appointment to come in and talk to him about my case. Then I called a moving company and my real estate agent. Once everything was in order, I planned to hit the road the next morning.

  I woke up the next morning optimistic. I knew I was making the right decision. I said my good-byes to Shakira before leaving. She was a good friend, and I was grateful for her kindness. She was definitely one of a kind, and I felt I would always be indebted to her for accepting me with open arms.

  “Good luck today. Hope everything goes as planned,” Shakira said, giving me a big hug.

  I didn’t want to let go. One part of me was excited to face my past and move on, and the other was scared to death of the unknown.

  “I’m sure it will,” I assured her as we walked toward the door.

  I loaded my car with my luggage then I hopped in. I waved a final good-bye as I drove off.

  “Drive safe,” Shakira yelled as I pulled off.

  Attempting to beat the traffic, I left DC close to six o’clock in the morning. I put on the tune of Nicki Minaj to keep me energized. It seemed like I got to the Tidewater area in no time at all. As I drove through the Hampton tunnel I began to get nervous. My legs were shaking as reality set in. I didn’t know if I was truly ready to face my past, but in order for me to have a brighter future, I knew I had to.

  My first stop was Norfolk to meet with my lawyer, Eric Dickerson. I told him everything Misty had shared with me. He was grateful for the information but warned me to stand clear of Misty. He thought she may have ulterior motives and not truly there to protect me. I heard what he was saying, but in my heart I felt Misty’s motives were sincere. Call me stupid, but I believed her. I trusted her more than I trusted Touch. Touch always vowed he would never do a long bid ever again. Plus, his motto was money over bitches, so why wouldn’t he sell me out to stay on the streets and make money?

  Based on what I shared with Mr. Dickerson, he made a deal with the DA’s office. In exchange for my testimony, I would receive immunity. Besides, Touch was the one the city of Virginia Beach and feds truly wanted, not me. I was just a pawn. Touch would do the same to me. Fuck him. I’ll get him before he gets me. This is the new Jewel. I ain’t no ride-or-die no more. It’s about taking care of myself.

  “Thanks for signing on the dotted line. My office will be in touch,” the district attorney said with a smile on his face after receiving my written statement. I’d written a three-page testimony about what was really going down. Which was enough to put Touch away for a long while. Oh well, serves his ass right.

  On my way to my next task I felt conflicted about agreeing to testify against Touch. Yes, I was mad at him, but did that warrant me helping to put him in jail? There were some good things about him. I truly feel that he did love me, and if I had to be truthful with myself, I did love him. I had to ask myself if my love outweighed the anxiety and heartbreak he caused me. I started having second thoughts about my decision to testify. I thought about different ways I might be able to move on, but I saw none. Touch would never let me be at peace. If I wanted a clean break and a fresh start, I had to testify. It was all about me now.

  When I pulled up in front of my house, the moving company already had their men and truck waiting out front. With precision and laser-like speed, they moved everything to a storage unit, except for Touch’s belongings. I had them move all of Touch’s things to the garage. I wasn’t so cold-hearted that I would throw all his stuff away. He would have the opportunity to collect his belongings if he wanted. I still had some guilt about my impending testimony. After changing the locks, the garage would be all he had access to. Lucky for him, I didn’t reprogram the garage opener as well.

  The real estate agent was right on time with the contract and for sale sign for the house. I was going to sell it as is. I had no time or money to fix the house up, and I wasn’t really looking for a huge profit. I just wanted all links to Virginia and Touch severed, and that house was the last thing tying me to either of them.

  By the end of the day, I was exhausted, but I felt free as a bird. Little by little, I was lifting the burden and weight I had been carrying on my back.

  I checked myself into a local hotel for the night. I had planned to head back to DC in the morning. Shakira had agreed to let me stay with her until I was able to get things sorted out. I lay my head down to sleep and vowed to myself that Touch will never have the opportunity to disrespect me again. No more name-calling, no more cheating, and no more physical and mental abuse. I knew I didn’t deserve any of that, and I refused to take his shit anymore.

  As I lay my head on the pillow and thought about my future, I had a huge smile on my face. Independence suited me well. I was excited about my new beginning.

  Chapter 18


  “Looking for a Pick-me-up”

  “We had shit rolling tonight, man,” Deuce said as we wrapped things up. It seemed like every day business was increasing. The fiends were getting word that we had the best shit in Virginia.

  Business was going so well, I had spent the weekend at the spot. I didn’t want to take the chance of a nigga fucking up or attempting to pull some old “I got robbed” bullshit. I stayed around to set an example for the young niggas. Show them how a real businessman conducts himself. The blocks we had on lock in Norfolk were definitely paying off.

  “Knowing the right people and having good product shows in our profits,” I stated as I counted up the last stack of money, verifying it was accurate.

  “You right about that. Get some rest. I’m about to do the same.” Deuce grabbed the money stacks and put them in the duffle bag.

  “I can’t wait to lay my head down either,” I said as I gathered my things.

  I hadn’t had a bath or even brushed my teeth the entire weekend. It was like a conveyor belt of fiends coming through the door. I barely had time to breathe. I couldn’t wait to get home, get a hot shower, and lay it down in my bed. Of course, I was going to need to smoke some weed before all that.

  I stopped at the door and turned toward Deuce before leaving. “Did you need me to do the drop for Jimmy?” I

  “Nah, man. Have a good one,” he replied, grabbing the duffle bag and heading toward the door behind me.

  I hopped in my truck, eager to get home. One of them cats around the way who used to be in the drug game had taken my truck over the weekend and fixed that shit. Lucky for me, he was a good-ass mechanic and was able to get it running again. I was tired as hell and happy that I didn’t have to call a cab. On my way home, I started thinking about ways I could use all of the cash coming my way. I needed to set up some sort of legit business to protect my ass from prosecution.

  The longer Jewel was away, the more I got used to not having her around. Don’t get me wrong. I still needed her in my life, but it was getting easier to deal with. I decided to call Jewel when I got back to the crib and try one more time to get her back home.

  When I entered the garage, I noticed a number of boxes stacked up in the corner. Being extra cautious, I pulled my gun and looked around to see if whoever stacked the boxes was still lingering. This shit looked suspicious. After getting out the car, I walked to the boxes. Each one had my name written on it with a black marker. I cautiously opened one box and looked through it. It had my underwear and some T-shirts in it. I started opening each box, and each one contained my possessions. All my shit had been thrown into boxes and put in the garage. It didn’t take me long to figure what was going on.

  Right away I assumed Jewel was back home and was trying to make some statement. I stormed toward the house. I tried opening the door from the garage, but my key didn’t work. So I stomped out the garage door toward the front yard and noticed a for sale sign on the front lawn. That’s when it hit me like a fucking freight train! Not only was Jewel making a point and getting rid of my stuff, she was selling the house right up from under me. That bitch had some nerve, especially since I’d paid for the house! That’s the fucked-up part about the drug game. You have the money but can’t put shit in your name. I’d never thought Jewel would do some shit like that to me.


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