Embrace 1 - Immortal Embrace

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Embrace 1 - Immortal Embrace Page 9

by Charlotte Blackwell

  “Come with me, and you won’t ever disappoint any of us. You won’t believe the rush you will get with your first live feed, Danika. The fresh stuff is the best,” he continues to pressure.

  I start to think of what it would be like just to give in to my natural instincts for once. The glands in my mouth begin to water at the thought of a fresh feed, or “a hit,”

  as he sometimes refers to it. I wonder what it must be like living underground like his clan does. My biggest question though is, “How are you able to be out in the daytime?”

  “Although you are young, I am sure you know about the many powers in the world.

  I have the power of a light walker. I still have to avoid direct sunlight, but these cloudy days make it somewhat safe for me to walk about somewhat freely.”

  The bell rings to signal the start of class.

  “I have to go.” I demand.

  “Okay, but promise me you will come with me to the club one night. You will not be disappointed,” the young man insists.

  “Fine, but don’t come here anymore,” I warn him.


  As I enter the school through the main doors, I cannot get the man’s offer out of my head. What was his name again? I can’t believe I have forgotten. I am so bad with names, Drake, his name is Drake. I gotta remember that. I need to think of something else before Alexander decides to check in on me. I have to wonder if things are as wonderful as my mystery man, Drake describes. The Pierce family has been good to me, but this is no different than my mortal life. I was attacked, Embraced, and turned into a bloodthirsty monster, and they will not even allow me to fulfill my needs. They have provided well for me, but I find myself wondering how others like us live. Entering the class, I greet a few friends I have made and try to push these thoughts out of my head. We all make a little small talk before the teacher enters. One of the boys I have befriended, Jack, even asks me to the winter formal. He is a nice guy, not to mention very cute. But I think maybe I will check out this so-called underground vampire club after the formal. As the class settles, we all pull out our books, ready for a new day of learning.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Girls’ Day Out

  It’s been a few days since Nathanial asked me to the winter formal, and me, Ebony, Matilda, and Danika, will go shopping for dresses. Constance will join us later. The boys decide tonight is a good night to play pool. I know Alexander will be analyzing Nathanial’s mind, just to ensure he has proper intentions. Alexander is extremely protective of me, just as a brother should be.

  My new relationship is actually quite frightening for everyone involved. Anyone and everyone can get hurt if my relationship with Nathanial goes bad. We all watched a relationship with a mortal destroy everything Caspian had worked for. I can only hope to learn from his mistakes. There is also the fact that I have never fully lived off human blood as he had for centuries. I try not to think about the repercussions that our relationship may have and try to believe in myself as we girls head to the mall and to hunt for the perfect dress. We search for hours, trying on all kinds of dresses.

  Ebony picks a beautiful red dress and heads to the fitting room. “What do you think about this one?” she asks.

  “It is perfect. The red looks so nice against your dark skin, and the cut frames your body perfectly,” Matilda replies, showing off her keen fashion sense.

  “What about this one for me?” Matilda asks, as if she did not know already.

  “You are beautiful as always.” I confirm.

  Both Ebony and Matilda have found dresses, but Danika and I are still empty handed. It is hard since I am not into fashion the way Matilda is, or the way most girls are, for the matter. I enjoy looking nice, but in a more practical sense. I mean, what would I do with a Dior haute couture dress? I’ve always wondered who really wears that stuff. I threw out my corsets years ago.

  Danika walks out of the fitting room, much to my surprise. I had not even noticed her going in there. “I think I may have found a dress,” she says with complete excitement.

  “Oh my, Danika! It’s...it’s just magnificent!” I can’t take my eyes off her because she looks so grown up, a beautiful young lady. I have always liked her cute reverse bob hairstyle, longer in the front than the back. She is a very attractive girl, but right now she is beautiful. Everyone in the store stops to admire her in a gorgeous white gown, fit for a snow princess.

  “The white of the dress on your fair skin makes your red hair blaze like the fire of the sun above. You are the prettiest thing I have ever seen,” the saleswoman dotes in complete honesty, in spite of the commission she’ll make on the sale.

  “Thank you. I think we will take this dress as well,” Matilda interjects.

  Now I am the only one without the perfect dress and the formal is coming up quickly. Then it hits me, and I remember the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen. It belongs to Constance, left over from her party days at Studio 54 in the 1970’s. I guess we could consider it vintage now. I start to daydream about the amazing emerald-green halter-style dress, knee length in the front and floor length in the back. It has a V-neck bodice lined with silver accents. She also has the perfect pair of silver Dolce and Gabbana stilettos to match. The extra height will help since Nathanial is so much taller than I am. I start to get a little excited at the thought of having the perfect dress.

  Thankfully, Constance and I are both petite, she’s about five-six and 110 pounds, I am only a few inches shorter, so we often raid each other’s closets. Matilda is different, as she is almost six feet tall with the slender body of a super model. She actually looks like a young Grace Kelly.

  As soon as Constance arrives, I ask her about the green dress, and she is excited about the idea. “That dress deserves a night out!” she says, gladly willing to let me borrow it.

  After that’s all settled, we head to the health food store. Ebony needs some herbs for her spells and potions, and the easiest way to get them without going into the city Wicca or pagan store is to buy herbal remedies and teas.

  “So what are we looking for?” I ask.

  “I just want to try out some truth, memory, and luck spells. I need to get some angelic root, hawthorn berries, and snake root. I also need to buy some candles–red, white, black, and green,” Ebony explains.

  Chapter Twenty

  Hanging Out

  “Well, now that we are finished with everything we had planned, why don’t we meet the boys down at the local pool hall?” I suggest.

  Everyone agrees, and when we arrive, they are all there: Elijah, Isaac, Alexander, Nathanial, and Matt. Ebony had told us that Matt had moved to Wenham in the spring of sophomore year and was the new kid until we came along. He is a really nice guy.

  He fought for her when she attempted to shut people out of her life after finding out she was a witch. She needed to figure things out for herself, but he adores her and waited for her to be ready to open up again. I remember he was the one who took her home the day she used her powers at school to put that nasty Mel in her place. Ebony has great timing, too, for she is finally coming out of her shell and letting him back in–just in time for formal. Matt has never given up on her. He even hangs out with us at lunch to prove to Ebony he will always be there for her. Just like I gave up pushing Nathanial away, she is doing the same. Last week, when Matt asked her to the formal, she agreed to go with him. They were friends before they became a couple, but Matt told Alexander and Nathanial one day that he has always felt a connection to Ebony. Matt is different, and Alexander cannot read him, as if there is some kind of road block to his brain.

  Matilda, on the other hand, sees much about him, as if his soul is an open book, pure and genuine. She calls him a “white soul,” as pure as they come. Matilda has only ever seen one white soul once before. I remember the story like it was yesterday. Our family moved back to Europe during the 1950’s. We met a young man by the name of Walter, a worker at the local orphanage.

  “I was just thinking a
bout Matt and how Mati told us he is a white soul. Do you remember Walter?” I ask.

  “Oh yeah. Who could ever forget Walter?” Matilda says.

  “Who is Walter?” Ebony inquires.

  Matilda smiles at the memory. “We met Walter back in Europe. He had a similar soul to Matt’s.”

  “What is his story?” Danika asks with sincere interest.

  “Walter was one of the most caring men our family has ever met. He ran the local orphanage, where he, himself had grown up. Once he was old enough, he decided to give back to the only place he knew as home. He cared for each and every one of the kids that lived in that orphanage. Walter made it his life’s work to help as many of those orphans find homes as humanly possible. Our family became benefactors to the orphanage after Isaac and Constance met Walter in the hospital one night. He stayed with a sick orphan all night long, holding the young boy’s hand as he died,” I explained.

  “It was because of Walter and this young boy that Isaac became a hematologist.”

  Constance says as she looks to see if anyone is interested in the story and then continues when she sees that they are. “Back in the 1950’s, cholera was a major problem. The boy Walter brought into the hospital had a rare homological form of the disease, and we were unable to save him. His death took a toll on Isaac. After that, we became benefactors to the orphanage. That is when Mati met the young Walter and realized his soul was white, just like Matt’s.”

  “That is a sad but interesting story,” Ebony states.

  Constance smiles at the thought. “After that, Isaac decided to learn more about blood. He never wants to be put in another situation like that again.”

  “Walter and Matt are the only two white souls I have ever met. The weird thing is, I still don’t know what causes a white soul or what it means. Maybe one day I will figure it out,” Matilda admits.


  We arrive at the pool hall through the window we could see the boys; they are horsing around as boys always do. I can see the smile on Elijah’s face, beaming like a spotlight from outside. He enjoys normal human interaction and is happy we have made some connections in Wenham. This is the first time in a long time when we have actually been able to put down some roots and live with some semblance of peace and happiness. When we enter the pool hall, Nathanial’s back is to the door, and he does not notice us come in. I admire him. I can see just by his interaction with others and with my family what a wonderful man he truly is. As I get closer, I begin to take in the wonderful aroma coming from him. I stand and watch as he takes his shot and runs his fingers through his truffle-brown hair.

  I sneak up behind Nathanial and wrap my arms around him from behind, running my hands from his waist up his rippled abdomen to rest on his amazing pectorals.

  Lifting myself up on my tiptoes, and I gently blow in his ear.

  He slowly spins around and wraps his arms around me as well. “Hello, beautiful.

  Did you find a dress?”

  “I have something that will do.” I grimace, and he gives me a soft kiss on my cheek.

  “Now that my good luck charm is here, I just might win a game,” he says, hopeful.

  “Well, I am here, but I am not too sure you could call me a good luck charm,” I reply with a chuckle.

  He just smiles and gives me a big squeeze. “You have got to stop being so hard on yourself. You are a wonderful human being, and I just wish you would realize that.”

  He is so sweet and convincing, to the point that I almost believe him myself. I smile back at him, knowing that no matter how convincing he is, it is not true. I can’t be a wonderful human being because I’m not even human anymore.

  It is now December, and it’s getting colder outside, but the pool hall has a nice stone fireplace. Although the cold does not affect us, we decide to curl up in front of the fire, and we all order some hot drinks. Once the boys finish their game, (which Nathanial won), they come over and join us. Only those who are close to us know that Alexander and Matilda are a couple. Since we are hidden in a corner booth by the fire, Alexander slides beside Matilda, wraps his arm over her shoulder, and gives her a little kiss on the cheek–nothing too obvious, in case someone sees. That way, it still looks like they are nothing more than siblings.

  I look at my watch and realize it is about nine o’clock, time to head home. After all, we still have two more days of classes before the winter formal. “How about I walk you home, Nate?” I ask.

  “Is it not customary for the man to walk the lady home?” he jokes back.

  “Nathanial, you live about two blocks away from the pool hall, and my house is a few miles away, just on the outskirts of town. Don’t you think this makes more sense?”

  He nods in agreement.


  We take off slowly down the dimly lit street toward the McCord house. Hand in hand, we begin chatting, always trying to learn more about each other. Tonight it is his turn to ask questions. “Favorite color and song?” he blurts out.

  “Red and I like a variety of songs. I could list a favorite from any decade really. I like anything Frank Sinatra, ‘ Alberta Bound’ by Paul Brandt, most classical music and even stuff like Pink. I find classical very calming. I have always hoped to have it played at my wedding...maybe a beautiful waltz or something like that.” I stop, realizing I am revealing too much.

  “I will have to listen to it so I can learn to dance to it. Do you give lessons? I would not want to embarrass you.” He gives me a little nudge and smiles.

  At this moment, even though I think he is joking, we have an amazing connection, and I can tell he feels it too. It could be a possibility. I have all these feelings I never knew existed until he came into my life.

  He continues with the questions. “Have you ever been in love before?”

  “Ask me that one again later.” I give a little smile.

  “What is your biggest weakness?”


  “Me?” He looks a little concerned.

  “Yeah. I can’t seem to stay away from you, and I can’t hide anything from you.

  Around you, I feel like an open book that has no cover,” I admit.

  “Hmm. Well, isn’t that a good thing? Do you want to stay away from me and hide things? Is there some deep dark secret you are keeping from me, young lady?” he asks.

  “Maybe just a few,” I say in a joking manner, even though it’s the truth. Even though I love being with him every minute that I can, I am glad we are finally at his house, because his questions are getting more dangerous than he knows.

  We say our goodnights and our goodbyes, but as I turn to walk back to the pool hall, he pulls me back, spinning me around to face him. Then he gently kisses my forehead, then my nose, and then our lips meet, pressing ever so gently against one another.

  “Goodnight, my sweet Sophia,” he whispers, weakening my knees with his breath.

  I turn again to leave, still holding Nathanial’s hand. Our fingers start to slide through each other’s until we are fingertip to fingertip.

  “See you in my dreams.” I wink.

  He enters his house, and I take off as fast as I can.


  I am back at the pool hall in seconds. Matt has already taken Ebony home, so our family decides to go hunting for food. Isaac just got another fresh batch of donated blood from the hematology clinic. Because our house is near the outskirts of town, we are near the forest, which is perfect for our hunting trips. There is a vast array of animals to choose from, so we always catch something, but we are careful never to drain them to death.

  “I have all the supplies to bank the animal blood in the trunk of my car. Do you ladies want to come or just go back to the house?” Isaac offers.

  “I would like to come tonight. I am in the mood for a good chase,” Florence says, and the rest of us agree.

  After the hunt, tonight, like so many other nights, I dream of Nathanial and the life we could have had if we had only met a hundred years earlie
r. I dream of growing old with him, of having a family and children and grandchildren of our own. It is wonderful and perfect, but then reality sets in. Vampires only get the ever after–without the happily.

  Chapter Twenty One

  Dreams and Nightmares

  Two days have flown by, and it’s already time for the winter formal. Constance and Matilda help me get ready, because they love to dress me up like a Barbie doll.

  Matilda curls my hair in loose ringlets. “Sophia, will you stop fidgeting? I don’t want to burn you!” Matilda demands.

  “Who cares? It’s not like it would hurt!” I joke back.

  With slight annoyance, she responds, “That’s not the point.”

  Constance brings in the outfit I asked to borrow, along with an amazing tiffany headband. She volunteers to do my makeup for me.

  “Thank you so much, Constance and Mati. I have the best sisters.”

  Suddenly, I hear a slight gasp, followed by Florence announcing, “Oh, Sophia! You are stunning, absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. I always knew it. You shouldn’t try so hard to hide it.”

  “Thanks. I guess I’m trying to just be myself and not hide my true personality anymore,” I defend myself.

  “Don’t forget your day crystal,” Florence reminds.

  Matilda grabs my necklace off the vanity and assists me in putting it on.

  “I guess we are all ready. Shall we go?” I ask.

  Alexander, Matilda, Danika, and I all jump in to Isaac’s sports car, a beautiful black Jaguar with tinted windows. Alexander told Nathanial he will drive all of us, since Nathanial’s house is on the way to the school. That way, Nate won’t have to borrow his mother’s car. We pull up in front of the McCord house, and Nathanial comes running out.


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