Come and Get Me

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Come and Get Me Page 4

by Reese Gabriel

  It galled her how good he looked. None the worse for wear. The miserable bastard. Rubbing it in right under her nose how he’d gotten the better of her. And what did she have to hear every time she turned around, from her female colleagues and subordinates?

  Ooh, isn’t that Ross Maclean handsome…what a stud.

  Wouldn’t you love a private consultation from him?

  Do you know he was almost in the Super Bowl?

  Eleesha was this close to throttling someone. And that time in the department heads meeting when Tim Warner—little weasel that he was—had tried to stir up trouble by charging that Maclean was playing favorites. What could she say, when it was obvious to everyone that Ross was avoiding advertising like the plague? The man was going to be the ruin of her.

  She could have spit nails at him then. Why couldn’t he do his job and move on? So she could have her life back. Her peaceful, orderly, lonely life. Without a man to be furious with, to hate so much, and lust for so much, in the small hours of the night.

  “Mrowr?” inquired Chester, hopping up on the sink.

  She petted the lovable cat, sighing heavily. Even her cat knew something was dreadfully wrong in her life. Eleesha had half a mind to call in sick when she heard a knock at her door. Throwing on her robe she went to answer it. Chester promptly hid himself under the bed, ever her brave little guardian.

  Through the peephole she saw the one face she wouldn’t mind opening up for.

  “Hello, Martha.” She let her assistant in. “Decide to get a head start on violating my privacy today? I must admit, home invasion takes things to a new level.”

  “You’ll be sorry for that later,” Martha predicted, brandishing the tray with two cups of coffee and a pastry. “Where should I put this?”

  Eleesha pointed to the cluttered coffee table. “Feel free to shovel everything onto the floor.”

  Martha quickly created a tidy little spot for their impromptu breakfast. “I’m getting worried about you, ma’am—” she bent over the couch, brushing away cookie and potato chip crumbs, and whatever other crumbs she’d been accumulating. “You’re not handling this Ross Maclean thing at all.”

  “It’s not about him.” Really, Eleesha had come to seriously doubt that she’d done the right thing by telling her assistant the history between the two of them. “I’m just…depressed.”

  “Sit, drink,” ordered Martha, who was sounding more like the boss every day.

  Eleesha did as she was told. “Mm, this is good,” she exclaimed, taking a small sip of the sweetened, light brown beverage. A couple of more swallows and she was feeling almost human.

  “I dreamed about him again,” she said, putting her head back on the couch.

  “So what else is new?”

  “This time he bought me. As a slave.”

  “Ooh, that sounds juicy.”

  “It was,” she admitted. “We were all at a meeting. Warner was going on and on about Ross playing favorites with me. Southerby started stamping his feet and crying like a little kid. He had one of those baby bonnets on his head…it was kind of cute. Anyway, they all started arguing about where the money would come from for the advertising budget—and my salary. Lyle finally spoke up and said there wasn’t any money for me, so I’d have to work for free. Warner was salivating, chattering on about how in that case, why not make me a slave. Ross had been really quiet up to that point, but finally he stood up and put one of those silly gold tokens from one of those kids’ restaurants on the table.

  “‘You all know what this is worth. I’m claiming her.’

  “The men started fighting over me, but he just grabbed me and I clung to him, shivering. He picked me up in his arms, like he did all those years ago, and he told the others that if anyone came near him, he would knock their block off. I nuzzled his neck and then he ordered everyone out of the room. He took me, right there on the table. And then after, just so everyone knew I was his property, he chained me up outside—naked—to my own reserved parking sign—the one I gave him such grief about the first day.”

  Martha was doubled over by this point. “That is…so funny.”

  Eleesha hadn’t thought of it in humorous terms, but she supposed it was a tad bizarre, to say the least. She shrugged her shoulders and started eating the pastry.

  They had it about polished off when the doorbell rang again.

  “Who could that be?” wondered Martha. “At this hour of the morning.”

  “I don’t know. I’m fresh out of nosy assistants,” Eleesha quipped.

  Her elevated mood took a sudden downturn as she looked at this new face through the tiny circle of glass. It was him. Ross.

  “Martha…” Eleesha didn’t have to say another word. One terrified look in her assistant’s direction said it all.

  “You want me to tell him you’re not here?”

  “No. He’ll have seen my car downstairs in the lot. And I can’t let him think I’m that intimidated by him. I have to let him in.”

  “I could hide in the bathroom,” she offered.

  Eleesha charged forward on bare feet to grab her arm. “No. I need the moral support.”

  Martha let herself be dragged to the door. “Are you sure you want to see him like that? Maybe you should put on some more clothes?”

  Oh, god, all she had on was her silk robe. Something told her it was too sexy for the occasion, but she was determined to appear blasé. If he was turned on, that was his problem. He was nothing to her and she’d be darned if she’d change her clothes for him.

  She let Martha open the door. Eleesha swooned at the sight of the man, freshly shaved and showered, wearing a blue suit. She felt twice as naked now, like some kind of geisha girl.

  “Good morning, Eleesha. Martha.” If he was surprised by either her appearance or the presence of her secretary, he gave no indication.

  “Eleesha, I’m sorry to be bothering you at home. I got your address from HR. I need to talk to you. It’s urgent.”


  He pursed his lips. “No offense,” he said to Martha, “but I wonder if we could have a moment in private?”

  “No,” said Eleesha fiercely. “Anything you say to me, you say to her. She knows all about us anyway.”

  This time he did look shocked. “You told her…everything?”

  “Like you haven’t told anyone,” she snorted.

  “Actually,” he corrected her, “I haven’t.”

  Eleesha felt a wave of shame, followed quickly by fresh anger. How dare he make her feel bad about her behavior?

  “Just get to the point, Ross. Then maybe we can get to work. By the way, any chance you’ll actually do some in my neck of the woods? Or is your main interest staring at my breasts?”

  It was his turn to be embarrassed. His eyes snapped back to her face. She reveled in the victory, not to mention the knowledge that she could so easily arouse him. All the better to exploit him…

  “It’s a personal matter, Eleesha. Deeply so. Are you really sure you want Martha in on it?”

  This was the last straw. “For heaven’s sake, Ross, you fucked me practically under the noses of half the undergraduate class. Then last week you screwed me in my own office. Don’t even try to tell me that you have any sense of discretion.”

  His gaze darkened. She’d hit a nerve. Good.

  “Very well, Eleesha. I came to tell you that I have decided we have unfinished business. In the bedroom.”

  “Um… I think I’ll make some more coffee,” Martha muttered.

  “No,” Eleesha ordered. “Stay.”

  Martha planted her feet obediently. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “What business?” she demanded. “Didn’t you get enough? Need another piece? Want me to spread my legs for you right here? Why don’t you bring some of the boys from the office by, too?”

  She couldn’t believe she was talking like this. Was she feeling bold because Martha was present? Whatever it was, she was getting pretty damned wet.

��You see? This only proves my point. This hostility—this insane dance of avoidance and confrontation between us. It’s all about sexual tension.”

  “That’s a crock and you know it. You’re trying to rationalize your way into my panties again,” she accused.

  Ross turned to Martha. “You’ve been in on this. What’s your take?”

  “She has no take,” protested Eleesha. “She doesn’t have anything to—”

  Eleesha stopped herself. He’d managed to trap her, using her own secret weapon against her.

  “You know Eleesha, you’ve seen how she is with me. Do you think she’s genuinely through with me, or is she sending out mixed signals? Because I’ll be the first to admit, I’m confused as hell.”

  “Well, I’m not confused,” she spat back. “Tell him, Martha. Tell him how not confused I am. How much I don’t want this man anywhere near me.”

  Martha winced guiltily, caught between her loyalty to her boss and her need to speak the truth as she saw it.

  “It’s kind of tricky, ma’am… I mean…you’ve been having the dreams and all.”

  “Dreams?” His brow furrowed. “What dreams?”

  Eleesha scowled. The damage already done, she went full speed ahead. “Sex dreams, you arrogant son of a bitch. Is that what you want to hear? Does that make you feel more like a man, knowing you can make my nights a living hell of frustration without even trying? Does it get you off, putting me in my place like that? I’ll bet you’re working your way right through the building, aren’t you? Putting those notches on your belt. Sorry, but I already warned Martha about you.”

  Ross’ face had a hard edge to it. Not angry, but determined in a way Eleesha had never seen him—or any other man for that matter.

  “Martha—” he turned to the young woman, his voice unequivocally calm and steady. “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” said Martha without hesitation, honing in on his voice, his presence like a bellwether in the middle of a storm.

  “Enough to leave right now, knowing that I will do what is best for Eleesha?”

  Eleesha sensed the trap. “Don’t answer that, Martha.”

  Martha looked at her boss and then back at Ross. “I trust you, Mr. Maclean,” she said firmly.

  “Ross,” he reminded.

  “I trust you,” she corrected herself, “Ross.”

  “Martha, don’t do this to me! Don’t leave me with this maniac! You heard what he said. He intends to rape me.”

  Martha looked questioningly at Ross.

  “Trust,” he reminded with a wink.

  Martha nodded, ready to deal with her boss. “I did hear what he said, Miss Greene…Eleesha, and he didn’t say anything about rape. Just unfinished business. Honestly…I think you need this.”

  Eleesha couldn’t believe her ears. Of all the times for Martha to turn independent on her.

  “Martha, please let everyone know that Eleesha will be late coming to work today.”

  “No! No!”

  He grabbed Eleesha around the waist as she clawed at the door handle. She was like a wildcat, scratching and kicking at the air as he picked her up off of her feet.

  “I’ll let myself out,” suggested Martha.

  Ross put the struggling woman over his shoulder, giving himself a free hand to lock and chain the front door.

  “Put me down,” she cried. “You pompous ass!”

  “No,” he defied. “Not ‘til I get you where you belong.”

  And that was on her bed, ass down. Chester, who was still hiding under the bed, bolted for the living room. Ross closed the bedroom door, ensuring the cat’s exclusion from whatever activities he had in mind.

  “Take the robe off,” he ordered.

  “Go to hell,” she fumed. “I’m not one of your little cheerleader sluts.”

  He took his jacket off and hung it on the hook behind the door. “You’re well on your way to earning a spanking, young lady.”

  “And you’re gonna be on your way to jail when I call the cops on you.”

  Ross ignored her, opening the top drawer of her dresser. “Where do you keep your scarves?” he wanted to know.

  “My what? What do you want with them?”

  “To tie you,” he said matter-of-factly. “Or shall we look for some rope in your laundry room?”

  “You’re insane,” she informed him.

  His hands went to his hips. He’d undone his tie and pulled it free. “Probably,” he agreed. “But the fact remains, you are going to be put into bondage. Ropes, scarves, it’s your call. If it were me, I’d prefer something soft like silk.”

  Her lips went into a full pout. “On the closet door,” she muttered.

  He wasn’t really going to do this, was he? After all this time? A quickie in the office was one thing, but bondage? After a decade?

  She had a ton of pretty scarves on the door. She had her phases, times of year when she never went without one.

  “Your robe is still on,” he noted, picking out a nice selection for himself. “Are you that anxious to be put over my knee?”

  Her pussy flooded at the thought. She felt a flutter in her belly, hot and wicked. Surrender was seconds away, unless she fought back now. Springing to her feet, she made a dash for the door. Ross caught her by the wrist, imprisoning her in a grip of steel.

  “You’re hurting me,” she said, though it was more a matter of pride than anything.

  “Tell me you want me to let go,” he challenged.

  Eleesha couldn’t answer. But that in itself was the answer. Pulling her close, he undid the belt of her robe, pulling it free from the loops.

  “I’ve waited ten years to see you completely naked again, Eleesha Greene,” he declared. “And I won’t wait a second longer.”

  His words slickened her sex like butter dropped on the grill. There never had been another man to take control of her like this. Never a man who’d wanted her so much—or at least appeared to do so. A clever illusion, yes, but she’d settle for it. One more time.

  Ross released her and pulled the robe down over her shoulders. “Let me look at you,” he declared. “I need to look at you.”

  She wasn’t so young anymore, not quite so perky. Would he be disappointed? Curse him for being able to make her feel this way now, just as he had their first time together.

  He had reassured her then, would he do so now?

  “Turn around.” He deprived her of the silken covering, her only garment. “Slowly.”

  Eleesha put her hands over her head. Closing her eyes, feeling like a ballerina, she made a small, tight circle. Her nipples burned, she felt the heat between her legs, too, like a raging, unseen fire.


  She trembled like a leaf. What did he think of her? Why wasn’t he saying? She was twisting, dangling, helpless, craving his approval. Damn the man’s power over her after all this time.

  “That’s enough. I want you to come here.”

  Eleesha opened her eyes, torn from her dark little world. She saw him sitting on the edge of the bed, shirtless.

  “Over my lap,” he commanded, patting his thigh. Then added for emphasis, “I’m going to spank you now.”

  She felt her buttocks tingle. This had not been part of their magical night together, nor was it something she’d ever done with any other man.

  He must have read her uncertainty, because he immediately said, “This isn’t just about the spanking. I discovered a taste for this years ago. I like the feel of my hand on a woman’s ass, heating it up. I like the intimacy of it, the trust…and the power. And then, afterwards, the lovemaking and the comforting.”

  Eleesha moved toward him, glided, scarcely aware of the motion of her own limbs. Her heart raced. The man was so strong, so confident, and he was going to do this thing to her, make her feel the presumed sting and then…and then…

  She lowered herself, bending over his crotch. His cock was rock-hard, stretching the material of his pants. Her nipples grazed the material of his

  “All the way,” he said as she attempted to keep her body bridged above him.

  His hand pressed her down, commandingly. She collapsed onto his erection, her bare pussy immediately connecting to his hardness.

  She feared she might orgasm.

  “I wanted to do this every time I saw you,” Ross confessed, rubbing his hand over her. “You’re so different now…so cheeky and feisty. You bring things out in me. You make me want to…own you.”

  Eleesha groaned as his finger found its way between the folds of her labia. How well he knew her body. Obediently, her clit swelled at his touch.

  “You…bastard,” she hissed, though her voice was filled more with longing than any real resentment. “Do it, then. Make me yours.”

  “I’ve dreamed about it, Eleesha. Every damned night since seeing you again. But I never make it to this point.” He lifted his hand and delivered a smooth, efficient blow.

  Eleesha cried out, from the heat and sudden shock. It was a sweet burn, an inside flame that went straight to her pussy. She was on the verge of begging for another, but a fresh surge of rebellion coursed through her veins instead.

  “That hurt. I don’t like this.”

  Ross held her in place. “No, Eleesha. We’re going to see it through. You will submit. For both our sakes.”

  He touched her again, breaking her resistance with the lightest of strokes, circling her clitoris, swelling it and filling her with indescribable need. This time when he spanked her she could only whimper, “No, Ross. No.”

  Ross alternated the smacks with probes of her pussy. Her cheeks were hot to the touch, her flesh jiggled with each blow. The pain blended with pleasure. All she knew was sheer sensation. He was invading, having his way with her, plucking the chords of her body, and playing it with sadistic delight. Unable to help herself, she strained upward, begging with her body even as her lips continued to voice unhappiness at his domination.

  For his part, he ignored her protests, proceeding on a path of his own.

  “I was so young the first time, Eleesha,” Ross said. “I had no idea what I had in you.”

  “You had…nothing,” she panted, shaking her lovely head.


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