by Dwyer, Jim
Lucas, Patrick
McCormick, Chief (father of Terence)
McCormick, Terence
McFerren, Kris
McGee, Paddy
McGinnis, Caitlin
McGinnis, Iliana
McGinnis, Tom
McHugh, Ann
Maciejewski, Jan
Macko, Bill
McLoughlin, Sgt. John
McMurray, Bobby
McNally, Ed
McNally, Liz
McQuaid, Mike
Maffeo, Joseph
Maggett, Steve
Mahoney, Sister Cynthia
Maikish, Charles
Malahi, Abdu A.
Mann, Alan
Manning, Stephanie
Mardenfeld, Deborah
Mardikian, Corine
Mardikian, Peter
Mardovich, Ed
Mariano, Sgt. John
Marrero, Jose
Marriott Hotel (3 World Trade Center)
airplane hits north tower and
collapse of
deaths in
evacuation through
number registered in
Marsh & McLennan
Martin, Harold
Martin, Judith
Martinez, Robert Gabriel
Massari, Louis
Massari, Patricia
Mattson, Bob
Matut-Perina, Deborah
May Davis Group
Maynard, Keithroy
Meehan, Damian
Meehan, Eugene
Meerholz, Keith
Meldrum, Michael
Mercado, Wilfredo
Merrill Lynch
MGM Grand Hotel fire of 1980 (Las Vegas)
Milanowycz, Greg
Milanowycz, Joseph
military jet scrambling
Miller, Stephen
Mizuho Capital Markets/Fuji Bank
Modica, Lt. Steve
Mohammed, Khalid Shaik
Mongello, John
Monks, Shawn
Morgan Stanley
Morris, Bill
Moscola, Sgt. Al
Mosiello, Fire Marshal Steve
Moya, Tirsa
Mulderry, Peter
Mulderry, Stephen
Murray, Ray
Mutual International Forwarding
Nagel, Lt. Bob
National Association of Code Officers
National Fire Protection Association
National Institute of Standards and Technologies
Naudet, Gedeon
Naudet, Jules
NBC news
Negron, Pete
Nemeth, George
Nestor, Michael
Network Plus
New Orleans
news reporters
New York Building Congress
New York City Emergency Medical Services
New York City Fire Chiefs Association
New York Crystal Palace
New York Police Department (NYPD). See also Emergency Services Unit (ESU)
aggressive response of
command center at Church and Vesey Streets
communication problems with fire department
deaths in
February 1993 bombing and
helicopter rescue of 1993 and
impact of first plane and
radios of, vs. firefighters
New York State Court Officers
New York State Department of Taxation and Finance
New York Times
Nicholls, Ed
911 system calls
failures of
Nogan, Rich
Norman, Dave
North American Air Defense Command (NORAD)
north tower (1 World Trade Center)
airplane impact
before attack
building staff of
collapse of
collapse of south tower and
collapse worries, first voiced
communications problems and
crisis seems contained in
death of firefighters in
deaths in
deaths in, on impact
elevator problems in
emergency operation run from
ESU teams reach
evacuation attempt in, before collapse
evacuation attempt in, below impact
evacuation ordered
events in, immediately after hit
fire commander and rescuers arrive at
fire-detection system damaged
firefighters and ESU ordered out of
firefighters attempt to set up operations on 70th floor
intercom system and
inability to escape
people at
people jump and fall from
pre-construction newspaper ad
rescuers pull out of
roof, attempt to gain access to
roof rescue of 1993 and
staircases damaged
staircases design
time hit
upper floors marooned without stairs or elevators
Nussbaum, Arlene
Nussbaum, Jeffrey
Obama, Barack
OCS Security
O’Donnell, Soraya
Oelschlager, Douglas
Office of Emergency Management (OEM)
command center
fire vs. police departments and
third plane and
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of New York City
O’Hagan, John T.
Olender, Christine
Oppenheimer Management Corp.
Ortiz, Pablo
Otis, Elisha Graves
Otis Elevators
Otten, Michael (firefighter)
Otten, Michael (Mizuho employee)
Our Lady of Angels school stairwell fire (Chicago)
Pacheco, Wilson
Paczkowski, John
Palmer, Battalion Chief Orio J.
Palmer, Debbie
Pan Am building
Panigrosso, Marissa
Paolillo, Battalion Chief John
Paramsothy, Vijay
PATH trains
Paugh, Richie
Paul, Jim
Pearson, Capt. Tim
Pecora, Tony
Perry, John
Peruggia, Division Chief John
Petit, Philippe
Pezzulo, Dominick
Pfeifer, Battalion Chief Joseph
Pfeifer, Lt. Kevin
Phoenix, George
Picciotto, Battalion Chief Richard
Pierce, Sean
Pikaard, Barry
Pilipiak, Walter
Pink, Thomas
Pino, Bob
Planer, Bob
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
airplane impact concerns of 1982 and
asbestos suit and
building codes, WTC design, and safety concerns and
elevator blind shafts and
February 1993 bombing safety debate and
fireproofing apparently untested by
Giuliani attacks on
natural gas lines and
occupies 88th floor of north tower
public relations office on 68th floor of north tower
roof doors locked by
roof rescue not planned by
safety directors and fire command desks
Port Authority Police Department (PAPD)
authority of, over firefighting
chain of command notified to evacuate building
command desk, calls for help and
confusion over evacuation of south tower and
deaths in
decision to empty both buildings and
officers ordered to evacuate north tower
police desk in Jersey City
Praimnath, Stanley
Premoli, Sharon
Prospero, Step
Prosser, Anne
Provisional Irish Republican Army
Puma, Patricia
firefighters and
high-rises and
interagency communication problems and
orders to evacuate not heard by firefighters
police and
repeater problems
in south tower
Rahman, Sheikh Omar Abdel
Ramsundar, Silvion
Rappa, John
real estate industry
Reardon, Lt. Steve
Reese, Judith
Refuse, Marie
Regenhard, Christian
Reiss, Alan
Rescorla, Rick
Reyher, Kelly
Riccardelli, Francis
Richards, Michael
Richardson, Colin
Risk Waters
Risky Business (children’s book)
Rivera, Fire Commissioner Carlos
Rizza, Paul
Robb, Ian
Roberts, Willie
Robertson, Leslie E.
Rockefeller, David
Rockefeller, Nelson
Rodriguez, Antonio
Romito, Inspector James
decision not to attempt rescue from
doors to, locked
lack of rescue plan for
rescue from, of 1993
Rooney, Sean
Rosenblum, Andrew
Rosenblum, Jill
Rothemund, Linda
Roxo, Al
Salcedo, Esmerlin
Salovich, Steven
Sandler, Herman
Sandler O’Neill & Partners
Sasser, Christine
Savas, Tony
Schierenbeck, Bob
Secret Service
Segarra, Tony
Semendinger, Det. Greg
September 11, 2001, attacks. See also World Trade Center; north tower; south tower
number of deaths
number of people surviving
secrecy surrounding
September 11 Commission
Sereika, Chuck
Serpe, Anita
7 World Trade Center
collapse of
evacuation of
OEM evacuates emergency “bunker” at
Shaw, George Bernard
Sheehan, Dr. George
Sheehan, Michael
Sheirer, Richard
Shibata, Yasyuka
shopping concourse
Sibarium, Rob
Siegel, Norman
Silverstein, Larry
Silverstein Properties
Simpkins, Gerald
Simpson, Lynn
Singer, Gigi
“situational awareness”
Skilling Helle Christiansen Robertson (WTC structural engineering firm)
sky lobbies
fire command desks and
north tower 78th floor
paradox of, in skyscrapers
south tower 44th floor
south tower security staff
south tower 78th floor
skyscrapers (high rises, tall buildings)
building code of 1968 and
command post procedure and
danger of bombs to
exit stairways and
fire containment vs. total evacuation and
firefighting, elevators and
firefighting doctrine and
fires of early twentieth century and
police helicopters and
radio communications and
roof rescue not viable for
sky lobbies and paradox in construction of
Smiouskas, Lt. Richard
Smith, Al
Smith, Dorene
Smith, Lauren
Smith, Moira
Smith, Monica Rodriguez
Smith, Lt. Warren
smoke venting systems
Soloway, Andy
south tower (2 World Trade Center)
airplane hits north tower and
airplane hits
building staff
calls from people above impact
collapse of
command post on 76th floor of
confusion over whether to evacuate or stay in
deaths in
evacuation attempt in, after second plane hits
evacuation begun in, after north tower hit
evacuation ordered by fire desk
evacuees told to go back
few people jump or fall from
fire safety directors and command desks
911 system problems and
radio and firefighters in
roof of, attempt to reach
roof rescue of 1993 and
sky lobbies
some unable to escape during
stairway open but few know
stairwells in
stay-put orders in
time hit
Spade, Bill
Sparacio, Thomas
Spera, Donna
“Spirit of Louisiana” (truck)
Stabile, Michael
stairway A, south tower
radiant paint
Camaj told to use
light strips and shape of
news about, doesn’t reach trapped people
stairway B, north tower
stairway C, north tower
building code reduces number required and lowers minimum fire resistance of
Empire State Building vs. WTC
end in mezzanine and escalator
firefighters need to climb
lights in
impact of plane and
improvements in, and speed of evacuation
north tower
not built for total evacuation
real vs. interior
south tower
wheelchair-bound stuck in landing
Windows on the World and
Statue of Liberty
steel structure
fireproofing tests of 2004
lack of fireproofing
masonry and concrete requirements dropped
Strauss, Scott
Suhr, Danny
Tabeek, George
Takahashi, Keiji
Tembe, Yeshavant
Templeton Strong
third plane scare
Thomas, Sergeant
Thompson, Brian
Thompson, Eric
Thompson, Liz
Thompson, Lloyd
Thorpe, Alexis
Thorpe, Linda Perry
Thorpe, Rick
Tierney, Richard
Titanic (ship)
Tobin, Austin J.
Tompsett, Dorry
Tompsett, Stephen
Torres, Doris
Torres, Louis A.
Tozzoli, Guy
Traina, Jean
Trapp, Greg
Trevor, Allison
Trevor, Greg
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire of 1911
Troxell, Patty
Turi, Deputy Assistant Chief Al
UBS Warburg
United Airlines Flight
United Airlines Flight
United States Congress
United States Marine Corps
Urban, Diane
Vadas, Brad
Vargas, Sgt. Robert
Varriano, Frank
Velamuri, Sankara
Vera, Dave
Villegas, Edgardo
Von Essen, Fire Commissioner Thomas
Wagner, Mayor Robert F.
Walsh, Det. Patrick
Walsh, Lt. William
Warchola, Lt. Mike
Wein, Judy
Weiss, David
Wender, Sgt. Andrew
Wertz, Gerry
Were Soldiers Once … and Young (book and film)
Wharton, Geoffrey
Whitaker, Capt. Anthony
Wilson, John
Windows on the World
attempt to evacuate
attempt to reach roof from
calls for help from
February 1993 bombing and
natural gas not allowed in
people wait for help
Risk Waters conference and
Wild Blue dining area
Winkler, Ken, Det.
World Trade Center. See also specific buildings and businesses, especially north tower and south tower
acres covered by
airplane impact, pinstripe columns and
airplane strike envisioned and debated
building code, design, and safety problems
challenges facing people in
collapse of, believed impossible
collapse of, reasons for
collapse threat noticed
columns, external pinstripe vs. central core
communications failures and
coordinated drills run by OEM
diagram of
elevators, freight
elevator safety problems
emergency “bunker” in
emergency drills
emergency lighting and stripes
emergency personnel rush to, after first plane hits
emergency systems failure and
evacuation of both towers officially ordered
evacuation problems in
exits, rentable space vs.
February 1993 bombing of
fire alarms, called in by Pfeifer
fireballs in elevators of
fire containment belief and
fireproofing problems in
fire wardens
floors and trusses of
garage closed to public
government and financial services in
Kahane assassination and plot on
Kelly helps build
leased to Silverstein
mezzanine escalator and plaza problems and
names and titles of people at
number of people in and spaciousness of
number of people killed in
radio problems in
roof access blocked in
roof rescues not planned for
safety improved in, after 1993
sky lobbies(see also specific buildings)
stairway safety and evacuation problems in
wind and
window design in
window washing device for
Wortley, Martin
Wright, Richard
Yagos, Karen
Yamasaki, Minoru
York, Kevin
Young, Chris
Young, Ling
Yuen, Elkin
Zarillo, Rich
Zelmanowitz, Abe
Zelmanowitz, Jack
Zoch, Peggy
About the Authors
JIM DWYER and KEVIN FLYNN, native New Yorkers, veteran newspaper reporters and winners of many awards together and separately, now write in The New York Times. Dwyer is coauthor of Two Seconds under the World, an account of the 1993 effort to knock down the trade center, and of Actual Innocence: Five Days to Execution and Other Dispatches from the Wrongly Convicted. He is also the author of Subway Lives: 24 Hours in the Life of the New York City Subway. Flynn, a special projects editor at the Times, was the newspaper’s police bureau chief on September 11. He previously worked as a reporter for the New York Daily News, New York Newsday, and the Stamford Advocate.