Chained by Love Vol. 1: Angel (Vegas Billionaires #1)

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Chained by Love Vol. 1: Angel (Vegas Billionaires #1) Page 9

by Alexia Praks

  Though this didn’t surprise me, it did, however, make me more than a little afraid for him. Anything could go wrong at any moment in time when one was involved in that particular industry. I should know, because Dad was involved in it, too. Despite that he never told me and had kept that information from me like he kept almost everything from me, I could still see the signs such as the aftermath of a beating and the occasional visitors to the house at night when he thought I was asleep. He was dealing drugs to make extra cash for Marie’s gambling addiction, which didn’t surprise me, because he loved her to bits. As for me, he just didn’t care, which hurt because he was my only family, after all. I had always craved his fatherly affection but had never gotten any. Then again, you can’t really force someone to give you that sort of unconditional love if they don’t truly feel it, can you?

  Just then, a gust of wind swirled about us, drawing my thoughts away from my father. It was so strong that my hair fluttered about everywhere around me. Once it finally settled again, I did my best at combing the strands with my fingers and tidying myself up to look presentable. As I was doing so, William reached over and helped me part my hair from my face and tuck the flyaway strands behind my ear. I blushed and nearly moaned out loud because his touch was so light and gentle that it sent my body melting.

  When he pulled back, he asked me out of the blue, “Do you have a boyfriend?”

  I blinked and then shook my head in the negative. “No, I don’t,” I said absentmindedly.

  He seemed satisfied with my answer. Then, before returning his attention to his food, he said, “You’re too young for one anyway. Wait a little longer.”

  Huh? What did he mean by that? I was seventeen, for God’s sake. Most high school girls had boyfriends since they were fifteen and had sexual intercourse for the first time at sixteen, which was the age of consent here in Nevada. And why was he speaking as though he was my father? Actually, Dad had never even spoken to me about boys. In fact, he simply didn’t care.

  So why would William suddenly bulldoze into that subject, of all subjects, as if he were my guardian? Even when we had just met and barely knew each other at all?

  I licked my lips and said, “I’m not too young to have a boyfriend, William. I’m seventeen.” I was about to give further explanation and even add in some examples of girls in my classes when he interrupted me.

  “You’re still too young, in my opinion, whether you’re seventeen or not, Savanah. Wait a few more years.”

  I frowned at him. Then just because I wanted to challenge him, I said, “Why should I?”

  He flicked his eyes to me and stared at me intensely. “Because you’re not ready for boys yet.”

  I pulled a face. “Why wouldn’t I be ready for boys yet?”

  “Because you aren’t,” he said bluntly. “You don’t even know how to behave in front of men.”

  I glared at him. Obviously, I was offended. “What do you mean by that? I behave normally, don’t I?”

  His frown darkened, which frightened me a little because he looked so serious. What was wrong with him? Why was he so irritated all of a sudden? Why was he so intense on the subject of me and boys?

  “Normally?” he asked.

  I could sense the sarcastic tone within that deep voice of his, which I didn’t like.

  He continued saying, “Fuck! I’ve never seen a girl who licks her lips every five seconds or tugs her hair behind her ear every other ten seconds. And I certainly have never encountered a girl who blushes whenever a guy looks at her. Or gives him that fucking lovey-dovey look when he does something nice for her.”

  Sweet Jesus! William was really going on a rant here, and I couldn’t do a thing to defend myself.

  “Women don’t behave like that, Savanah.”

  I held my head high and said, “I’m not all of those, William. I mean, yes, I lick my lips and tug my hair, but that’s habit. I do it when I’m nervous. And I never give men that lovey-dovey look. Never! I wouldn’t even know how.” I paused and stood, very upset all of a sudden.

  “I think you’re being very unfair, William.” I took a deep breath, my heart wrenching in pain at his hurtful accusation.

  Why was he like this? Whenever we were together, he’d be cold, then nice and sweet, and then irritated and angry. Now he was picking a fight with me on the subject of boys. Was this going to be a pattern between us?

  Confused and more than a little frustrated as to why this was happening, I said, “I’m leaving now. Thanks for lunch.”

  With that, I turned on my heels and started heading back into the penthouse. I was on my second step when I felt an iron-like grip on my arm. A moment later, I found myself whirled around, and I landed on a firm, warm lap.

  I didn’t even have time to register what was going on when I felt firm lips against mine, a strong hand at the back of my head holding me in place, and William’s manly body in front of me, so very close to me that I could feel his heat.

  I blinked, couldn’t believe what was happening. Oh, God! I was on William’s lap. And he was kissing me, again.

  This kiss, however, wasn’t soft and gentle like the last kiss he had given me, back in my apartment. This kiss was demanding and rough. It was quite painful, and I wanted him to stop.

  I struggled in his powerful arms and groaned to get his attention. William, however, ignored my cry of protest, and drew me even closer to him, cradling me in his arms while his lips were hard, intense, and passionate on mine.

  Then he urged my lips to part for him, and I knew—Oh, God, I knew—that he was going to go all out, kissing me with tongue and all.

  Suddenly, I was afraid. Why, oh, why was William doing this to me? Was he trying to prove a point? Was he trying to scare me? That this was what I’d be encountering when I get myself a boyfriend? And that I wasn’t ready for this sort of thing?

  I didn’t know, and his kissing was just getting too powerful and intense for me. I tried my best to retaliate, to make him stop by pushing my small hand against his brick wall of a chest. I even tried moving my face away from his, but he just wouldn’t let me go. The harder I struggled and tried to get away, the stronger his captivity became and the more passionate his kiss was. And his urging for my lips to part was becoming more insistent, too.

  “Ngh…” I groaned and struggled at the same time. “Ngh…”

  I had no idea what happened, when suddenly, my body weakened and melted onto him. The rougher he got, the warmer and weaker I became. Then this wonderful, pleasant sensation began to course throughout my body, as if I were on a drug. The feelings were taking me higher and higher as William continued to roughly ravish me.

  Then slowly, I parted my lips, and like some starved wolf, William plunged his tongue into my mouth.

  His tongue was hot and intense—stroking, caressing, and playing havoc inside my mouth, which made my head spin with wonder.

  I groaned as my body quivered in this colorful, wonderful delight. Oh, God! Oh, God! I felt like I was in heaven. I felt like I was floating in midair, and I wanted William to continue doing this to me and never stop. This was just pure pleasure. It was beautiful.

  When William finally pulled back and terminated our kiss, I was breathless and dazed.

  I sat there on his lap and in his arms as I gazed at him in wonder, my whole body squirming with sexual pleasure. It was as if William’s barbaric, passionate kiss had awakened me from my deep slumber.

  William was staring at me, too. Intensely.

  I noted that there was no regret in his eyes in regard to what he had done to me. And he also looked so damned pissed. Which was a contradiction, wasn’t it?

  He gritted his teeth and said, “Like I said, you’re too fucking young for boys.”

  With my breathing still erratic, I rested one shaky hand against his chest as I licked my lips. Then I said, “But I’m not too young for you, then?”

  That got him looking so damned shocked that I wanted to laugh. I smiled at him and quickly said,
“All right, William, I’ll heed your advice and wait a couple more years until I get myself a boyfriend. Now, please don’t look so angry just because I happen to defy your order. You’re not my father, so don’t act like you’re my guardian who knows what’s best for me. I’ve been looking after myself since I was a child, and I know what’s best for me.”

  In my mind, I added, And you are what’s best for me. I want you, William. I want you to kiss me like you just did and do so much more to me. I want you to lick me and suck me and bite me like the other girls in my class continuously brag that their boyfriends did to them behind closed doors. I want you to drive your erect cock into my pussy and make me cry out in ecstasy. That’s what I want from you, William. That’s why I’ll listen to you and wait. I’ll wait for you. I’ll wait until you think I’m ready.

  My tummy fluttered deliciously at my naughty internal thoughts. I gazed at William through my lashes, marveling at how handsome he was, imagining him doing those things to me. I wanted him to make a mess out of me. I wanted him to make me cry out in pleasure, continuously, until I was breathless.

  My eyes drifted to his lips, and I instantly swallowed. God, how I wanted him to kiss me again.

  William wrapped his arm around my small waist and pulled me against him, which made me gasp in surprise, terminating my naughty thoughts of him ravishing me.

  To be sure, being in William’s arms made my belly feel warm and wonderful. In fact, I felt like I actually belonged in his arms.

  “I told you to stop giving me that fucking lovey-dovey look, Savanah,” he said firmly, irritated.

  Yes, he was very frustrated, I knew that. Then I noticed something, too. Oh my God! William was getting hard. I could feel his erection against my thigh. Sweet Jesus!

  I had no idea why, but I started playing with the smooth material of his shirt as I said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t even know how to do a lovey-dovey look.”

  William growled, which made me want to laugh. I was pretty sure that expression would have scared most men working under him. Oddly enough, though, I found it rather amusing. Why? Because I now knew that I irritated and frustrated him. Because I was turning him on with my innocent actions.

  I wanted to taunt him a bit for being so coldblooded where my feelings were concerned and moved a little on his lap, rubbing my backside against his crotch. His response was to glare at me.

  Oh, God, I wondered if he knew I did that on purpose.

  He swore. “Fuck it, Savanah!” He grabbed my arm roughly and propelled me off his lap. He said, “Let’s get you home before things get out of hand.”

  I knew playtime was over and said, “Thanks for lunch. I really enjoyed it.” Which, of course, I did, including the extra kiss that came with the lunch.

  He didn’t reply and just led me toward the door. I saw Joseph on the way out and thanked him profusely for bringing me over.

  Joseph said, “It’s my pleasure, Savanah.”

  Some five minutes later, I was sitting in William’s fancy sports car. During the drive, William was so quiet that I felt uncomfortable. I even felt this tense atmosphere between us. Was he still pissed?

  Later, when we were at my apartment, I hastily exited the car, thinking that he probably wanted me to get out of his sight ASAP.

  Before closing the door, I said in a hurry, “Thanks again for lunch and the ride, William. Bye now.”

  He didn’t even look at me. Just coldly nodded his head in acknowledgement.

  I wanted to say something. Maybe an apology? But for what? I didn’t think I’d done anything wrong. Was he really that pissed, that I had intentionally rubbed my backside against his crotch just to tease him when he was already hard? If that was the case, then I should really apologize, shouldn’t I?

  I cleared my throat and said, “William? I’m really sorry, okay? For what I did before.”

  No reply.

  I slumped my shoulders at his lack of response. I said, “Bye now,” closed the car door, and then took a few steps back.

  The moment the door was shut, William drove out like the devil was chasing after him.

  Chapter 13


  The moment William arrived at the penthouse, he went straight to his bedroom, banged the door shut, and unleashed his frustration.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” he swore loudly, his body hot and tense.

  He took a few deep breaths, trying in vain to calm himself down. Then he looked down at his crotch and saw the culprit there, stretching out from its confined space even more.

  He was fucking hard, and all because of a teenage girl who did nothing more than constantly lick her own lips, tug her long hair behind her ears, blush, and give him that fucking lovey-dovey look.

  He couldn’t believe how this had turned out. If only he hadn’t decided to go to that part of the town and take down those fuckheads of a gang a few nights ago. If only Savanah hadn’t turned up and decided that he needed saving. If only Joseph hadn’t sneaked behind his back and brought the girl over today, then he wouldn’t be in such deep shit now.

  Sure, he had behaved like a lovesick man for the past two days, thinking about Savanah nonstop, but that didn’t mean damned Joseph had to intervene and bring her over to make him feel better, to stop him from mind-fucking himself, so to speak.

  Fuck, Joseph knew better than anyone that Savanah wasn’t his type of girl. That if she were to get involved with him, shit was bound to happen. He’d ruin her life, not only in the sense that he’d have a bad influence on her, but that he had so many enemies, and those fuckheads would do anything to get even with him. Savanah, he knew, would be their prime target to get to him. And he certainly didn’t want her to go through that sort of shit. Not Savanah. She was too precious to him for that.

  Yeah, despite the fact they had only just met and barely knew each other at all, he’d known in his gut the instant he had seen her that he wanted her to be his and his alone. And despite how much he wanted her, he knew he’d be the one to hurt her and cause her downfall because of who he was and the fucking sick world that he was living in.

  That was why he had done his best to keep her at a distance. That had been why he was fucking cold toward her, to piss her off and make her run as far away from him as possible.

  But then again, he couldn’t help himself, could he? He’d just had to destroy his tightly designed plan and throw all caution to the wind. He’d just had to kiss her again, hadn’t he?

  But fuck! She had started it. All he had wanted was to know if she already had a boyfriend or not. And then she had to go and overreact. And how the hell was he supposed to stay still in the heat of the moment?

  Her lips, though, had felt so fucking soft and warm and just so fucking addictive that he wanted more. Then, when she melted onto him, he knew without a doubt he wanted more of her. He wanted to fuck her—ruthlessly—with her under his control, obeying his every command, and begging him for more.

  He wanted to make a fucking mess out of her.

  He glanced down at his crotch again and swore under his breath.

  Screw this. He desperately needed a real woman. Sooner rather than later, in fact. After all, he desperately needed a real good fucking to ease his sexual tension.

  Noting that his cock was getting harder and that he wouldn’t be able to last long, he sighed. For now, however, his hand would have to do.

  He unzipped his pants and pulled down his underwear. Out sprang his large, fully erect cock. He wrapped his hand around it and started rubbing, up and down and up and down.

  “Fuck!” he said under his breath as his mind wandered off, thinking about Savanah. “Sweet Lord… Fuck!”

  He imagined her right here in his bedroom, wearing nothing but a corset that wrapped tightly around her middle. Her breasts and pussy were bare, and so fucking beautiful and inviting, too. He imagined her giving him that lovey-dovey look that he found so fucking adorable, it made his cold heart melt. He imagined her offering
her lips to him for a kiss, and then her breasts, small but plump and the nipples soft pink. Then there was her pussy—wet, ready, and enticing.

  “Sweet Jesus…” he mumbled under his breath. “Fuck. My angel…my sweet little angel, Savanah…”

  In his mind, he eagerly slipped his cock into her pussy and started fucking her. In reality, he was stroking himself faster and faster.

  “Fuck it!” he said, his eyes now staring mindlessly at his own cock. “You’re not even here and you’re doing this shit to me. Oh, Savanah, what the hell am I going to do with you?”

  He rubbed himself harder and faster as his breathing became heavy and tight.

  In his mind, Savanah’s little body was dancing erotically along with him as he was vigorously pounding her, driving his cock into the deepest part of her.

  She was wrapping her arms around his neck now, and calling out his name, “William…William…” Over and over again

  Then he came as she screamed out and wrapped her slender legs around him while she orgasmed.

  A moment later, William stared at his own cum in his hand, chuckling.

  “Fuck!” He swore.

  Chapter 14


  It was Christmas Eve, and I was all alone… All by myself, holing up in my bed as I lay there staring up at the ceiling. It had been a week since the last time I had seen William, the day he had roughly kissed me and awakened my sexual craving. Every spare moment after that, I had fantasized about him doing all sorts of naughty things to me—like licking, kissing, sucking, and biting me. Of course, the sucking—especially on my nipple and my woman’s part down there—succeeded the most in turning me on.


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