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Sass Page 9

by Laramie Briscoe

  She gets up and walks around the desk, my eyes following along. I’m waiting for her to accept, waiting for her to give us a chance. The tension is thick, I’m worried she’s going to say forget it and move the fuck on. I offer my hands to her, and she reaches down and grabs them, pulling me up so I’m standing in front of her. Circling her arms around my waist, she snuggles in for a hug, and I wrap my arms tightly around her.

  The “I accept” is muffled against my chest, but two words have never been clearer or meant more to me in my life.



  Good ideas are always good in theory, and sometimes they can backfire and leave everyone involved a hot smoking mess. I’m hoping and praying sticking to this relationship is in fact one of those good ideas. Since Reed and I talked a few days ago about what we both want, we’ve had a couple of phone conversations and we’ve texted a lot. Yesterday he mentioned to me he didn’t have anything going on today, and I thought maybe we should hang out together. Weekends are days couples normally spend with one another. The only problem is I haven’t shared this with him; I want it to be a surprise.

  This is the first time I’ve ever showed up at his house unannounced, and to say I’m nervous is a huge understatement. This is what girlfriends do, and we definitely haven’t put that kind of label on what this is between us yet. That doesn’t stop me, though. If I want to make this work, I have to find a way to make it do just that. Sitting around waiting on something to happen doesn’t mean it’s going to. Action will do that, and action is what it will take. If I have to take action, then so be it; it’s time for me to take my life and my future into my own hands.

  Knocking, I hold my breath as I wait for him to answer the door. My heart pounds and my palms sweat as I realize exactly what I’m doing. I’m putting myself out there in a huge way with this idea I have, and I really hope it works out. I haven’t given much thought to what will happen if it doesn’t work out. I only know I have to give this a shot. My brain doesn’t want to come up with those scenarios, because I know they will kill any chance at happiness if I think of them. For this to work, I have to try. I have to give it my all and make Reed want to give it his too.

  The door opens, and the surprised look on his face is replaced with one of happiness as he sees it’s me. “Sass?”

  Judging by the way he’s dressed, he’d planned to spend the day in the house, lounging on the couch. The pajama pants look cute though, and the fact he’s not wearing a shirt is even better. I give him a small smile and hope like hell I’m cute enough to make him want to spend the day with me.


  To say I’m surprised at Sass’ visit is an understatement, but it’s not a bad surprise at all. I had been sitting in my living room, wondering what the fuck Sass was doing, because I wanted to see her, but I didn’t want to monopolize her time. We had never discussed how weekends would be spent, and I wasn’t sure how to approach the topic, but now she’s come to me.

  I reach out and pull her towards me. She looks like the Sass I’ve always known, but now I know what’s under the clothes she’s wearing, and I can’t help the reaction my body has as she easily comes into my arms. It feels like we’re sharing a secret no one else is privy too. This feeling is nice, and I want more of it.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask as I run my hands down the tank top covering her torso to the frayed denim of the cut-off shorts that hug her ass in a way I can’t wait to see. My hands cup the edges, and settle her against me as I pull my face back so I can see hers.

  Her face is flushed as she reaches up and kisses me along my jawline. No woman has ever kissed me there before, but this is the second or third time she’s done it, and it gets me hot in a way I can’t even describe. It’s such a trusting gesture. The softness of her lips against the harshness of my skin.

  She pulls away enough to separate us, but my hands grip her hips tightly. “We haven’t really dated so much, ya know? I figured it’d be a good idea if we do something we both enjoy,” she explains.

  Immediately my mind goes back to the one night she’s spent here with me. I can think of a few things we do very well, but I get what she means. “Alright, you got me, what are we doing?”

  “When was the last time you went fishing at the pond you put in?” she asks, almost shyly. Her eyes focus on my lips, and I think it’s because she doesn’t want to look at me. I’m not used to this shy Sass, but I have to admit, it makes me want to give her everything she wants.

  “This is the life.” I cast my line and bury the edge of the fishing pole into the wet dirt. Grabbing a beer from the Yeti we’ve brought with us, I toss it over to him as I take my own out.

  Justin’s stretched out in a lawn chair across from me, hat pulled down low over his eyes. He pops open the top on the can of beer and takes a healthy drink from it. “You’re damn right. This has been the longest week of my life.”

  I know how he feels. Sometimes running your own business is worse than working for someone else. “Right? Everything that could go wrong went wrong this week.”

  “According to old Nell down at the diner, mercury is in retrograde or some shit. All’s I know is I’ve had to replace two mowers, the starter on my truck, and Morgan’s garbage disposal went out.”

  I look over at him. “You fixed the garbage disposal?” Plumbing and pipes is usually not Justin’s specialty.

  “Fuck no, I need you to go over there and fix it for her,” he fires back.

  I shake my head. If this isn’t what friends are for, I don’t know what is. When I’m finally comfortable, my cell phone beeps with a text message, and when I look at it, I know this day is over. Lacey hadn’t wanted me to come in the first place, and I should have known she’d do something to fuck it up.

  “Once.” I snort. “With Justin. It wasn’t even for an hour; I got called back to the house.” I don’t want to mention Lacey’s name, but she hated that pond, she hated the time I spent with friends, and now I’m a year away from the relationship, I can see it. She was a virus that sucked the life out of my friendships, and I’m pissed I wasn’t able to see it back when I was in it.

  “Think you want to do that today?” she asks, biting her bottom lip as she looks up at me.

  There’s question in her eyes, and an uncertainty. I know Sass, and I know this is a big thing for her to ask me. Fishing was a past time she, Justin, and her dad had done together before her dad got sick and passed away. Knowing she wants me to do this with her is huge. It’s a vulnerability for her, and there’s no way in hell I’m going to say no.

  “Let me go change.” I indicate the pajama pants I’m still wearing. “We’ll take the four wheeler down.” The road to get there is pretty rough, and I don’t want to mess up her car or get my truck dirty.

  Her eyes brighten, and it makes me feel like I’ve handed her the most precious gift ever. She’s easy to please, easy to make happy, and I’m not used to it, but I sure as hell want to continue to put the smile on her face.



  I hold tightly onto Reed’s waist as he navigates the rutted road leading to the pond. I’m purposely all up on him, letting the front of me touch every back part of him. He’s changed into an old football shirt with the sleeves cut out, the arm holes hang down so low I can see the edges of his hips. I can see the tattoo he has on his rib cage every time the shirt moves, like it gives me a peep show, and I want to lick that ink with my tongue. Reed is a good ole boy, but on certain occasions he does like his rock music, and the tattoo is the result of a night he and Justin had after a Disturbed concert. I don’t know the meaning of the tattoo or what lead up to it, but it’s still hot to see on his body.

  “Hang on,” he yells over the noise of the four wheeler as we dip down into a part of the road that’s partially covered by water. I push my aviators further up on my nose and do as he’s instructed. My hands clasp over his abdomen, and I wonder what he will think if I were to move m
y hands down a few inches and cup him, but I can’t bring myself to yet.

  As we make our way up the hill on the other side, I recognize the green and blue colors of the pond, and it’s as gorgeous as I remember it. It’s a little windy today, so the water is rippling. There’s a copse of trees on the east side, and I breathe a sigh of relief as he directs us over to that side. It’s a hot, muggy one today, like every other Alabama summer day, and the protection the trees offer will be greatly appreciated.

  “I can’t believe you don’t come out here more often,” I scold him, taking a look around, taking it all in. This is something I want in my own home, this serenity. “It’s so peaceful out here.”

  He shakes his head as he puts the stuff down, hands on his hips. “In the hustle and bustle of things, I forget it,” he admits. “I’m glad I have you to remind me of it now.” He leans down and gives me a kiss. It’s not the heat of others we’ve shared; it’s sweet, almost reverent. It’s one of the first ones we’ve spontaneously had, and I tuck it away in my memory bank.

  “I’m never gonna let you forget it,” I tease him as I grab the poles and bait.


  Two hours later, we’re lounging in chairs, and Sass gives me a bored, disbelieving look as she pushes her sunglasses down on her nose so her eyes are exposed to mine.

  “Are you sure you put fish in this pond? Have you fed them? Have they died? Did they leave you for someone who actually cared? Two hours, Reed, and we haven’t gotten a bite.”

  Her tone is accusing, and I can’t help but laugh. “I hope they haven’t died. I spent a shit ton stocking it, and yes, I do make sure they’re fed. Maybe we’re not casting in the right place,” I defend myself. Cutting my eye towards her, I throw out another option. “Maybe our bait sucks.”

  She’d brought the bait, and I can see her get her back up.

  “Chicken livers have never failed me before, thank you very fuckin’ much. They are a family hand-me-down, tested, tried, and true for many generations.”

  “Well, honey, it seems like this is a first.”

  I don’t see the handful of mud until it hits the side of my head. I’m shocked as I shake my head, trying to get it out of my hair. “Sass.” My voice is a warning. “Did you mean to throw mud at me?”

  She holds another handful. “Don’t you ever talk bad about my decision to use chicken livers as bait.” She smirks, taking aim again.

  I’m quick as I leap from my chair and tackle her to the soft ground. She squeals as I push her further into the ground, getting both of us muddy. “I give!” she yells.

  As we roll around, I laugh. It’s been so long since I’ve been able to have fun with someone like this. It never even entered my mind with Lacey. She wasn’t a fun girl, she took things way too seriously, and Sass is like a balm for my soul. I roll again so she’s underneath me. “I think we should head back. If we let this mud dry, we’ll never get it off.” My mouth is inches away from hers. Her dark eyes look into my light ones, and she lifts her head to press her lips against mine. All too soon the kiss is over.

  “You’re right.” She pushes against me so we can both stand.

  As we pack up, I look over at her. “Sass?”


  I give her my best grin, knowing my dimple shows. “Thank you for this.”

  She rewards me with a smile of her own. “No problem. Sometimes it’s nice to have fun and not worry about anything else.”

  That’s one thing I always knew about her and admired, but I’m learning the more time we spend together, she lives for the fun. As someone who spends much of his life being serious and taking care of other people, this is an area of my life I need help with, and I’m lucky she seems to be taking it upon herself to do just that.


  The heat of the shower is engulfing both of us. I lean my head back as his fingers work my hair gently, getting out the mud that’s already dried. I moan in pleasure as they massage my scalp.

  “Reed.” I gasp, letting my head fall forward, resting it on the wall of the shower.

  It had been his idea to shower together, telling me I needed help getting the mud out of my hair. I could tell by the mischievous look in his eyes and the grin on his face he’d had other plans, but I hadn’t minded one bit.

  He leans forward, sucking on the sensitive skin of my neck he’s exposed as he’s worked my hair into a lather. “Your back is one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen.” He breathes in my ear. “And this ass.” His hands slide down, cupping the globes.

  The steam makes it seem we are some sort of dream state. I can’t really see his face, because he’s behind me. The heat of his breath on my shoulder and the indentions of his fingers as he digs them into the flesh of my backside are the only things I’m aware of. I push it out, giving him more to hold onto.

  “Please, Reed, touch me where I need it,” I beg him. We’ve been playing in this shower for a long time, and the ache I have between my legs is almost at critical.

  He chuckles and moves one hand to the front of my body. My legs shake as he runs his fingers over my slit, moving down to push two inside me. I pant against the tile of the shower, thrusting my body back out at him. My fingers and nails are grabbing for an anchor that isn’t there. I’m trying desperately to hold onto reality.

  “Goddamn, Sass.” Hot breath fans as his teeth nip my flesh. “So fucking tight.”

  I squeeze my muscles against his fingers again, but it’s not enough. I need him inside me, I need him filling me. No other man I’ve ever been with has filled me the way he has. They’ve never made me this crazy, never worked me up so quickly. I throw my head back against his shoulder. “Fuck me, Reed. I need you to fuck me.”

  He growls and flips me around, lifting me up. There’s a seat in the shower, and he moves us so he’s sitting on it, grabbing me around the waist, situating my legs on either side of him.

  “C’mon, Sass, I know how much you like to ride,” he taunts me.

  In one swift stroke, I take him, groaning as he goes deeper than I imagined he could. I tilt my head back, letting the water hit my face. It thrusts my tits out so Reed can capture one with his mouth. He worries the nub between his teeth, sucking tightly as I move up and down on his length. Every inch of him is hard against my softness, and I know he feels it too the way he’s biting and sucking on me. His fingers are digging into my flesh, and the feelings coursing through my body make me moan loudly.

  “That’s right, Sass. Let me hear it. Show me what you want.”

  Grasping his shoulders, I use them for leverage, picking up my pace. My body is tightening, and I’m surprised, because never, since I began having sex, have I been able to get off this way. It’s usually a longer process and involves me always coming after the man in my life.

  I’m breathing heavily, panting really at this point. One of my hands leaves Reed’s shoulder and grasps his hair, tightening, making sure he doesn’t move his mouth from my nipple.

  “Don’t stop,” I beg. “Keep biting, keep sucking, I’m almost there,” I circle my hips around his, move up and down, keeping our rhythm consistent. “Please don’t fucking stop.”

  And there it is, I fly. Somewhere as I’m riding out the waves of the feelings consuming my body, Reed breathes a sigh of relief, his body relaxes, his heat is deep inside me, and I know he’s come too, but I can’t bring myself to care.

  He’s ruined me for any other man—ever again.



  We’re in the kitchen, sneaking glances at one another over plates of leftover pizza.

  She’s sitting on the counter, wearing one of my shirts, her wet hair curly down her back and over her shoulder. This is a way I haven’t seen her yet, and it appeals to me. Lacey always had to be made up and look perfect. Sass isn’t caught up in how she looks twenty-four hours of the day, and I love the laid-back look she’s sporting right now. She’s not embarrassed to be herself or let me see her looking anything l
ess than perfect. It’s refreshing, and I try not to get completely fucked up in the fact I think she’s sexier this way than any other way I’ve seen her.

  Standing in front of her, my eyes follow her tongue as it sneaks out and grabs a piece of cheese that’s falling from the pizza and almost groan as I think about that same tongue on my cock. I stand in front of her, conscious of how small she is compared to me even sitting up on the counter. She stops eating and gives me a look. It’s not a sultry one, but it’s not accusatory either. It’s one I’ve never seen before.

  “Why do you keep that around?” She points her head to the island in the middle of the kitchen.

  “Because it’s handy to use when I bring groceries in and when I’m cooking.”

  She shakes her head. “No, I mean the countertop.”

  Suddenly it hits me, what she’s saying. The countertop had been a point of contention for Lacey and me. Too big, too heavy, and way too fucking expensive, I’d argued. In the end, I’d had to build extra support in the floor, and then I’d had to do some free work in exchange for the price to be knocked down. Marble wasn’t my thing, and it didn’t match the granite in the rest of the kitchen. It was also a far cry away from the stone I had wanted to use to match the outside kitchen work. Another reminder to me that what I had wanted didn’t really matter to her, had never really mattered to her. We’d fought over the monstrosity for days, and she’d even left the house, going to stay with her mom. Looking back now, that should have given me a clue as to how easy it would be for her to run from me. Too bad I hadn’t taken it for what it was back then. Maybe I could have saved all of us some heartache.

  “Never thought about it,” I answer, because it’s the truth. It wasn’t even a blip on my radar until Sass opened her mouth. It doesn’t make me sad anymore, it doesn’t hurt to look at it anymore, but what it does do is make my skin itch to get rid of it.


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