It Takes a Thief

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It Takes a Thief Page 19

by Liz Wolfe

  “So they aren’t holding him against his will?” she asked.

  “Evidently not. He agrees with what they’re trying to do. He’s working with them to create a new energy source. He says that it’ll free the world from the oil cartels. Eliminate pollution.” Logan shrugged. “It’s hard to argue with the Order doing that.”

  “You’re buying that?” Zoe put her fork down and leaned forward. “They’re like all the good-for-you laws. It all seems like a good idea in the beginning.”

  “Good-for-you laws?”

  “Sure. Like the seat belt law and the helmet law for motorcycles.”

  “What’s wrong with that?” Logan asked. “I mean, we should wear seat belts and helmets, so what’s the problem?”

  “Exactly when did you stop thinking for yourself, Logan?”

  “Why are you so pissed at me?”

  “Look. Anyone who drives a car without wearing a seat belt is an idiot.”

  “Didn’t I just say that?” Logan asked.

  “The point is that it’s still a choice. No one has the right to tell you what you can or can’t do as long as you aren’t hurting anyone else.”

  “Yeah, I see your point. But what does that have to do with the Order?”

  “The Order says they want to make the world abetter place, but they’re going to take away people’s choices in order to do that. I think Hitler tried the same thing a while back.”

  “Don’t you think that’s going a little far? There’s no proof that the Order is doing anything wrong.”

  “When did you switch sides?” Zoe asked.

  “I don’t see any of this as being one side or the other.” Logan pushed his chair away from the table and stood. “I have a meeting with Weisbaum in a few minutes.”

  “Mind if I tag along?” Zoe gulped the last of her coffee. “I’d kind of like to know what they have in mind for me.”

  They left the dining room and walked across the huge entryway past several rooms, and stopped at the third door on the left. Logan paused and looked at her. Zoe took a deep breath and nodded. Logan opened the door and gestured her inside.

  “—lucky stroke, really, you being here.” Weisbaum looked up as they entered.

  “Sorry,” Logan said. “I didn’t realize you were busy.”

  Zoe stifled a gasp and tried to control her breathing. What the hell was Drake doing here? Of course. He was the inside source Weisbaum had mentioned.

  “No problem. Drake and I were just finishing up.”

  Drake nodded to Weisbaum. “Just let me knowwhen.” He turned and smiled at Zoe on the way out of the room.

  “You said you have a couple more jobs for me.” Zoe stepped in front of Logan, physically insisting that Weisbaum deal with her first.

  “Yes. The first one will be tonight.” Weisbaum picked up a folder from his desk and handed it to her.

  “It’d better be a simple one if it has to be tonight.” Zoe took the folder and opened it.

  “We trust that you will be able to handle it.”

  “Really? You trust me? That’s a hoot.” She scanned the pages in the folder and closed it.

  “Zoe, there’s no need to be snippy with me.”

  “Snippy? Is that a new word for bitch?” Zoe turned and walked to the door. “I’ll be leaving at ten. Will that be a problem?”

  “Actually, we’ve arranged for an escort for you.”

  “Whatever.” Zoe shrugged and walked out.

  January 6, Florence, Italy

  Zoe pulled on the black bodysuit and zipped up the front. She placed her gloves on the bed next to her fanny pack and sat to pull on her shoes. She wasn’t looking forward to tonight, and it wasn’t just becauseof the job, which was going to be difficult enough without having to deal with Drake. This time she was going into an occupied house and retrieving computer files. The other documents had been easy compared to this. And she had to take Drake along as her babysitter.

  And he was a traitor.

  All the time she’d thought he was working for the CIA he’d been working for the Order. It really pissed her off that she couldn’t even let Ethan know. Her head jerked up at the knock on her door. Before she could say anything, the door opened.

  “It’s generally good manners to wait until someone says come in after you knock.”

  “Is that what you’re wearing?” Drake asked.

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business.”

  “It is tonight.”

  Zoe took a breath and held it for a couple of seconds. “This is what I wear when I do a job. It’s dark and easy to move around in.” She let her eyes travel over his tight jeans, up to the garment bag draped over his muscular arm. “Is that what you’re wearing?”

  “The bodysuit is fine if you’re sneaking in. But there’s a better way.”

  “What would that be? Knocking on the front door and asking to see his computer system?”

  Drake shrugged. “Something like that. Here, put this on. I’ll be back in fifteen minutes.”

  She took the garment bag he tossed to her. “What if it takes me longer?”

  He lifted a beefy shoulder and quirked an eyebrow. “Take as long as you want. I’ll still be back in fifteen minutes.” Drake closed the door.

  Zoe hung the garment bag on the back of her closet door and unzipped it to reveal a swath of slinky emerald silk. An evening gown. Evidently they were going to a rather elegant affair where she would locate the computer and retrieve the files. She needed makeup. And a hairstyle.

  A gold hair clip and some hairspray turned her red curls into a smooth upsweep. She added dark eyeliner and sparkly eye shadow, lipstick, and blush, then found a pair of strappy sandals. She had no idea what Drake had in mind, but she was less than sure of her ability to break into Castagnola’s home, download files from his computer, and escape unnoticed when she was clueless as to the electronic security system, the presence of guards, and the location of the actual computer. At least if this blew up, she could blame it on him.

  “Very nice,” Drake said when he opened the door.

  “You didn’t knock.”

  “I told you I’d be back in fifteen minutes.” Drake was wearing an Armani tuxedo. She knew because she’d seen one modeled in GQ. He looked better in it than the model had. She’d thought his almost-shavedhead, muscular build, and tattoos would have made him look incongruous in a tuxedo. They didn’t. Of course, she couldn’t actually see any of the tattoos.

  “Very nice,” he repeated.

  “This?” Zoe scowled at him. “It’s cut down to my navel.”

  “Yeah, I’d have figured you for a belly-button ring.” He glanced at her exposed navel, then let his eyes travel up to her face.

  “I wouldn’t have figured you for a traitor, so I guess we were both wrong.”

  Drake’s mouth thinned into a straight line. “I’m going to use your bathroom while you finish dressing.”


  Drake pressed a finger against her lips and pulled her into the bathroom. He closed the door and turned the shower on full blast.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded.

  “Do you think that just because this is your bedroom that they haven’t bugged it?” he asked. “I’m not a traitor.”

  “Really? Then you won’t mind letting me use your cell phone to call Ethan on our way to this job to verify that?”

  “Ethan doesn’t know that I’m here.”

  “But you’re not a traitor?” Zoe raised her eyebrows.

  “I can’t explain it right now. Everything isn’t always what it seems to be.”

  “Sure.” She let Drake pull her back into the bedroom after he turned off the shower.

  “Turn around.” Drake made a twirling motion with his fingers.

  “Why?” Zoe eyed him with a measure of suspicion.

  “Are you going to argue with everything I tell you to do?”

  “Probably. Is that a problem for you?” Zoe turned around as he
’d requested.

  “Oh, yeah, it’s a problem.”

  “Too bad. I’m not used to anyone telling me what to do.”

  “Really? Well, tonight will be different for you, then.” He draped a gold chain around her neck and fastened it. “I’m in charge.”

  “Then why do I even need to go?” Zoe looked down at the cloisonné pendant that dangled between her breasts.

  “It’s a two-person job. We’ll attend a party, socialize, enjoy some food and drink. Then we’ll slip into Dr. Castagnola’s office and download the files. That pendant contains a flash drive.”

  “I don’t see how that requires two people.” Zoe lifted the pendant and pulled on the lower half. The pendant parted, revealing a USB plug.

  “It might not, but two will make it easier.”

  “If I’m not in charge, then I need to know what the plan is.” Zoe sat down at a small table and leaned her elbows on it. Drake took the chair across from her.

  “It’s pretty simple. Dr. Castagnola and his wife are having a party at their house. Dante Russo has been invited and he’s bringing a guest.”

  “And you’re impersonating Dante Russo?”

  “No, I am Dante Russo. It’s a cover I’ve used for a few years. You’ll be using the name Isabel Landry.”

  “And we’re just going to walk in, find his office, and get the files?”

  “Pretty much. His office is located on the second floor. I doubt there’ll be guards preventing us from getting there, but it’s generally accepted that the guests stay on the first floor.”

  “You have a plan for getting us to the office?”

  “Nope. We’ll wing it once we check everything out.” Drake stood and held out a hand. “You ready?”

  She ignored his hand, stood, and moved to the bed to pick up her small evening bag. “Let’s do it.”

  Less than an hour later Zoe walked into the country villa of Dr. Castagnola on Drake’s arm. The structure was even larger and more ornate than the mansion that housed the Triumvirate. The first floor seemed to be dedicated entirely to entertaining. The cavernousentryway held sets of double doors that led to two ballrooms on one side and numerous hallways, parlors, and vestibules on the other. In the middle, a wide, curved staircase of pink marble led to the upper floors. Zoe eyed the staircase. There was no way she and Drake could use that to get to Castagnola’s office. Not only was the stairway and entry area well lit, people were constantly arriving or leaving.

  Drake guided her into one of the ballrooms and signaled a server who promptly coasted over with a tray of champagne flutes. Drake took two, handing one to Zoe.

  “To our success.” He lightly clinked his glass against hers and sipped. “You know, this might work better if you pretended to enjoy my company.”

  “I didn’t think that was really necessary. Or are you concerned about what these people will think of you?”

  “I’m concerned that everyone believes we are here to enjoy a festive, social event. I’d rather not give them any reason to question our presence.”

  That he was right just annoyed her further. She smiled, then ducked her head and laughed, glancing up at him through her lashes. She raised her eyes to his and leaned toward him a little while her hand touched his arm briefly, then moved to trace the line of her collarbone. “Is this more what you had in mind?”

  “Damn. You’re good.”

  “Thank you. Now what?”

  “The office is on the second floor, about thirty feet from the stairs. The first problem is getting to the second floor.”

  “The stairs in the entrance are out. Too much light, too many people. I’d imagine there’s a set of stairs for the servants, but that’s probably in the back of the building.”

  “Let’s check out some of those hallways. There’s bound to be another way to the second floor besides the main stairs.” He crooked his arm and waited for her to slip her hand through, then guided her across the entrance to a wide hallway.

  The libraries, parlors, and sitting rooms were a maze of connecting doors and back hallways, but there were no stairs evident. When they left the last room, Drake paused outside the door. Zoe followed his gaze down the stretch of hallway with no doors until the very end.

  “It has to be down there.” She took his hand and pulled him along the hallway stopping when she heard something behind them. She turned and peered around a potted palm. Two elegantly attired middleaged men were walking toward them, heads bent in conversation. Zoe glanced up and down the hallway frantically. The meager palm wasn’t enough to hidethem and the rest of the hallway was empty. They had no explanation for being here. It was well away from the entertainment areas, and their only objective could be the stairs at the end of the hall.

  Drake pressed her against the wall, pulled her hand up to rest on his shoulder, and leaned in to nuzzle her neck.

  “What the hell are you doing?” She pushed against his chest.

  “Just follow my lead.” He pulled her other arm around to encircle his waist and pressed his lips against her bare shoulder.

  “Oh, sorry to interrupt,” one of the men mumbled as they hesitated at the sight of Drake and Zoe, then walked on. The other man snorted and shook his head at the obvious foolishness of the young couple.

  When they disappeared up the stairs, Drake pulled away. “See? Works every time.”

  “You couldn’t think of anything else?” Zoe straightened the slender straps of her gown but she couldn’t really complain. Hadn’t she done the same thing with Logan just the past week when the local police caught them outside the museum in Sardinia?

  “Sure. But none of the other options were as enticing.”

  “Where do you think they were going?” she asked, ignoring his comment.

  “Upstairs, obviously. Probably guests of Dr. Castagnola, and they have rooms on the second floor. Or third floor, or fourth.”

  “So, why can’t we just pretend to be houseguests?”

  “Like I said, not as enticing.”

  Zoe rolled her eyes and walked quickly to the stairwell. She stopped on the third step causing Drake to bump into her. “Watch it!”


  He didn’t look sorry. Zoe would have enjoyed the mild flirtation if she were convinced that he wasn’t working for the Order and a double agent within the CIA. She continued up the stairs and was relieved that the hallway was vacant.

  “Where’s the office?”

  In answer, Drake stepped in front of her and swept an arm back, effectively forcing her to follow him. It pissed her off, but since he knew the location of the office and she didn’t, she didn’t have much choice but to follow him. He hurried down the hall and stopped at the first door. Turning the knob, he eased the door open and glanced inside a dark room, then closed the door and continued along the hall.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Finding the office.”

  “You don’t know which room it is?” Then why was she letting him lead? She could open doors as easily as he could.

  “Not exactly. But I know what I’m looking for.” He opened another door, peered in, then stepped inside and pulled her after him. “This is it.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course I’m sure.” He shot her a glance that reeked of indignation. “Over here.”

  Drake walked across the room to an ornate desk. Behind the desk hung what looked to Zoe like an original Modigliani. The painting swung away from the wall to reveal a recessed safe. “Okay, time to earn your keep.”

  The safe was a twenty-year-old Juwul with a standard four-digit combination. She’d been cracking safes like this one since she was twelve. She stepped in front of Drake and put her fingers to the dial. It spun smoothly and she quickly picked up the wheels and felt the fence drop.

  “Damn, you are good,” Drake said as she pulled the safe door open. He took out the slender laptop, set it on the desk, and pressed the power button.

  The screen flickered and glowed, disp
laying rows of icons. Drake moved his finger over the mouse pad and clicked on an icon. The screen flashed and changed to a blue background with a white box demanding a password.

  “Great. We’re screwed.” Zoe had no idea what todo now. Give her a nice steel-plated safe with a complicated combination lock any day.

  Drake chuckled and pulled a small case from his pocket. He plugged a thin cable into a USB port, tapped a series of commands into the keyboard, and waited. The white box flashed combinations of letters and numbers so quickly they blurred into a gray bar. In less than half a minute the screen flashed again and the program opened.

  “One of Robyn’s little gizmos.” Drake pocketed the device and used the mouse pad to navigate through the computer’s hard drive.

  “This is it,” he said. “Give me the flash drive.”

  Zoe pulled the flash drive free from the pendant and tried to hand it to Drake. But the drive was still connected to the part of the pendant that hung around her neck by a thin chain. She looked up at Drake frantically.

  “It’s caught!”

  “Just stoop down so I can put this into the port,” he instructed. Zoe bent over so Drake could insert the drive into the port.

  “How long will this take?”

  “Just a few minutes,” he answered.

  Zoe sighed and knelt on the soft carpet. No reason to kill her back staying bent over. Then she realized that her current position placed her face justinches from Drake’s crotch. Just a few minutes, she reminded herself. She turned her head to the side, which was only slightly more comfortable, and glanced up at Drake.

  The bastard was grinning.

  “Not much longer. I’m almost done.” He patted the top of her head. She would have screamed an obscenity at him except for the faint sound of the door opening.

  Drake slammed the top of the laptop closed and pivoted to rest his hips against the edge of the desk. His hands closed around her head and one leg came up slightly, blocking her view of the door.

  He groaned. What the hell was he doing? Zoe jerked her head free of his hands and looked at the door.

  A man stood in the doorway, outlined by the light from the hall. Zoe’s eyes widened and she struggled to stand but Drake’s hand on her shoulder prevented her from moving.


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