SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP

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SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP Page 6

by K'Anne Meinel

  The tallest must be Craig, she thought and this was confirmed with Joan’s introduction. The other two were the same height but an inch shorter than their brother. Each boy kissed his mother on the cheek. Joan introduced Grace as one of her ‘BEST’ friends. Jane almost snubbed them both. Joan just ignored her rudeness and Grace took her cue from Joan.

  The dinner went well. Grace wasn’t used to the Friday night fish fry. Joan explained about how in the ‘old’ days that Catholic’s weren’t allowed red meat on Fridays and that is how the fish fry had started. Other religions and people had followed the tradition even going now when the Catholic’s no longer were so stringent in following that practice. Friday fish fry’s were the only time they saw some people meeting again and again at their favorite one.

  Grace was seated next to Craig and discovered another facet of Joan. She hadn’t realized that Joan invested at all. Joan didn’t give off any signs that she had money. In fact, most people would assume she was a starving artist. Despite all their conversations she didn’t know everything about this multitalented woman. It was intriguing. Craig was an intelligent young man. Grace found his advice to be sound for someone so young. When she mentioned this to him he brushed it off easily and then attributed it to his upbringing and mother.

  Adam and Bryan caught their mother up on all their college events. They deliberately neglected to tell her about their partying and such. She deliberately didn’t ask them. They were charming scamps, going through college like any normal guys. Next year Adam would graduate, Joan could tell he was worried about what to do next. She never pressured him or even asked what his plans were. It was totally his decision and she would let him make it. He knew there was a position available in the firm if or when he wanted it. So far though, he wasn’t interested. Sink or swim, fail or succeed, Joan would be there for him and when he stopped worrying he’d realize it.

  Jane was a stay at home mom and didn’t seem to have much to contribute to the conversation at large. She knew that telling about Aaron’s latest escapades would wear thin very quickly. She resented that she didn’t have more to contribute. Everyone had something to add but she. It soon became apparent to Craig that he would pay for this get together later. She was almost seething, and then something wonderful happened. Grace actually took an interest in her and the baby. As all the stories were new to Grace, Jane suddenly had the audience she craved. Being a psychiatrist Grace saw plenty of bored housewives and saw the signs in Jane. She was also actually interested in the baby stories they had all heard time and again. She had never had children of her own. She ended up holding Aaron awkwardly and talking to him with Jane looking on adoringly. She made a devoted friend that evening. The boys looked on with grins on their faces. No one ever held Aaron but Jane or Craig. Jane even had a problem with Joan holding her own grandson.

  The evening was proclaimed a success by everyone. The boys walked Joan and Grace to the Mercedes and put them in it. Gallantly closing the doors for them. Waving goodbye Joan saw Craig putting the baby in the backseat of their mini-van. Bryan got behind the wheel of the old jeep that he and Adam shared.

  “You never told me how charming your son’s were” Grace commented.

  Smirking Joan answered “They take after their mother.”

  Sharing the laugh Grace answered “seriously though, Craig really knows about investments. Perhaps I should let him handle my portfolio, since there isn’t one.”

  “I don’t think you would do that badly. He’s cautious and thorough.” Joan went on to tell Grace how they had invested their first $500 and some of the ups and downs over the years. Grace came to realize how hard it had been for her. Seeing the results though she had those wonderful son’s to be proud of.

  ~ CHAPTER 6 ~

  All too soon the two weeks came to an end. Joan wanted them to go on indefinitely. Most mornings she’d slip out of bed and paint for a couple of hours until the time change caught up with Grace and she woke up. For once the automatic coffee maker was actually being used. Grace would come padding into the loft to watch Joan create her works of art with cup in hand. Joan had managed to finish Sunset while Grace was visiting. It was beautiful with it’s vivid colors and bold use of them. Grace had begun to think that she’d like a print of this one and seeing it created was fascinating. The paintings of Mother and child and Father and child had been digitally reproduced and then boxed and shipped to Malibu. The first day there they had both sold for a good sum. Someone had already seen the print on the internet and had been waiting for them to arrive. Joan was thrilled and yet sad, another of her babies out into the world.

  For their last evening they decided to cook and stay in. Joan actually produced a roast with carrots and potatoes. Her salad was fabulous with a blending of lettuce, grapes, cucumbers, and melon. No dressing touched that lettuce. Instead they could dip into yogurt for a surprisingly cool refreshing taste. Grace saw to it that Joan ate normal portions. She worried that Joan forgot to eat so often with her work to distract her. Her figure though was terrific.

  After dinner when all the dishes were washed and put away, they sat and held hands on the sofa. Quietly a song played on the cable channel. Grace had her head on Joan’s shoulder. For at least an hour they sat that way, neither speaking, it was so special and they both appreciated it. Lost in their own thoughts.

  Finally, after thinking it all through, Grace spoke. “I love you, Joan”

  Startled Joan turned so that Graces head fell off her shoulder. Looking deeply into Graces face to see whatever meanings might lie hidden there she answered “that’s good, because I’m in love with you too.” Quietly without a lot of emotion she left it at that.

  Grace wasn’t sure of the response she had expected but this wasn’t it. For once Joan’s intent look made HER uncomfortable. Then when she had thought about it for a few moments, what else could Joan have said that could have made her any happier. Smiling she reached up and kissed her. Joan returned the kiss. Raising her head she asked “now what?”

  “I don’t know” Joan answered. “I know I don’t want to wait for your next vacation to see you.”

  “What do you think about a long distance relationship?” Grace asked testing the waters.

  “Long distance?”

  “Yeah, a weekend here, a weekend there. Perhaps meeting in the middle somewhere?”

  “I really don’t have any desire to meet you somewhere in Nebraska or Kansas.” She answered with a laugh.

  Picturing it Grace joined in with that laugh. “Then what do we do?” She knew she might just say that she would move back here but she wanted Joan to suggest it. She didn’t want to tread on her territory as it were. She had everything here, her family, her businesses, her reputation. No one had suspected they were any more than friends but if they lived for any length of time together someone would eventually. Grace didn’t want to ruin things for her in any way.

  “I don’t know.” You could hear the sadness in her voice. “I guess I could try to come out in a couple of weeks. Perhaps we could work it out then.”

  “That’s a good idea.” Grace decided to let it go at that. There would be time to work it all out later. She had other idea’s right now and decided to pursue them.

  Because it was their last night together for awhile or in spite of it Joan didn’t allow Grace to take the upper hand. In all their time together she had always let Grace take the lead. She knew what she wanted and tonight she made Grace gasp in her pleasures. Grace had introduced the toys and tonight Joan used one to good use. When they both wound down Grace turned to Joan in amazement.

  “You surprised me tonight.”

  “I think I surprised myself with my daring” she answered. Joan was blushing. She wasn’t that bold, she just wasn’t.

  “Never the less, you enjoyed yourself as well.”

  Now she was actually embarrassed. “We aren’t going to discuss it are we?”

  “Not if you don’t want to.” Grace let her off the hook knowing
how new she was to all this. She had enjoyed herself immensely as well. She didn’t need to do a question and answer post mortum. Reaching out she raised Joan’s chin. “I do love you Joan” she said quietly.

  Grace could see the sparkle in Joan’s eyes immediately. The smile alone was brilliant. Joan reached over to kiss Grace and responded with “I love you too, Grace.”

  Spooning up together they slept.

  The clock read 4am when Joan awoke. She was wide awake and restless. She couldn’t sleep anymore. Carefully so as not to wake Grace she slid out from under her arm. Grace just turned over and confiscated the whole queen sized bed. Joan watched her sleep for awhile from the light of the skylight. Grabbing her robe off the end of the bed she silently headed to her loft to think. She didn’t want to lose Grace. This beautiful, funny, classy lady was in love with her, but for how long? Joan knew she didn’t have the self confidence to maintain this relationship on what she had going now. Strangely enough where her art or portfolio was concerned she was confidant. No one who knew her from those two worlds would suspect she was an emotional wreck on the personal level. Sitting on one of the stools in her loft she contemplated her future. What to do? What to do? How to hold onto this woman in her life. How to make herself more confidant about it. She sat there for two hours looking at nothing in particular when she realized she was staring at the yellow page book. She kept it in here for the express purpose of counterweights. She hadn’t looked into it for practical purposes ever. Absentmindedly paging through it she came across a spa. Reading the ad Joan realized that this would solve a few of her problems for her. She’d call them tomorrow. Ripping out the page she pined it to a note board. Getting up she padded back to her bedroom. She crawled back into bed and Grace wrapped her warm body around her.

  Grace knew something was up the next day. Although Joan was sad to see her go she was also anxious. In between yawns she seemed distracted.

  Grace wasn’t sure what to think. She watched for the umpteenth time as Joan brushed out her waist length hair. It was just so very gorgeous. Grace had loved playing with it when they made love. Burying her face in it. Breathing in the silky smell of the shampoo that Joan used. It was just so sexy. Once all the knots and snarls were brushed out Joan would wrap it in either a scarf or a leather tube to keep the snarls out. She claimed if she put it up on her head it would give her a headache. In no time at all she was dressed and ready to go.

  Grace had a 10 am flight but she still wouldn’t arrive in Orange County at John Wayne Airport until after 6 PM. Her Jag was with Joanne who should be picking her up. She hadn’t wanted to leave it in long term parking as she wasn’t sure it would still be there when she got back.

  Joan drove them in her Mercedes but was very quiet on the way to Central Wisconsin Airport. She was sad that Grace had to leave, that the two weeks had come to an end but she was excited at the spa that she had read about. She made no mention of it to Grace as she wanted it to be a surprise. Grace could sense something but couldn’t put her finger on it. Joan parked the car and they lugged Graces bags to the check-in counter. Joan was grateful that the toys were nicely packed away deep within one of the bags. She couldn’t imagine the embarrassment if they went under an xray and had to be opened. She said as much to Grace after they were checked in and waiting for the flight to be announced. Grace chuckled at the thought, remembering a story she had heard about that very thing happening to a woman. She shared the story with Joan. Although Joan laughed in enjoyment of the story she was still grateful that the bags were gone.

  They were talking softly when the flight was finally announced. Joan jumped in her seat and then to her feet. Alarmed Grace stared at her. Joan just shrugged, laughing it off. Grace gave her a big hug and a squeeze. “I love you, you know” she smiled.

  Calmly Joan answered with the same. “I love you too, I’ll miss you. Call me when you get in?”

  Grace nodded and said goodbye, releasing her. Joan watched her get in line for the security checkpoint. Grace exchanged a couple of looks with her before her purse was on the conveyor belt and she went through the metal detector. No alarms sounded and with one last wave she was gone.

  Joan practically sprinted for her car. She was excited to get going with the change in her life. She wondered if she should cut her hair. It had taken 8 years to grow it this long. A very big investment. Pulling the ripped page from the yellow pages out of her pocket she phoned from her cell. She was put on terminal hold for quite a few miles up the freeway. Finally a girl by the name Sheri came on the line. Speaking with Joan for awhile they made arrangements for Joan to come in 20 minutes later for an evaluation. Joan sped up the freeway to the spa.

  At the spa Sheri met her at the door, introducing herself. She began to give Joan a tour of the spa. They also discussed what Joan was looking for. Within the hour Joan was being given a massage. She’d had them before and the best had been given to her by Grace. Grace had told her that she learned massage therapy to help with some of her patients but as yet had never needed to use it.

  They went over general health care and hygiene at the spa. Common things one should already know and some things that weren’t so common. Joan had a total body wrap. She sat in a vat of sterilized mud. She even consented to her hair being braided into cornrows. When they finished it was in tiny finger thick braids all over her head. The way they wrapped around on the sides kept it from falling into her face. That many braids she was sure would kill her eventually with their length. She was sure that she would hang on them. After a few days though the convenience of them won her over. Sheri assigned her an exercise program and monitored her eating. Joan’s eating habits as Grace had observed were terrible. The good thing going for her was that she ate healthy items and stayed away from fried food. With her broad shoulders and physique she could have easily been fat.

  Sheri went with her to pick out clothes. She knew exactly what looked good with Joan’s coloring and size. Joan ended up spending a lot more on clothes that she had in years. Her credit card bill was going to be a shocker to Craig. Over the two weeks they went over etiquette and other things that Joan thought were so effeminate. Surprisingly to Joan was the fact that she wasn’t the hick she had thought she was, her manners were good according to Sheri. They picked out lingerie and cosmetics. Sheri took her to a perfumery. Joan hadn’t known one existed in Wisconsin much less the Midwest. She always thought of that as something you would find in London, Rome, or some ancient city. They found what Sheri and the perfumist assured her was the perfect scent. To Joan it smelled a little musky but invited the person to smell deeper and be drawn into it’s lovely scent. It took awhile to get used to that as well.

  Joan had never pampered herself like this. She was loving it. For the first time in her life she felt as beautiful as Grace had told her she was. Her clothes fit her exactly. No need for loose jeans and T-shirts. Sheri had stuck to the flowing outfits that Joan enjoyed but these appeared made for her and showed off her physique. Some became what Joan thought of as power suits.

  In the last week of her spa treatment she underwent electrolysis to remove her underarm hair, most of it on her legs, all of it on her feet, toes, and knuckles. It was painful and follow up visits would be necessary but eventually the hair would stop growing and she wouldn’t need to shave. They offered to do her bikini line as well. Laughing, Joan informed them that she NEVER wore bikini’s. They offered to do her eyebrows as well but she only plucked a few stray mavericks from there so she didn’t see the need.

  Sheri and her consultants taught her how to appropriately use make up and the right colors for her. With her new hair style they showed how to highlight her eyes and other facial features such as her high cheekbones. She ended up plucked, waxed, exfoliated, cleansed, and a few other words that weren’t at all ladylike. It was a torture chamber and yet she felt great. At the end of the week and half she felt all the money had been worth it and she looked forward to seeing Grace the following week to surprise her. She had
n’t said a word.

  The first night Grace had returned and Joanne had met her with the Jag. There was a key scratch on the car that would need to be buffed out and this ticked off Grace but Jo had done her a favor so how could she complain. Jo asked her how it had gone and Grace confided in her love for Joan. Jo was surprised as she had thought that Joan was totally straight. Grace confessed that she had seduced Joan that first night. She was ashamed but very attracted to her. Now however she knew that Joan loved her too and she could let the guilt go. Joanne shook her head at Grace and laughed. Grace had needed a good relationship. Jo had seen her through a couple of bad ones. What she remembered about Joan was that she was an honest and kind person. Perhaps this would work out for both of them.

  Grace called Joan as soon as she got in. All she got was the machine. Knowing how late it was there and Joan’s routine she thought perhaps she had gone out with one of her boys or was so involved with her painting that she didn’t hear the phone. She left a message anyway. She went to bed then, exhausted from traveling. She had to work the next afternoon and spent the morning sorting her clothes and putting things away. When she came across her toys she laughed at Joan’s reactions to them initially and then found herself aroused at Joan’s later reactions. They were so open and honest. Joan had surprised her though when the tables were turned. She didn’t ever lose control but Joan had done that to her. It had felt so raw. So different, so unusual, so free. It only deepened what she felt for her.

  She fired up her computer to see if there were any messages from Joan yet. She was surprised to see nothing. This bothered her a bit as Joan hadn’t returned her call from the night before either. What she didn’t know was at that very moment Joan was in the vat of mud at the spa.


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