SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP

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SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP Page 23

by K'Anne Meinel

  Grace came to stand in front of Joan looking her over from head to toe. It had been many weeks, many months since they had SEEN each other. Grace followed along on her website, seeing pictures of the places the tour had gone, the people Joan met, the newspaper and magazine clippings about her. Kara was sure to post any pictures she could about the trip. Joan had fans everywhere now. It wasn’t the same though as being right here in front of the woman she loved. Reaching out she pulled Joan to her, burying her face in her neck. Breathing in her unique perfume.

  Joan hadn’t been sure that Grace would ever hold her. She looked so long at her she wondered at what she was thinking. She knew she had been about to melt. Holding this woman who haunted her dreams, who made her so homesick was so nice, so very nice. Joan kissed her with all the pent up longing and passion she could. Any doubts that either had entertained dispelled immediately. It rapidly escalated as they pulled at each other. Joan maneuvered Grace into her bedroom, another incredible room. Hours later they lay content in each others arms, naked but sated for now. They talked quietly catching up on each other’s lives. The things that didn’t make it into the emails or even the phone calls. Joan considered ordering room service but knew she couldn’t with the manager so eager to make amends.

  In Europe you dressed for dinner and Joan and Grace did so after unpacking for Grace. Thank goodness for wrinkle free materials Grace thought. Her luggage had been pretty banged up in transit. Joan was dressed in a gown of black with little drops of colors at the bottom of the dress. It came to her calf in various lengths accenting her legs. A matching shawl accompanied it. She slipped on heels to match her ensemble. Grace dressed in an off white dress that came below her knees. It had pearl beads around the edges and looked wonderful on her tall frame. Her matching shoes and purse made the outfit complete.

  Stepping off the elevator Joan was stopped by yet another fan who recognized her from the papers. Signing another autograph gave time to the manager of the hotel to notice them. He signaled to someone who stepped up to Joan and Grace.

  “Madam Wooods? Doctoor Monroe?” said the heavy accent.

  They looked up at a very tall Italian man with rich dark hair and very Roman features standing before them who immediately bowed with their notice.

  “I am Markus, your maitre’d. If you will allow me ladies to escort you to your table.” With that he gathered their arms in his and walked them across the lobby to the dining room. Many a head turned at the beautiful women on his arms. He escorted them to the best table. It was situated so they could look at everyone who entered and be admired by them. Joan asked him for a discrete out of the way booth instead. Charmingly he did so. He handed them menus and left them quietly.

  Grace smiled at how easily Joan handled people. She fit in here so well. Grace felt like a duck out of water she was so overwhelmed with the sophistication of the place. She couldn’t read the menu, it was in Italian. Leaning over she saw Joan studying the menu intently. She looked up with her eyes twinkling “lasagna and spaghetti I think are on here somewhere.” She laughed and Grace joined in.

  The maitre’d returned with another man. He introduced their waiter for the evening, Gerhard. He looked frightened. Joan was sure the story of her displeasure had gotten around the staff and they were all walking on eggshells to please her and her guest. Grace watched as Joan talked first in English with him, tried a few words in Italian and then laughed with him. His accented English was terrible and as Joan only knew a few words in Italian that wouldn’t help. Listening to his accent though Joan had an idea “Sind sie von Deutschland?” she asked in German. It turned out he was a German student working while studying in Venice. Relieved he answered in German, rapidly. “Nicht so schnell, nicht so schnell” not so fast Joan told him. As he calmed down she slowly told him that they couldn’t read the Italian menu and what would he recommend for two hungry American woman? He looked sorry and told her they didn’t have french fries and hamburgers on the menu. The twinkle in his eye told Joan he was teasing her. The words “french fries and hamburgers” he said in English. Laughing at him she told him to please give them a fine traditional Italian meal but something light. Smiling, he gratefully took that order.

  Grace shook her head in amazement. She knew that Joan had studied German way back in high school but it was amazing to hear her speak it so fluently. Joan had just come from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Her rusty German had been well exercised.

  They chatted awhile discussing what they might do the next few days when the maitre’d hurried up with a bottle and two wine glasses. He explained that he had this extraordinary vintage and would like their opinion on it. Pouring the open bottle into the wine glasses he handed first one and then the other to them. Joan smelled an excellent bouquet before drinking the best wine she had ever tasted in her life. Some wines have a tendency to cling to your taste buds, some are vinegary, some leave an aftertaste. This one was friendly, it was soothing and oh so smooth. Going down it warmed her slightly. Smiling she could see a similar affect to Grace who had surprise and delight written on her face. She thanked the maitre’d and told him how much she appreciated this fine wine. Leaving the bottle for them he bowed and left them, smiling as he did so.

  They enjoyed their meal. A light tomato sauce with a vegetable lasagna. There were several items that Joan had no idea what she ate but they were delicious. Grace knew a couple of things and they discussed the relative merits of one kind of food over the other. That was some of the fun of traveling, learning different foods. The wine was an excellent accompaniment to their meal. Signaling that they were done the waiter asked if they would like desert. Both were quite full. Grace had been impressed with how much Joan had packed away. She rarely ate so much. She told Grace quietly though that she had worked up an appetite and that if she was to keep it up she would need her strength. Grace blushed at the innuendo but she was pleased.

  All during their long dinner people came and went throughout the restaurant. Apparently the restaurant was well known and many people who didn’t stay there still dined in. Several times their meal was interrupted by people who had met Joan and wished to speak to her. She introduced Grace to everyone as her partner from America. She stressed the title of Doctor, knowing people would be impressed. Besides which she was proud of Grace and didn’t hesitate to show it. A couple of people shyly asked her for autographs and she complied. One woman attempted to talk with her about art for a lengthy time and Joan suggested she come to the exhibit to continue their fascinating conversation. The woman, taking this as a personal invitation from the artist was very flattered and said she would see her tomorrow. Joan didn’t mention that she wouldn’t be at the gallery again until three days from then.

  Grace watched Joan with a bit of awe. She had watched her in California handle her fame and notoriety with ease. Now, here in Europe it was as though it counted more. As though she had passed some level of fame. That they respected her was obvious but the admiration was different here. Grace being called doctor was basking in the reflected glare of Joan’s fame. It was a different experience for her.

  After dinner they took a walk along side one of the famous Venice canals. Unable to pronounce the name of it Joan and Grace giggled like school girls. Talking, they didn’t realize the time and Grace finally yawned loudly. Due to the time difference and jet lag she was ready to sleep! Europeans in general kept different hours than they were used to and Joan had learned to adapt. She took a lot of naps whenever and wherever she could. Feeling sorry for Grace she summoned a gondola which took them back to their hotel. Joan paid him in lire which Kara had provided for her and explained the value of. Joan didn’t like overtipping and hated not knowing what she was paying for.

  They snuggled under the blankets that night relieved to finally be together after all these months apart. It was nice to just hold each other close.

  Grace awoke first in the morning. Slipping out from under the blankets, careful not to wake Joan she headed for the ba
throom. The tub had claw feet holding it up. The shower was on the end of a long hose so you could manipulate it to your needs, a hook near the ceiling for it. Grace closed the shower drapes around the tub and took a long hot shower. She rubbed her curly hair with a towel to get out most of its wetness. Grabbing her robe she tied it around her middle. Going back into the bedroom she laid out what she would wear today. They were going to play tourist. Looking up from where her jeans, blouse, and jacket were laid she spotted Joan waking up.

  “I didn’t wake you did I?” She asked softly

  Joan said “uh uh” just as quietly. She looked so beautiful lying there in the white sheets, her braids spread out on the pillows. She sleepily watched as Grace pulled socks and comfortable shoes out and put them with her clothes. Grace felt a little self conscious to be watched so. It was Joan though, she didn’t need to be self conscious or awkward with her.

  Joan was admiring the body she could see beneath the robe. She wondered if Grace knew that the bathroom light showed right through the robe, outlining every feature. Grace had long beautiful legs. As she moved back and forth Joan could see them clearly. Her worst feature was her chest. Her breasts had begun to sag and her chest reflected that. Joan didn’t care though. This woman still could stir her. She just laid there watching sleepily as she moved about the room.

  Finally Grace sat on the bed watching Joan just as intently. “You tired?” Joan shook her head slightly. Her heavy lidded eyes looked sexy in the light from the bathroom. Grace could see light strongly behind the pulled drapes of the bedroom. “You hungry?” Joan’s eyes sparkled but she sleepily shook her head. Grace laughed at the double innuendo of that question. Joan just smiled, happy that Grace was sitting there beside her. Joan reached over and pulled Graces hand to her. She kissed it and then laid her head along side it, closing her eyes for a brief moment before releasing it. Grace loved moments like these. A person could say ‘I love you’ but it was actions more than words that showed it. Joan didn’t hesitate to show it.

  Stretching Joan spread out her arms and legs in the bed. Cracks could be heard and Grace winced. In all their years together she never got used to that sound. She cracked a bit herself but not to the extent of this woman.

  They shopped all morning after breakfast. Joan, who hated shopping and was noted for it, enjoyed herself immensely. It must have been the company she slyly said. They stopped at a little bistro for lunch and walked the afternoon away. Little stores that intrigued them they went into. Not looking for anything in particular. They found things to send the guys and the grandchildren. They bought postcards to send everyone. In a jewelry store they found some of the most breathtaking jewelry. Some was very old and obviously had been part of some estate. Grace was particularly taken with a ring she tried on. It looked as though it had been made for her. They looked at modern jewelry but her eyes kept drawing back to that ring. Joan bought some earrings she admired and Grace found a pendant she liked. The prices were fairly steep but they were on vacation and expected it.

  They stopped at another little restaurant for coffee, mineral water, and cake. Joan realized she had left a package in the jewelry store and rushed back to retrieve it. It took her awhile and she told Grace that she thought she had been lost for awhile there. Grace wanted to see everything she could. They finally hired a water taxi to take them around the city. As sunset approached it was just beautiful on the canals. Grace mentioned the estate jewelry a couple of times. She was kicking herself that she hadn’t bought herself that ring. She wanted to go back but knew that the shop had to be closed. She wasn’t certain she could find it either in their meandering of the day.

  They spent the next day with a guide who showed them about the city and told them about it’s history. A history buff, Joan enjoyed it immensely. Grace liked to just see all the incredible things that were shown them. From the great cathedrals to the incredible private homes, the architecture was astounding, the beautiful homes in the vibrant colors reflecting off the waters of the canal were breathtaking. The tour guide appreciated their questions and was so enthusiastic in his recitations. The three of them got along famously.

  Most of the next day Joan had to work. Grace went along to watch but in the late afternoon she took a water taxi to try and find that jewelry store they had gone to. It took her several hours but she spotted the restaurant where they had had coffee and cake. From there she backtracked and found the jewelry store. The proprietor recognized her from the other day. He was so sorry though. The ring was already been sold. It was a one of a kind and could not be duplicated. Grace left disappointed. Joan always said, if you see it, really want it, buy it or you will never see it again and she was right! Oh well she thought disappointed, perhaps the person who bought would love it just as much. She hailed a water taxi and had it take her back to the hotel where she met Joan for dinner. She didn’t mention the ring again.

  All too soon the week sped by. Grace packed her bags and reluctantly got into the limo to take her to the airport. Joan looked disappointed but they would see each other again in 3 weeks for Adams wedding. Both of them eagerly anticipated both the wedding and being home together.

  ~ CHAPTER 26 ~

  Grace got home and unpacked. There was a package that she couldn’t remember purchasing tucked into her garment bag. Opening it she found a note from Joan:

  “To the woman I love, bet you thought I’d forget your birthday didn’t you?” There was a characture in silhouette of a woman in braids with a sly smile on it drawn next to the words.

  In the package was the antique ring that she had seen in the jewelry store in Venice. She remembered Joan going back for her ‘package,’ this must have been it. Sitting down on their bed she shook her head and started to cry. This was so like Joan to give her something like this. Her birthday was in a couple of days and they had both been disappointed that they wouldn’t be spending it together. It would be her 50th and they had wanted a big blowout. Friends were coming from California. The boys were going to make sure she partied despite the fact that Joan wasn’t going to be able to be there. She immediately got on the internet to send a letter to Joan. She told her she was home and thanked her from her heart for the beautiful ring. She already missed her so much.

  The party was a riot. Many of the people knew each other from their house warming party earlier the previous year. There were a few new faces such as Beth but she was known by the hospital staff and welcomed by all. Aaron egged on by Craig and Jane sang a rendition of Happy Birthday that cracked them all up with it’s shaky alto.

  Adam was filled with last minute preparations for his wedding. Gwen would be flying in the next week and staying with Grace. Grace had thought it silly to put her in a hotel when she had this huge house to herself. She hadn’t thought it proper to send her to Adams house until they were married. One must keep up appearances she joked. She knew though that Gwen’s parents would NOT have approved. She’d heard the story of when Gwen explained that Aaron’s famous mother was gay they had thought it was a disease that ran in the family. Shaking her head at their ignorance Grace’s heart went out to Gwen. Gwen and she got along great despite her parents. Grace had to agree with Joan that this woman was perfect for Adam. They all eagerly anticipated the wedding in a couple of weeks. When Gwens things arrived from the moving company, Grace helped her to unpack them at Adam’s house. Gwen packed a bag to stay with Grace.

  At the party Bryan made sure to video tape as much as he could for his mother. Unwrapping some pretty serious gifts Grace remarked that it was too bad she couldn’t turn 49 every year, after all she had stayed 39 for quite a few years. It cracked them up. Tina asked what Joan had gotten her and Grace showed off her antique ring. A few people assumed it meant something especially when Tina asked. Grace shook her head and said no, it was just a gift from the woman who loved her, but it got her to thinking. She’d like to make a gesture acknowledging their commitment, she’d think about it in the weeks before she saw Joan again. People asked abo
ut Joan and she caught them up on the news. She was doing fabulously and Yoshi could confirm how busy the galleries were. Her notoriety had been a boon for the other artists showing in the galleries as well. Being famous hadn’t hurt Joan. Overall everyone enjoyed Graces 50th birthday. Before it was over a phone call came in. Bryan had hooked up a new phone that Grace in the living room for Grace. She had thanked him for the gift but wondered why he thought she needed a new phone until she saw Joan’s face on the monitor of it. It was a video phone and Joan had one at her end. Seeing her beaming face brought tears to Graces face. They couldn’t say everything they wanted to with a room full of guests listening in but everyone got the message. Joan missed Grace, loved her, and wished her a happy 50th.

  ~ CHAPTER 27 ~

  Grace was working even longer hours these days at the hospital. She felt she didn’t have much else to do. She volunteered for weekends and even holidays. Many times she had lunch with Beth or Jason. She told both how lonely she was and how much she had been missing Joan. She was invited periodically over to Craig and Janes house for dinner, she even had them over a time or two but somedays she felt it just wasn’t enough. She wanted Joan home. She didn’t mention how she was feeling to Joan, she knew Joan felt the same way from what she wrote but she wouldn’t compound the situation by making Joan feel bad for her.

  She and Beth had become good pals. Grace went with her to the Y a couple of times to attend an aerobics class. She could have worked on it in her own basement but sometimes it was nice just to get out. She needed to see people, her friends, the people she catered to at the hospital didn’t count.

  One day they were having lunch when Beth casually asked her out to the movies. Thinking nothing of it she accepted. The movie which turned out to be a romance had them both feeling mellow and sappy. Beth gave her a ride back to her car at the hospital and before Grace could get out she quickly leaned over and tried to kiss her. Taken aback Grace could only stare. Beth didn’t apologize, she only looked at Grace, waiting.


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