SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP

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SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP Page 26

by K'Anne Meinel

  Joan closed her ring box in time to keep it from falling out as the box tumbled to the ground. Grace kissed her hard and mindlessly. She overwhelmed Joan with her passion. Grace was crying and laughing and trying to kiss her all at the same time. Joan returned her kisses, kiss for kiss. Finally she buried her face in Graces neck under her hair and just held her until she calmed down.

  The odd thing about their proposals is how they handled them. Grace had been so keyed up about it. She’d thought about it since she had returned from Venice and seen the ring that Joan had given her for her birthday. She’d been wired for this evening. She hadn’t been sure Joan would say yes and as a result her nerves had been on edge. She wasn’t sure Joan would think a commitment would be necessary. To have Joan propose as well had not been in the equation, it had never entered her mind. When she had thought about this night she had thought about arguments as to why they should have a commitment ceremony if Joan should say no. How joyous she would be if Joan said yes. Never had she even considered that Joan would propose to her. And the ring! How incredible was that.

  Joan had been keyed up for her proposal as well. When Grace beat her to the punch she had been astounded and thinking quick thought up her answer and proposal. When she had seen the ring in Venice she had thought of making that an engagement ring but wanted something new for Grace. Thinking of the design from 20 years ago she had fallen in love with it and the idea. She sketched it from memory and had contacted the jeweler.

  Finally Grace sat back and reached to the floor for the box Joan had offered her. She looked up at Joan as Joan watched her, her eyes awash with tears that she had shed in her joy. Opening her box for Joan first she took the ring out and very solemnly put it on Joan’s left ring finger. She kissed Joans fingertips for good measure. Then she opened the box that Joan had offered her. She gazed at the ring for a long time, the tears clearing from her eyes. Joan finally took the ring from the box and slipped it quietly on Graces engagement finger. She explained the ring to her. It was two slim hands delicately holding a beautiful lazer sculpted sapphire. The lights caught the sapphire at any angle. The delicate hands holding it were gold. Joan told Grace those were the hands of an artist holding the sapphire that was Graces birthstone and heart. Grace burst into delighted tears again after the explanation of the ring. Later Joan would give her the framed sketch of the ring that had started this ring.

  Grace explained that she had gotten Joan’s ring from a jeweler in Wausau. It had taken forever to find a five carat white topaz that she liked. Joan knew it had to have been near to impossible. Topaz was her favorite stone and few people knew that topazes in their natural state were similar in color to diamonds but not nearly as hard. They only turned colors with extreme heat. Looking at the stone it was beautiful on her large hand. Joan never wore rings because of the size of her hands and her painting. She would wear this one always.

  They both sat admiring their rings. Joan started laughing out of the blue. Grace looked up puzzled at her. Joan explained how weird it was that they had both had the same idea. How in synch were they? She smiled her huge smile to Grace. Grace leaned over and kissed her, reminding them both of the first time she had done so all those years ago in the Jaguar.

  Grace mentioned she would like the commitment ceremony when Joan was finished with her tour after Sydney. Joan looked at her puzzled and asked “what commitment ceremony?”

  “Ours, silly. You know the one we exchanged rings for?” She laughed at Joan.

  Still puzzled Joan asked “I thought you wanted to get married?”

  “I do, but you know it’s only symbolic anyway. Wisconsin doesn’t recognize marriages between same sex partners.”

  Realizing finally where Grace was going with this she answered “then we don’t get married in Wisconsin.”

  Hurt Grace asked “you don’t WANT to get married?”

  “I didn’t say that. I said we wouldn’t get married in Wisconsin.”

  “Where do you want to get married then? Las Vegas?”

  Joan thought Las Vegas tacky. It showed on her face. It would be the worst place to get married in her mind, but she had somewhere else in mind. “How about Hawaii?” she asked Grace.


  “Yes, same sex marriages are legal there. I checked it out.” Joan smiled at her.

  Surprise written all over her face it quickly turned to joy over this news. Grace was thrilled. A real marriage ceremony, not just symbolism. Binding both in the eyes of the law and themselves.

  “Not too many people would be able to get to Hawaii though” she mused.

  “Then that would keep down the guest list wouldn’t it?” Joan laughed.

  Grace had never thought that the marriage vows spoken would be real to anyone but themselves and perhaps their friends and family. To know that it would be recognized at least in one state and such a beautiful one at that gave her untold joy. Over the next few days they discussed what they wanted for their wedding, who they wanted to invite, and when they wanted it. Joan turned the entire arrangements over to Grace once they decided to have it after the tour was over. Grace knew her wishes and Joan would have no time to handle the arrangements. They were both so thrilled at the prospect.

  The exhibit went well. Joan was grateful that Michael was there to escort both she and Grace to and from it. She was being treated like a star these days. In fact while Grace was still there they went to a star studded party and rubbed shoulders with them.

  Allan and Kara both noticed Joans ring immediately. Since she never wore rings they knew immediately about her engagement. Their eyes bugged out when they saw the ring that Joan had commissioned for Grace. Hearing about the sketch Allan demanded to see it and tried to convince Joan to make it into a painting. She refused saying it was one of a kind and would remain that way. She had signed the sketch but it was for her fiancee only. Fiancee, what an odd sounding word she thought and one she hadn’t thought of ever using again.

  The night they met up with the girls, Joanne, Tracey, Addie, and Tina they decided not to say anything so they could have some fun. They all went out to eat at the restaurant that Grace had taken Joan to that first night after the convention down in Orange County off of Harbor Boulevard near Garden Grove. The girls thought it too cool that they showed up in a limo and the sight of Michael shadowing them was just too much. They teased them horribly about what snobs they were becoming. Michael sat far enough away from them not to interfere with their meal with friends but close enough that he could get up quickly and reach Joan if need be.

  Joanne was the first to notice Graces ring. She brought it to the other’s attention and the girls exclaimed over it. When Grace told them the story behind it they blinked back tears. Joan then showed them her hand which she had kept hidden in her lap until then. She wanted it to be about Grace. Their friends were thrilled for them. When they told them that they would be having an actual wedding ceremony and where, everyone went crazy. Grace told them the plans that they already had made and told them that she expected each and every one of them to be there to share the moment with them.

  ~ CHAPTER 30 ~

  Joan called the boys the next day to share their news with them. Adam was back from his honeymoon and for once he was genuinely happy for her regarding Grace. He understood now what it meant to love someone so much. Adam congratulated her and left it at that.

  Craig surprised her when she told him. He asked if she was sure she wanted to take it that far, getting married and all. She knew he was trying to protect her assets but she felt it was a bit tactless for him to mention it. She let him know in no uncertain terms that she was unhappy with him and he backed off.

  Bryan was thrilled for both of them and insisted on talking to Grace to congratulate her as well.

  Joan was sorry to see Grace leave at LAX at the end of the week. They were going on to San Francisco. She kept saying to herself just eight more weeks, just eight more weeks. Then she and Grace would be married and no more of
this damn tour. It had been fun in parts, it had certainly been profitable and good for her career, but it had been entirely too long!

  Allan was talking about doing smaller cities but she told him if he mentioned doing a tour again to her she would fire him. The tour thus far had been enormously successful and he didn’t push it. He just left it with the idea that they would do occasional cities in the future, nothing like this non stop eight month monster that he had orchestrated.

  They had hauled around the work “Aphrodisiac” all over the world to exhibit. There were several other works as well as prints. They had several offers for it but Joan wanted to have an auction for it after Sidney. Their mailing list and internet work had expanded to quite a size that for now Allan’s office was handling it all instead of the galleries. They would contact everyone after Hong Kong and announce the auction to be finalized after Sydney to the highest bidder. Joan thought they should start the bidding at $100,000. She had a couple of works over the years go for that but not too many. “Aphrodisiac” though she knew was something special. She’d seen peoples reactions from many different walks of life and cultures. She KNEW it was something.

  The week in San Francisco was pleasant. The city itself seemed to cater to artists. Many were across the bridge in Sausalito. It was chaotic and crowded from day one. Joan got writers cramp over and over. She loved it when other artists admired and exclaimed over her work, it validated it in her mind. It was her business to sell it to the general public but when a true artist appreciated it as well, it did something for her.

  Finally it was on to Tokyo, Bangkok, and Hong Kong. In Sydney Joan managed to contract another suitor. Despite her best efforts he wouldn’t take no for an answer. She showed him her engagement ring, told him about Grace, told him of her love for her but he laughed it all off telling her that she was the one for him. He was cocky and arrogant. He became so persistant she finally told Michael to keep him away from her. He cornered her one night on the way back to her hotel when Michael had been distracted and he pressed himself against her. Pawing at her and quickly putting his hand up her dress he pulled at her panties. Only her quick thinking saved her from being raped then and there against the wall. She punched him using her left hand and ripped open a gash across his cheek with her ring. Michael hauled him off after that. Joan refused to press charges preferring to keep it quiet. Two nights later she was in a bar with various people she had met from the exhibit when he showed up there. Michael had left to use the mens room while he left her with the mayor. Jeremy came right over to her and stood there while she examined the cut on his cheek, it would scar she was certain. He tried charming her away from the mayor and others in their party but she wouldn’t leave, she wasn’t stupid. When her back was turned to talk to someone he slipped something in her drink. Only Michael’s return and seeing what Jeremy had done kept her from drinking it. This time they decided to press charges. The mayor promised to see this through for her. He was embarrassed that someone of Joan’s renown had been bothered in his city.

  The last few days of Sydney were hectic. A good sized package arrived Federal Express from the jewelers. Examining its contents Joan was pleased and authorized payment via her credit card for the remainder. The wedding ring she had commissioned and which had been awaiting her final payment was then sent as well. Opening it’s box, Joan was excited. She wanted to tell Grace about it immediately, share it with the most important person in her life, but at the same time knew she should hold in the surprise for their wedding the following week. Wow, they were getting married in a week!

  Grace had handled the plans admirably. Getting married long distance was difficult but money spoke volumes. For the first time she understood how Joan felt when she wanted something done she simply paid for it to GET done. The wedding invitations had gone out within two weeks of their engagement and she was pleasantly surprised how many would attend. All the guys would be there, Craig with Jane and their two children, Adam and Gwen, Bryan would come stag. Graces coworker Jason and his wife Betty were excited to go to Hawaii. Joanne and the girls confessed they couldn’t afford it but when Joan heard that she sent them all two tickets so they could be there with their partners. Tina tried to still decline, she had never fully accepted Joan and thought she shouldn’t be there but the girls ragged on her until she accepted. Allan and his wife and Kara would be there. Madge, Amy, Yoshi, and Richard all accepted. Grace was relieved when Jack declined. She found a wedding coordinator in Hawaii who handled a lot for her and she was grateful. Many emails and downloads later it was all planned, down to the flower. Grace just wanted to get there now and get Joan there.

  Grace was worried about Joan. The tour had really taken it out of her. She’d been dehydrated in Los Angeles and it really worried her the state she would be in when she reached Hawaii after 8 weeks. Her emails and her calls had become infrequent and not wordy at all. That she was tired was very apparent. She kept telling Joan to just hold it all together for a little while longer.

  ~ CHAPTER 31 ~

  Hawaii was just gorgeous and Joan was thrilled as she looked from the limo. She was HERE! In just two days she would be married to Grace. Grace was already somewhere in town. The limo that the wedding planner had sent had met her at the airport. She shared it with Allan and Kara. Allan’s wife was to meet him at the hotel. He was anxious to see her. She’d traveled with them on part of the tour but couldn’t stand it anymore after awhile and went back home.

  Joan was ushered to a suite at the top of the hotel. It looked out over a beautiful beach of white sands. The wedding coordinator met her there. Asking for any last minute details Joan was informed that she wouldn’t be seeing her bride until the ceremony in two days time. Angry at this news she demanded to know where Grace was. She ended up yelling at the woman and the guys walked into this. Surprised to see their mother in such a state they tried to calm her down. She said it was ridiculous that she and Grace be kept apart until the ceremony when it was two days away! They agreed and Bryan left to go find Grace. The wedding planner nervously twisted her hands while they waited. Craig and Adam talked to their mother about neutral subjects until Grace arrived breathless into the suite. Joan went to her and they hugged. Grace asked what on earth was going on and the wedding planner tried to explain her view on things and Grace put the damper on that. It WAS ridiculous to keep them apart until their wedding day. Yes, on the wedding day itself they wouldn’t see each other until the ceremony but in the meantime she hadn’t seen Joan in 8 weeks! The coordinator went over the last minute details and left the suite a bit annoyed.

  The boys spent about an hour with their mother and Grace before leaving them alone. Joan collapsed into Graces arms relieved to be finally alone with her. Grace held her, comforting her. The stress of the tour, the final shows, and the upcoming wedding would have gotten to anyone. After awhile Joan began to talk. She told Grace about what had happened in Sydney with that guy Jeremy. Keeping nothing back she told how frightened she had been when he almost raped her against a wall and then tried to drug her. Grace became frightened for her. She hadn’t realized as Joan became more famous how dangerous it would become for her. She finally realized how valuable Michael was but they couldn’t have him around for always. Joan assured her when they went back to Wausau that she felt he would no longer be necessary. Few clients or customers realized she lived in Wausau. Most assumed she lived in Los Angeles, a rumor she didn’t dispute. They thought she kept the Wausau gallery for an inexpensive way to ship out her prints. She didn’t dispel that idea. She hadn’t let Allan promote that she lived in Wausau at all.

  Exhausted and finally feeling safe in Graces arms she fell asleep. Grace sat there awkwardly on the couch for a long time just holding Joan. She was very frightened at the close call Joan had received in Sydney despite Joans assurances that the man was in custody and being prosecuted under the supervision of the mayor. Her arm fell asleep in it’s awkward position holding Joan. When she tried to pull it out from under Joan i
t was only held tighter. Finally Grace couldn’t bear the pain of it any longer and she woke Joan to put her to bed. Joan was so tired she wasn’t even aware that Grace undressed her and pulled the covers up. When Grace tried to leave she woke up enough to protest and Grace shrugged and stripping, joined her in the bed. Holding her close to her heart they both slept peacefully.

  Grace left the suite the next morning after a hearty breakfast of room service with Joan. Taking care of last minute details with the wedding planner took most of their day. She and Joan parted to do their own errands. She saw several of their guests arrive for the wedding and she spent time greeting them. By the time she arrived back at the suite it was late afternoon. The door was ajar as she approached it and she stuck her head in and called out “Hello?”

  “We’re in here” Joan responded and Grace found her in the bedroom.

  What she found was similar to Los Angeles. Joan was hooked up to an IV drip. A Hawaiian doctor was bending over his patient feeling her pulse. No one else was in the room. The doctor turned to look at Grace as she entered. “Are you okay Joan?” She asked alarmed.

  Smiling weakly from under the wet cloth on her forehead Joan answered “yeah, I’m fine. I wanted to be done with this before you got back.” As though that explained it all. As though you found her everyday hooked up to an IV.

  “What is going on?” Grace demanded to know. Her face was a thundercloud.

  “I got a bit lightheaded and the hotel doctor was kind enough to hook me up to the IV.” Joan explained.


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