SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP

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SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP Page 32

by K'Anne Meinel

  “Would you do me the honor of going to dinner with me?” He asked. He liked what he saw so far and he didn’t meet so many woman that he could pass this beauty up.

  “I would think you were sick of talking to me?” She smiled. She liked him. She really liked him in the small amount of time she had talked with him.

  “Not at all.”

  “Well, I don’t have any fancy clothes I can change into, it would have to be casual.”

  “Would Larry’s suit? I have a hankering for their soup.” Larry’s was a local chain of restaurants that served cheap but hearty meals.

  Agreeing she went to get her coat. She turned off lights, locked cabinets and then the front door behind her. The check was in her purse. He escorted her to his BMW. The protesters had long since left. She had never had a guy tuck her into a car before and she was impressed. He solicitously handed her the seat belt before carefully shutting the door.

  ~ CHAPTER 38 ~

  Joan awoke slowly. She could hear the rustle of a newspaper. Frowning she looked at the clock. She had slept a full fourteen hours! She felt pretty good but something was niggling at the back of her mind. Then it all came back to her. Everything from the previous day, her thoughts, her feelings and emotions, all of it. To try and change her thoughts from picking it apart she looked around the room. She saw Grace sitting in her bathrobe reading a newspaper in front of their windows. She looked back at the clock frowning.

  Grace looked up as she moved “your awake?” Her voice was soft as she came to sit on the bed.

  Nodding, Joan tried to sit up but she was caught by her long braid and it wrenched her head horribly. Laughing Grace helped her untangle as she sat up.

  Cracking her neck to work out the kinks Joan smiled at Grace. The cracks echoed in her mouth as she yawned. Looking again at the clock she turned to Grace “Aren’t you going to be late for work?”

  Shaking her head Grace said “No. I wanted to stay home with you today.” She sounded subdued.

  Joan reached out her hand and Grace grasped it. Looking down at their hands Joan began discussing yesterday. She told her thoughts, her feelings, laying it all out for Grace. She told everything she had done. Listening to her Grace felt in awe of her. The power that Joan wielded so unconsciously was incredible. Grace wasn’t so sure she shouldn’t be frightened of it, but then this was HER Joan. When Joan finished she felt raw. Grace had asked a few questions and had given her perceptions about things as well. She repeated what she had told Joan the previous night as well as speculated about Beth. She told how she felt, now, then, and during. Joan didn’t say another word, just let Grace vent her own feelings. Finally Grace felt talked out and noticing Joan’s silence she too became silent. Unable to stand it too long she felt compelled to speak, she had to know. Did Joan feel betrayed, what now, could they just go on from here? All of that came out in a breathless jumble. Joan silently watched her. Grace felt uncomfortable and asked “Well, what do we do now?”

  Joan’s expression changed with that question she looked intently at Grace and she simply said “Grace, make love with me.”

  Suprised Grace looked back and forth between Joan’s eyes. They looked like they just might tear up but they were so intense, something smoldering there. She leaned forward and began to kiss Joan. Joan returned the kiss and reached for her. The bathtowel soon was slipped off of Joan. Sighs, murmurs, and moans could be heard. It wasn’t until they had both had their first climaxes that Grace realized it wouldn’t be enough. Not only she, but Joan was still tense and restless. Joan pulled at her frustrated, the climax hadn’t been enough to release her, her body was writhing in passion, almost an agony. It set Grace on edge as well. Grace reached over the edge of the bed and opened their toy drawer. It was much later as Joan was panting “Grace” over and over again that they both relaxed. Finally, recovering her breath Grace looked over at Joan to see that she was silently crying. Joan never cried. Whether this was from the most intense sex that they had had or from the tension of the last day she didn’t know. She gathered her close and just held her. She too felt unbearable relief and tears fell from her eyes as well.

  ~ CHAPTER 39 ~

  The invitations had gone out and the Christmas party was all set. For the last two years they had a nice Christmas Eve with their friends and family and then on Christmas Day they had dinner with just their family. Grace would even be cooking the Christmas goose as they always gave Mrs. Richardson holidays off to spend with her own family. Grace was a good cook and enjoyed it. Joan helped and since this was one of the few times that she had to do this, enjoyed it. Together they had decorated the 8’ tree that Craig had delivered. It had taken all day and they were in good spirits hanging the ornaments that they had collected together. The stereo was cranked up full blast and they sung together off key and occasionally on.

  Two days before she had gone to the spa and had her hair put back into braided ropes. She was used to that and could handle it easier. Brushing out the thick braid had given her headaches. She knew Grace enjoyed the luxurious length but to paint she needed convenience. It was that or cut it and Grace agreed that would be a tragedy. She looked exotic again as she had also gotten a tan at the spa. A carefully controlled tan. She felt good too. She tried to get Grace to go but Grace didn’t like the idea. It always seemed like too much bother. Joan found her beautiful regardless.

  Coming down after getting dressed Joan found Grace had beaten her downstairs. She hadn’t seen what Grace was going to wear and she was literally blown away at it’s sexiness. Where had Grace gotten THAT. It was a silver colored gown that looped in a daring way in front emphasizing her breasts. It had spaghetti straps and a cinched waist. It hung down to her calves and fell away to show those gorgeous legs. She was wearing the jewelry that were her wedding present. Joan whistled when she saw her.

  Grace looked up and laughed at the whistle only to cut it short when she saw Joan. The spa had done wonders for Joan, physically and mentally. The familiar braids had been twisted to create a winding look that was pulled back to keep it off her face. Her makeup was impeccable but could still not completely hide the deep circles under her eyes from lack of sleep that still haunted her. In her ears she wore dripping diamonds. Around her neck she wore a diamond set of necklaces that looked as though nothing supported them the gold was so fine, almost fishwire. She wore her wedding and engagement rings and a simple diamond bracelet. Her gown though set off her hair and figure. It was black in satiny folds. Grace could only liken it to something that Marilyn Monroe had worn in some movie. She quite took away Graces breath. Coming over to where Joan stood admiring her, Grace gave her a lingering kiss smelling her erotic perfume.

  Greg and his wife Maureen with kids in tow were the first to arrive. Following them was Jason and his wife Linda who had a son that was friends with Aaron. The boys arrived en mass with spouses in tow, Aaron and Jennifer soon ran off after the other kids. Bryan had asked to bring a date and they were both curious as to this one. He brought dates to all their parties. A few other friends arrived and the party was in full swing by 8. Joan saw Bryan arrive but was called away by the caterer before she could greet him. Grace was introduced to his date and she found she liked her immediately. Everyone dressed for the party and the men in their tuxes and the woman in their gowns looked wonderful. Even the children were dressed up. Most of the children ended up playing Nintendo on their wide screen downstairs. Joan had added a few other video games for Aaron to play with when he was at their house and he shared as well as a five year old could.

  Joan was talking with Greg and Jason when Grace came up and slipped an arm around her casually. This was new. They would occasionally exchange a hand caress or a hug in public but her arm around Joan was different. Joan looked at her curiously. Grace just smiled and joined in the conversation with the men. Joan relaxed and enjoyed. Drifting away after awhile to talk to Maureen who enjoyed Joan’s artwork and was always asking about it, Joan came face to face with Bryan. He quick
ly introduced his date who he had his arm around.

  “Mom, I want you to meet Dr. Kim Warner.” He said it proudly. “Kim, my mother Joan Woods.”

  Joan had been looking at the woman in studied bemusement for about 10 seconds before she recognized her from the clinic. “Welcome to our home Dr. Warner.” She smiled and shook Kim’s hand.

  “Please, call me Kim. I thank you for having me. This place is incredible.” She had noticed the works of art displayed about the room. From seeing the catalog she was sure these were originals and worth a lot of money. The Ring that hung above the fireplace she had never seen before but thought it a departure from Joan’s usual work.

  “Mom designed it herself” Bryan told her.

  “Wow an artist and an architect?” Kim was trying hard to fit in. It was obvious that Bryan and his brother’s who she had met before this night all adored their mother. The way they talked about this woman you could not help but feel intimidated by her reputation. Kim had done some research on the internet and was amazed at the news articles about her as well as seeing some of the artwork that she had done. She’d even found a news article about the stalker in LA. This woman was amazing. She looked forward to getting to know her but was intimidated and unsure all the same. She looked incredible too. Her braids were to her hips and the style suited her better than the single thick braid she had seen her wear to the clinic.

  “Bryan exaggerates. I drew it roughly and then we hired an architect to do the final drawing.” Joan laughed.

  Kim soon realized that this beautiful exotic woman was very down to earth. She made Kim feel very welcome in her home. Kim wasn’t sure what she had expected after the visit to the clinic but a woman of all her accomplishments and achievements as well as her money she thought should have been a bit of a snob. She watched her with her grandson and granddaughter, amazed that a woman who looked as she did was a grandmother. She didn’t even blink when she saw Joan catch Grace under the mistletoe for a quick peck. It was obvious that she adored her family. She loved Grace. Joan asked her about the clinic and Kim enthusiastically told her all about it. She had sent a card of thank you for the check but felt that was so small in comparison to the gift. She told Joan all about the improvements. She told her a few of her fears as well. Apparently they had a new landlord and she worried that their lease might not be renewed at years end. Joan quietly informed her that she had arranged the purchase. The lease would be renewed. Kim was really thrown by this but was saved by Grace coming up to talk again.

  Grace was an interesting woman in her own right. She and Kim had so much in common. They shared stories with everyone about being residents at their hospitals and they compared notes. She relaxed by talking with Grace, still intimidated by Joan. Grace and she drifted off and Kim was surprised to see The Grace. It wasn’t in the catalog but it was similar to one she had seen called Grace, Hope, Charity, Wisdom, and Compassion. She’d heard about it’s donation to LA Medical. This one though was simpler. Looking at it she realized it was Grace who stood next to her. Wow, a famous artist had painted this woman who stood next her as the model. Grace showed her others in the room including The Ring. She showed Kim the end result of that sketch on her finger, ears, necklace, bracelet, and anklet. Kim was impressed, even more so when the story was explained to her. To be loved so was incredible.

  Bryan was very proud of Kim. He knew how she felt about his mother. She admired her but had been sure that Joan wouldn’t think her good enough for Bryan. She was a few years older than he. She ran a clinic. He had told her over and over again not to worry about it. His mother wasn’t like that. All his reassurances hadn’t worked. He’d taken her out dancing one night meeting up with his brother’s and their spouses. They all had a marvelous time. Listening to family gossip about Joan, Kim had felt even more insecure. The only way to get her over it Bryan felt was to get her over here to meet his mother. This had been the only opportunity. When Kim heard it was formal she nearly declined but Gwen went shopping with her and they found a modest but sexy gown that she could wear and afford. When Bryan had picked her up he was impressed and let her know it.

  The party went well for everyone. Joan and Grace had funny thoughtful little gifts for everyone, nothing expensive but just the thought that counts. The couples with children left early in case Santa Claus should come. Once people started leaving though it became a constant trickle of good-byes. The caterers cleaned up the snack trays and meat platters. Joan locked up as Grace made sure things were cleared away. Grabbing her under the mistletoe for one final kiss, Grace wished her Merry Christmas. Joan pulled her back for another kiss to wish her a Merry Christmas. Smiling, laughing, they went to bed.

  Christmas dawned with snow falling lightly about the chalet. Those big soft flakes that make the best snowmen. For once Joan awoke before Grace. Tiptoeing she took her presents and placed them around Grace. She wasn’t too quiet as Grace woke up. Smiling, she leaned over and gave her a big kiss goodmorning. Grace tried to pull her back to bed but she resisted and shoved a present at her. Grace said that they had to wait until she had gotten Joan’s gifts.

  Joan gave her a book that she had been looking for awhile, it was in excellent condition and when Grace looked she found it was a first edition as well. Joan gave her funny gifts, practical ones, and one real special pendant. A sun moon combination that Grace had admired at the mall one day when they were out shopping. Joan noticed everything, Grace thought. Grace gave her her packages. Joan opened funny socks, a computer game she could share with Aaron, several beautiful blouses, music by her favorite artists that she never had time to shop for, and a weird kind of collar thing. Puzzled at this last gift Joan looked at Grace alarmed. They had never been into S&M paraphernalia and this looked distinctly like that. Grace saw her look and pretended she hadn’t. Cleaning up the wrappings from their bed, they quickly got dressed for their guests and to get the dinner going.

  Craig and Jane with her bulging stomach were the first to arrive with Aaron and Jennifer. The kids were so exited at what Santa had brought them that Aaron talked for a full 10 minutes before he could be calmed down. Looking under Grandma and Graces tree the kids could see packages. Aaron even made out his name on a couple.

  Adam and Gwen arrived half an hour later with her stomach bulging as well. She complained that Jane made it look easy and she was waddling like a duck already. They added packages to the ones under the tree.

  Anxious, Aaron asked if they could open them NOW? Laughing they said they had to wait for Bryan.

  Bryan arrived kind of late. Joan had just started to worry when the tone sounded for the gate and he let himself in. Carrying packages in his arms Craig rushed to help him remove them and carry them to the tree. He handed one large package to Grace and she walked over to Joan and said Merry Christmas a delighted smile on her face. Joan was taken aback as they had exchanged their gifts earlier and in private. Furthermore, they usually started with the kids opening a gift and then one at a time. Smiling confusedly she went to shake the big box but an alarmed Grace said “Don’t!”

  Joan sat down with the package on her lap. The box moved on it’s own. Very clearly and distinctly the box shifted on it’s own. “What in the world?” Joan said as she tore the box open to find a black poodle puppy inside. “Awww” she said reaching inside of the box to pull the frightened pup out. Eager to please, it had been scary in that box, it quickly tried to lick kisses over it’s rescuer. Laughing at it’s antic’s Joan quickly held it close. Aaron and Jennifer made a beeline for Grandma and the puppy, exclaiming over it as it tried to kiss them too.

  Craig watched his mother’s happy face and then his children’s equally ecstatic ones. He had wanted a dog for awhile but Jane didn’t want the mess. Looking over at Jane he saw her enjoying her children’s joy. Jane looked up at Grace and said “you know you started something now, you troublemaker you?”

  Grace smiled and laughed with the rest. “They will have another excuse to come visit then won’t they?
” There had already been trouble a few times with Aaron. Grandma and Grace had all the best toys over at their house. He wanted to always come over here whenever he could. They gave him undivided attention but didn’t spoil him. He loved this house. They would take him swimming in summer, they had the jacuzzi, the widescreen tv and games, and NOW they had a puppy? Wow, what a lucky grandma.

  Jennifer gently took the puppy on her lap and started petting it. It had calmed down after it’s initial exuberance. She squealed loudly when it peed on her though. Laughing, Joan helped her up and picked the puppy off of her. Grace ran to the kitchen for towels. Bryan went out to his car for the kennel cage that Grace had bought and they set it up near the back deck. The kids would take the puppy out frequently that day and praise it for doing it’s ‘duty.’

  Joan thanked Grace and with her eyes sent silent messages. She was relieved that the collar that she had received this morning now made sense. The kids for once didn’t want to open presents with the excitement of a puppy but Grandma threatened to give the presents to a charity and they quickly opened them. Each adult had given all the other adults at least one gift. Among the exclamations and surprise of each gift, Joan silently gave each of the boys an envelope. It contained equal shares of a vacation house that she had purchased for all of them in Barbados. Thrilled and overwhelmed at this gift they all gave her a hearty thanks. The present giving had come to an end and they all enthusiastically discussed vacationing down in the islands. Plans were tentatively made for spring or fall or next winter. Meanwhile, the house could be rented out to vacationers when they weren’t planning on using it themselves.


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