A Mate for the Beta:

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A Mate for the Beta: Page 6

by E A Price

  “Carrie! I told you she was nuts.” News travelled fast in this town, undoubtedly everyone knew what had happened.

  Alec growled at his Alpha. Adam had advised Alec from taking Carrie to bed, but at the time his wolf had been very horny and all he could think was – what’s the worst that could happen?

  Alec scowled remembering Carrie’s treatment of Liv.

  Adam narrowed his eyes. “So, you and Liv?”

  Alec snapped to attention and looked at his Alpha. Adam laughed roughly. “Yeah I kind of guessed after you nearly bit my head of yesterday. I don’t think anyone else has realised. Or if they have they’re too scared of you to say anything.”

  Alec looked at his hands thoughtfully. “Good, I need to be the one to tell her. What do... what do you think of her?” Alec turned his eyes to his Alpha watching him carefully, waiting for any deceit but also wary of what his wolf may do if he didn’t like the answer.

  “I think she’s a sweet woman who will make a good mate. I’ll be proud to have her in my pack. I’m happy for you man.”

  Alec was not usually given to self-doubt but he agonized over his mate. “I wish she weren’t so young or innocent... she’s too good for me... what will people think when they see us together?”

  Adam looked at him shrewdly. “Doesn’t matter what people think. Would you have preferred she were ten years older and had been with a lot of other men? You think you have the type of wolf that could handle that?”

  Alec was visibly shaken just thinking about it, his claws flexing again. Adam continued unperturbed.

  “I think she’s wiser than her years and the two of you go together well. Just try not to act too jealous until you’re bonded, she may not like you gutting people left right and centre.”

  Alec glared at his Alpha. He was right though.

  Alec looked sheepish. “I uh sort of asked her to come out for a drink tonight, she sort of said yes.”

  Adam forced himself not to laugh. Seeing his Beta, normally so stoic and controlled, become a nervous jibbering wreck due to a cute five foot witch was too funny. “Sort of?”

  “I suggested she come to the bar... and then I said that lots of the pack would be there.”

  Adam raised an eyebrow. “So really you just suggested she go to the bar and buy herself a drink. What did she say?”

  Alec looked grim. “That she had plans with a friend but would try to stop by.”

  Adam rubbed his temples. He wanted Alec to be happy, but he needed Alec not to go nuts and start hurting people because his mate rejected him. It occurred to Adam that Alec didn’t actually have much experience dating.

  The man had spent the better part of his teenage years as a rogue wolf, drifting from town to town, fighting and challenging other wolfs, he allowed his wolf total control and almost became completely feral.

  Then as an adult Alec was too worried that he may turn back into a rogue that he had never allowed a woman close to him, for fear he might lose control and hurt her. Seducing a bar bunny was one thing, trying to date a sweet young woman was another.

  Alec sighed heavily.

  “Look, we’ll get a few pack members to show up who will make both you and her feel comfortable, like my sister and Carly. Maybe even Acksel... although he might be on patrol. Anyone else you would trust round your mate?”

  He could only grudgingly trust Adam and to a lesser degree Acksel round her, who else would be suitable? Of course... “Liv’s friendly with the librarian Terri Lin, she’s dating Mal Tanner. As long as Mal was with Terri that would be okay I guess.”

  Adam snorted. “You mean that hot Chinese woman is dating Malcolm ‘the terror’ Tanner? That pup has certainly done well for himself there. I’ll tell him he’s to come to the bar and bring Terri. Right, she’ll be comfortable as part of a group and then Mac and Carly can distract her friend, and you get Liv alone. Easy.”

  Yep, it definitely sounded easy.

  Chapter Seven

  Liv stood outside Bar Luna wringing her hands. Where was he? After lying to Alec about having plans she suddenly had to find a friend in which to have plans with.

  She had tried Terri, but she already had plans to go to Bar Luna with her friend Mal and would see her there anyway. She had tried Melody who unfortunately had a migraine and begged off ever leaving her bed again. A couple of other young witches, Kayleigh and Dena, had balked at the idea of going into a pack owned bar. Lambs to the slaughter...

  Finally she had given in and called her oldest and most reliable shoulder to cry on – Ed. Edward Buchanan was a red wolf shifter. He was a few years older than her, but they had grown up playing together as their mothers were friends. Ed was funny, charming, self deprecating and generous to a fault. If she told him she needed him to rush over to Rose because she needed his help he wouldn’t hesitate. She felt totally guilty but that is exactly what she did do.

  Ed had readily agreed to come see her, in spite of the distance. He lived in Alexandria, which was about an hour and a half drive from Rose, at least it was the way Ed drove. The brake pedal practically had cobwebs on it.

  She’d been slowly getting more and more nervy about going to Bar Luna. After leaving Agatha’s house she had gone home and tried to garden, read, watch TV, have a bath, bake some cakes, but everything had only added to her discomfort.

  Eventually after Emerald had snapped at her for being squirmy she had gone to her room and turned her wardrobe inside out trying to find something to wear. After trying twenty different options she settled on a scoop neck, sleeveless dress with a butterfly pattern. Throwing on a blue cardigan and some flat pumps she had snuck out, thanks to Kayleigh distracting Emerald, and now she was impatiently waiting for Ed to arrive.

  She heard the roar of an engine and thanked the heavens that he had arrived! Ed parked the car and came bounding over to her. He was just turned 25 but still had the enthusiasm of a 13 year old. Red wolves were smaller than greys and Ed was five foot ten and lean, but he was strong and had sinewy muscles.

  He had strawberry blonde hair that only added to his angelic appearance. He had a boyish pretty face that that meant that he could get away with just about anything. Older women practically melted for him. As a lawyer it came in very handy when addressing any female jury members, or judges...

  They had been platonic friends for so long, since Liv was 5 years old, and had a strong bond that didn’t diminish after she moved to Rose following her parent’s death.

  “Liv!” He hugged her and she eagerly hugged him back. Ed’s natural zeal making her forget her nervousness.

  He gave her a lopsided smile. “I’m a bit surprised you wanted to come here, you don’t drink.”

  Liv blushed and looked away. Ed snorted with laughter. “So it’s about a guy? About time...”

  Ed had dated prolifically since he was 14, always older women with the one exception of his ex-fiancée Helena. Who, in Liv’s opinion, was best forgotten.

  Liv hadn’t dated. Ed had tried unsuccessfully to set her up with a few of his pack members over the years, only managing her to agree to one with a sensitive young wolf called Devon. As it turned out he was too sensitive and they settled with being friends, Ed suspected Liv needed to be pushed into a relationship by a dominant male.

  Liv wrung her hands. “It’s hard to explain... I’m not sure...”

  Ed held up his hand. “You don’t have to explain, I’m happy to help any way I can.”

  Liv smiled at him. Thank god for Ed, he never judged, never demanded explanation, he just supported her. She was thankful they were friends.

  “Shall we go in? I’ve never been in here before. It’s a pack bar right?”

  “Hmmm, yes.”

  Ed nodded thoughtfully and held the door open. He whispered in her ear as she passed him, “abandon hope all ye who enter here...”


  Adam looked up to see Liv entering the bar in the company of a young man. She was giggling. His wolf grumbled. Thankfully Alec hadn’t arrive
d yet so there was time to extricate Liv from him.

  He didn’t appear quite human. Sniffing, he realised, the boy was a red wolf. Adam didn’t have a problem with other species but Liv being in the company of another wolf wouldn’t go down well with his Beta.

  “Liv, over here!” Adam called out to her, beckoning her to his perch at the bar.

  The young man grinned and confidently strode through the bar pulling Liv behind him. Liv looked like she wished she were invisible. Good. She wasn’t trying to attract any male attention.

  “Hi” said the young man forwardly. Ed sniffed and sensing the Alpha in Adam Ed bared his neck in deference.

  Adam nodded his head approvingly and held out his hand. “Adam Grey, Alpha.”

  Ed took it and grinned. “Ed Buchanan, lawyer.”

  Adam and Liv exchanged hellos. “Can I get you two a drink?”

  They both said yes, Ed asked for a beer and Liv a soda.

  Adam motioned for Andy the bartender to come over. Andy was a six foot nine bear shifter. His imposing stature and demeanour belied his laid-back temperament. It did however mean there were very few bar fights.

  Adam introduced the three of them. Andy rubbed his jaw looking at Ed. “Red wolf huh? Don’t see many in these parts. You from the Alexandria pack?”

  “Sure am, just visiting. We don’t see many black bears in the city either, nice to meet you man.”

  Andy rumbled satisfactorily. “You too brother, and you sweetie, I’ll get your drinks.”

  Adam relaxed a little. Ed seemed like a good guy, and he couldn’t detect any feelings of arousal between him and her. Liv was actually looking round the bar distractedly, she looked disappointed.

  Watching her closely Adam said. “Some of my pack members are joining me soon, I know that Alec shouldn’t be long.” Her eyes widened and her breasts heaved but she didn’t say anything.

  “So how do you two know each other?” Asked Adam nonchalantly.

  “We grew up together” said Liv, “our mothers were friends.”

  “Yep, I’ve known her since she was tiny... well she still is tiny.” Ed oofed as Liv elbowed him. “Her tiny elbows are like knives though, which came in handy when...” Ed proceeded to recount a story of when they were younger and had decided to earn money selling lemonade by the side of the road, and how some bullies had tried to destroy the stand. Liv got cross and elbowed one of them breaking his nose, and then proceeded to stomp on all their feet and throw lemonade over them.

  Adam chuckled. He sensed the affection between the two and was relieved that it was friendly and not passionate.

  The door was thrown open and his sister Mac bounded into the bar laughing and joking with two other wolves. One of which had his hand pressed lightly on her back. Adam narrowed his eyes and watched the male closely. He knew his sister was a grown woman but the thought of any man touching her irritated him.

  The wolf, whose name was Luke, either didn’t notice the look or just didn’t care. Adam’s wolf growled at the possible challenge to his authority but decided to ignore it for the moment.

  “Have you met Liv?”

  Mac looked at the blonde witch with interest. “I don’t think so, I’m Mac. How are you? Aren’t you the niece of that harpy Emerald Cole? No offence.”

  Adam huffed at her. Liv hesitated slightly. “Nice to meet you too... and yes I am.”

  Adam interrupted before Mac could put her foot in her mouth again. Sometimes she was like an untrained pup. “And this is Ed.”

  The gray wolves looked at him in interest. With an exaggerated whisper Ed said to Liv, “they’re not going to hunt me for sport are they?”

  Adam slapped him on the back, “nah we only do that on the full moon. My big mouth sister has already introduced herself, this is Carly and Luke.” Adam introduced the other two wolves and everyone said hello to one another.

  Carly placed a hand on Liv’s arm and immediately she felt at ease. “It’s nice to meet you Liv.” The small wolf oozed calm. Of course! Carly was the pack’s Omega, she was connected to all the pack member’s emotions and had a soothing influence on people. The Omega was a treasured member of the pack.

  Adam hadn’t expected Luke to be there but he knew the younger wolf had liked his sister for years, so doubted it would be a problem with regard to Liv. With regard to Mac though...

  Andy brought theirs drinks over slamming them down on the bar.

  Mac unconsciously took a step away from Luke. “Andy, I didn’t think you were working tonight...”

  “Joe called in sick. Drink?” His tone was clipped and the man was tense. A murderous look was directed at Luke who didn’t seem to either notice or care.

  They ordered and Mac slipped into uncharacteristic silence. Adam worried about the sudden change in both his sister and Andy. If something was going on with Andy he would need to have a serious discussion with the bear. Meaning ‘warn him off’. Not something he relished. But he hated the thought of his baby sister getting hurt, and Andy was a married man...

  “Aww come on Kim, just one drink.” Liv turned round to see a tall young wolf whining at Kim, he was holding onto Terri’s hand tightly while she tried to hide behind him in embarrassment. Liv guessed this was Terri’s new boytoy Mal Tanner. Since having her heart broken by an older lover Terri only dated men younger than her. Liv had to admit that Mal was exceptionally good looking though, and apparently under 21.

  Kim rolled her eyes. “No. You’re underage, I can’t sell you anything I’ll lose my license. I only allow you in here because you’re with an adult.” Kim nodded to Terri who flushed. Not great to be told you’re your date’s babysitter.

  Mal’s face flashed with anger, he spoke through gritted teeth. “I just want to buy my girl a drink. Not even an alcoholic one!”

  Every other person was watching the exchange with interest. Terri tugged on Mal’s arm. “I’ll buy the drinks it doesn’t matter.”

  He looked at her pretty face and instantly he calmed. “Baby I should be the one...”

  “Mal!” Yelled Adam, he’d allowed the young wolf enough free rein and it was time Mal backed down. Mal looked suitably chastised and bared his neck to his Alpha. “Kim, get Mal a soda and whatever the lady would like, put it on my tab. Come join us.”

  Mal draped an arm over Terri and led her over to the other wolves and Liv, grinning. He wasn’t in the least uncomfortable by what had just happened. Terri was trying to look invisible.

  Adam introduced everyone. Mac and Luke were chuckling at Mal, who didn’t seem to care. Carly laid a hand on Terri’s arm as she had with Liv and a warm smile lit up Terri’s face, and she relaxed into Mal’s arm who in turn snuggled closer to her. They look adorable together thought Liv a little jealously.

  Mac and Luke floated away and were soon deep in conversation, Mac flicking her eyes at the bear bartender every few minutes.

  “Ed, I’m surprised to see you here. Life in Alexandria too boring for you?” Asked Terri, a sparkle returning to her eyes.

  Mal’s arm stiffened around her. “You already know each other?”

  “Sure” said Ed easily ignoring Mal’s suspicious tone, “we met at University, Terri worked at the library while I was an undergrad.”

  “Then he introduced me to Liv...”

  “Then when Terri was looking for a new job I suggested she apply here.” Said Liv happily, “everything worked out really well.”

  “Sure did.” Mal took a swig of the soda Kim had brought him and gave Terri a squeeze.

  “Although”, began Liv a cheeky smile on her face, “I still don’t understand what Ed was doing in the library, I thought you prided yourself on getting through School without ever seeing the inside of a library.”

  Terri giggled. “Well he wasn’t in there to study...”

  Adam smirked knowing where this was going. “What was he doing then?” Asked Carly puzzled.

  Terri rolled her eyes. “There’s a camera blind spot on the second floor, next to palaeont
ology. The kids use it to... you know... make out...”

  “In a library?!” Carly could be quite naive. “Is that legal?”

  “Well as a lawyer” started Ed with mock pomposity, “I can promise you it definitely isn’t, which is why it’s fun!”

  Terri beamed. “Well I certainly found it funny, before that day nobody had ever tried to argue that reading books without your clothes on actually helped you absorb the information better.”

  “Really?” Adam was liking the red wolf more and more.

  “Yep, our boy here is a born lawyer.” Giggled Liv.

  “No argument too dumb.” Muttered Terri quietly.

  Adam excused himself to go to the bathroom. Ed called over to Kim to get him another beer giving her a devilish grin and a wink. Handing it to him she winked in return, and he watched her retreat with interest focussing on her rear. Liv elbowed him again and he yelped.

  “Tiny knives remember?!”

  “Oh wah wah wah crybaby!”

  Ed hooted with laughter and flinging an arm round her shoulders kissed her temple.

  A huge roar resounded through the bar. That’s when it all went to hell.


  A few minutes earlier.

  Alec wiped his hands on his jeans. He was nervous and sweating. Why was he nervous? Just because he was about to see his mate and the mother of his future pups, the woman who his entire happiness rested upon, there was no reason to be nervous. Was there?

  He sucked in a breath before pushing the door open. He scanned the room, taking in the familiar sights, people and scents. The worn bar stools, the shabby booths and dog-eared landscape pictures on the walls. The smell of alcohol, sweat, perfume and arousal? It wasn’t such a surprise, people came here to hook up all the time. But the smell had never been so strong before tonight.

  He noted numerous people he knew before alighting on his mate. His heart stopped. She was wearing a tight low cut sundress and looked achingly beautiful. She was surrounded by a few people who apparently were hilarious because she suddenly laughed. Her shoulders shook making her breasts jiggle. The smell of arousal increased.

  Alec looked round the bar wildly. Male after male was looking at his mate. Ogling her bountiful breasts, lusting after what belonged to him. His blood boiled. They had no right to look at her!


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