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Panther Protection

Page 3

by Gracie Meadows

  “Grrr, I hate it when you make me see logic. Fine, I will try.” Before they could talk anymore Gage came into the room and looked at her. Turning, he stared at her and his eyebrows furrowed, creasing in the middle as he frowned down at her. She didn’t know what she did this time. When he approached, he lifted his hand and gently put his thumb to her cheek to collect the tear that had fallen. She had forgotten she had been crying.


  Gage walked into the room because he could feel her sadness and didn’t want to disturb their conversation, but he caught the fact she thought she was broken, and it ate at him. He needed to talk to Axel, especially if she thought it was why Axel was pushing her away. Gage wanted Millie like he wanted his next breath, and he admitted he would love to see her smile again. When he first met her, she was spunky and a complete smartass and she smiled and laughed a lot, now she seemed too closed off. He could only imagine what she went through with the fucker who had her—if he wasn’t dead, he would hunt him down and skin him before gutting him. What Becky did to him was quick and merciful compared to what he would do.

  When he walked into the room he saw small tears rolling down her face. She had stopped, but the tear still remained. He collected it and looked at it, then at her. He never wanted to see her cry, not like this. “Don’t cry,” was all he said before he leaned down and kissed the top of her head. She didn’t move, she just sat there. When he lifted his lips from her sweet smelling hair, she looked at him wiping any remains of tears that she might have missed and smiled at him, but it wasn't a full smile.

  “Sorry, time to go?” she asked as she stood. He nodded and held his hand out for hers, he hoped she would take it. She looked at his hand and then back to Becky who sat on the bed still trying to tell her something. Millie rolled her eyes and took his hand as they headed down the stairs. Axel wasn’t in the house, but as soon as they reached the bottom, Nik and Dmitri smiled at her and said they would see her tonight, then headed upstairs, most likely to check on Becky.

  They reached the truck just as Axel climbed in the driver side. It actually pissed him off that Axel was acting more like a dick around Millie than he normally did. He really did need to talk to him, and it was going to be the longest speech he had ever said. He helped Millie in the front seat and he took the back. Millie said nothing, and the ride home was quiet. It didn’t take long for them to make it home and Millie didn’t wait for them, she jumped out and headed to her room. Axel growled in disapproval because he wanted to check the inside before she left, but she wasn’t going to have any of it. Before they headed inside, he stopped Axel.

  “It’s time to talk.” Axel looked at him, slightly shocked.

  “You mean me talk, you be quiet other than a few words, Gage, really, you going to talk now?” Axel knew he was hitting below the belt, but he wasn’t going to have it. There was a good reason he didn’t talk, and it was one that even Axel didn’t like to be reminded of.

  Gage had just turned five and Axel seven when the men and woman in cloaks came. They had killed Gage's parents as soon as they walked in the door and Axel had kept him hidden in the small hole under the floor boards as the blood of his mom dripped down on him. Gage tried not to cry as someone was cussing at his dad for dying and not living long enough. They wanted his dad’s energy, the Coven is what they called themselves. Axel kept his hand over his mouth to quiet him, but it didn’t seem to do any good, because they found them anyway. The floor seemed to be lifted off them and they all stood around looking down at them covered in dirt, tears, and the blood of his mom. They grabbed Axel first, but he fought them, trying to hit and bite, Gage didn’t know what to do. He just wanted his mom, and was scared. He yelled with all his might, but nothing came out. He ran to the man who had his hand around Axel’s throat, squeezing. He could see that he was killing him. He charged the man and knocked him off his balance enough to let go. He threw Axel against a wall and he heard a sickening crack, then Axel didn’t move, bleeding from his head. Gage grew more enraged and suddenly the change took him, which didn’t normally take place until panthers reach the age of sixteen. He bit into the man’s hand as he went to grab him, ripping pieces of his flesh off. Someone came behind him and tried to grab Gage and back him into a corner. They should have known to never lock a cat in the corner, that's when his panther took over and Gage couldn’t remember anything, until someone came running to him in panther form. He thought it was his mother, but soon realized it was Axel’s mom. He saw the bodies of his parents and the Coven laying on the ground. They helped Gage force the change back to his human form, but Axel was left hurt pretty bad. The change had happened so quickly it took everything out of Gage, allowing for darkness to take him.

  Gage woke up a week later with only a small bandage on his arm, but Axel lay in the bed next to him. Doctors weren’t sure if he would wake because of the blood loss, and the brain swelling. Even though he was a shifter, he wasn’t able to shift forms to help heal himself. It was all because of him. Axel had tried to keep him quiet, but he still cried, wanting his mom. He was the reason Axel might not have lived. From that moment forward he told himself he wouldn’t say anything to anyone unless he needed to. Because what he said could take someone’s life and he didn’t want ever feel responsible if it were to happen.

  Shaking his head, it was time to face the issue at hand and let the past go. Axel healed and Gage lived with them, but he hadn’t spoken to anyone unless he had something to say. Now it was time to talk.

  Chapter Four

  Axel sat down at the small kitchen table and waited to hear what Gage had to say. He knew it was a low blow to bring up him not talking, but he was mad. He knew he was an ass, but knowing Millie was having issues with people only made him mad at himself. He wanted to make her better and hell, maybe they could all except this mating and move on. He originally didn’t want a mate, ever. He didn’t want to be tied down to someone and rely on them for comfort, but now he was seeing a different side of it. He admitted his parents had a nice relationship, and were always so attentive to each other, but it was odd for panthers to have more than one mate, and knowing that he and Gage were going to share was going to be interesting. Deciding he was going to need a drink, he went to grab a beer and waited. Gage followed him and grabbed a beer too, hell, it was only two in the afternoon now, but it was five o’clock somewhere. Popping the top, he chugged half the bottle in one gulp.

  “So what’s so important that you need to talk?”

  “Millie” was all Gage said and knew this was going to be like chewing on nails.

  “What about her?”

  “You need to be nice, you’re making her feel like shit.”

  “Me? I’m making her feel like shit, really. Pretty pretty princess can’t handle being told no and how things are. She wants things her way and no one else matters.”

  “Damn it, Axel, listen to yourself. You are being an asshole to her. She is hurting and you don’t see it.”

  “Hurting, what at night? Yeah, I hear her at night. I’dm have to be deaf not to hear her. She just needs to get over it and she will be fine.”

  “She thinks you don’t want her because you think she is broken.” The statement made him stop and actually think. She thinks she is broken. Why would she think that?

  “Really, how did you find that out?”

  “I overheard her say it to Becky. You need to try to be nicer to her.”

  “Shit, man, come on, this is the most we have ever talked and your telling me to be nicer to her. Not fair. I don’t know why she thinks we think she is broken. Okay, what can we do?”

  “I don’t know. Just be there.”

  “Fine, I will try.” And what shocked him more was Gage said nothing after that, he just nodded and left. Why the hell did he have to be quiet now, but the longer he sat there thinking about it, he thought maybe they all were a little broken? Millie had issues with finding out her past, and what had just happened. He was an asshole, but that was becaus
e he wanted to protect everyone around him. Hell, they didn’t think he would ever wake up and he proved to them he was strong, even back then. Even Gage was broken as well. He never spoke unless he needed to. Drinking the last of his beer, he decided to lay down a bit because it might be a long night at the BBQ, they tended to run late.

  He headed up the stairs and heard singing. Thinking Millie left the radio on, he peeked into her room since her door was cracked. He stood there shocked and rooted to the spot. She had her headphones on and was dancing around the room, singing to herself. Her voice was amazing, so angelic and clear. Axel watched as she was lost in the moment of the song, which he didn’t have a clue what it was, and didn't know who sang it, but coming out of Millie, it was something to behold. He heard she had talent, but hearing about it, then actually hearing her was something else. She had an amazing talent. Her brown hair was down and flowing freely as she twirled, throwing her arms out hitting a long note. The sound vibrated throughout him and made him see her in a different light. The same light she had been in when he first met her. Carefree and full of life, music was her outlet, and truth be told, he loved music and even played guitar. He originally learned how to try to impress chicks, but now he played to calm himself and just get lost in the sounds. That is how he was going to get to her. He needed to talk with Gage and maybe even Becky tonight about his idea, but one way or another he would break her, and just listening to her sing now, she was breaking him. He headed to his room, he needed some sleep and to think.


  Five o’clock came quick for Gage as he went and knocked on Millie’s door. She was writing something down in a notebook. She looked up and smiled. “That time already. Okay let me grab my shoes and the fruit salad I made and we can leave.” He nodded and went to the room Axel was staying in. He found him sitting at the small desk with his laptop looking something up. “Be right down,” he said without breaking eye contact.” Shrugging, he headed downstairs. He knew it was only about a seven minute drive to the Alpha’s house, so he could wait for them to come down. He grabbed the dish Millie made at some point and waited. She was down before Axel and the two of them headed to the truck. One minute later Axel locked up the house and climbed into the driver side and they were off.

  By the way the cars were lined up everyone was there and they were the last to arrive. They all got out of the truck and headed inside. He was shocked to see that Tiny had come, he had assumed he would head back to Texas, but he said he was on vacation so he could stay a little longer. Of course Lilly was there, and Mike was sitting in the study drinking, looking out the window. It seemed he was still having a hard time adjusting to everything without his girlfriend, Sandy. She had mated with her true mate, right before he proposed to her. Gage felt sorry for the poor man, it made him appreciate having a mate so much more. He made his way to the kitchen and spotted Lisa working away on what looked like a pot of baked beans. He handed her the fruit when she looked up.

  “Awe, thanks, Gage. Why don’t you go have a seat outside, we are almost done here, and steaks should be ready soon.” He smiled after nodding his response and headed outside to see the slew of people sitting at the picnic tables. Dmitri, Nik, and their mate, Becky, Tiny, Cece, Lilly, Millie, and Axel, and the Alpha was grilling the last of the food. He heard Mike say he would be out in a minute. As he approached, he took the seat next to Millie that Axel left for him as the Alpha put the platter of steaks down. It didn’t take long for all of them to dish up the food and everyone sat around eating.

  “You know I love this and all, but would it hurt once in a while to have some Salmon?” Tiny asked as he finished the last of his steak. It made everyone laugh.

  “I’m so sorry, Tiny, I forget your bear likes fish too, and don’t you panthers too? Being part of a wolf pack, its normally red meat. Maybe we could switch it up here and there,” Lisa said before laughing again. All in all it was a nice evening. Gage was happy to see that Axel didn’t say anything to piss off Millie. She seemed to be having a good time and they were laughing when everyone started drinking. Becky was sad she couldn’t, so he opted out of the shots that Millie insisted they needed to have, plus he had to drive. Tiny seemed game since Lisa had offered him a room, and Cece was going to stay in the same room with Lilly. Nik and Dmitri didn’t because Becky gave them this ridiculous pouty face.

  Lisa came out caring a bottle of Tequila and soon lime was on the table with shakers of salt. “Okay first one is normal, then we figure out something funny for the other one,” Tint suggested. They all agreed as he watched the golden liquid being poured. They all lined up, licked their hand, shook salt on them, then grabbed a lime before grabbing the shot glass. Becky laughed and counted to three and all of them licked it, slammed it, and sucked it as Becky liked to say. He couldn’t help but chuckle at the look on the faces of some of the people. Lilly looked like she was going to puke, Millie and Cece made weird puckered faces while Tiny and Axel smiled and winked at the woman.

  “Okay next one…”

  “Should be done with no hands,” Cece said. They all seemed to agree, but decided to take turns.

  “Millie, you go first.” She nodded and licked the rim of her glass sprinkling salt in it before the liquid was poured. She seemed to take a deep breath before placing her hands behind her back. She bent over, licked the salt before opening her mouth wide to take the whole shot glass in, covering it with her lips as she lifted it up and back, allowing her to swallow the alcohol. His cock stood up and took notice as she did this small act. Once she swallowed it all she dropped the glass down before grabbing the lime with her teeth. When she was done she laughed, and it was a wholehearted laugh that made him smile. She was having a good time and he shifted in his seat, laughing and adjusting himself at the same time. They did two more shots normal before someone said time to pair up.

  Millie was feeling a nice warm tingling as her body was absorbing the alcohol. Maybe this is what she needed, to get drunk and forget all her problems, but she had to admit that Axel was being nicer than normal. He was actually calling her by name, and not a princess. That name seem to piss her off more because of how he said it. He made her feel like she was a spoiled brat, yeah, she admitted she was used to getting her way, but it had always been that way. Her Gran told her no several times, but in the end she always got what she wanted. Now after four shots, Becky shouted out time to pair up. She automatically went to Cece, but was redirected by Tiny.

  “Now ya’ll this is male female. Alpha pair together, Mike is with Lilly, well, if she stays upright, I get sweet little Cece, and you miss Millie have grouchy Axel. Now women first.” She wasn’t sure about this as she looked at Axel. He was looking at her as if he wanted to eat her. She gulped back her fear and watched him place the salt on his hand and grab her shot glass and a lime. When Becky said go, she licked the salt off his hand and grabbed the glass and swallowed the tequila. It no longer burned going down, or if it did, she didn’t feel it anymore. She reached out and took the lime from his hand. He watched as she bit into the tart fruit allowing the juices to mingle with the bitter of the liquor. His eyes started to change to a golden color, and she knew she was getting to him. After the shot was done, they said to switch. She prepared the salt, tequila, and grabbed the lime. She smiled at him and he smirked, probably wondering what she had planned.

  Once again Becky said go, and Axel leaned down and licked the salt off her hand, his rough tongue left a fiery wake, making her inside dance. He grabbed the shot glass swallowing down the liquid but before he could take the lime from her hand, she had already placed the rind between her teeth holding the fruit captive in her mouth. He growled just as he opened his mouth and took the lime but not quick enough to avoid their lips from touching. She gasped as the desire she felt for him hit her square in the gut with the force of a mac truck. But before she could try to grab the lime again, it fell, and his lips were on hers as his tongue pushed its way inside her mouth. The lasting taste of the lime still fre
sh as he dominated the kiss. His hand let go of whatever he was holding as he grasped her hair with one hand, moving her head to where he wanted it and pulling it ever so slightly, and the other went to her ass thrusting her toward his body. She moaned at the contact and he growled in response. This wasn’t a simple kiss like she had had before from other men, this was kiss to conquer and claim her. The kiss she had with Gage was similar, but his was softer, where Axel was all male and taking what he wanted while she was lost in his desire he had for her at that moment.

  Someone cleared their throat making him break contact with her lips. “Well, it seems someone is having more fun than the rest of us, and with that, I think, ladies and gentlemen, is why we should call it an evening,” Becky’s voice resonated with her. Holy shit, she just made out with Axel in front of everyone.

  Before she could respond, Axel stepped away thanking them and Gage followed them out to the truck. Axel climbed in the back while Gage took the front and drove them home. Nothing else was said and she wondered what they thought now. However, she never made it that far as the alcohol threw her into a deep sleep before she made it home.

  Chapter Five

  The next morning Axel woke to the smell of food as the sun peeked through his small window. Looking around he noticed he was still dressed. Damn, slept in my clothes, he thought as he sat up. That’s when it hit him like a sledge hammer. He kissed Millie, and not some sweet peck on the cheek sister type of kiss, nope, a full on he-wanted-to-take-her-right-then-and-there kiss. He remembered how she tasted and responded to him. His cock seemed to remember as well. Shit, well at least he knew she didn't just think of him as asshole. He knew he was, it’s just not something that is supposed to be between mates. He wanted her to like him, hell, even love him later on. He wasn’t too happy about the mating, but after watching Dmitri, Nik, and Becky, he saw the plus side with it. He would always have someone to come home to, someone to keep warm in bed, someone who would be there no matter what. He could even imagine Millie having their cubs and him teaching them all about cars. Shit, what the hell am I thinking. Shaking his head, he went to the bathroom to shower and head downstairs.


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