“Oh, yes, I have so many feelings going through me I do not really know what I feel. It is hard to describe it, truly. I will be able to later but now I cannot. Thanks so much for all your help. It is a very important part of the preparation. You will make the whole thing work out so very well by making us all beautiful and happy. We will be happy and the men will be thrilled to see all their lovely ladies. Goodnight. See you then.”
As she came back to be with Todd, she smiled.
“I happen to have a bottle of champagne in the refrigerator. I cannot remember where it came from, but shall we indulge?”
“Oh, please, let’s do. Let me open it; you get the glasses. This is so nice, time alone again. Though we enjoy all our family being here, it is really good to be alone.”
He poured the champagne into the glasses. They went out on the patio, sat at the table, and he put the bottle on the table.
“It is such a lovely night and the fireflies are putting on a marvelous show for us. If we had some nice French music, we could dance. We can anyway. You can sing and we can dance. Oh, how lovely you are my precious one. We are so fortunate. I wish everyone could be as happy as we feel right now.”
They got up and began to dance as she hummed some music and they held each other close and moved about the patio in rhythm. They danced for a long while, just holding each other and moving with the music she made. She laid her head on his shoulder and they moved as one unit. The moon was out and they were spellbound with the ecstasy that soon they would be man and wife and never have to part again, even for an evening.
He broke the spellbinding silence by saying to her, “I should really let you go in but I do not want to let you go. Soon we will not have to worry about that. Tonight and tomorrow night will be the last times we will have to part this way. It is like tearing a piece of me away when you leave my arms. The cool begins to fill the warm place where you were. I will go back to my lonely abode for two more nights and then I will be with you all night for all nights. That will be a wonderful and magnificent thing.”
He let her go, then held her one more time and kissed her goodnight, a long and holding kiss.
“What will we do tomorrow, my precious? We will have to have something to carry us through our last lonely day and night. They seem to get longer and longer. I will dream of you, my precious, of you being my loving and wonderful wife. Goodnight, princess.”
“Goodnight, my sweet prince. I will find the night very lonely. It will be strange having Phylicia with me because I will feel I have someone seeing into my thoughts of you. It will all be over soon, my darling, very soon. Tomorrow we will do something really special. Sleep well and pleasant dreams, my precious.”
They parted; he went down to the cottage and got ready for bed. The others had turned in much earlier. They were more tired than they had realized and he was glad because he did not want anything to break the spell of this enchanting evening. He hoped he’d go to sleep right away but feared he may not. He was so tense and wound up. Maybe a shower would help calm him down and soothe his ragged nerves.
Triessa liked to talk to her friend but was glad that when she got to her room that her friend was sound asleep. She knew the time factor was still a big difference with her. She got ready for bed, lay down, and stared at the sky through her sky light. It had been such a grand day and evening. She did not want anything to break in to spoil her thoughts of their recent time together. She knew Todd was getting tense at this point and so was she. They were really close. She was amazed for she had not been in a situation like this and it was very new and frustrating. She did not know such feelings existed; she had never experienced them before. But soon they could let go of all the restrictions and be natural, then he would be relaxed as he needed to be. She could not imagine the feelings and ecstasy which lay in store for them very, very soon. It was a wonderful thing to bring them closer all the time.
Friday was a misty day and they were all concerned about the wedding day tomorrow. Tomorrow, it was so hard to realize. One more day as a single couple. The mist seemed like it was ordered for the flowers. It was happening to make the flowers fresh and beautiful tomorrow. A mist would dry up quickly and the ground would not be too wet. But what would they do to occupy the day? There had been so much going on every day it seemed strange not to have something planned. And what about Phylicia? She could not be left here by herself.
They all gathered about for coffee in the dining room. The large pot was ready this morning, for there was quite a large crew. They all slept in today because they had a long day the day before and a lot had happened. In fact, Triessa and Phylicia were not downstairs yet. Nor were the Nobles. Todd, Dirje and Cord were having coffee in the living room when they all began to arrive on the scene. Todd got up to get coffee for his parents and for the girls. He was such a kind, thoughtful gentleman. They went into the living room to sit and talk while Nancy prepared breakfast. She was waiting to see some signs of life before she started cooking. Soon she came into the dining room with a tray and set it on the buffet. Everyone was to help themselves to some cheese crepes, fruit, and sausage. There was still plenty of coffee left for everyone.
They get up, helped themselves to the great food lined up on the buffet, and found a place at the tables to sit and eat. Everyone was hungry and everything tasted really super.
As they finished eating the phone rang. It was Triessa’s mother calling to see what their plans were for the day.
“I am sorry it is misty outside except for the fact that it will be good for the roses. It will not saturate the ground hopefully, so it won’t be wet tomorrow. I thought since it is a rather nasty day we can take our guests for a drive and show them some of the sights here, the ocean and seascapes. The children will enjoy playing on the beach a little even though it is misty. I heard on the weather report that it may clear by early afternoon, and that way, it will dry out nicely in the garden. Then it will dry a little more in the morning while we are getting ready. Don’t worry, dear, it will be just fine. We will see you later.”
She turned to Todd and said, “That was my mother. They are going to take your family on a ride to see the sights. We could do that but we don’t have a large enough car to get everybody in. Maybe we could borrow one and Matt could drive and follow us. He could take Chantelle and your parents and we could take Phylicia. I think we could do that if you’d like. Then, if you want, we could stop some place for a little lunch and afterward come back here to rest some. Does that sound like a plan?”
Todd went over the plan with the others and asked if they wanted to do that. They heartily agreed so he and Triessa went to get another car and returned to pick everyone up.
“Matt, you drive and follow us. Mom and Dad can go with you and Chantelle. We will take Phylicia. Our car is small but we can fit in without a lot of difficulty.”
So off they went to the ocean to see all the things she had shown Todd a couple days ago. They were all really enjoying themselves and had a great time. They saw her folks and the rest there and chatted for a bit. They did not stay outside long for it was nasty and a little chilly, as it is on the ocean at such a time. They all agreed to go to the little restaurant nearby for lunch. They got in the cars and reached the restaurant. They all went in and got seated to order. The children had some shells and starfish they had picked up on the shore. Their mother took them to the restroom to wash their hands and rinse off the shells before they ate. The food was brought promptly and they enjoyed local seafood, which was a new thing to them. Todd told his folks how glad they were to have them here to share some of it with them.
“Triessa and I had just been talking yesterday about how we could manage this. We did not think we would get time for this trip. But here you are. Don’t you just love it? We had hoped you could come here before you left.”
After lunch the sun began to come out and this really pleased everyone. They went to see a few more sights and then went back to the h
ouse. They wanted to check to see how the garden was to feel assured that it would be dry for tomorrow. The garden was getting more attention than a newborn and it was one, in a sense, as far as the plan for it goes. Everyone was a little tense about the situation. It simply must be a grand day tomorrow.
They arrived back home, got out of the cars, and rushed immediately to the garden. Everyone was really concerned about this special area. It was wet but not saturated. The roses would be in great shape tomorrow and the ground would be just fine. The rain was a perfect solution for that; what a wonderful thing for Mother Nature to help out this way. They all went into the house and sat around a while covering some of the plans for the trips home and getting back into the swing of things. It certainly would not be easy. Everyone would be leaving soon after the wedding. Leslie and her friend had offered to take them all to the airport so Triessa and Todd could be alone. Mitch had a van and could carry all the luggage in it. Her parents would take care of the ones with them. They were not leaving until the next day but they would be at her folk’s house and would not be a problem to the newlyweds.
Triessa and Todd decided to go up to the studio. They had really been neglecting it lately with all the things to do. They asked Phylicia if she would like to go see her work area and she jumped at the chance. As they entered, Triessa and Phylicia looked at the various areas and her set up of her materials. She was amazed by it all. Todd gazed out the window at the garden. Phylicia could now think of Triessa working here with her styles and it was understandable how she got so inspired. She decided to go back down stairs and let them be alone for a while. She said she would catch them later.
Todd and Triessa sat at the little table where they ate sometimes and took some time to talk about their plans.
“It is midafternoon now on the day before our wedding.” He smiled at her and squeezed her hands in his. “Oh, my precious, we are nearly there. How wonderful. I try to imagine it all and it is breathtaking.”
“Yes, it truly is. I will probably find it difficult to sleep tonight because of the tension and anxiety. I try to be calm. It is just about impossible. I have not thought of myself as a designer for weeks, just a woman waiting to get married and to settle down to our wonderful life. Even though it will be wonderful the waiting makes it seem so difficult.”
They talked some more about many things and soon decided to go back down and enjoy the dusk outside. They realized they should go down and be with the others; they had been neglecting them, though they were sure they understood. They may be holding up dinner. But when they got downstairs the family was already eating. Nancy told them she did not want to hold up their dinner and she knew they would be along when they got ready. So they sat down to eat and then went into the living room where they would have coffee and dessert later.
“Well, you two, you must be getting nervous and tense about now,” remarked Matt to Todd and Triessa. “I can remember my jitters. Tomorrow will be the big day and then you two will be one forever. We remember it well. We will all be out of your way tomorrow and then you can get back to a somewhat normal schedule until you leave early Sunday for your honeymoon.”
Yes,” replied Todd, “We are very tense and anxious. This time tomorrow we will be Mr. and Mrs. Todd Noble. It sounds strange but good to me.”
“To me, also,” replied Triessa. “I know life will be so different but I cannot begin to imagine it at this time. I am sure it will all just keep on happening. We are so glad we can all be together at this time.”
Dessert and coffee were served and then they decided to scatter for the back to the cottage. Phylicia decided to go back to the studio to look around some more. Todd’s parents went upstairs. At last they were alone again on the last night of their single life.
“It is awesome,” remarked Triessa. “I am so glad we will end this parting. It seems like forever that we have been doing this. It is really here and we will be joined forever by this time tomorrow and be spending our first night of marriage here. It will all happen here where we are getting married. Most people like to start their honeymoon away from home but it would be too hard to fly all night and not rest properly. By the time we arrived it would be like another day while waiting to be married.”
“Yes, my precious love, it is almost impossible to comprehend. I know it will be a blissful thing and we will make a new life for ourselves between our two estates and our obligations, which will begin again as soon as we are back from our honeymoon.”
“Well, my darling, why don’t I go on down to the cottage and let you go to bed. I will see you tomorrow at some point. No doubt, you will spend most of the morning getting ready and I probably will not see you until eleven o’clock when I will be waiting for you in the Rose Garden. Maybe we can meet for coffee on the patio before Leslie gets here. You will have to get up earlier than you have been so I really must go and let you get some rest. See you tomorrow, my precious princess bride. Goodnight, my precious love, I will see you in the morning.”
They hugged and kissed and parted for their last night of being alone. They were so eager to be together forever.
He went down and found Matt and Chantelle still up. They talked a while before going to bed. It was hard to get him alone these days. Then they all turned in to be ready for the big day which would, at last, be here tomorrow. The dream was actually coming true very soon. All things were ready and Esther was feeling much better though she was still a little pale.
Phylicia was still up in the studio for a while when Triessa went up to bed but she came down shortly. They lay in bed and talked about the excitement of the day getting ready and what they would do.
“The hairdresser has many good ideas on what to do with all of us,” said Triessa. “I will keep my hair down; Todd likes it that way. Leslie had looked at my tiara and we got an idea what to do with my hair. Oh, it is nearly here; it is almost unbelievable. I will soon be a married woman with new joys and things I cannot begin to understand at this time. I cannot begin to realize what it will be like, except it will be truly wonderful and magical. I do want you to come back some time later so we can spend more time together when we will not be so involved in as many things. We can spend some time working together in my studio; it is truly magical.”
“I certainly will, my dear friend,” replied Phylicia. “Let’s say goodnight now and get to sleep. I am suddenly tired once I have relaxed enough to realize and note how I feel.”
They relaxed and both were soon asleep, ready to dream of tomorrow.
Triessa and Todd had both set their clocks for six o’clock. They wanted to be up and have coffee and be ready when Leslie arrived. They met on the patio. It was a glorious day.
They both looked up at the beautiful sky and sun.
“I just knew it would be a glorious day; it had to be. Oh, my darling, this is it, the big day. It is less than five hours away. Oh, hold me and calm my shaky nerves. Happy, happy wedding day, my precious prince.”
He held her and whispered gently to her, “Yes, my darling, my princess bride, this is it. I am so glad it is finally here.”
Nancy heard them and came to ask if they were ready for their breakfast.
“I am sure you are not very hungry. The big day is here and I am so happy for you. I will leave you some prepared food in the refrigerator when I go. I will be in periodically to check on things while you’re gone. Do you want me here when you return?”
“Yes, I think that would be wonderful,” agreed Triessa. “We will be happy to see you again. We will try to eat. Leslie will be here soon. I want to be ready to go up to the studio and get busy with the preparation. What will you do, my darling, while I am doing that?”
“I do not know, but I will have to keep busy. I think I will go out and see the things going on in the Rose Garden as they’re preparing for the wedding. I may be able to be of some help though I do not imagine there is much to be done. Everyone is scheduled to be here
early. I do not know for sure what we will do for the canopy. Will we need it up or not is the question. I think it will be fine for some time without it. We may set it up and if it is needed it will be easy to unroll it and provide some shade.”
They finished eating and soon Leslie drove up. Todd helped bring her supplies inside. He told Triessa he would see her in a few hours for the ceremony. She and Triessa went up to the studio and she told Nancy to send the other up after they had eaten breakfast.
“I think I should get you ready here as far as I can go and then you can dress in the bedroom afterward,” Leslie said as she thought about her hairstyle. “Don’t you agree?”
“Yes, I do. The rest will be up later. It will be good for us to get things well under way to start with since it is the most important thing.”
They went up and Triessa found a chair and sat down while Leslie began on her hair. She set it and while it was drying she worked on her nails.
“What was the predominant color in your dress? Oh, I remember, it is a beautiful pink. That is the color we will go with. I have some beautiful pink blush that will work wonders on you. Though I expect your natural blush will be enchanting. You will be absolutely the most gorgeous bride ever.”
The other women came up and she was thinking about how to deal with it. She would set and dry their hair and use the curling iron on some. Most of them told her they had already washed their hair in the shower earlier so that would save a motion. She found chairs for them, set their hair according to suggestions and then went back to Triessa. It was now nine-thirty and time would fly all too quickly as far as getting ready was concerned but not for the ceremony.
Leslie looked at Triessa and stated, “You are done except for dressing and makeup. Let’s go down to your bedroom and start on that. Does your mother wish to be there with you and help you?”
Sheila heard Leslie and said, “You bet; I missed buying the dress but I want to help her get into it. It was different when her brother was married. I could not really do much but this time I can.”
Once Within A Lifetime Page 25