Sable Hart, Vampire Slayer (Book 3): Blood Hunger

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Sable Hart, Vampire Slayer (Book 3): Blood Hunger Page 9

by Megan Hawke

  I sucked down the rest of the blood quickly, then tossed that bag. Reaching down, I guided him into me and impaled myself upon his penis. We both groaned with pleasure. Vampire vaginas recovered almost instantly after sex, so every time was like the first time. And I so loved the feel of a thick erection thrust into me, stretching me out and…

  Of course, that was when my phone rang.

  "Oh, man," Roger said when I jumped up and ran to get it.

  "Sabrina! Are you okay?" I said, having looked at the display first.

  "Of course. Why shouldn't I be?"

  "You left with Gustav last night without telling me," I said. "And your phone has been off all day. I was worried."

  "What are you talking about?" she said. "I don't think I have to tell you where I go. It's none of your business, Big Sis."

  "True," I said, dying inside. I couldn't tell her Gustav was a vampire, and possibly the killer. Gustav would out Roger and Philip. And, it could still be Philip. Not likely, but could be. "I think I said that wrong."

  "Is that why you called forty-two times and left ten voice mails to call you back — immediately," she said, and sounding rather annoyed.

  I just closed my eyes and breathed a moment. That's when I realized how fast my heart was beating. You know, vampires aren't supposed to be able to get so emotionally vested in anyone or anything.

  "I'm sorry, Sabrina. I was scared," I said, speaking softly, throat tight. "There is a vampire killer out there murdering girls from The Crimson Knot."

  Her voice softened as well. "I was with Gustav."

  "Whitney was with a guy, too. The vampire killed them both," I said. "One person, or two people, it doesn't make a difference to a vampire."

  Sabrina didn't say anything. She wasn't dumb. When a vampire tells you something scary about vampires – listen carefully.

  "I'm okay."

  "So, are you going to club tonight?" I said.

  "Uh, no. I have a life," she said. "Besides, this is Thanksgiving week. My professors are all going wacky on us with crazy assignments before the holiday. And, it's kinda weird having my sister watch me get tied up and spanked."

  As I recalled, there was a lot more than bondage than spanking going down.

  "Creepy weird," I said. "Once I find the killer I'll leave The Crimson Knot to you, and the less I know about that aspect of your life the happier I'll be."

  "Works for me," she said.

  "So, what have you been doing today?" I said. I still wanted to find out what happened, but I had to come at it carefully. Didn't want her to think I was prying. Didn't want to out any vampires that didn't deserve to be outed. "What classes did you have today?"

  Again prolonged silence.

  "I... I ran errands?" she said, sounding confused.

  That was all I needed to hear. I didn't have a link to Sabrina, but I could tell by her voice she didn't believe her response. Gustav compelled her to say that, to give that answer. Compulsions on mortals were strong at first, but the influence over them bled away with time and distance from the vampire. But it was possible to suppress memories with a command. The weaker the subject's mind, the more successful the vampire will be.

  Sabrina was a strong woman.

  I laughed, tying to hide my alarm. "Was that a question? What errands did you run?"

  "Just errands."

  "You can't tell me a single one?"

  "Will you stop harassing me?" Sabrina said. And ended the call.

  I dialed back. Went straight to voice mail. Her phone was off. So I dialed Dane. He actually answered that time.

  "You can't call me back?"

  "I was in the middle of all your voice mails," he said, sounding just as annoyed.

  "Did you find out anything about Gustav or Philip?"

  "Lots. For one, both are using multiple names," he said. "I actually found where Philip lives. I'm real tempted to stake him tomorrow. Hell, it killed me knowing I couldn't stake him today."

  "What kept you from staking him?" I said. For Dane to restrain himself like that was remarkable. Staking vampires was his second religion. "Was it something you found out about him?"

  "No, you kept me from staking him. I didn't think you would approve, if you must know," he said, sounding even angrier.

  I reached out for my connection to him. Yeah, I could feel it. He wasn't so much angry as peeved. Sometimes I annoy him. Odd, I know.

  "Wow. I'm speechless," I said.

  "You should be. He lives only two miles from me," Dane said. "Very tempting."

  Dane's mother was Changed just before she gave birth to him, which made him a dhampir since he was "tainted" in the womb. And the vampire that Changed her took her far away as soon as he was born. Her parents raised Dane, instilling a deep hatred of vampires. I was actually amazed he seemed to set aside his hatred of the undead for me.

  "If he turns out to be the killer, then you'll get your chance," I said. I didn't care who killed the rogue, as long as he was stopped. "We're running out of time."

  "Tell me about it. I've had werewolf problems all day," Dane said.

  He sighed, more out of exasperation than weariness. He felt frustrated to me, which was better than him being mad at me.

  "Werewolves? Family Wolves?"

  "Yes. Mercedes Trudeau has been dogging me all day," he said.

  Now that made me mad. I was a little hot-tempered as a mortal, but as a vampire I seethed anger at times. But then all vampires had anger management issues.

  "We can't do anything with her watching us all the time," I said. "Do you think she's trying to sabotage us just so she can kill all of those innocent people?"

  If we didn't find the true killer in time, then I was going after Mercedes. I couldn't stop the Trudeau Family or their pack, but I could kill that bitch.

  "I know. Any ideas?"

  A vision of Mercedes and her favorite wolves hogtied, ball-gagged, and locked up in a cage flashed before my mind. Yeah, the BDSM club was starting to have a bad influence on me.

  "Lots. You probably wouldn't like any of them," I said, and laughed. "I can pick you up and fly you out."

  "An extraction?" he said. He sounded amused.

  "Where are you?"

  "At home."

  "Good. Dress kinky," I said. "We might have to go undercover in a BDSM club."

  "I don't own anything kinky," he said.

  "Then we'll have to get you something. Head over to Deep Ellum. Take Loop 635 to Central, then up to Deep Ellum. I'll meet you at Kinky Corner," I said. "Just in case the name of the boutique didn't give it away, it's a BDSM fetish wear shop."

  "I know about Kinky Corner," he said. He did not sound pleased. "I'm coming with at least four wolves."


  "Two in the car, two on motorcycles," he said.

  "Good to know," I said. "Don't be surprised if they have...accidents."

  I located my shiny black leather, lace everything up teddy and pulled it on. I didn't bother with hair and makeup. First off, I didn't have time. Second, riding a motorcycle ruined most hair styles.

  "Where are you going?" Roger said.

  "You're a vampire," I said, grabbing an extra pint of blood to drink on the go. I was still hungry, though cold blood wasn't very appetizing. "You could hear what Dane was saying."

  He shrugged. "Just being polite and pretending I couldn't hear."

  I laughed. "Well, I'm off to Deep Ellum, and to do road warrior battle with wolves. I'm actually rather excited. All this snooping around isn't my forte. It'll feel good to stretch my muscles and kick a little butt."

  "Just don't get your butt kicked," Roger said. "I'm rather fond of it."

  "I know," I said. Kissing him, I picked up my keys and pack, with my purse inside. "Later, lover."

  "Will I see you at the club tonight?"

  "Maybe," I said.

  I bet he wanted to see me at the club. Knowing Roger, he wanted to tie me up real pretty. Not in my plans. Of course, getting tied up never was
in my plans, even when I visited Roger. He tied me up because he could, and I couldn't stop him. His power overwhelmed me, and I agreed to everything he suggested.

  Loop 635 was just a short hop, and then I opened my big, bad Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 up. The dealer told me it was the most power production motorcycle made. He might've lied to me. Didn't matter. That baby went from zero to light speed in nothing flat. If there were any cops I passed between Roger's house and Deep Ellum, they didn't bother giving chase. Probably because I scared them with my daring and awesome speed. Uh huh.

  I could tell with my link to Dane that he didn't hit the road until well after I turned down Central. Bet he would be impressed by how fast I got to Deep Ellum, and then back down to him.

  I parked behind Kinky Corner, in a dark alley. Flying up to the roof, I dropped my pack. The denizens of Deep Ellum couldn't be trusted with that much temptation. I called it keeping the honest folks honest.

  My wings were wonderful things. God knows I love them. Morphing into a bat and flying around had its benefits, but sprouting wings and flying around like the angel of death was even better. Of course, my wings looked more like demon wings. But they were wings, wicked bad looking, and worked perfectly.

  Dane had a new truck. Okay, it wasn't exactly new. He had a new to him, five year old Jeep Wrangler. Forest green, black canvas top. I didn't know until I zeroed in on him coming down Central Expressway. It was about time he got rid of that old shot up Ford Explorer. I recognized Mercedes in the midnight blue GMC Denali following him.

  Two wolves on Suzuki Katanas. Oh, how I wanted to race them on my Ninja.

  I looped around and down, coming up behind them just past the Royal Lane exit. I swooped down behind the trailing bike, grabbed the back fender and lifted it up and over. Mr. Wolfie got a concrete facial. Good thing he was wearing a helmet.

  The other wolf looked back and almost wiped out. Now that would've warmed my heart. He hit the brakes hard when I approached him, rolling up on his front wheel before coming to a stop. I flew right past him. I don't know if he was trying to impress me with his ability to do that, just like in the movies, but he did.

  "Okay, then let's go see if Mercedes bends around a light post," I said, amused by my own joke.

  I beat a fast climb. The Denali had pulled far ahead. Not sure they knew about the motorcycles yet. They were past Northwest Highway and NorthPark Mall before I caught up.

  I did a big loop, and swooped down fast and kicked the windshield in front of the driver. One of those spider web fractures blossomed in front of them, and he started swerving all over the place. Ten seconds after kicking that windshield I heard the satisfying thunk and crunch of that expensive luxury truck smashing into a retainer wall.

  So it was up, up and away for me. I double checked to make sure the other motorcyclist wasn't still following Dane. He stopped to help the other bike rider. So I was free to return to Deep Ellum and get Dane all kinked out.

  "He's going to be one miserable puppy," I said, grinning wickedly. There wasn't a kinky bone in Dane's body. My own fetish wear tended to make him more uncomfortable than excited, while it was different with most other men. "I can't wait. I hope he lets me take a picture."

  Dane's Jeep was parked next to my motorcycle when I arrived. I didn't see him right away, though I could feel him. Odd, he felt weird. Kinda blissful...and cold. Very cold.

  "Uuummm," Dane groaned seconds after I landed next to his Jeep.

  Turning, and looking up, I spotted him.

  "Jesus! What happened?" I cried, running towards him.

  Dane was stripped naked, and bound tightly to the roof access latter. His feet were a good ten feet off the ground. Even in the dark, I could tell he was bound with red rope. Like the rope at The Crimson Knot.

  Have to say, I was panicking. My Dane was in trouble. I had to act fast. I needed a knife. Untying those knots while hanging onto the ladder would be too hard. In fact, how was he held up long enough to be tied into place?

  "Vampire!" I cried.

  Maybe a witch, but it had to be the killer that did it. Someone taller and stronger than me pressed up behind me, wrapping an arm round me and pinning my arms. I smelled Old Spice. Arms pinned down, he pressed a wet clothe to my face, and I smelled nothing but those noxious fumes. He covered my mouth and nose, and held on tightly.

  Fool that I am, I took a breath. Really, I sucked in a big lung full like I was going to scream or something. I realized my mistake immediately. Chloroform. It hit me like a baseball bat between the eyes. I might have struggled all of five seconds, then I felt all strength bleed from my limbs, my mind spinning into darkness. My last thought was amazement at how fast I succumbed.

  And then there was nothing.

  Chapter 8

  I was upside down. Someone's hairy shins were pressed against both sides of my face, which was facing a brick wall.

  "Hhhmmm," I said.

  A few seconds later I realized the reason my jaw ached was the ball gag stuffed into my mouth. Then I realized my upper face was wet with drool despite the cloth pressed over my ball-gagged mouth and nose.

  Someone's going to pay dearly for this, I thought, starting to struggle with tight bonds.

  My wrists were pulled back and around, and tied off above the opposite arm's elbow. Very uncomfortable. There was red rope wrapped around my neck with a line on each side of my neck dropping down to those hairy ankles. And pulled taut. His ankles were bound to the steel access ladder.

  Dane! I thought, suddenly terrified. My link showed him to be extremely stressed and cold. He wasn't doing too well. I wasn't sure how long we'd been tied up there, but I could tell sun rise would come soon. Within the half hour.

  My ankles were tied to the access ladder to either side of Dane's head. In that position, I was not strong enough to break them. But I had a better, faster option.

  I morphed into a bat.

  “Hold on, baby,” I said, morphing back into a woman and grabbing the ladder down by his feet. There was a sheet of printer paper taped to the rung below Dane’s feet. I read it through narrowed eyes. “Stay away from The Crimson Knot. Or next time you won’t survive.”

  I looked the situation over quickly. Dane was tied to the access ladder ten feet off the ground, using lots of red rope and fancy knotting. He was naked, as I had been. Our clothes were neatly folded on the hood of Dane’s Jeep. My vampire body handled the chilly November night air fine, but Dane wasn’t so lucky. I think my being pressed against him gave him just enough heat to survive the night.

  With him that high off the ground getting Dane untied and down without injury was going to be problematic. If he were a vamp or a wolf, I could let him fall. Not a mortal.

  The knots were incredible tight. Only a vampire could tie that tight. I broke two nails on the first knot. There was no way I could untie him before sunrise. So I dropped down and searched his Jeep. No knife. But a quick search of the alley produced a shard of glass.

  Cutting rope was probably a cardinal sin in the BDSM world, but it worked well. In no time I had his shivering body in the front passenger seat of his Jeep. No time to dress him, but I pulled on my pants and top, before starting the Jeep and backing out of the alley.

  I headed straight to the motel at the edge of Deep Ellum. I knew they had underground rooms, called “vaults,” for vampires. The same middle-aged African-American woman that checked in Hector and myself a month back was working. I don’t think she recognized me. But I got my vault, and soon had Dane in that bed.

  The motel's vaults were just for vampires. I knew more motels had them, but this was the only one I knew for certain. They were underground units accessed only through the motel office. Each vault was about the same sized as a regular room, complete with bathroom, TV and mini-bar. But each vault had a queen sized bed and a regular sized coffin. But the best feature was they could be locked from the inside so that even motel staff couldn't get in.

  I lay Dane on the bed and pulled the sheets, bl
anket, and bed spread over him up to his chin. Then I wrapped his head in a thick blanket, leaving only his face exposed. I heard once that most of the body's heat was lost through the head. I mean, it couldn't hurt. Right?

  Stripping, I slipped under the covers and lay on top of him, and then I roused him enough to mesmerize him with my eyes. I looked onto his mind and willed his body to start heating up. Dane's body reacted. I could feel it, but still there was only so much I could do. It took the better part of two hours before he felt “right.”

  Dane fell asleep thirty minutes into it. Everything was sucking his energy levels dry. He'd be one hungry boy when he woke up. I succumbed to the sun’s insidious pressure once I knew he would be fine.

  When I woke up next, I was alone in bed. The sun was still up. I estimated it to be around 3:30 PM. Dane was in the shower. He felt highly agitated, but healthy, so I fell back to sleep.

  "Sable," Dane said.

  My eyes popped open. I sat up and look at Dane. He was standing next to the bed.

  "Dane? Is there something wrong?"

  "Sun's down. Are you going to sleep all day?"

  He was right. Even in the vault, underground, I could tell it was twilight.

  "You mean sleep all night," I said. "The day's over."

  He started to respond. Stopped, mouth open. Reconsidered. Then he frowned.

  "Shut up," Dane said.

  "You're stupid," I said, and we grinned at each other.

  "I feel totally stupid," he said, suddenly starting to fidget and unable to look at me.

  "Why?" I said, swinging my legs out of bed and standing up next to him.

  "You know."

  "No, I don't," I said. His face started to burn, and he was consumed with some powerful emotion that confused my senses. Then it hit me. "Humiliation?"

  "What?" he said, eyes round as if I pulled a gun on him.


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