Rock Hard And Wet (BBW Paranormal Romance) (Nymphs Of New York)

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Rock Hard And Wet (BBW Paranormal Romance) (Nymphs Of New York) Page 2

by James, Jennifer

Theo sputtered and choked. Logan’s full lipped mouth dropped open three inches before he closed it with a snap.

  Well, that settled it then.

  “Shall we?” Callie waved to the males and turned on her heel to head down the street arm-in-arm with Petra.

  Damn, this wasn’t the correct direction to head in if she planned on getting Logan pinned down somewhere with his pants around his ankles.

  “Hey, wait a second!” The heavy staccato of boots pounding the sidewalk increased and Logan appeared on Petra’s other side. “Uh, so how does a nymph go about finding a mate? ‘Cause you guys are kind of legendary.”

  Callie shrugged, not wanting to admit out loud that she had no real intention of even looking. Her plans involved the pleasant diversion of sex with any men she found appealing, and then returning back to the harem. Poseidon’s bed wasn’t all that bad, and besides, who could find true love in three days? Of course, if she helped Petra find someone, that’d be a bonus.

  But for her? No. No way did she want to saddle herself with a guy—that she really didn’t know—for forever. There were enough nymphs in the harem that she had plenty of free time to do as she wished. She snuck off for trysts when she wanted, pursued her art, and now and then climbed into bed with Big P. for a night of wicked debauchery.

  “Why, you want an interview? A trial run?” Callie waggled her eyebrows at him and giggled when he grinned. The fact that he’d come after them seemed promising.

  “Hell yes. Sign me up.” The glance he stole of Petra should have singed the hair right off her sister-nymph’s head.

  Well, maybe he’d be up for a three-way.

  “This isn’t a joke, Logan.” Petra swept him with an appraising look, and gave him one of her rare, full on smiles. “You certainly look like you could handle sex with a nymph, but you’ve yet to tell us what you are.”

  “Grotesques. You’re probably more familiar with the term gargoyle, but that’s a mis—”

  Petra spoke at the same time he did. “Misnomer.” She touched her mouth with the index and middle fingers of her free hand and tugged a stray curl out straight, then released it. Oh gods, there was nothing that got Petra hornier than a male who could speak Nerd.

  All wasn’t lost; Callie wasn’t greedy. They could share the sexy Grotesque. He looked like he could handle it.

  Logan cocked his head, considering her, and then gave his attention back to Callie. “We guard the city.”

  “Gargoyles are the precursors of down spouts. Grotesques are the carved statuary on buildings.” Petra peeked up at him from beneath her lashes. “Unless of course, we are referring to the race of beings whose very flesh is comprised of living stone. The humans modeled their statuary after your people.”

  A tug of emotion zinged through Callie’s heart. Petra continued to chatter away, giving an impromptu discourse on the history of the Grotesques. Logan appeared enraptured by her Nerd babble; he wasn’t even watching where they walked.

  Looked like it hadn’t taken long for Petra to find what she was looking for. Damn, and she’d so been hoping for at least one day of naughty fun on the town. From the way Logan’s stare turned molten hot when he snuck a peek down Petra’s top, Callie didn’t stand a chance.

  Oh well, plenty of other good-looking, eligible, horny men in the city.

  A disturbance in the air next to her announced Theo’s arrival. He’d been following them since they walked away, his glare boring a hole into her back.

  “You splashed me.” The words came out in a low growl.

  “Prove it.” A threesome of approaching human males caught her eye, and she put an extra jiggle in her walk until they passed, enjoying the heat of their stares on her breasts and exposed calves. She enjoyed using her curves to her advantage. Modern human women spent too much time trying to transform themselves into boys with breasts.

  “Don’t fuck with me. I know it was you.” He pinched the lower hem of her tank top and snapped it. “It was rude.”

  “Grabbing Petra was rude too.” Mischief and irritation rose from her gut and she bit her lower lip. No one got away with messing with one of her sister-nymphs. Theo had a payback coming, because dousing him with water hadn’t done shit to adjust his snotty attitude. “Hey, Theo, look at this.”

  She jerked her top up and flashed him.

  Chapter Two

  Tiny, perfect nipples tipped the most succulent pair of breasts he’d ever seen—large, full, round, and perfect. Saliva pooled in his mouth, and his cock twitched behind his zipper. The erection he’d been fighting since spotting her spinning in the rain, her skimpy excuse for a top plastered to her womanly curves, roared back to full, engorged life. Callie had a natural shape women in earlier times only achieved with corsets. It took all his restraint to stop the compulsion to capture her nipples in his teeth and lick them until she begged for mercy.

  All the blood pounded in his cock instead of moving around the rest of his body. He’d die from oxygen deprivation to the brain soon.

  Damn her.

  A group of men across the street whistled and cat called her. She giggled and grinned, showing her tits off like they were nothing special. No, that wasn’t it. She knew they were special. So she teased him with what he couldn’t have.

  A woman of his own, sex, a connection on more than just a physical level.

  She wanted a mate, and would find one too. He didn’t stand a chance with her or any other female. Grotesques only mated within their species. Deviations from the New York Aerie’s laws resulted in swift, decisive punishment.

  But perhaps he shouldn’t rage at her. Nymphs and sex—Callie didn’t mean to tease. She knew nothing of his circumstances and why he held himself apart from others of his kind. If he pursued her, no doubt he could have her for a short time, until she decided to pursue a true mate.

  She embodied sexual freedom and fun, innocent joy in her body and physical pleasures. Things he could not take part in, if he was to prove he was a worthy guardian of this neighborhood.

  The palms of his hands stung where his nails popped through into the muscle below, and he snarled. Regardless of a nymph’s freedom with their body, this nudity needed to stop. Right now. A riot of horny men would descend to feast, to taste, touch, and caress each hidden hollow and dip of her soft curves. Witnessing other males of any species fucking her would send him into an uncontrollable rage.

  Theo choked a deep snarl back and schooled his face to indifference. “Pull your shirt down.”

  “No.” She bounced from foot to foot, and the plump globes of flesh jiggled.

  The urge to back her into the nearest wall, pin her wrists above her head, and play with her clit until she begged for release swamped him. He wondered how long it would take to make her come, how hot and wet her pussy would feel clamped around his cock. Fuck, he wanted to find out.

  Theo closed the space between their bodies and jerked at the hem of her shirt. Her extraordinary hair and smiling lips captured his attention, holding him captive. Hundreds of years had passed since a woman grinned at him without a hint of fear or reservation lurking in her eyes.

  He swallowed hard and studied her gorgeous long locks again. The strands covered her back and ended in half-curls at the top of her ass. What kind of woman had red hair with blue roots? The backs of both thumbs collided with the sides of her breasts and electricity raced up his arms.

  “Your eyes…” She let go of one side of her top and touched his cheekbone beneath his left eye.

  His breath escaped in one long stream. He dropped his chin toward his chest, angling his body to the side. She moved in closer, ignoring his retreat.

  The warmth of her body collided with his, and his palms skidded over her ribcage to her lower back. “Damn it woman, back off.”

  The cloying smell of arousal, honey, a strange chemical sharpness in her hair, and salt water swamped his nose. Grotesques possessed enhanced senses that allowed them to hunt down threats to their city and to watch for trouble from rooft
op stations. All the information his body gave him announced she wasn’t a threat, and the overload turned into tools of torture. Her scent, the curvaceous lines of her feminine form, and the pliant yield of her body molding to his was going to send his cock ripping through the zipper of his jeans.

  “I don’t think you mean that.”

  For the first time in his long life, Theo wished he were a human man, anything to help ease the torment of this nymph’s damnable charms on his body. The more he scented her, the worse his hard-on got.

  “You know what you need, Theo?”

  Silken lips feathered over his jaw. The wet tip of her tongue caught the edge of his ear lobe. She ground her hips into his groin, and he groaned from the torment of the friction. His dick hurt. His balls grew heavy and tight.

  “You need to get out of my neighborhood.”

  The sweet full mounds of her ass filled his hands when she rose to her tip toes, rubbing her entire length against him. He should stop touching her and back away, but he didn’t want to…no matter what he tried to tell himself.

  “Do you know what Logan and Petra are doing right now?” Her fingernails burrowed into his shoulders. “God, you’re so…hard… They’re in the alley behind us, and I bet she’s already got her legs wrapped around his waist—”

  Oh, hell, what was he doing? The last time he neglected his duties for a pretty piece of ass, he disgraced his family. Logan had gone from his side, and he hadn’t even noticed. “This can’t happen.”

  The warmth of her mouth closed over his throat, and she sucked. He inhaled and drew her essence deeper into his lungs. She felt so good plastered against him. Years and years, centuries gone by without this, the simple contact of another body, another being tight to him. Supple where he was hard. Smooth and flowing under his touch.

  With reluctance, he gripped her biceps, careful not to harm her by holding too tight, and set her back. A solid foot of air cushioned the space between them.

  “I have to get my brother.” He met her gaze, held it, and flinched at her expression.

  She hid the hurt away quickly, covered it with annoyance, and flipped her hair from one shoulder to the other. “Hey, you want to interrupt them, be my guest.” Callie gestured over her shoulder toward a narrow alley and smoothed her tank top down.

  A man’s shout sounded, an imbecile across the street calling to her. She laughed and waved at him, blew a kiss with her pink, plump lips.

  His sight glazed over with a red tinge, a deep snarl rattled in his chest, and his talons tried to erupt from his fingertips. Theo needed to get away from her. He took three deep breaths to calm himself.

  Irrational reactions spurred by her pheromones. Nothing more. He could master his body’s instincts. The surging rage and perceived threat to his territory were false. Callie did not belong to him; he had no right or reason to dismember a simple human and display his head on a pike.

  “You okay? Your eyes, they changed color again, turned red… I like the other color, the swirly one, better.”

  He ignored Callie, intent on finding Logan and depositing the nymphs well outside the boundaries of his territory. Soon there would be more to worry about than these troublemaking females getting a ticket for indecent exposure. If he didn’t stop Logan, his brother would end up like him—disgraced. An outcast. Shunned.

  Fast strides carried him to the mouth of the alley. Logan and Petra embraced, and she did indeed have her legs wrapped around his waist. Her back rested on a brick building, and Logan had one hand down the back of her shorts, the other up her shirt.


  Theo spun, turning his back on the couple and gulped when his gaze met Callie’s. Arousal coursed over him, pooling in his balls. His erection pulsed, and the fabric of his jeans constricted him to the point of pain. He clenched his fists and struggled to breathe around the lump in his throat.

  With his enhanced senses, it was impossible to ignore the breathy moans and sighs Petra kept making or the ticking snicks of a zipper.

  Callie stood next to him, playing with a lock of her hair. “Wow, your brother has skills.”

  “They’re going to get arrested.” He spread his stance in an attempt to find more room in his jeans for his aching dick.

  “No, they won’t.” She walked her fingers up his forearm, and he startled. He’d crossed his arms over his chest and didn’t remember doing it. “No one is even looking but us.”

  The way she said looking, with a throaty rasp almost succeeded in getting him to peek over his shoulder. “You’re the one looking, not me.”

  “Oh? Is it weird to see your brother in action?” The soft but firm weight of her breasts crushed into his bicep, and her mouth hovered by his ear. “Or is it that you don’t mind seeing him get busy, and that’s what bothers you?”

  “We’ve shared females…in the past.” Why the fuck had he said that? The comment would encourage her. Shit, he’d almost spilled it out loud for fuck’s sake. This female eroded every defense mechanism with nothing but a pair of tits and a mouth that begged to be filled with his shaft.

  He swallowed, tried to ignore the tight pebbled nipples grinding into his arm. God, they were tiny and rose colored like new baby strawberries. If only he could wrap his lips around them, suckle and lick them until they turned dark red.

  “Ahh… Well then…if you’re hung anything like your brother, I can’t wait to unzip those jeans and wrap my lips around your cock like Petra is doing right now with Logan.”

  He groaned. Was she reading his mind? All the hair on his arms rose. Her breath tickled his ear as she spoke, and her left hand drew a line back and forth over his abdomen at his waistband.

  “If you watched, it would be like seeing a reflection of yourself getting head. She’s licking the tip of his shaft, pumping it with her free hand. Now she’s sucking on it, swallowing it down as far as she can. I can tell you from experience, Petra loves to give oral. The things that girl has done to my clit.” She dug her nails in for a moment, the tiny points of pain exploding through his system like fireworks. A tiny indrawn breath moved her nipples up and down against his arm. “Oh, he shoved her back and ripped her shirt off over her head. Lucky girl.”

  Theo groaned and wiped one hand over his face. If Callie’s commentating wasn’t enough, and the fire she stoked with her fingernails on his stomach didn’t turn him to rubble, the resonance of each desperate cry, the sound of the suction of Petra’s mouth on Logan’s dick, and the smell of the couple’s arousal blending with his and Callie’s should soon send him to the nearest corner to jack off. The stimulation bombarded him.

  “Oh, damn, he isn’t shy once he gets going is he? He’s bent her over at the waist and has his face buried in her pussy from behind.”

  Callie trailed one finger over his erection, and he gritted his teeth against the pleasure-pain of the stimulation.

  The wail of a woman coming reached his ears, and although he knew Petra swallowed the majority of her pleasure, to him it sounded as loud as a scream directly in his ear. Callie cupped him through his jeans and squeezed once. If this kept up, he’d come in his pants.

  “Woman, stop teasing me.” He captured her hand in his own and moved it to the opposite side of his waist. It forced her to leave his side, dragged her breasts across his arm and chest, the rock hard tips of her nipples a knife cutting though his thin shirt with heat.

  Callie fit herself right into the cradle of his groin and wrapped her free arm around his waist. Her scent changed from frustrated arousal to accommodate a thin thread of anticipation and smug satisfaction.

  The sexy, manipulating female and her damned commentating, she’d gotten right where she wanted to be. A grudging appreciation wormed into him. This nymph was more than a horny bit of fluff with great tits.

  A masculine grunt echoed in his ears, and he swallowed, closing his eyes. The hot puff of breath on his lobe gave him a warning—Callie wasn’t done with him.

  “Oh, Theo, he’s teasing her with the he
ad of his cock. Petra’s naked from the waist up. You should see her breasts. They’re gorgeous, so big and full. Her nipples are so pretty, not like my little fish bites.”

  “Your breasts are perfect.”

  She shifted around, tormenting him with her pussy so close to his cock, their clothes a flimsy barrier. “You think so? Thank you, Theo.”

  The genuine pleasure in her tone caught him and he chanced looking at her face.

  Mistake. Big fucking mistake.

  The corners of her mouth turned up in a tiny smile. She’d mounted a full scale assault on him, and while he’d been worrying about primary defenses, she’d walked right in through a forgotten portcullis.

  The burnished gold of her irises startled him, along with the appreciation and pleasure so clear in her expression. He tipped his eyes down over her freckled nose to her pouty mouth.

  “Oh, hot damn. Logan has her pinned to the wall and is working his way in an inch at a time. Now he’s wrapped one arm around her waist to tease her clit—”

  This had to stop. Right now. And there was only one way he could think of to get her to shut up. It was time to accept his loses and turn the tide of the battle to minimize the damage on his side.

  “Callie.” He threaded his hand into her hair just behind one ear and clenched the back of her skull with enough pressure to let her know he had control.

  She glanced up at him, and the acceleration of her heartbeat filled his ears, drowning out everything around him but her.

  Theo lowered his head and kissed her, the first woman he’d held in his arms in five hundred years. Her taste on his tongue when she opened to him exploded and overwhelmed his control. He ground his mouth on hers, desperate to get closer, to crawl inside her and soak up her carefree joy. She tasted like sunshine and water, the dew in a meadow on a summer morning, sweet honey, and the scent of tiny wild roses.

  The kiss did its job. It shut her up, got her to stop commentating on the very public sex not twenty-five feet away, but it came with a price. His dick sprung so hard in his pants he had to grit his teeth against the surge of pain.


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