Mindgasm - A Bad Boy Romance With A Twist (Mind Games Book 3)

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Mindgasm - A Bad Boy Romance With A Twist (Mind Games Book 3) Page 14

by Gabi Moore

  “It’s better…” she said, and the grey cloud floated off to reveal an even broader smile.

  We fumbled together like this, each hot inch a revelation to us, like Adam and Eve fumbling in a garden entirely new to the both of us. I pressed into her gently, and she was fiery hot inside, slick and tight and yet welcoming, and with each gliding advance deeper inside, I paused, kissed her, watched to read all the fluttering signs of her body. Her light breath. The way her lips seemed to be muttering to themselves, the way her eyes focused and unfocused on the same spot.

  The line marking off virtue is not a line at all, it turned out, but a long, syrupy, sinewy, delicious descent, a slow, halting journey into a strange land, where the flesh is at once eager but unfamiliar. Nothing but the wind in the leaves spoke as we moved together, me inside her, her wrapped around me, so slowly we were all but melting into one another. She was right, of course. Our marriage was here and now, and it was a strange, secret marriage of the flesh.

  When I had buried myself fully into her adoring little body, and when she had began to relax her full weight into my lap, she leaned forward and let me just hold her. I will never forget the moment for as long as I live. In due time I would put a ring on her finger and establish her as the queen of my hearth and we’d raise children. But it would be this day, this moment, that would mark the real beginning of our lives together.

  We didn’t know where to go from there. But we had our whole lives to figure it out. It was bliss enough to cradle her there in my arms and feel her, as deeply and exquisitely as I ever had. Nothing to do. Nowhere to go. Nothing but loving her, holding her, there in my arms.

  The rest of our encounter was a little more awkward. She seemed embarrassed and surprised by my inevitable emission, which I assured her over and over again was no cause for concern. We fumbled together to stand, to kiss again, the sensation of not being locked together now suddenly feeling like nakedness. I kissed her and told her I loved her, I wove her a crown of daisies and she absentmindedly placed it on her head, a charming pink flush still in her cheeks.

  She was full of questions on the walk back to the village. Was it possible to conceive a child now? Would I be able to do what I had just done again, even within the same day? Had I liked it? Did married people do this only on their wedding nights or at other times, too? I answered her as best I could, enjoying her newfound enthusiasm. When we reached the fork in the road I clasped her hands and bid her adieu.

  “I would put you on a pedestal, my dear, only up there I could never touch you.”

  “Then put me down in the grass, in a field instead,” she said with a smile that I fancied was a little more womanly somehow, a little more knowing. With her crown of daisies she looked the part of the empress of the field, it was true. I could worship at that altar forever and be happy.

  “Good day my love. Soon we are to be married.”

  She nodded, bowed deeply and we parted ways.

  I stood there in the breeze and contemplated the threshold I had just crossed. The day was indifferent, sunny as ever. In a minute she was walking back to me.

  “Nora,” I said, both greeting and summoning her.

  “Dean,” she said in acknowledgment.

  “Holy fuck, why was that so hot?”

  We turned to walk the rest of the way down the dirt road and back to the guest house.

  “Is it because you’re wearing three petticoats and a crinoline?” I teased. She laughed.

  “Maybe. But god, why haven’t we done something like this before?”

  “Dunno. Guess we never thought of it.”

  “Well, thanks for thinking of it. You’re always a surprise to me, you know that?” she said and clasped my hand.

  “Surprise? What? You can’t imagine me as a brooding young lover from the olden days?” I said and pulled proudly at my lapels.

  “Well, I certainly can now.”

  “It was so sweet. And hot. But still sweet. Let’s do it again.”

  I gave her a stern look.

  “Now as the future man of this household I’ll not say it again you little minx, you’ll wait for your wedding night and you won’t get a moment’s indulgence before then.”

  She beamed and we walked on.

  Some happily ever afters are short and sweet, I guess.

  Chapter 14 - Nora


  Noisy techno bar Watergate, Berlin

  11 August 2018

  “I said birthday!”

  “It’s your birthday?”

  “No, it’s not my birthday, it’s my friend’s,” I screamed loudly over the noise. He leaned in close to hear me but it was still difficult over the thumping music.

  “Your friend’s birthday?” he yelled.

  I nodded and smiled. He looked like a bit of a douche, I’ll say that much. His shirt was really tight, and he smelt like he had bathed in cologne and then rolled around in an ashtray… but did I care? He did seem kind of cute.

  “Well I was going to give you a birthday kiss, but I guess you don’t get one now,” he said with a big stupid grin. I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Hey, uh, you wanna…?” he said and waved a blunt at me before gesturing to the door.

  “God, that’s exactly what I need right now,” I said and gave him a naughty smile. I grabbed his hand and wove a path through the sweaty, half naked dancers, completely oblivious to me and the total stranger I was about to maybe do something with. Maybe. If he was as cute outside where I could hear him clearly and take a good look at him.

  “Fuck me, it’s loud in there,” he said when we had scaled the stairs and were now on the roof in the chill night air. The music was still thumping below us.

  “I know right?” I said. I knew he had noticed my heels. In that way that guys look without looking, I knew that he had already scanned me up and down completely, and now I stood there in front of him, waiting for him to light up and try another cheesy line on me. It was fantastic.

  “I should warn you, though,” I said casually. “Weed does pretty strange things to me.”

  He lifted his eyebrows at me. “Oh yeah?”


  “Like what?” he said. He was now squeezing the joint back into shape, gave it a few flicks and then popped it gently between his lips.

  “Oh, horrible things. I became really, stupidly horny, for instance.” I tried to suppress a laugh. The look on his face was priceless.

  “Is that so?” he said, the little white joint now hanging off his lips. I laughed.

  “Unfortunately for me, yes.”

  A sharp blue flame appeared in his cupped hand, he inhaled and the red spot on the tip of the joint glowed brightly before receding again. He took his time blowing a careful plume of smoke off to the side, all the while keeping his eyes glued to mine. Damn, they were naughty eyes.

  “And… fortunately for me?” he said and offered me the joint. I was instantly wet. Fuck, that was smooth. I said nothing, gave him a sweet smile and took a long puff of my own, taking my sweet time pulling it deep into my lungs and letting the waves wash over me, from the inside out. I exhaled a little cloud that floated off into the night.

  “That’s good,” I said, and handed it back to him. He smiled.

  “Will you give me a warning or something?” he said

  “A warning?”

  “Well, just before you try to make a move, what with you being a rabid horn dog and all, will you give me a heads up, you know? Just so I can be prepared.”

  I laughed out loud.

  “Of course. Just because it makes me really horny it doesn’t mean I forget my manners.” He then gave me the cheesiest, silliest little salute and took another puff of his own before tucking the now slightly smaller joint away again.

  He stretched his arms out wide and took a deep, greedy breath of air, then cracked his neck on either side.

  “You wanna know what makes me horny?” he said.

  This wa
s amazing. I had met this guy only a few hours ago and now we were having this conversation, out on the rooftop, high, and something was probably definitely going to happen at some point. Ah, to be young and reckless.

  “Girls with big boobs?” I said. We were now both leaning over the wall edge, peering out at the lights of the city.

  “Well, obviously. But also small ones. And medium ones. All kinds come to think of it.”

  “Fascinating,” I teased, and he shrugged.

  “I also like girls who are very forward, especially ones who say precisely what’s on their minds.”

  “Oh yes?”

  “Oh yes. See, I’m one of those lazy millennials, you know. The entitled kind. I also have crushing social anxiety so it really gets me off when a girl kind of does all the hard work for me, if you know what I mean.”

  “Charming,” I said.

  “Are you charmed yet? Or do I need to offer you another hit?” he said and gestured towards his pocket. I held up my hand to turn down his offer. My head was buzzing pleasantly as it was. They made this shit strong these days.

  “No more. Not yet at least. For your sake, you know.”


  “You know what I really like?”

  His smile was a little woozy. The music thumped endlessly under our feet.

  “I love the sound a guy makes when he comes.”

  He burst out laughing.

  “Am I really high or did you actually just say what I think you said?”

  I played it cool and carried on talking.

  “I don’t like it when they’re quiet. I’ll take a loud guy any day.”


  “What kind of guy are you then?”

  He turned to smile at me and I swear the moonlight glinted on his teeth. I was feeling warm and fuzzy and buzzy all over.

  “Only one way to find out I’m afraid,” he said in mock seriousness.

  This time we both burst out laughing. We were like two naughty kids at the back of the bicycle sheds, smoking pot and getting up to no good.

  “Ok. Let’s do it then,” I said, trying on a super serious face myself. His smile faded and he looked at me with deeper, more thoughtful eyes.

  “Ok. My place is just a few minutes’ walk from here,” he said quietly.

  “That’s nice, but I don’t see what that has to do with anything…”

  His eyebrows shot up.

  “Your place…?”

  “Nope. Nobody’s place. We’re already in a place, you know? The world is full of places. Isn’t it weird that people can, like, own some places?”

  “It’s adorable how high you are,” he said.

  “I’m serious though. Here. Now.”

  “Yes. We certainly are. You want to kiss me? We agreed you’d give me some warning, remember?”

  “No, I don’t want to kiss you. I mean maybe. But later. For now, there’s one specific thing I think I’d like, being a …ahem, horn dog, as you so gracefully put it.”

  “Well, don’t leave me hanging,” he said. With the exception of a pair of girls sitting far off on the other end of the building, almost out of sight, we were now alone.

  “Come for me,” I said simply. “Right here. I want to hear it.” My heart was banging so loudly in my ears it was rivalling the music down below. Again his face went serious and a little quiet, but a naughty glint remained and he stared hard at me.

  “Right now?”



  “Uh huh.”

  He cracked his neck and smiled, as though someone had just challenged him to a duel.

  “Ok, sure,” he said at last and flashed me a grin. He leaned in and placed two groping hands on my waist, but I politely pried them off me and smiled.

  “No, not like that.” I reached for the silver button at the top of his trousers and gently unlatched it, then tugged a little.

  “Can I see your…?”

  He looked nervously behind us and then angled himself closer to the wall, satisfied we wouldn’t be discovered.

  “Yeah you can. If you ask nicely,” he teased. God, I couldn’t believe this was happening. But it was.

  “Show me your dick. And then I want you to touch yourself.”

  I don’t know where I had found the nerve to say that, but the words came out and now they were said. Weed did do strange things to me.

  The cute stranger I had only met a few hours ago unzipped, reached inside and gently pulled out a good-sized cock, then glanced over his shoulder once more. I watched as he began stroking, completely enthralled at how his fingers worked over that shaft, easily, in a way that was completely foreign to me. I had never watched a guy jerk off before.

  “You want to see me come?” he said. It was touching, really, the earnestness in his voice. Like a boy who wanted to show you his model car collection. He seemed partly surprised, partly honored by my request. And fuck yes, it was exactly what I wanted.

  “Not just to see it, but to hear it,” I said. His change in posture was a thing to behold. It was though his entire spine tightened and curled a little, as he hunched slightly over his own fist, working swiftly and, I thought, with surprising roughness over his own cock. It seemed so naughty, so dangerous to have that part of him exposed, out here. I was touched, again, by how sweetly obliging he was.

  “You like this? You like watching this?” he said, his voice breathy. I loved watching the rest of him, too. The way his Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as he swallowed. The way he would twitch and jerk a little, and his lips parted ever so slightly as he stroked himself closer and closer.

  “I like cum.”

  “Fuck,” he moaned.

  “I love when a guy can’t hold on any longer, and he gets this kind of tortured look on his face. Sometimes, when I’m really horny, I imagine lots of men, all around me.”

  Though I hadn’t laid a hand on him, I felt at that moment that I was just as responsible for how obviously thick and red he was becoming.

  “Lots of guys?” he said, but his voice was all broken and jagged.

  “Yes. A lot of them. And they all come together, so there’s just, like, buckets of cum everywhere.” I couldn’t believe that I was saying these words to a guy whose name I didn’t know, but this was happening now, and he certainly wasn’t going to stop it.

  “Keep talking. Don’t stop,” he blurted. I smiled, shut my eyes, and listened to how desperate his breathing was becoming.

  “I sometimes imagine that they all come inside me, and I’m just drenched in it, and it’s hot and gooey and dripping all over me... other times I imagine I swallow all of it, one guy after another…”


  “You don’t approve?”

  “Oh, I approve plenty. Keep talking.”

  “I just love that moment, that moment of no return. I love when it’s a big, big load of cum. The more the better.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah. I imagine myself smearing it all over my body, my legs, my belly, and at the same time I can hear the men all around me coming really hard, and moaning, and covering me in even more cum…”

  I could tell he was getting close. God this was amazing. To think, all I had to do was grab some willing young buck, ask him outright and here I was, getting precisely what I wanted.

  “Will you come for me? Don’t hold back. I want to see it exploding out of you…”


  “Are you close? Nobody’s going to find us up here, don’t worry.”

  He moaned, his hand now working so quickly it became a blur in the semi-darkness. I was turned on myself, almost violently turned on, but I was so spellbound watching this cute boy and what he was doing to himself that I scarcely paid any attention. I loved the way he handled himself, how he gave his thumb the slightest twist over the head as he reached the tip on each stroke, how his other hand gripped the brick wall in front of us.

  “When you’re ready to come, imagine i
t’s me in front of you. I want you to imagine coming all over me…”

  “All over you,” he repeated, but his eyes were squeezed shut as he chased that inevitable moment. I couldn’t imagine how wildly naughty it must feel, to be jerking off out here under the cover of darkness …in front of some stranger.

  Then it happened.

  The point of no return.

  I watched as a jolt seemed to kick through his body, and he staggered a little to steady himself. His hand froze, still tightly gripping his thick cock, and a deep whimper emerged from inside his chest somewhere. It was a little surrender, some little sound he held onto but which the spasms rocking through him forced him to release anyway. The whimper turned into a groan, and then a long, indulgent series of moans that sounded deliciously animalistic.

  I looked down to see his pulsing cock shoot thick globs of white onto the brick wall in front of us, one after the other, before it dribbled down into the darkness and out of sight. He came long and hard, squirting right till the last shudder, before he flicked the last drop from the tip and hastily tucked himself back into his trousers. Under the moonlight, I could make out the sheen of sweat on his brow. He was breathing heavily now, but a full, relaxed smile was plastered right across his face. I felt like I had just witnessed something truly private. The movements, the sounds …they all felt secret somehow.

  He bit down on his jaw, closed his eyes then opened them again to me, catching his breath, his broad chest still heaving a little. Fuck, he was a sight to behold. I let him come back to terra firma with me. I smiled, no longer the tiniest bit embarrassed. We both turned to look at the glistening white dribble now crawling down the wall. It was equal parts gross, hilarious and deeply erotic. We caught one another’s gaze.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “Thank you.”

  He was still breathless. Perfect.

  “That was… that was quite a lot actually,” I said and tilted my head to gesture towards the wall. He smiled, put his back to the wall and pulled out the joint again.

  “Aw, come on, I bet you say that to all the guys,” he said and gave me a wink.


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