Crush: The River Demons MC of Louisiana

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Crush: The River Demons MC of Louisiana Page 9

by Brair Lake

  “Ready.” I had looked blankly at him and he had raised an eyebrow. “Or we can stay here if you prefer.”

  “No–I’ve been looking forward to today. It’s not often Demon’s Lair’s opened to the public during the day.”

  As we walked to the bike, Cole’s hand rested in the dip of my back and although his touch warmed me, and my body was crying out for satisfaction, there was no desire in me to drag him inside. To take him to my bed, knowing the house would be empty for several hours. “Have you ever played in the casino?”

  I stumbled over my feet as I climbed onto his bike, and after Cole mounted, I nodded. “Yes.”

  He turned to look at me. The smile in his eyes warming me. “Want me to come with you next time?” he asked.


  I blink as I look at Cole. “Sorry I was thinking of your offer to take me to the casino.”

  The skin around Cole’s gray eyes crinkle as he slips his hand around my waist and Alex’s gaze slips to the loose embrace. His eyes dull, without a flicker of emotion, and a cold chill swept through my body. My feet itch to move away from Cole. It’s my stalwartness which keeps me holding myself still as Cole strokes the bare flesh of my hip just below the hem of my top. “You never did give me an answer.”

  “Nice bike.” Alex walks around the Road King. The appreciation in his voice is genuine. “Had her long?”

  Cole steps away from me and the air trapped in my body, slips through my lips.

  “A graduation present from my old man.”

  Alex whistles between his teeth, “he has taste.”

  “He likes to think so.” The mirth in Cole’s answer has me looking at him. Whoever his father is, he loves him.

  I look at the bike then at Cole as I recall the tattoo on his arm. There was no signature wording and I dismiss the idea crawling through my mind.

  “We’ve a bike stand where we plan to have a best bike comp. You should enter this baby.” Alex’s smile is cordial as he watches Cole and I step back as testosterone rages in the air.

  “Not afraid of the competition.” The taunt slips from me and Alex’s smile is feral as he glances in my direction, wakening the pulse in my pussy as he runs his hand over the leather seat of the bike.

  “Does she purr as well as she looks?” Alex’s gibe hits its mark, and I shuffle my feet in a bid to ease the throb between my thighs.

  “As long you handle her right. She purrs in pure satisfaction with the sweetest sound you’ve ever heard.”

  Alex nods. “I’ll take you were to show her.” Alex and Cole walk the bike across the parking lot as they forget about me.

  “When it comes to their toys. Men will always be boys.” Eve said.

  I turn to the brunette, accepting the beer she holds out. “I should catch them up.”

  Eve shakes her head as she guides me towards Firebird and Mal who are at the firing range. “Leave them. We’ll have our own fun while they drool over lumps of metal.”

  “Don’t let Bastian hear you say that.”

  Eve arches her eyebrow. “To love him is to love his bike.”

  We reach the firing range just as Mal is accepting her prize cuddly toy, and she turns at our approach. I nod towards the overlarge giraffe. “What are you going to do with it?”

  The other woman chuckles, “put it with the other three I’ve won.”

  “We’re having a shooting competition. Are you interested in entering?” Firebird asks, with her pen poised over her clipboard.

  I fired my first gun when I was five and nod. “Do you think we have a chance of winning?”

  Eve chuckles as she shakes her head. “Not if you have me on your team. Bastian’s only just started to show me how to use a gun.”

  “Shit, Eve. You grew up in Noir Valley–How can you not know how to shoot?”

  Eve rolls her shoulder at Firebird. “Never had a reason to. Mama wasn’t into hunting.”

  Firebird’s glance slides over to where Leon is talking to Alex and Cole as they walk around the bikes. “Twelve months, Eve. You’ve twelve months to become a perfect shot. Data’s teaching Poppy to shot, Mal’s a good shot. We’ll let them win this year. But next year is going to be our year.”

  I turn to Mal. Her loose dark thick hair covers part of her face. Her make up is flawless. Her eyes slumberous in the dark kohl. Her blouse is button to her throat, and she has a light summer scarf wrapped around her neck. Her scars hidden from prying eyes. “How are you settling into Noir Valley, Mal?” I ask.

  The woman sips her beer as her gaze skims over my shoulder, and I turn to find her staring at Oyster and Flash. “It’s different to Baton Rouge. Quieter and I like it.” She smiles, but only one side of her lip curves. “It’s better when he’s not about.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Oyster.”

  Mal nods. “He’s like a doddering old father.”


  “Yep.” Her brown eyes roll, “always fussing.”

  I look at Mal. Her smile of moments ago has slipped, and she’s turned her gaze away from the biker. She’s several inches shorter than I am, and a couple of years older. I chew my lip. The only woman I’ve ever seen Oyster fuss over is his mother, Ma Keys. As I study the accountant, I smile. I’ve never seen Oyster with a woman outside of the club and as I watch him with Flash. I guess he never goes short of female companionship when he’s in Noir Valley.

  “Do you like him?”

  A slow blush spreads over Mal’s cheeks as she gives a vigorous shake of her head. “No. he’s too bossy for my taste.”

  “Who fancies a swim?” Firebird glances at each of us. “You did bring your costumes ladies. If not, there are spare on the riverboat.” A groan greets Firebird, but no one has the heart to say no to her.

  The sun slips behind a cloud and I open my eyes, to find myself staring into Alex’s blue gaze and I turn slightly to look at either side of him, Cole is not with him.

  “You look beautiful.”

  I shade my eyes as I sit up and accept the beer he offers me. When I glance at the women, they turn their backs on me and I’m left facing Alex as he sits on the ground beside me. “Where’s Cole?”

  Alex shrugs. “Playing cards with the guys.”

  “I’m supposed to be spending the day with him.”

  The noise of the cook-out fades as the buzz of blood echoes in my ears as Alex’s fingers glide over the flesh of my bare arm as he shuffles closer. “Day invited him. He could have said no.” Alex’s smile deepens, and my stomach swirls. “If you were my date for the day.” He leans in further. “I know who I would have chosen.” The laughter in his eyes sets the warning bells off and as I watch him, I ignore them. “In fact, I did say no.” He leans forward, brushing his lips over my nose. “Aren’t you glad I said no. Otherwise you’d be on your lonesome.”

  My tongue runs over my lips, blinking as I pull away from his smile. “I’m sure Cole will come looking for me.”

  Alex strokes the bare flesh of my stomach and I wish I had chosen the one piece instead of the black bikini. “He won’t.” He glances towards Demon’s Lair. “He’s in a big game. He’ll be caught up in it for several hours.”

  “You’re a bastard.”

  Alex shrugs. “You said you were coming with him. You never mention spending the day or…” His gaze lingers on my thighs and I fight the urge to clench them. To hide from his burning gaze. “The night.” From the inside pocket of his cut, he withdraws a sheet of paper and drops it on my lap. My fingers shake as I reach for it, and my heart skips a beat as I read the results of Alex’s and mine’s tests. There are no more delays.

  “How did you get my results?”

  “Doc Holden gave them to me.”

  “Why would he do that?”

  “Because I asked him.”

  I slip the pieces of paper back into their envelopes. Alex is watching me. I feel gauche and lick my lips as I scan the open field. No one is watching. No one is interested in our conversation. Then I
glance at the riverboat and my knees shake. Alex’s chuckle draws my gaze back to him and he lifts my hand. His thumb presses into my palm as he kisses the flesh. “If you were one of the club whores, I would have taken you by now. Have sunk my cock into that sweet cunt of yours. But you’re not a club whore, Mia.” Alex’s dark gaze lingers on my lips and as I go to pull my hand out of his, his grip tightens. “Mia, I’ve waited these few weeks. I can wait a little longer.” He stands, pulling me up with him. His body is close to mine and the heat emitting from him warms me. “Well, I can wait a couple of hours.” His eyes rest on my breasts and my breathing hitches at the back of my throat, making me forget how to breathe. I’m virtually naked, my body burns, and my thighs dampen as my flesh grows clammy.


  “He’s busy. If he wants female company, I’m sure TJ can find him someone.”

  I glance towards the riverboat. There’s a chain across the gangplank, closing off access to the public while they prepare her for the tour Firebird and Mal have arranged. After the tour, she’ll be sailing for the night. “I don’t have a change of clothes with me.”

  “We can call in your place after we’ve been for a ride.”

  “What about the party?”

  Alex’s smile deepens. “I’m beginning to think you’re trying to avoid me.”

  Avoid him. Bells clang in my head as I contemplate on taking the next step in my relationship with the biker and lick my lips as I glance around. Eve and the other women have disappeared. Cole has abandoned me and the man I yearn for. The one who heats my body stands in front of me, offering me the one thing I want. I grab my purse from the ground, slip the envelope which burns the flesh of my hand, inside and nod at Alex. “I’ll meet you at your bike in five.”

  My stomach is wayward as it churns as Alex sits on his bike waiting for me. This isn’t my first time with the biker. I’ve touched and tasted his flesh. Fuck, it was only twenty-four hours ago I held his cock in my hand while pumping him to an orgasm.

  “Do you want me to give a message to Cole?”

  I turn to Poppy and shake my head. “I’ll send him a text.”

  As I step towards Alex, Poppy’s voice stops me. “Mia.”


  “Have fun.”

  Have fun. The words reverberate around my head as I walk towards the blond biker. We’re going for a ride. I know how that ride is going to end. I flex my fingers around the strap of my purse. My pussy is on fire and the coils in my stomach pull at the cords in my throat. Blood pulses through me and I take a deep breath. It wouldn’t do for Alex to know how eager I am for him to have me naked as he torments my flesh and body. To have him thrust into my hungry body. As I reach him, he hands over a helmet and I slip it on. “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  Chapter 15

  Mia: Baton Rouge

  After dismounting from the bike, I glance at my watch. It’s two hours since we left Noir Valley and the party. The ache in my back a rude reminder Alex only stopped once for a quick pit stop and as I stretch my body, my gaze wonders over the hotel. The lack of luggage we have, taunts me. “Alex.”


  “Why are we at the hotel?”

  Alex shrugs, “I thought we’d have something to eat.”

  “Eat. Shit, I wish you’d said something at Noir Valley before I had my fourth burger.” I glance at the four-storey hotel with its large beige and red canopy over the double glass doors at the top of the six, wide steps. The doorman smiles as a young man approaches Alex, accepting his bike keys from him. My eyebrows rise at this gesture as I’ve never seen Alex hand his keys to his prize possession over to anyone before. “Alex. I’m not dressed to eat in a place like this.” I run my hand through my hair. Not only is it flat from the helmet, I had let it dry on its own in the sun after my swim. “We should have called at my place first so I could have washed and changed.”

  Alex slips his hand to my waist as he guides me up the steps. “You’re perfect as you are. Mia. Earth and sex. Just as a woman should be.” Alex left me in the lobby while he ambled over to the reception desk, signed in and accepts a set of room keys. Alex has brought me to Baton Rouge to have sex. I smell my own musty aroma as I warm to the knowledge that before the night is over, I will have had Alex in me once more. A shiver trembles through me and I lick my suddenly dry lips as I watch the man responsible for my dirty thoughts saunter towards me.

  It’s not until we reach the elevator, I find my voice. “You’ve booked a room.”

  Alex nods. “You can have a bath while we wait for our food.”

  “I’m not hungry.” My stomach rumbles and Alex raises an eyebrow. I’m unsure if the butterflies in my stomach are from hunger or knowing Alex and I will soon be lovers.

  I’ve never been invited to a hotel room in the middle of the day without luggage, and as I stand beside the busboy in the elevator, a smile plays at the corner of my lips as I study his reflection on the steel elevator doors. His gaze bland as his face remains passive. When he leads us to our suite, Alex tips him, and I watch him until he reaches the elevator.

  “Do you think he thinks I’m a hooker?”

  “You can pretend to be one if you want.”

  I step into the suite and look around. The window is open, and a cool breeze fills the room. As I stare at the bed in the center of the room. It is huge. run my hand over the deep blue satin bedspread and I find it hard to breathe.

  “Why don’t you take a bath?”

  Engrossed in the bed my gaze flashes towards Alex who is pouring himself a whisky. The room is decadent and for the first time in my life I’m being hedonic. “I don’t have any clean clothes.” I raise my eyebrow at the biker. “If you’d told me what you had planned, I would have packed.

  “Would you? Would you have arrived at Demon’s Lair on Cole’s bike knowing what we were going to do? That you were going to leave the party with another man?” I shake my head at Alex’s penetrating gaze. “No, I didn’t think you would. Now, go take a bath while I order food.”

  The bathroom is just as decadent as the bedroom with its gold trimmed black-and-white tiles. The tub, large and round. Before I can sink into the tub, there are several steps to climb. The aroma of lilies teases my nose and as I lean back against the tub, the heat of the water and the oils of the bubble bath soak into my skin. I’ve found heaven without Alex’s touch, and I close my eyes. Five minutes I promise myself. A knock on the bathroom door jerks me awake, causing me to blink several times at the closed door.


  “Food’s arrived.”

  I nod as I climb out of the tub, grab one of the large towels, then glance at my jeans and tee-shirt thrown on the floor and grimace. My skin is warm and clean. I don’t fancy redressing in soiled clothes. A quick scan of the bathroom reveals a red hotel dressing gown on the hook of the door, and I grab it. In the bedroom, I find Alex slouched on the low green couch. his head resting on the long head rest with his eyes closed, and the air leaves my body as I walk over to him. In front of the couch is a serving trolley.

  “You look comfy.” Alex doesn’t open his eyes as he holds his hand out to me, which I accept as he pulls me on to his lap. “I thought we were going to eat.”

  His hand slips between the opening of the dressing gown. His fingers warm as he strokes my inner thigh. “We are. There’s no rush.”

  “Are you tired?”

  Alex thrusts his hips against me. “Does that feel like I’m tired?”


  “Feed me.”


  “I’m too comfy to move. Feed me.”

  “I think you mean lazy.” I reach over for the steak, frowning when I see there’s only one plate. “Didn’t you order me any food?”

  “I thought we’d share.”

  The tormenting touch of Alex’s fingers against my flesh is driving me crazy, and I nearly drop the plate as I try to steady my fingers. The steak is
moist and tender, and I slice a piece off and pop into my mouth. “This is good.” I pop another piece in and chew. “Oh, god. Alex, you’ve never tasted anything so divine.” My world tumbles and the plate balancing on my knee slides to the floor with a clatter. When I open my eyes, I’m on my back with Alex looming over me. The blue of his eyes, black as he watches my face. His grip firm on my wrists, and I clench the fork. “Shit, Alex. I could have choked.” I swallow the chewed-up meat.

  “I’d have given you the kiss of life.”

  “More like the kiss of death.”

  Alex chuckles as he leans back. His fingers sure and swift as he parts the dressing gown. His gaze sweeps over my naked body. The pulse in my clit throbs and I stop breathing as I watch him. He slips his finger to my pussy lips, parting the swollen flesh. As he caresses the sensitive flesh, my toes curl. “I’ll be giving you the kiss of death soon.” As he leans forward, my legs fall open, giving him the access his needs. His mouth is above mine and I wet my lips. “I’m about to taste the purest divine honey.”

  I blink as cream gathers at the top of my thighs. “I’m not sure I like my meat hard.”


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