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  “Then what was all that with President Walker a little while ago?” Keene said.

  “Jon, I’m only doing what God tells me to do right now. He told me to have Walker call Nolan and make sure Nolan was going to be there. Sometimes He gives me a whole thought-out scenario. Sometimes, He just gives me one thing at a time. Right now, He’s giving me one thing at a time. I have no idea what God’s decree for this nation will be tomorrow night. But I do know this. He wants, more than anything, to see this nation repent and turn back to Him. I imagine whatever His decree is, it will be an ultimatum.”

  “Why would God tell you to invite Nolan? I don’t get it,” Megan asked.

  “He didn’t say. Maybe it’s so you can take them into custody. I just don’t know. What I do know is that President Walker will be making a big announcement.”

  “What announcement?” Keene said.

  Quinn smiled. “I don’t know.”

  Keene was getting frustrated. “You’re killing me, Quinn.”

  “I promise you, Jon. I’m not trying to frustrate you or anyone else. I don’t know what Walker’s announcement will be. God has chosen to share that with Walker personally. I only know it involves President Grant.”

  Keene felt his blood pressure begin to rise. “President Grant is going to be there?”

  “Yes. And that is why it is imperative that security is tight. Outside of the people in this room and President Walker, no one knows President Grant is even awake. I expect it’ll be quite a scene.”


  Washington, DC

  The Capitol Building

  The scene at the Capitol building was just short of chaos. Reporters lined the halls and the inside of the House chamber. Senators, representatives, and their staffers were all crammed inside the room jockeying for the best seats. Quinn had even opened the event to the public. He said God had said whoever wanted to be there could be there. So the entire gallery was packed, and even more people were trying to get in. Those who couldn’t stood outside the doorway pushing and shoving, trying to get a look inside.

  Keene felt like he had been dropped into the middle of a war zone. He had, along with Jennings, put every available agent he could find from every department he could think of on the grounds. And still, if something bad were to happen, they would be hugely outnumbered.

  His earbud crackled and he heard someone say something, though he couldn’t discern the words. He pushed a finger in the other ear to try and mute out the noise. He picked his wrist-mic up to his mouth. “This is Keene. I lost that last transmission. Say again.” The earbud crackled again.

  “This is Boz. I’ve got eyes on Nolan. He just arrived.”

  Keene had been waiting for this for the last half hour. Quinn was set to speak in the next ten minutes and Nolan hadn’t shown up yet. “Okay. Are Irving and Pemberton with him?”

  “Roger that. All three present.”

  “All right. Bring them in.”

  Keene waved his arm at the five or six agents in sight and gave them the prearranged hand signal. The agents all moved into place and began pushing spectators back out of the aisleways, creating a lane for Boz to come through. Keene moved to the center of the chamber and started moving people out of the front row.

  “Okay people, I already told you. This section of seats is reserved. You’ll need to move.”

  The people grumbled and shouted curses at him. He had no sooner gotten them to move when a beefy, older gentleman waddled over and sat down. “Excuse me, sir. I need you to move. This section of seats is being reserved.”

  The man looked up at him. “Young man, I am Congressman Cartwright, from the Commonwealth of Virginia. This is my seat and I’m not—”

  Keene grabbed the large man by his collar and hauled him up. “I don’t care who you are, or what state you’re from. If there even is another session of Congress after this, you can sit wherever you like. But right now, I said move!”

  The man looked as if Keene had threatened him with his gun. His face turned pale and his eyes started darting back and forth as Keene let go. The man promptly put his head down and scurried off.

  Just then, Keene looked up to see Boz entering the chamber with Governor Nolan. He was followed by former SECNAV Irving and an older man whose intensity made him seem younger. Keene locked eyes with him immediately. He wanted to see the man who was responsible for everything that had transpired these past weeks. He got a cold chill down his spine as Pemberton never looked away. Pemberton even smiled when their eyes met.

  Suddenly, the massive crowd inside the chamber took notice of the fact that Nolan had entered the room. A few people began to shout support and clap. In another few seconds, the entire room had erupted in applause. Nolan painted a big smile on his face and began the descent down the aisle, waving and pumping his fist. By the time he had made it to the front, he had all but incited a riot. The place was going crazy.

  Keene tried to sweep his gaze around the room to look for anything troubling. But it was pretty much useless. There were too many people. And they were all standing and shouting and clapping. He started feeling uneasy. The whole thing felt like it was about to get completely out of control.

  Alex Smith and Farid Naser waited until Nolan arrived to make their entrance. Alex knew that when the governor showed up, the place was going to go nuts. Just this morning she had watched an interview with Nolan on one of the major news stations. He had informed the reporter that he had spoken with President Walker just last night. Walker had personally invited him to the event. He said Walker had informed him that he would be making a big announcement. Nolan was asked if that announcement was going to include his being nominated for VP. Nolan had winked at the reporter and said, “I guess we’ll just have to wait and see, huh?” He followed it up with, “But if I were you, I wouldn’t miss it.”

  Alex walked to the same entrance she and Farid had come through last night. The same guard was there. She didn’t even bother with her fake ID this time. She just nodded and said, “Hey.”

  “Hey,” the guard said back. And then he pushed the buzzer and waved them in.

  When they had cleared the guard, Farid looked at her. “This is way too easy.”

  “Told you. Bureaucracy.”

  She and Farid had already scoped out the room and had their plan in place. She would sit in the gallery up above the chamber. Farid would stay on the ground level. At some point, when Alex gave him the signal, he would yell, “GUN!” The panic that was sure to ensue would give her the opportunity she needed to take her shot.

  They stopped short of the stairs that led to the upstairs gallery.

  “Okay,” she said. “This is it. You sure you’re okay?”

  He smiled at her. “Yes. I’m fine. Let’s go.” He turned to walk into the chamber.

  Alex grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back. She leaned in and kissed him. “I love you.”

  Farid’s eyes got wide and his mouth was open. Finally he blinked a few times and then pulled her close and kissed her again. “I love you, too.”

  She pushed away from him and giggled. “I’ll see you in a little bit. Remember what I said. When you yell, you take off with the crowd. I’ll meet you at Union Station.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  Inside the chamber, the crowd exploded as Nolan entered the room. She squeezed Farid’s hand and turned to go up the stairs.

  President Walker and Quinn Harrington were being held in the Senate chamber on the other side of the building. Megan and Eli were with them, along with Jennings and a few guys that Keene had handpicked to watch over them, Ramirez and his team. They had been sitting there for almost thirty minutes. Keene had promised to come and get them just before it was time. And now he was walking down the hall and through the rotunda to do just that.

  He had gotten halfway when he pulled up short. There were still a hundred people or so lining the hallway. And he’d had to push past almost all of them just to get back to the rotunda. But
something wasn’t right. Something had caught his eye. And this time he wasn’t going to let it go. He hurried down the other side of the hall to the Senate chamber. He needed Ramirez and the boys. Now.

  He all but kicked in the door to the chamber as he got there, which immediately caused Ramirez and the men to jump in front of the Prophet and the president and then drop into firing position.

  “Hey, hey, hey!” Keene said, holding up his hands. “It’s just me!”

  “Keene, I almost shot you,” Foust said.

  “Sorry. Listen. I need you guys to come with me. Now.”

  “What’s wrong?” Walker asked.

  “It’s Sokolov. I think she’s here.”

  Ramirez and his team immediately started checking their weapons and gearing up to move. But Quinn stepped in front of them and held up his hands. “Everyone stop.”

  “Quinn, what are you doing?” Keene said. “She’s here! I need them to come with me. Now.”

  Quinn turned around to face him. “It’s okay. You don’t need to worry about Alexandra Sokolov right now.”

  Keene couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Had Quinn lost his mind? If Sokolov was here…He pulled Quinn off to the side.

  “Hey,” he said in an angry whisper, “you need to tell me right now what’s going on. I’m not about to send Walker out there knowing she’s in the building.”

  Quinn looked at him with a completely blank expression. “Jon, I can guarantee you that President Walker is in no danger. You don’t need to worry about Sokolov. Everything will work out the way He has intended it.”

  “So you’re saying you know what’s going on now?”

  Quinn closed his eyes and nodded. “Yes.”

  Suddenly a lump formed in Keene’s throat. “That doesn’t sound good.”

  “Jon, do you trust that God has brought you here to this place, right now, for a reason?”

  Six months ago, if someone had asked him that, he would have laughed. But now, after everything he’d been through—even though he was still trying to hold on to control—he had to say that he did. “Yes. I do trust Him.”

  “Then trust me.”

  Keene suddenly felt a tinge of sadness. He didn’t know if it was because of what Quinn was about to tell the world, or because something was about to happen that he knew he couldn’t control. No matter how hard he tried.

  He met Quinn’s stare. “Okay. I trust you.”


  Keene led the president and Quinn through the rotunda and to the door of the House chamber. The crowd had quieted from the racket they had been making. Now it was little more than just the normal ambient noise of a crowd of several hundred. Keene looked around for Boz but didn’t see him. He started to worry. Where had Boz gone? He looked around the whole room and still couldn’t find him. He couldn’t wait any longer. The president was ready to go.

  He gave the hand signal again to the agents, and once again, they pushed the crowd back. The noise began to settle as the people inside the chamber took notice. When the aisle was clear, Keene stepped into the chamber with the president, the Prophet, and the rest of their entourage. The room fell to a hiss of whispers, as people pointed to Quinn, seeing the man who called himself the Prophet for the first time.

  Megan and Keene sat down in some seats that Keene had been saving for them in the front row. Ramirez wheeled Eli next to them at the end of the row. The president and the Prophet walked to the podium. The room fell completely silent.

  Quinn stepped up to the microphone and cleared his throat.

  “Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen of Congress, Governor Nolan, ladies and gentlemen…My name is Quinn Harrington. I am the man God has appointed as a messenger to bring His Word to you.

  “A little over seven months ago, God instructed me to contact President Grant and to give him a message. That message was that God had grown tired of our country’s idolatry. We have, for far too long, ignored God’s law, His love, and His mercy. And for that reason, God promised to bring judgment upon this land, unless we were to repent and turn back to Him.

  “As you now know, that never came to pass. And as a result, God allowed wicked men and women to bring to pass the invasion of the Chinese upon our land. What we now experience is a result of that.”

  The room exploded. People began to stand and shout. The noise had risen even louder than when Nolan had entered the chamber. Quinn held his hands up and something like a tidal wave of warm air passed through the room. Instantly the room quieted. Keene looked to Megan, who had the same look of awe on her face that he knew he must have. “Did you just feel that?”

  Megan nodded her head yes. Quinn continued.

  “Since that time, President Walker has tried to speak these truths to you. And while many of you have opened your eyes and seen the truth, others of you have rebelled against it. Some have even gone as far as to conspire against this country, like the men and women who brought upon us God’s first judgment.” He looked down at the front row. “Governor Nolan. Would you and your friends please stand?”

  Keene looked down the aisle at Nolan, Pemberton, and Irving. They were looking to each other trying to figure out what to do. Finally, Nolan straightened his jacket and tie and stood. Pemberton and Irving followed. Quinn continued.

  “Sir, you have demanded that President Walker uphold his sworn oath to the Constitution and assert his privilege of nominating a vice president. Is that right?”

  Nolan looked around the room. “Yes, that is correct.”

  Quinn nodded. “And at this time, he would like to do so.” He turned to Walker. “Mr. President?”

  Walker moved up to the lectern. “Governor Nolan. You have demanded that I nominate a vice president. And you have also called for my resignation as president. I would like to announce to you that I am happy to grant your wish.”

  Again the room erupted. This time it was to cheers and chants of Nolan’s name. President Walker allowed the interruption for a few seconds and then quieted the room.

  “Ladies and gentlemen. I am happy to announce to you this evening that I will be stepping down from my duties as president and resuming my responsibilities as vice president.”

  A collective gasp filled the room. Nolan’s face twisted into anger. “What! What are you talking about? You can’t do that!”

  “I most certainly can, sir,” Walker said to Nolan. “Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honor to turn the office of president of the United States of America back over to its rightful owner, President Calvin Grant.”

  Keene could hardly believe what he was hearing. Did Walker just say President Grant?

  Just then, the doors to the chamber opened and Boz came walking in. He had a huge grin on his face. And behind him was none other than President Grant.

  Walker leaned in to the microphone. “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the President of the United States!”

  Once again, the room burst into a frenzy. Everyone stood and began applauding. Shouts of “U–S–A!” began to fill the room. Keene was even on his feet cheering Grant on. He looked down the aisle to see Nolan’s reaction. The man looked like he was going to throw up right there. Pemberton looked like someone had shot his dog, and Irving looked as though he was about to be lynched.

  President Grant took the podium and stepped up to the lectern. “Please, everyone…thank you…thank you…please…” Finally the room fell silent. “Mr. Walker, I accept your resignation of the office of president of the United States of America and hereby mandate, by executive order, that you resume your responsibilities as vice president.”

  Again the room applauded. Grant raised his hands to quiet the room.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, seven months ago, I was called by God to give you a message. I failed in my duties to do that. But I have been given a second chance. So I will take this opportunity now to do so. However, there is something that I need to do first. So that you may know that Mr. Harrington is indeed a prophet of God and that he has b
een sent to call our nation to turn back to the One who so graciously gave her to us in the first place, Mr. Harrington will address Governor Nolan and his conspirators.”

  Grant stepped back, and Quinn stepped back up to the microphone. “Governor, sirs…will you please stand again?”

  Nolan folded his arms and crossed his legs. “I will not! I do not recognize your authority. I do not believe in your God!”

  Quinn thrust his hand at Nolan and pointed directly at him. “In the name of Christ Jesus, who has been given authority over all of heaven and earth, I command you to stand and give an account for your actions!”

  Immediately, Nolan, Pemberton, and Irving all shot up out of their chairs, as if someone had pulled them out. The entire room gasped. Quinn continued.

  “Governor Nolan, are you familiar with the account of Ananias and Sapphira given in the book of Acts?”

  Nolan just stared blankly.

  “The story itself is not relevant here. The lesson we are to learn from it, however, is. And that is that God judges sin. And not only will He judge sin at the end of all things, He does also in real time. Ananias and Sapphira were judged for their sin. And the judgment that God passed on them was to strike them dead right where they stood.”

  Keene’s heart began to race. Was this really about to happen? Was God going to actually do this right here, in front of everyone?

  Quinn continued, “You, sirs, have blasphemed the name of God, you have been an instrument of Satan. You and your counterparts have been judged. I pray that if there is any to be had for you, that God would have mercy on your souls.”

  And with that, Nolan, Pemberton, and Irving all dropped to the ground.


  Alex Smith was enjoying this little dog and pony show. First the Prophet, standing and talking about sin and judgment. Then Walker’s big announcement. She had to admit, even she didn’t see that coming. But that’s not what had captured her attention.


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