Blood Oath (#3, Mystic Wolves)

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Blood Oath (#3, Mystic Wolves) Page 9

by Belinda Boring

  I gave him the address, and without warning, he flipped open his phone.

  “We need back up at 325 Hillsdale Road. The Alpha’s in trouble.” He didn’t even wait for a reply before snapping the device shut, and jump starting the bike.

  The wheels spun furiously on the gravel, churning it up and we burst forward, causing me to jolt before I had a chance to correct myself. I slapped him for not letting me know his intentions, and I felt the rumble of laughter through his chest.

  As the motorcycle roared down the street, bringing us nearer to our destination, all I could do was close my eyes and pray.

  I’m coming, Mason. Just hold on.

  Chapter Seven

  “Let’s go,” I said, as we parked just beyond the property near the end of a long driveway.

  Stripping the helmet off, I placed it on the seat, and moved toward a row of hedges. Hiding myself, as I stared up at the house. I still wasn’t able to forge another connection with Mason, but I tried to sense him again. Daniel and he were both in there. I just knew it.

  “Slow down, Darcy,” Devlin said, dragging me to his side. “I told you I’d get you here, but you play by my rules. First thing we’re going to do is wait for back up. With more of us, we’ll be better prepared for whatever game Avery is playing.”

  It had been a while since I’d visited this part of town. A place rich in history, it was rumored to be filled with hauntings and strange occurrences, but all I saw was large, expensive houses and beautiful landscaping. As I gazed around at the different kinds of trees, I felt a slight tug around my heart.


  Taking in a deep breath, centering myself, I relaxed a little to encourage my senses to continue reaching out. Sure enough, after a few moments, I felt a stronger pull, and I knew with a surety, Mason was inside.

  I glanced back at Devlin, and saw him reaching into his pocket. Removing his buzzing phone, he answered it, his back now to me. I couldn’t wait for him. The longer I did, the more I risked losing the signal.

  “We need to go, Devlin. The connection has reestablished. I can feel him.” I grabbed the back of his shirt, yanking as I started to move up the driveway.

  “We’re out of time. Get here as soon as you can.” He ended the call, and grabbed my hand, taking the lead. We moved across the lawn, not stopping until our feet hit the front porch. The tug was more insistent now, and with one last careful glance around—finding no one—we entered the house.

  As my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, I was stunned by the opulence of the foyer. Beautifully crafted paintings hung on the wall, one a family portrait, and the other of children playing. A grand staircase stole most of the room’s focus, with elegant carvings of rich mahogany, leading up to a second floor.

  Looking around, I pondered what direction we should go.

  “Which way now, Darcy?” he asked, his stance alert as he gazed about us.

  My nose caught a scent. It was faint, but it was definitely werewolf. Leading him to the nearest room, we peered into what looked like a parlor. I instantly recognized it as the room everyone had met in.

  “They were here,” I spoke, taking a few seconds to check for evidence.

  Devlin entered, giving it a quick scan, but I sensed nothing.

  Trying not to be discouraged, I went back into the foyer and closed my eyes, Devlin returning to my side.

  I dug down deep, channeling all my energy, and without over thinking it, I began to walk, letting my senses direct me. We passed another room, turning down a hallway that led by a kitchen.

  We came across a smaller set of stairs—ones that looked like it would take us to a cellar or basement. The feeling of Mason grew stronger so placing one foot in front of the other, we began our descent.

  I tried to tell myself I had nothing to worry about, and I felt the reassurance come from my wolf. She was alert, watching closely to see what would happen. Using the handrail to keep my balance, I finally reached the bottom and found there was a doorway leading.

  There was a loud crash from the floor above, and the sound of voices shouting. Devlin reached for his boot, pulling out a dagger, and moving back toward the stairs, he ordered me to find somewhere to hide.

  “Don’t come out until I return for you,” he called over his shoulder, and taking two steps at a time, I quickly lost sight of him.

  Not knowing where to go, I turned around to the door behind me. Pushing it carefully, I cringed as I heard the creaking of rusted hinges, and I waited to see if anything would jump out.

  The room was dark, but the tug around my heart grew stronger. I fumbled for the light switch. The bulb flickered on, fading somewhat before surging to full capacity, and I found myself standing in storeroom where the owners kept food and other household items.

  It was a large room filled with row after row shelves, and I walked in further, looking for a place to hide. Coming around one of the shelves, I gasped.

  Mason was manacled to the wall, a blank expression on his face.

  I gave into my first instinct, racing over to him, feeling for injuries while trying to figure out how to break him free of the cuffs around his wrists. They held his arms out straight, and I could only imagine the pressure it was placing on his shoulders. I whispered words of love, asking him to hold on. Reaching for the restraints, I recoiled back instantly the second my skin came in contact with the metal.

  Silver. Avery was holding Mason hostage with the one substance known to burn a werewolf, as well as draining their strength, and preventing from shifting. As I looked closer, tears filled my eyes to see the angry red skin and blisters weeping on his wrists. I knew they had to hurt, but he didn’t utter a single sound.

  I took hold of his face, moving it back and forth, and noticed his eyes didn’t follow me. I spoke loudly, calling his name, but his expression remained empty.

  “He is compelled, sweet Darcy, and completely under my control. I could not have him run off and spoil the party, now could I? Where would the fun be if you were not here to watch?”

  Avery stepped out from around one of the shelves, smiling widely at my surprise. He looked pleased with himself, and I released a low growl of warning.

  “Oh, come now, there is no need for that. Your beloved Alpha is still alive, maybe a little worse for wear, but still breathing.” He chuckled as he glanced over at the body hanging on the opposite wall. “I rather like my new decoration.”

  “Let him go. There’s no need to keep him like this. There was no need for any of this.”

  “Oh, there definitely was, my beauty. You see, after I took you home, I had a change of heart, an epiphany if you will. I discovered I do not really need your Mason as much as I thought I did.” He began pacing slowly before me, a look of determination on his face, and I placed myself in front of Mason as a shield.

  My wolf began to howl, sensing danger, and we both watched as Avery paused. He seemed to be waiting for something—listening—and with a small sigh he began to shake his head. “Once again, our time is cut short. Oh well, I will do what I must.”

  A sense of relief brushed over me as I hoped Devlin was returning. I expected him to burst through the door at any moment, and was disappointed when he didn’t appear.

  “No one is coming, my dear—at least not who you are wanting. If I am right, whoever came with you is now engaged with my guards and I have trained them well.” He looked at his fingernails, feigning boredom

  “So where were we? Ah … yes.” He moved quickly, a gust of air revealing his speed, and I found myself staring deep into his eyes. I closed mine, fighting the urge, knowing if I looked I would be under his influence again.

  “Look at me, or I will kill your lover.” His tone was serious and cold, removing all doubt to his sincerity.

  Glaring back, I slowly raised my eyelids. “I hate you,” I uttered.

  “You have not begun to hate me, Darcy, but do not worry. In a few seconds, you will forget and all you will know is that my touch brings you pleas

  “You’re fooling yourself.” I called on my wolf instantly, trying to bring her to the surface. Before I could shift, Avery grabbed onto me roughly. I wasn’t able to finish the change as he spoke a few words, the compulsion cutting me off completely.

  I felt all resistance to him melt away, and it was replaced with the sudden urge to wrap myself up in him. I couldn’t keep my hands from reaching out and stroking him, each time I did, it felt like electricity traveling through my body, covering me with tingles.

  I wanted him—needed him—and as I began to rub myself against his body, he whipped me around so my back was against his chest.

  “Calm yourself, I’m not ready for you to become so playful. We do not have our audience yet.” Leaning forward, he uttered more words, and a surge of energy burst through Mason. His roar of fury bounced off the walls until it was almost deafening.

  He strained against the manacles binding him, but they held firm, the clasps refusing to open.

  I was worried and began to argue for his release, but a finger brushed down the side of my neck, causing goose bumps to cover my skin. I was lost in a moment of bliss.

  My voice was screaming inside my head to ignore his touch, quickly realizing it was the contact which made me lose my reason. I was grateful he hadn’t removed my ability to think and I tried to focus, hoping to find a way around the compulsion.

  “Let us go, Avery. Whatever you’re planning, you can’t expect it to work. Regardless of what you do to us, Zane will never abdicate to you. He’ll crush you without a moment’s thought. The people love him and will follow him. You can’t possibly win.”

  “But I told you I had a new plan, one that involves you.” He brushed his lips against my neck, and before I could gag, I convulsed with desire. My body rebelled against me, and no matter what I willed it to do, it wouldn’t listening.

  “I’m the one you want,” Mason shouted, his eyes never leaving me as he watched me in the embrace of another. “You have no need for Darcy. Release her, and I’ll do what you ask.” He sounded every inch the Alpha as he hung there defenseless, his head held high.

  “But I do not want you. As I mentioned earlier, I have changed my mind and it’s all because of your future mate here. Ever since I saw her last, I have had the taste of her in my mouth. It made me realize … why have an Alpha under my control when I could sire the perfect weapon.”

  I felt his fangs graze against my pulse, his breath heating my already fevered skin. I moaned, breaking contact with Mason because I was too embarrassed by my reaction.

  He saw my intentions and whispered my name. Looking back up, he mouthed the words to be strong and I nodded. He needed me to keep focused and not get lost in my head. I instantly stopped moaning, refusing to give Avery the satisfaction of hearing me.

  “You mean to turn her? Is that your master plan?” Mason sounded unbelieving.

  Fear quickly replaced whatever desire I was feeling. I didn’t want to become a vampire. I loved being a werewolf, and I began to struggle against the vampire holding me. But it lasted a brief moment before the contact sent me straight back into pleasure and I writhed.

  “Of course I am, only a fool would pass by the opportunity to tap into her power. She will be the weapon I use to crush Zane and take over, the people flocking to follow her cause after she reveals how her beloved mate was slaughtered by the vampire king.”

  “You’re mad,” he bellowed, tugging again on his restraints. “You greatly overestimate the influence I hold. Again, killing me will only fuel her anger, ensuring she’ll never help you—sire or not. You may be able to compel her mind, but you will never govern her heart.”

  “Enough!” It was the only warning I had before I felt razor sharp teeth pierce my skin, latching onto my neck, and the immediate draw of blood from my artery.

  Avery’s body hardened and I soon found myself lost in the erotic sensation of his feeding. I tried not to moan, but it only made me sound louder. I tried not to let my hands wander, but I found myself reaching behind for any part of him I could.

  I felt myself growing weaker, and made one more attempt to break free, knowing it was my last chance, Remembering Daniel’s instruction I slammed my head back, hitting Avery with such a force, it broke his connection with my neck, causing him to temporarily let me go.

  Dropping to the floor, I let my wolf rip free, rushing to the forefront. Fur rippled over me as I rose on all fours. There was no joy in the change, no sense of wonder at the prospect of a run under the moon.

  I snarled—my lips curling back from my teeth, and I felt my hackles rise. My ears flattened against my head, and a strand of saliva dripped from my jaw. I lunged forward, aiming for the vampire’s jugular.

  Using his supernatural reflexes, he dodged my attack, and with a disappointed tone, chastised me. “Come now, there’s no need for this. Be a good doggy and change back.”

  I paced, looking for a weakness to take advantage of, all the while never giving him access to my mate. We tested each opening I found, but the vampire was strong and not easily fooled. Knowing time was of the essence, we faked a leap to the left, twisting at the last moment, and caught his shoulder in between my teeth. The bitter taste of his blood flooded my taste buds and I clamped down hard, shaking my head back and forth as chunks of flesh came away in my mouth.

  This caused a reaction from my enemy, his fangs fully descending, and he flew at my, his hands curled into claw like weapons.

  I was ready though, springing off my hind legs, and we collided in midair. I could hear Mason yelling, trying to distract Avery.

  Sharp fingernails gouged into my side, and I felt my blood begin to flow. I didn’t focus on the pain though, and instead snapped harder with my own fangs, narrowly missing his throat.

  He tried to wrap his arm around my center, but I twisted and turned again, wrestling him onto the floor where I finally got him pinned, and moved in for the kill.

  I saw something move out of the corner of my eye, and noticed of Avery’s minions had entered the room.

  My focus shifted, and seizing the opportunity, Avery lunged forward. He latched back onto my throat, drinking in mouthfuls of blood, intent on continuing my transition.

  I felt myself divide from my wolf, and could hear her howl from the looming weakness. We couldn’t keep united and I changed back.

  I raised my hands up and try to pry Avery off me. Lifting my knee, I tried to connect with his body. I hit him and he paused for a moment. I drew in a steadying breath and commanded myself to stay awake. If I could distract him from feeding more, I’d be able to heal and replenish—not completely, but enough to keep fighting.

  Worried about the new arrival, I glanced in his direction just in time to see him disintegrate before my eyes. Without warning, the weight holding my body down disappeared, and I suddenly showered with ashes. I screamed, finding myself free, and I scrambled to protect myself from the new threat.

  But there was no threat.

  Devlin, bloodied and barely able to keep himself standing, threw me a weary grin before he dropped to his knees, a makeshift stake clattering to the floor beside him. A quick glance over his body told me he was already starting to heal, but the blood loss was making it a slow process.

  Tearing at my wrist, blood beginning to drip, I knelt beside my friend and protector to offer him freely what he needed. I begged him to drink but he stubbornly refused, muttering about blood oaths and honor. I tried holding the gash over his mouth, but he turned his head, still too weak to move and sit up.

  I looked over at Mason, concerned. I had a vampire on the verge of passing out from blood loss, and a werewolf chained to the wall by silver. I couldn’t help either, and I slumped back on to think.

  It was Mason’s weary voice that offered the solution. “Have him remove the chains, Darcy. They’re vampire created so he can break the spell on the locks. Then drag him over here so I can feed him. With the silver no longer touching my skin, I’ll heal quickly.”

  As I went to move, I heard Devlin begin to chant the needed words, and the manacles holding Mason popped open, allowing him to drop to the ground.

  I rushed over to the weakened vampire, and dragged his heavy body over to where Mason lay.

  Mason moved slowly, and I helped him with Devlin’s dagger when he had difficulty ripping his skin. Placing his wrist over Devlin’s open mouth, he leaned in and whispered his gratitude. The sharing of blood with supernatural being of extreme power was not usually done because it provided the receiver with a potent boost in abilities.

  This wasn’t a gift given lightly. I knew Mason felt bound to honor the one who had saved my life, and in turn saved his.

  As we to watched Devlin, he lashed out suddenly and took a death grip on the offered wrist. I could see the giant gulps of blood he was taking. Mason lay down completely, and I worried the feeding was going too far.

  With a swirl of his tongue, the now recovering vampire sealed the wounds and released Mason’s arm. Both men lay side by side, and I pulled my knees in tight, waiting for them to become more aware. It was always fascinating to me, watching the healing process of others, and sooner than I expected, I saw Devlin slowly sit up and look around.

  He must have noticed my lack of clothing, the change shredding what I’d been wearing, and he gave me his shirt. It was incredibly large, coming to just above my knees, but I was grateful to be covered again. After everything that had happened, I felt a little vulnerable.

  “You doing okay? In one piece?” Devlin asked. He checked me over vigorously, turned this way and that before he was satisfied. “Remind me when this is over I need to beat you for me into these situations.”

  “What did you expect? She’s a magnet for trouble,” Mason’s voice came in a soft groan. His eyes were opened and I rushed over to help him stand.

  “What do you mean she’s a magnet? I thought trouble was her middle name,” a voice from the door joked, followed by a cough. We all looked over and found Daniel leaning against on one of the shelves, rubbing his head. “What the hell happened? One minute Mason was telling me we were leaving, and the next I woke up shoved in a closet.”


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