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Possessive Firefighter: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 69)

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by Flora Ferrari

  And I’ve never felt so alive as I open her walls as she lets me in, deeper and deeper, inch by inch.



  I knew he was big from the moment I first saw his massive manliness and I experienced it firsthand when I took as much of it as I could in my mouth.

  But to feel him in-between my legs, entering me? Now I really feel the entire breadth and scope of just how much of a man he really is.

  The ultimate man.

  My walls try and grasp around him, milking his seed before he’s even started planting it inside me, but I’m too small and he’s too powerful. He just slides right past my contractions opening me wider as his cock goes deeper.

  “You feel so damn good. So perfect. And now this pussy is all mine,” he says as he slowly pulls his cock out the smallest fraction of an inch at a time so slowly that it practically makes my head spin, before sliding right back inside.

  “You’re so big. You fill me every time.”

  “I’m going to fill you with more than just my cock. I’m going to fill you with my seed and make that baby I promised you,” he says and although I’d never had thoughts of having a child before they sure are at the front of my mind now that I’ve met the perfect father. And I know enough not to let him slip away.

  I remember a thing my biology teacher taught us about “sexy sons.” Apparently we may not be thinking about having children, but when a man comes along that triggers the primal response that together we would make “sexy sons” just like him, then our bodies suddenly get that baby lust wanting him to fill us so we make a child.

  And that’s exactly where I am now as his cock slides in deeper and his growls get deeper as well.

  “You tasted so sweet I thought there was nothing that could compare. But there is. Having you,” he says. And he’s having all of me.

  “Right there,” I say when I feel his strokes glide across my clit while hitting my spot just right. “I’m on the edge.”

  “Then it’s time to take you over,” he says as he slows his stroke and this time my pussy won’t be denied. My walls close around his cock and lock his rod in place.

  “Oh fuck!” he moans and the feral pitch of his pleasure has me teetering on the brink. “I’m…I’m…I’m coming!” I yell.

  “Uhhhh!” bounces from the walls in my room echoing outside no doubt even though the window is closed, as I feel his warm gift enter me just as I’ve covered his cock with my juices.

  I feel the head of his cock twitch, flicking my spot again as my walls do their job locking him in position.

  Then he twitches again, unleashing more warmth inside me.

  And again and my walls milk him before they break down and my entire body goes limp.

  And his does too as he falls to the mattress next to me and suddenly I hear the sound of a splitting board and my body inverts as my head slides back.

  We both pause before laughing hysterically, even though his cock is still inside me.

  “I think there’s a screwdriver around here somewhere,” I say as I look at him from this strange forty-five degree angle we find ourselves in.

  “It’s gonna take a lot more than a screwdriver,” he says.

  We laugh again.

  “A screwdriver to fix our screwing,” I say.

  “You’ve got a naughty mouth on you don’t you?”

  “Only for you.”

  I feel his cock leave me as his hands find my waist flipping me up and over and laying me out flat on my stomach facing up on the incline we’ve created thanks to our vigorous session and my now broken bed.

  I feel him mount me from behind and his cock slides right back inside.

  “Oh my god, you’re still hard as a rock.”

  “I’m always hard for you,” he says as he knifes his hand in my hair and tugs slightly and I feel my nipples harden in response as they drag across the sheet. “And I’m going to fill you again and again and again. I’m not going back to work until you’re carrying my baby.”

  “I want your baby. I want us.”

  “And that’s exactly what you’re going to get,” he says as his new position allows him to go even deeper, not that he needed to from the way he made me feel already, but I know without a doubt that my body will accept all the gifts he’s going to give me these upcoming days.

  And I know those gifts will be a lot. But we only need one…to fertilize my egg and start what I want most with him.

  A family.



  Five days later

  I don’t know how he does it.

  Over the last five days he’s either been here at home with me inseparable, or fighting fires. How he’s not exhausted I have no clue.

  He says he’s running on the adrenaline I give him, but I’m not sure I can believe it. It’s a nice thing to say though and the more I watch him I wonder if it might be more than just nice words.

  When he’s here we’re making love round the clock, with some steaminess thrown in as well. We started off pretty hot, but after that we slowed things down and really bonded in the bedroom…and every other room in the house.

  I love it when he enters and exits me while he’s on top of me, or while I’m riding him, and we’re able to look each other in the eye from such a close distance. The way we connect when we’re connected in those positions makes one thing very clear.

  I’m absolutely in love with him.

  This isn’t a crush anymore. These aren’t high school or college fantasies. This is very real and the family he wants us to make is even more evidence of that.

  I can hardly believe I’m already at the point in my life where I’m going to be the one to have a child, but that’s what happens when you meet the one.

  You know and the one knows too, and everything in life suddenly makes sense. Your purpose on earth becomes so clear and all the little insignificant things in your day-to-day activities just fade away. They’re meaningless because you’ve found meaning with your soul mate.

  I feel so perfect and happy. It’s a level of happiness I never thought was even really possible. A completeness.

  But when my phone rings and I see my father’s name on the screen I know there’s another kind of completeness which we’ll now have to address.

  “Hey dad! How was your vacation?”

  “Great honey. Your mom and I had an incredible time. We brought you a souvenir, but we see you’re not home.”

  I swallow hard and figure out how this is going to go down. “No, I’m not.”

  “When are you getting back?”

  “I’m…not sure when I’m coming back.”

  “Wait? What? You didn’t run off and join some cult while we were gone did you?” my dad asks. He’s keeping the mood light but I can hear a small twinge of nervousness in his voice. He’s a prosecutor after all so he knows the importance of words, and the equal importance that their pitch and tone conveyed. He’s trying to stay calm and I am too. We are both adults after all.

  I proceed to tell him how I was unknowingly approached by Leif Donovan and how Asher took me in to keep me safe. My dad listens carefully, but then insists that I should return home now that they’re back. Then comes the bombshell.

  “While I was staying with Asher…something happened.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Not like that. Nothing bad. Something…between us.”

  “Wait. What?”

  I say nothing.

  “Sierra you need to come home right now. We need to talk about this…as a family.”

  “I’m staying here now dad.”

  “Listen. No matter what the eventual outcome is we need to discuss this first. A bad guy approached you. You’re scared. You’re confused. Let’s work through this…and the other thing too.”

  “I don’t like that you’re referring to your best friend as ‘the other thing.’ That’s not right, dad, and you know it.”

  “We can all just talk abo
ut it. Just come home.”

  “It’s not my home anymore.”

  “Okay, just come for a visit. Your mother and I would like to see you and we can all talk, and give you your present.”

  I don’t like that my dad’s trying to bribe me like some little kid. But this has to be addressed sometime and apparently sometime just became now. Asher really showed me the value of decisiveness and I’m trying to implement it into my own life. He says he hates when things linger, and it’s one of the reasons he wanted to make me his so quickly. He knows what he wants and what had to be done so there was no point in waiting one more second.

  And he’s right. This talk with my parents needs to happen and it’s better to address it now, like an adult, especially if I expect them to treat me like one.

  “I’ll come, but please…when I get there have an open mind to what I need to say.”

  “Okay,” my dad says just a little too quickly, but I do hear the sincerity in his voice.

  “See you in about thirty minutes.”

  “See you then,” he says.

  Before I hang up I already hear him calling my mom’s name. I can only imagine how she’s going to react when she gets the news.

  Part of me wishes Asher was here to deal with this with me, but his plate is so full right now that I figure it’s best if I handle it myself. Plus going over there alone will keep anything from breaking out between Asher and my dad, and hopefully win me some ‘grown up points’ for doing my best to handle this like an adult.

  The worst thing is if they start treating me like a child. If they do I’m walking out just as quickly as I walk in.

  I call an Uber and stand by the window waiting.

  When Asher isn’t home I’m not to open the door for anyone. At least not until that Leif Donovan guy gets caught.

  Asher says it’s only a matter of time. He says arsonists are like serial killers, strangely enough. They actually want recognition and even film their acts sometimes. Not only that they enjoy hanging around cops and firefighters, as secretly they wish they were one. He says he’ll turn up soon and when he does he’ll take him down…once and for all this time.

  Asher is so protective of me and even possessive of me, especially when it comes to my safety.

  I remember the way he turned that picture of my prom date over and slid it in the drawer. And those three days when we were holed up in the house only ordering delivery, he always made sure to answer the door in a way that the delivery person couldn’t see me.

  I often hear from my girlfriends my own age that they’re not even sure if their boyfriends really care…about anything other than video games and ‘hot chicks’ on Instagram, which if you’re looking at other girls on Instagram you’re already cheating…at least in my opinion.

  But just their choice of words shows they’re not ready for a real relationship. Chicks and girls are the words they use. Asher refers to me as a beautiful young woman, emphasis on woman…at least in my mind. And even more frequently he simply refers to me as ‘my woman’ or ‘mine.’

  He’s an adult and he treats me like one. Whether my own father does remains to be seen.

  But Asher wants an adult relationship with me and I appreciate that and respect that.

  And part of being an adult man is looking out for me and I can understand where some of that jealousy may stem from.

  And I can’t say I don’t like it a little. And I was jealous myself, if I’m being honest, when I saw his picture in that calendar.

  It was nice to have that picture…definitely! But those days are over. He’s mine now and that body of his is for my eyes, and no one else’s.

  The Uber pulls up sooner than I expected and I step out the door looking side-to-side just in case. The coast is clear, so I lock the door and make my way to my ride.

  I get in and cross my fingers hoping that my parents are going to treat me with the same amount of respect as Asher does.

  I guess I’m about to find out.



  “Chief, you mind if I rotate out for a couple days?”

  “Take two or three, Adams. You’ve been working your tail off since the first day these fires broke out. You deserve more time off. Remember…bend, don’t break. We need all our firefighters to bend, showing what they’re capable of, not breaking.” The chief puts his arm around me. “And nobody’s shown what they’re capable of more than you over the years. Now get some rest,” he says and turns back towards the raging fires.

  I step back and head down the hill.

  It’s not that I don’t want to be out here alongside my fellow firefighters. It’s not that at all.

  It’s just that I have a pretty good idea who started these, and who’s still starting more, and I know where he’s going to turn up at some point.

  Which leads me to the real reason I need to be home right now.

  My woman.

  She’s mine and there’s a crazy arsonist on the loose who might target her again. I hate to leave her alone for one second, but I know how well I’ve fortified my house and the kind of security system I’ve got installed.

  It would be easier to break into Ft. Knox than to get in there and lay one finger on what’s mine.

  And at this point I wouldn’t even care if someone took every single one of my possessions, as long as they didn’t so much as look at the only one that matters.


  If something happened to her I’d blame myself forever. Even just the tiniest scratch if she opened the door to pay for pizza delivery. And that’s why I’ve got so much food in my house right now that she could stay there a month, eating three meals a day, and never have to eat the same thing twice.

  But she doesn’t deserve to live like that…not even for one day.

  So I’m going to go home and surprise her. Take her out for a walk. Hell, we should go buy a puppy.

  I can already imagine how much teasing I’m going to get this Christmas when I send out cards for the first time ever. Me, my pregnant wife, and our dog.

  Ol’ Asher living the American dream…finally. All I need is the white picket fence they’ll say…and they’ll be wrong.

  Because all I ever needed was her.

  And now that I’ve got her I’m holding on tight for dear life.

  And tonight we’re going to celebrate our new lives together, as we have been. I’m going to take her out somewhere nice for dinner and then make slow, sweet love to her all night long.

  What could be better than that?

  Only one thing. When she takes that pregnancy test and it comes back positive.

  I’ll be so happy when that happens I won’t even be able to contain myself.

  Because that’s what life’s all about. Family.

  And it’s time sooner rather than later that the two of us need to become an official family ourselves.

  No point in waiting when you love somebody and I love her more than life itself.



  “He’s old enough to be your father,” my mom says.

  “But unlike my father at least he’s reasonable!” I say.

  I tried my best for ten minutes. I knew they’d have all kinds of questions and unsolicited ‘advice,’ but enough is enough. I’m out of here.

  I storm up the stairs to get a few things I forgot the last time I was here.

  I look at the bed and laugh momentarily. It’s a bit of calm right in the middle of the storm. I still can’t believe we broke it, and that Asher was able to fix it so quickly.

  But Asher’s like that. He’s a throwback. He knows how to use tools and do manly things. And that’s why I’m going to live with him.

  I grab my phone and call an Uber. I’m not even going to wait for him downstairs. I’ll just stay up here in my room until he comes. I’ll crawl out the second story window if I have to.

  “You’re not leaving!” I hear my dad yell from downstairs.

  “Oh yeah? W
ho’s gonna stop me?” I yell back.


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