Beautifully Broken

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Beautifully Broken Page 9

by Laura Lee

  Bree rolls her eyes. “Oh, puh-leez. We all know that the last thing any of us should be doing is slut-shaming. Especially you, Dylan. There’s nothing wrong with having a healthy sexual appetite.”

  Dylan pulls me back into him. “I agree with you there. Right, Kat?” He leans into my ear again. “I know that look in your eyes. You want to take me up on my offer from earlier, don’t you?” He places his hand on my thigh, making me flinch. “C’mon, baby. I officially broke up with Brittany last night. I know how you feel about cheating but that’s no longer an issue. I bet if I slid my fingers up that short little dress of yours, I’d find you soaked. Wouldn’t I?”

  I scoot away from him. “Don’t be a pig, Dylan.”

  “Miss Kennedy,” Gavin growls. “Is there a problem?”

  “Shit!” I yelp.

  Gavin crosses his arms over his chest. “Is there a problem here, Miss Kennedy? Is Mr. Taylor bothering you?”

  Dylan laughs. “No problem, Teach. Kitty and I were just playing around.”

  Gavin raises an eyebrow. “Kitty?”

  Dylan gives me a shoulder squeeze. “Yeah, my little Kitty Kat. We were just goofing around. No problem here.”

  Gavin’s eyes narrow on Dylan’s hand. “Is that right, Miss Kennedy?”

  I hang my head, trying to hide my blush. “Yep, no problem.”

  Gavin straightens his spine. “I see.” He points to Dylan. “Keep your hands where I can see them, Mr. Taylor.”

  As Gavin walks away, Bree says, “Oh, he looks just as good from the back as he does from the front.”

  “He’s an asshole,” Dylan grumbles.

  Bree makes a lewd gesture with a fry. “I’d still fuck him. Any. Day. Of. The. Week.”

  He glares at her. “You’re a whore, Breanna.”

  “So are you, Dylan,” she retorts. “You’re just jealous because there’s new competition in town.”

  “Fuck that,” he says. “I don’t go after old pussy. Any chick that I’d want wouldn’t touch his shit with a ten-foot pole.”

  “Yeah, right,” Bree scoffs. “If I met him outside of school, I’d ride him like there was no tomorrow. So would Kat.”

  I hold my hands up. “Hey, leave me out of this, you two!”

  Dylan shoots me a scowl. “Why did he want to see you after class anyway?”

  “Uh…” I stammer. “He…uh…wasn’t happy that I wasn’t paying attention during roll call. He wanted to let me know that he expects me to be less distracted going forward.” That sounds plausible, right?

  Dylan makes an ‘I told you’ gesture. “See? Total asshole. Right, Kat?”

  I shrug noncommittally. “I don’t know; I think he was just doing his job.” I’m sure it would help my cause if Dylan thinks I hated our teacher but I can’t force myself to speak poorly about him.

  “Whatever,” Dylan mutters.

  “See?” Bree smiles triumphantly. “Kat totally agrees with me. She’d bang the teacher too.”

  I throw my hands up. “I said to leave me out of your petty little argument!”

  “Why are you getting so defensive?” Bree asks. “Geez, Kat. Is it Shark Week or something?”

  Dylan laughs. “Must be.”

  I stand up. “Oh, screw both of you guys. I’m out of here.”

  “Oh, Kitty, we were just kidding!”

  I hold my hand up. “Don’t ‘Kitty’ me, Dylan.” I take a deep breath to center myself. “I’m sorry for being a bitch, okay? It’s been a rough couple of weeks. I’m heading to the library. I’ll talk to you guys later.”

  “Oh, you know we love you, bitch,” Bree says. “Meet me out front after the final bell, okay?”

  I nod. “Yeah, see you then.”

  I spot Gavin watching me as I leave the cafeteria. He looks like he wants to follow but stops himself at the last second. I can see the questions running through his brain and the last thing I need right now is another confrontation. I head to the library as fast as possible and hide out behind the stacks until the bell rings. It never seems to fail; when it comes to fight or flight, I always gravitate toward the latter. I’m disgusted with my behavior. Clearly, this situation is going to be more difficult than I thought.

  I’M THE LAST ONE TO ARRIVE for second period. The only open seat is right in front of Gavin’s desk. You know, the same one that we screwed on less than twenty-four hours ago? I look up as I walk into the room and see him sitting down, looking at the empty chair in front of him with a smirk. Did he plan this somehow? Ignoring my attraction to him is going to be difficult, especially in such close proximity. I thought we both agreed that we needed to stay far away from each other. What the hell?

  “Good morning, Miss Kennedy,” he purrs as I sit down.

  I blush. “Morning, Mr. Cooper.”

  His deep voice addresses the room as soon as the bell rings. “Good morning, class. Let’s get straight to today’s lesson. I trust that you all completed your required summer reading?”

  There were some yesses mixed with uncomfortable grumbles throughout the room. Clearly not everyone completed the course pre-work. Thankfully, I’m not one of them.

  Gavin claps his hands together. “In literary works, cruelty often functions as a crucial motivation or a major social or political factor. For your first essay, we’re looking at a play from your required reading list in which acts of cruelty are important to the theme. You are expected to analyze how cruelty functions in the work as a whole and what the cruelty reveals about the perpetrator and/or victim.”

  He looks throughout the room before flipping the projector on. On the white board is the name of the piece we will be analyzing: Othello.

  A collective groan moves across the classroom. I clap a hand over my mouth to stifle the laughter that escapes when I realize that the man I’m fucking is making me write an essay.

  Gavin lifts an eyebrow. “Care to share what you find so amusing, Miss Kennedy?”

  Besides the absurdity of our situation? I clear my throat. “Nope. I have absolutely no comment.”

  His eyes lift to the other students. “I’m going to use this assignment to gauge where everyone is at; therefore, it won’t be graded. Normally, I’d be happy to help you with your work but this is the exception to that. If you’re writing it by hand, it should be at least three pages on single-sided lined paper. If you choose to type your paper, then it should be at least one-and-a-half pages in length using twelve-point Times New Roman font. Your essay is due on Monday. Any questions?”

  A blonde named Sarah raises her hand.

  Gavin nods in her direction. “Yes, Miss White?”

  She chomps her gum and twirls a piece of hair around her finger. “Which do you prefer, Mr. Cooper? Hand-written or typed?”

  “It’s your choice, Miss White. I know not all students have access to a computer or printer at home so I don’t require work to be typed.”

  “But which do you prefer?” she insists.

  He scowls. “Miss White, I don’t care to repeat myself. Is that understood?”

  Sarah pouts as several others giggle. “Yes, Mr. Cooper.”

  His jaw ticks. “Good. Any others?” After his question is met with silence he adds, “Remember, do not merely summarize the plot. You need to analyze the theme we’ve discussed. You’re welcome to use your resources around the classroom but not your fellow students. Bring your copy of The Complete Works of Shakespeare tomorrow. If you need something to use today, there are printed copies of Othello sitting on the table in the back. I expect them to be returned before you leave this room. Now get to work.”

  Wow, he’s kind of a hardass. And it’s really sexy. I grab my notebook out of my bag and pick up a pen. Most of the other students are milling around the back of the room waiting to snag a copy of the play. I don’t have my book with me, but I’m quite familiar with the piece because I read it five times over the summer.

  I get to work outlining my thoughts. I’ve found that outlining first always helps me produce
better essays. Gavin—er, Mr. Cooper—leans against his desk and crosses his arms over his chest. He’s wearing charcoal slacks and a bright blue button-up shirt today that makes his eyes glitter even more than normal. I bite my pen as I watch him run his hand over his scruffy jaw. I blush when I remember how that scruff feels against my inner thigh.

  As if sensing my salacious thoughts, he grins as he walks over to my desk. I have to consciously focus on my work to avoid staring at his crotch as he comes closer.

  He places a hand next to my paper. “You don’t need a copy of the play, Miss Kennedy?”

  I try not to be obvious as I breathe in his cologne. “No, Mr. Cooper. I’m familiar with it.”

  He glances at my notes about Iago’s manipulative ways and how he fuels each character’s cruelty throughout the story. He taps my paper. “I see that. Nice work. I’m looking forward to seeing the finished product. Maybe I’ll get a little more insight into what makes you tick.”

  No one has ever been curious about my mind before. I know he’s a teacher so he’s supposed to be invested in my schoolwork, but this feels different. This isn’t the first time he’s expressed interest in getting to know me. I know things have changed now that I’m his student, but his tone suggests otherwise. What a mind fuck.

  I continue making notes as I try to ignore my hot teacher through the end of class. As I’m packing my bag, Dylan comes up to me and pulls me out of my chair.

  “C’mon, Kat. I’ll walk you to the library.” He leans in to whisper, “And maybe we can make a pit stop along the way.”

  I pull away from him to see Gavin glaring at Dylan.

  “Miss Kennedy, I need you to stay behind a moment, please.”

  “Again?” Dylan challenges.

  Gavin crosses his arms over his chest. “Do you have an issue, Mr. Taylor?”

  Dylan rolls his eyes. “Of course not, Teach. You can talk to my girl all you want.”

  His girl? What the hell? “Dylan, I’ll see you at lunch. Okay?”

  Dylan looks from me to Gavin, then back to me again. “Okay, Trouble Maker. Second day of school and you’re being held after class again. What’d you do to get under the new guy’s skin so bad?”

  “Mr. Taylor—” Gavin interrupts. “You’d better get a move on before you’re late for the next class. I won’t excuse your tardiness.”

  “Whatever,” Dylan huffs. “Bye, Kitty.”

  Dylan rounds the corner and my insides warm as Gavin closes the door. He looks about to turn the lock but seems to rethink it at the last second. Damn. I’m a bit more disappointed than I care to admit about that.

  “What’d you need, Teach?” I intentionally use the same flippant name Dylan has for him. By his expression, I can see that I’ve pushed some buttons.

  He flings his arm out. “What’s the deal with that tool?”

  I feign confusion. “Whatever do you mean, Mr. Cooper?”

  “Kat,” he growls.

  I bat my eyelashes. “What relevance does my relationship with Dylan have to you?” I know I’m egging him on but I can’t seem to help myself. He has no right to pull the jealous boyfriend act and I’m sure he knows it.

  “Are you fucking him?”

  I gasp in feigned shock. “Mr. Cooper! Is that an appropriate question to ask one of your students?”

  He tugs on his hair. “Damn it, Kat. Answer the question!”


  He looks surprised. “No? Oh…I thought by the way he was constantly touching you—”

  “I wasn’t answering your question,” I clarify. “I was refusing to answer your question, considering it’s none of your business.”

  He glares at me. “I think it damn well is my business considering we’ve had unprotected sex twice in the past few days! I need to know how many little boys you’re fucking around with so I know whether or not I have something to worry about.”

  “Something to worry about?” I repeat. “As in, whether or not I was being truthful the other night? You’re worried about how much of a little whore I am? Is that it, Mr. Cooper? Have you been asking around about me?”

  “What? No. I mean, yes.”

  “Which is it?”

  He clenches his jaw. “No, I haven’t asked anyone about you. Yes, I need to know if I should get tested.”

  I ball my hands into fists. “You know what, Mr. Cooper? It’s none of your business who I fuck. And if you want to call me a liar and a whore, then all you need to know is that I won’t be fucking you. Ever again! But we already decided that, didn’t we, Teach?” I slam my hand down on his desk. “When you bent me over your student roster and pounded into me like you couldn’t get enough. Remember that? You should probably hold onto it for the spank bank because that’s all you’re getting. Think whatever you want about me. Just fuck off, Gavin.”

  I storm toward the door and hurl it open.

  “Kat, wait!” he calls.

  “Gavin, may I have a word with you?” Miss Salas, our drama teacher stands outside the door. “Oh, pardon me; I wasn’t aware you were conferring with a student.”

  I widen the door and gesture for her to come in. “He’s all yours. We’re done here.”

  As I’m stepping into the hall, I catch a quick glimpse of Gavin. His expression is saying that we’re anything but done.

  I THROW MY BACKPACK ONTO THE COUCH as I walk into my apartment after school. I’ve been fuming ever since the end of second period. Who the hell does Gavin think he is? He’s made it very clear that we cannot continue seeing each other, yet he has the gall to behave like that? This is exactly why I tried pushing him away to begin with! He’s so intense—we’re so intense together. I don’t need this kind of disturbance in my life.

  A loud knock on the door startles me out of my musings. I hold my breath as I see the man through the peephole.

  “Kat, I just saw you walk in there. Open the damn door.”

  “I have nothing to say to you, Mr. Cooper.”

  He knocks louder this time. “I’m sure I’m making quite the scene out here. You probably want to let me in before it gets worse. Oh, look, your neighbor three doors down is watching me.”

  Damn him! Of course he’d use my fear of gossip against me. And he has to mention the one neighbor I know would use this as a conversation starter. I swing open the door and step aside with a huff.

  “Get in here, asshole.”

  He smiles triumphantly as he walks into my living room and perches himself against the back of the couch. “Now, Miss Kennedy, is that any way to speak to your teacher?”

  I slam the door and roll my eyes. “Please. You and I both know you’re not here as my teacher.”

  He shrugs. “Hey, you’re the one who pulled out the ‘Mr. Cooper’.”

  Crossing my arms, I say, “What do you want, Gavin?”

  Cybil stumbles out of her bedroom looking a little worse for wear. “Baby Girl, what’s all the noise about? I have a wicked hangover so I’m trying to rest before work.” She spots Gavin and instantly morphs into business mode, smoothing down her hair and smiling seductively. “Oh, I’m sorry, honey. I didn’t realize you had company.”

  Gavin takes her in and offers his hand. “We didn’t officially meet the last time I was here. I’m Gavin.”

  “It’s lovely to meet you, Gavin,” she purrs. “I’m Katherine’s roommate, Cybil.”

  “Cut the shit, Mother,” I scold.

  His eyes widen in surprise as he looks between me and Cybil. She’s dressed in a pair of sleep shorts that ride halfway up her ass cheeks and a tank top that leaves very little to the imagination. I can see him trying to fit all the puzzle pieces together. He’s taken note of the label I’ve given her but it’s not quite jiving with her appearance. As I mentioned before, Cybil and I look nothing alike and she’s at least a decade younger than a typical high school student’s parent. With the way she dresses and acts, she seems even younger still.

  “Mother?” he questions.

  “Yep,” I c
onfirm. “She’s my mommy dearest. I bet that answers quite a few questions, huh?”

  “Katherine!” Cybil says. “Don’t be so rude!”

  “She’s your mom? Seriously?”

  “Tell me, Gavin,” Cybil interrupts. “How do you and my darling daughter know each other?”

  Gavin pulls on his hair. “Uh…”

  “He’s my Lit teacher, Mom,” I offer. “I’m fucking him for an easy A.”

  Gavin’s jaw drops. “What the hell, Kat?”

  Cybil laughs. “Oh, don’t mind her; Katherine likes to joke around.” She looks at me pointedly. “Though she could certainly work on her style of humor.”

  “You know me…I’m just a big ol’ jokester,” I mumble.

  He sighs. “Kat, can we please go somewhere to talk?”

  I raise my eyebrows. “Do you really think that’s wise? Anyone from school could see us, Teach.”

  Cybil chuckles. “Oh, Katherine, give the poor man a few minutes. I’m going back to bed so you can talk here.”

  “Great,” I mutter.

  He waits until she closes her bedroom door. “So…that’s your mom, huh? I didn’t think I’d be meeting the folks so early in our relationship.”

  “Ha ha. We don’t have a relationship, remember?”

  “Right,” he agrees halfheartedly. “Look, Kat, I wanted to apologize for being a jerk earlier. I was out of line.”

  “I’ll say.”

  “This whole situation has thrown me off kilter, you know? Everything feels like it’s spiraling out of control. I do trust you and I definitely don’t think you’re a whore. I didn’t mean to act like such a caveman—I couldn’t stand seeing that little punk put his hands all over you and I reacted.”

  I soften a bit. “Dylan and I are just friends.”

  “Friends who have sex,” he speculates.

  “Friends who have had sex,” I correct. “Past tense. It’s been a couple months since we were last together and I have no intention of going back for more.” Although I didn’t realize that until just now.

  “So when he looks at you like he’s undressing you with his eyes—which he does all the time by the way— it’s because he knows what’s underneath your clothes? I really wish you’d said I was imagining the whole thing.”


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