Beautifully Broken

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Beautifully Broken Page 16

by Laura Lee

  He flashes a blinding smile. “Anyone I know?”

  I roll my eyes. “Just some guy. Although, now that I think about it…he is somewhat of a cocky ass. I might change my mind.”

  Gavin catches me off guard by launching himself on top of me. The bottle that I was holding bounces off his chest and rolls onto the floor, spilling beer all over the hardwood.

  “You’re going to pay for that, smartass,” Gavin promises.

  “Gavin!” I yelp. “Be serious! We need to talk.”

  He grinds his growing erection into my thigh and begins kissing my neck. “Does this feel serious enough for you?”

  I arch my back as goose pimples scatter across my skin. His tongue flicks out, licking my earlobe before biting down. I grab onto his firm biceps, unable to decide if I should pull him closer or push him away. I suck in a deep breath, trying to identify this unfamiliar feeling roaring beneath the surface. My libido is raging like wildfire—it’s always like this with him. But the confusing part is that while ensconced in his arms, I feel protected from everything. He makes me feel invincible. The pessimist in me can’t help but question that. What happens when he decides that I’m not worth the gamble? Because let’s face it—the risk is astronomical. He could ruin his reputation—his entire career. I could fall right back into the black hole that once threatened to swallow me whole. I’ve suffered my fair share of heartbreak over the years but for some reason, the thought of Gavin breaking me makes me feel like there’s nothing that could possibly mend me back together afterwards. There’s no backpedaling if we decide to venture down this road together. The funny thing is, I don’t think either one of us really has a choice. No matter our differences, or the challenges we face being together, we can’t seem to stay away from each other. This connection we share is fierce and undeniable.

  He runs his hands through my hair, pulling harshly at the ends so I’m forced to focus on the here and now.

  “Stay with me, Kat,” he whispers softly. “Feel how good we are together. Don’t overanalyze it.”

  I release varying puffs of air, relinquishing control. I feel a smile forming on Gavin’s lips as he makes his way over my collarbone down to my cleavage. My breasts spill over his hands as he kneads them with reverence, brushing his thumbs over my puckered nipples. His fingertips make their way down to the hem of my t-shirt before tugging the cotton over my head. He stares down at my newly exposed skin and traces a finger over the lace cup of my bra.

  “I’ve never seen anything more stunning,” he says.

  I lick my bottom lip as his gaze darts to my mouth. “Well, are you going to stare at me all day or fuck me?”

  He leers. “Neither.”

  “What?” I ask. “You were supposed to go for option two.”

  He leans forward and tugs on my bottom lip. “Oh, trust me, I’m going to be inside of you. Very soon, in fact. But I’m not going to fuck you this time, Kat.”

  My brows knit together. “I’m confused.”

  He grabs my chin, directing my gaze to his. “I’m going to make love to you. And when we’re done, there’s no turning back. I want a life with you. I know that we have obstacles in front of us, but I need to know that you’ll be standing by my side while we knock them on their asses.”

  I give him a teary smile. “Bring ‘em on.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  He certainly doesn’t need me to repeat myself. I’m hanging onto him like a baby sloth hugging a tree as he strides down the hallway to his bedroom. He slides me down his body until I feel the plush carpet beneath my feet. His eyes never stray as he unbuttons his shirt and toes off the brown loafers he seems to favor for work. He grabs the neck of his white undershirt and pulls it over his head in one fluid movement, a feat that only a man with his level of confidence could pull off so smoothly.

  I swallow loudly as I step backwards until the backs of my knees threaten to buckle against the mattress. I quickly remove my shoes and jeans before I lose the ability to stand altogether. I’m perched on the end of the bed, clad only in my bra and panties, as I watch Gavin remove the rest of his clothing. His jeans and boxer briefs come off as if they’re stitched together, like they can’t stand being on his body a second longer. My mouth waters as his proud, swollen shaft is positioned right in front of my face. I try reaching for him but he seems to have other ideas in mind as he hovers over me, pressing my back into the mattress. Our lips are molded together, kissing each other until we’re breathless. His hand slides down my body and my thighs widen in response, aching to be touched by him. He rests his forehead against mine and I gasp when his fingers reach their target. With deft movements, he feels how ready I am, priming my body even more as he continues to work his magic beneath my panties. I’m on the edge, quickly climbing into supernova territory.

  “Gavin,” I pant. “Please. I need you inside of me when I come.”

  He pulls back to slide my thong down my legs while I unclasp my bra and toss it to the side. He places a soft kiss against the corner of my lips then rests his forehead against mine.

  “Are you really with me, Kat? I want to give you so much but I can’t lie and say it’s going to be easy. We can’t have a normal relationship…I can’t offer you the things you deserve until you graduate. No one in this town can know—not your mom, not even your closest friends. Are you prepared for that?”

  He leans into my hand as I place it against his cheek. “I’m with you, Gavin.”

  “Are you sure? Because if it’s too hard, I’ll wait. It’ll be the longest six months of my life, but I swear to God I’ll wait.”

  Tears prick at my eyes. “I believe you. I do. But I don’t want to wait. I can handle whatever comes at us.”

  “Thank God,” he groans.

  We both release a sigh as he slides into me. He peppers my jaw with kisses before pressing his mouth into mine. He moves within me slower than anything I’ve ever experienced. You’d think the pace would be infuriating but with Gavin, it’s perfect. Everything about this feels right. It’s much deeper than anything physical. It’s soulful. When we reach our climax together, I realize that I’ll never get enough of this man. No matter what happens in our future, he’s permanently etched himself onto my heart. I inherently know that I will never be the same after this.

  “C’MON, BEAUTIFUL. The Andersons won’t be home until morning. Your basement has the perfect setup for a party.”

  My foster parents are both gone for the entire evening which never happens. I’ve been here for over five months now and someone is always home with me. Pete is out of town for some business function and Judy is working her usual night shift at the hospital. My boyfriend, Stephen, is trying to convince me to invite his soccer buddies over to drink and play games.

  “I don’t know, Stephen. Life is good here; I don’t want to mess it up by throwing a party while they’re away.”

  “Babe, I promise things will be chill. Just a few guys to shoot pool and play darts downstairs. I’ll even keep the drinks to beer only. I really want you to get to know my teammates. Your foster parents will never know.”

  When I told Stephen we would have the house to ourselves, I thought he’d jump at the chance to fool around. Inviting his friends along never crossed my mind. I can’t say I’m not disappointed. I thought tonight was the night we’d finally go all the way. I know a guy like him won’t wait for much longer. He could have any girl he wants but he chose me. Who better to lose my virginity to?

  “Stephen, I thought we’d be alone tonight. So we could, you know, do stuff.”

  “Katherine, I have all night. My parents think I’m staying over at Cam’s. We’ll have plenty of alone time later. I’ve been telling the guys about you for months now but they’ve only seen you at games. I want them to know the girl I’ve fallen for.”

  “You’ve fallen for me?” I ask. “Like, you’re in love with me?”

  “Of course I love you,” he assures me. “What’s not to love? You’re
smart, sweet, and ridiculously hot.”

  “Yeah, but you could have any girl. Why would you want a freshman with a totally messed up background?”

  He smiles warmly. “Babe, those girls have nothing on you. You’re more on point than they could ever hope to be.”

  I return a smile. “I love you too, Stephen.”

  “You do?”

  “I do,” I nod.

  Seriously, how did I get so lucky? After all the totally jacked-up things in my life, I finally feel like I’m part of a real family. On top of that, one of the most popular boys in school just told me he loves me. I feel like this night couldn’t get any better as we kiss to celebrate our declaration of feelings.

  “I’d love to hang out with your friends. Invite them over.”

  Stephen wraps me in a giant hug. “Really? Thanks, babe! This night is going to be so awesome!”

  Stephen sends a group text to his friends inviting them over in an hour, giving us a little more time to make out beforehand. He tells me how much he adores me in between kisses, lighting my body on fire with his touch. I know without a doubt that tonight is the night and I can’t wait to give myself to him. He makes me feel so special. Most boys in school make lewd comments about my boobs or crack sexual jokes about my pouty lips or round butt. Stephen has never made me feel like he wants me just for my body. He compliments me in a way that makes me feel beautiful, not like I need to take a shower to wash the slime away. He truly is the perfect boyfriend and in this moment, I’d do anything for him.

  The doorbell rings a while later and Stephen jumps up from the couch.

  “That must be them. I’ll answer it.” He gives me a quick peck on the lips. “I love you, babe.”

  I beam. “I love you too.”

  I watch his cute butt as he runs up the stairs to meet his friends. I nervously smooth down my hair and adjust my clothing so his friends won’t know that we were fooling around. As they descend into the basement, I see Cam, Jaden, and Will trailing behind Stephen. They’re all varsity soccer players like he is and most girls would say equally gorgeous. My eyes are really only on one guy though—the one who somehow manages to make me feel like a normal teenager instead of someone who’s had to bear far too much weight on her shoulders.

  “Babe, you know the guys, right?” Stephen asks.

  “I do. Hi, guys.”

  Three muttered versions of hello come my way in reply.

  Will raises up a case of beer. “You ready to have some fun, Katherine?”

  I glance nervously toward Stephen. When he mentioned beer earlier, I thought he meant maybe one bottle each—not the four or five that could be allotted to each person present.

  Stephen reads my mind. “Don’t worry, babe. This will barely get us buzzed.” He gestures to each boy at his side. “Do you see how big and manly we are?”

  I join them in laughter. I suppose I didn’t consider that. I’m what you’d call “fun-sized” so it doesn’t take much to get me drunk. Not like I’d know really—I’ve only drank the few times that Stephen has offered since we’ve been together. But still, each one of these guys are well over six feet and easily have fifty pounds or more over me. Logically, a few beers wouldn’t have the same effect on them.

  Stephen grabs a pool cue. “Babe, why don’t you rack the balls for us?”

  “Sure,” I shrug.

  I can feel several sets of eyes on me as I perform the simple task. I look up to find my boyfriend with all three of his friends looking at me like I’m a big juicy steak. I grimace when I notice that my shirt is gaping at the neckline, exposing my pale blue bra. Cam smirks when I straighten my back and adjust the collar.

  “Can’t blame a guy for looking when they’re staring you in the face like that,” Cam says and winks.

  Appalled, I glance toward Stephen, waiting for him to defend my honor. I frown when he fist bumps Cam instead. What the heck?

  I point toward my face. “Let’s keep the eyes up here, boys.”

  All four of them laugh, especially Stephen.

  “Relax, babe,” he says. “Your rack is amazing; you should be flattered. As far as I’m concerned, you should just walk around topless. None of us would complain.”

  Okay, who is this guy and what did he do with my sweet, thoughtful boyfriend from earlier? Did he really just say that? The rowdy laughter and high fives going around confirms it.

  “Stephen!” I shriek. “What is wrong with you?”

  Stephen walks over to me and pulls me into a hug, despite my protest. “Katherine, loosen up. I’m just kidding. I’m the only one in this room that gets to see your rack up close and personal.”

  I blush and whisper shout, “Stephen, can we please not talk about the things we do in private?”

  He kisses me on the forehead. “Of course, babe.” He squats down so our eyes are level. “Do you forgive me?” He pouts, revealing the boyish side of him that I love.

  I tuck my head into his chest. “Okay.”

  Stephen releases a whoop then proceeds to shoot pool with his buddies while I sit back and watch. They’re each on their third beers, while I’m still nursing my first. They’re acting kind of funny but I can’t quite put my finger on why. They don’t seem drunk, but they’re definitely really happy and…affectionate. They keep joining together for group hugs, almost always smashing me in the middle of their bro-mance circle. After yet another lovefest, Stephen grabs my face and kisses me passionately. I feel something foreign on my tongue, and immediately try to reject the powdery substance. Stephen won’t relent on the tonsil hockey so I wind up swallowing the large lump instead.

  I pull back and cough. “What the hell was in your mouth, Stephen?”

  Stephen tries rubbing my shoulders but I shake him off. “We thought you needed a boost. You’re taking forever to drink your beer.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “A boost of what?”

  “We’re rolling tonight, babe. I slipped some in your beer earlier but it’s probably settled on the bottom by now. You’re supposed to down that shit—not take all night to finish one drink.”

  “Rolling?” I repeat. “You mean, drugs?”

  Stephen laughs. “Yeah, babe. It’s just a little Molly—totally harmless. It’ll make you feel good.”

  “No drug is harmless,” I argue. “Stephen, how could you? You know about my mom. You know how I feel about that stuff!”

  “Relax, girly,” Will says. “What’s the problem? You’ll be feeling great in about twenty minutes. Then we’ll all be ready to party.”

  “The problem is that you idiots thought you could force feed me drugs without my knowledge! What the hell is wrong with you?” I’m screaming like a psycho at this point.

  Stephen holds his hands up like he’s dealing with a frightened animal. “Katherine, calm down. You’re at your house. What’s the worst that can happen? Look, why don’t you go sit down and watch some TV? We’ll leave you alone and play some darts. You just let me know if you feel like hanging with us. Okay?”

  “Fine,” I grumble as I slump down on the couch. Boys are so stupid. How could they possibly think it would be okay to slip me something? Ugh!

  One sitcom re-run later, I’m singing a different tune. I smile at Stephen from across the room and give him a come hither gesture with my finger. He leans over the back of the couch and starts rubbing my shoulders while kissing my neck. To me, this feels like an orgasm rolled in a warm blanket wrapped in a cuddle. I’ve never felt anything better in my life. I reach back to wrap my hands around his neck and pull him into a hard, demanding kiss.

  “You’re so sexy,” I mumble against his delicious lips. “Have I ever told you how sexy you are?”

  He walks around the couch and takes my hand, prompting me to stand. “Come over here where I can see you spread out for me, gorgeous.”

  Stephen leads me to the pool table and presses kisses across my collarbone until I’m leaning back against the felt. I stretch languidly, savoring his velvety touch and t
he smoothness of the surface beneath me. Clothing is removed as we make out to allow better access to the good parts. I completely forget we’re not alone until I hear someone else speak.

  “Holy shit, they’re going to fuck right in front of us!” I think that was Jaden.

  I pull back from Stephen’s mouth and eye him questioningly. He reaches behind me and unclasps my bra.

  “It’s okay, babe. Let them see how beautiful you are.” He looks over his shoulder as he slowly runs his hands down the length of my torso and removes my bra. “Doesn’t this feel good, Katherine?”

  “So good,” I pant.

  “Well, if it feels good with me, imagine how it could be with more hands.”

  He has a point. Wait…what am I saying? This isn’t like me at all. I try to make sense of everything but my head feels too fuzzy.

  “Come closer, guys. Show Katherine how much you want her.”

  Jaden, Cam, and Will line up next to Stephen with grins plastered on their faces. I glance below their belts and sure enough, I can see the outline of their erections.

  Stephen pulls my panties down, unbuckles his belt, and removes his penis from his pants. He’s long and hard as he rubs the head against my opening.

  “Do you want me, babe? Do you want my cock inside of you?”

  “Not like this,” I say. “Not with them watching.” Why am I still lying here exposed like this?

  “Katherine, these guys are my best friends. We share everything. You can trust them.”

  “Everything?” I ask. “Even girls?”

  “Sure, if the girl is into it.” Stephen looks them over. “Show her, guys.”

  All three guys push their pants down to their knees, allowing their erections to spring free.

  Jaden steps closer and strokes himself. “Touch it, honey.”

  “Uh…no, I really don’t think I—” Seriously, why am I not running for the nearest exit? It feels almost like I’m having an out of body experience.

  “Oh, fuck yeah,” he says as he pumps up and down. “Your titties are amazing, Katherine. I’m going to fuck those babies after I give your pussy a good pounding.”


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