The Summer I Loved You (A Love for All Seasons Book 1)
Page 15
“Did he say anything?” he asked.
“No, only that he would be here soon. How could we miss her already? I used to love this house but it feels so empty and they’ve only been gone four hours.”
That’s why he hadn’t want to look at his sister. He would see too much of what he was feeling. Without Adri and Bron, it just didn’t feel right.
“Why don’t you call her? She’s not going to be in school today since they took such an early flight. Adrianna said she would call her friend Ayla’s dad and ask if his daughter could come over this afternoon to hang out with Bron.”
“Oh, that’s nice. I’ve been texting with her. She said she would call me around lunch time. I have a feeling she wants to check on Frida and Diego.” Lux took the chair across from him and eyed the papers. The question danced in her eyes plain as daylight.
“These are interview questions. I agreed to sit down with Times Big Apple. That should lay everything to rest. It’s happening this evening. I’m hoping to kill all this noise.”
“Yeah, and then you can go to Baltimore.” There was no mistaking the sadness in her voice or eyes. Lux was rarely expressive when it came to hurt.
It always touched Cam deeply when she was down in any way. “You can come with me.”
She stopped petting the puppy in her arms and her eyes widened a bit but then she shook her head. “You guys need your time alone. I don’t want to be a drag.”
“You wouldn’t be. Bron wants you close and Adrianna would be okay with it. And you don’t have to live with us, if you don’t want to. I can get you a row house in the city. You can run your blog from anywhere.”
She was silent for a while but then sighed and said, “I don’t want to be here if you’re not. It’s only a matter of time ’til Chase leaves.”
“Where am I going?” Their brother called from the door. He was still wearing the same clothes he’d left with and there were deep circles under his eyes.
“You stayed there this whole time. Why?”
Chase shrugged and dropped himself on the chair next to Lux. “Marilyn wasn’t in a good state.”
“Has she been drinking or self-medicating?” Cam asked. He hated that Chase was subjected to their mother’s company for that long alone. Because they rarely visited their parents, Marilyn was always at her abusive best when she got one of them on her turf.
“I think a mixture. She’s anxious over money. Walter’s got some woman stashed up. He didn’t come home while I was there. Marilyn wouldn’t stop screeching. She wants more money. Apparently, your stipend is barely covering her social lunches and designer shoes,” he scoffed.
“She’s not getting another dime from me.” No way in hell was he giving her any more. “Don’t either of you give her anything. What she gets from me is enough.”
His brother looked away.
“Damn it, Chase.”
“It’s the easier route. What do you want me to do? I can’t listen to her whine for long. As soon as I promised to give her the added amount, she calmed down and went to sleep. I got the fuck out.” He buried his face in his hands.
Luciana brought Diego closer. The move made Cam think of Bron.
Marilyn had taken out her encounter last evening on Chase. Cam knew exactly how that disaster went. She hadn’t taken her sleeping pills, but boozed it up instead. When Chase showed up, she’d let him have it. His brother would never have left her in a bad state.
“I’m sorry. You went to help me and got the brunt of it.”
“Oh, shut up. I faced the dragon for Bron. She told me last night, I can come live with her. I think that kid loves me. And who could blame her?” The teasing smile back in Chase’s face but it lacked the usual effect. He had that tired-and-dragged look in his eyes that all three of them knew so well.
“You’re not moving in with us.” He hated how thick his voice sound. When he joked with his siblings about kicking them out of his house or how they didn’t live with him, it came out harder, almost like he meant it. He never did. He never would.
“It’s not your choice, Cam. Lux and I got invited last night. Lux doesn’t have a life so she can be there permanently. I’ll have to get a little apartment to entertain my lady friends from time to time.”
“Ew. And for your information, I do have a life. We all know why you want to go back. Like pumping a nine-year-old for information on her aunt isn’t reprehensible enough.”
Cam laughed. He should be reprimanding his brother for it but he couldn’t make himself do it. “We’ll talk about this at another time.”
“I was a little curious and yes, let’s talk about it without Lux’s innocent ears around. She still doesn’t get the hang of boys and girls.”
“Shut up, Chase.”
“Anyway, Cam. Marilyn won’t be granting any interviews unless you sanction it. Eddha will call one of us if any reporters call the house.”
Eddha had been the Blake’s maid for over twenty years. She’d always been sweet with them. Cam suspected out of pity because of who their parents were.
Chase stood up and headed for the door. “Wake me up for dinner.”
“We are not your parents, Chase.” Lux shot over her shoulder.
“Speak for yourself. Cam’s the only dad I’ll ever admit to having.”
They all laughed but it would have been better if it weren’t true.
The phone was on its fifth ring and Cam should’ve hung up already. Adrianna was probably asleep by now. She didn’t get much shut-eye last night. He’d kept her up until the wee hours of the morning, kissing and fucking. No regrets there.
They’d spent some fantasy hours until she’d sprang from the bed at five in the morning and packed hers and Bron’s stuff with an agility and efficiency that left him in shock.
They’d texted throughout the day and she had been busy catching up at the bistro and he had meetings with his lawyers, publicist, and virtual assistants. He’d been talked out by three in the afternoon but still had two major interviews scheduled for the evening.
His thumb hovered over the round end-call icon when her sleepy face appeared on the screen. Happiness sprang in his chest but sank into his stomach when he took in her half-closed eyes.
“Shit, I woke you. Go back to sleep. We can talk tomorrow.”
She shook her head. “I dozed off waiting for your call. Your daughter was missing you too much. She asked me lay here until she fell asleep.” She moved the phone around so he could see Bron snuggled against her chest, one foot over Adri’s legs, and her mouth in a pout.
It caused a stir in his chest. “I needed that. I miss you two so much. Lux has been moping around. This house is just too damned quiet. Even Frida and Diego…” He shook his head.
“I miss you too, Cam. I was so worried about you and the interviews. Bron and I talked a lot about you before she fell asleep.”
He’d just found out Bron was his daughter a little while ago and missing her that much still surprised him. But he had missed Adri since the moment he’d stupidly walked away from her. “Can you do me a favor? Take a selfie of the two of you like that and send it to me. I want to see your face and hers. Then call me back?”
She nodded. “Okay and I’ll go to my room so we can talk. Call you back in two minutes.”
One minute later, her text message came through with the image of Bron laying half on top of her. He should be with them right now, not here dealing with press bullshit. He was still staring at the image when Adri’s name appeared on the screen. He picked up and she was now sitting with her back against an iron headboard.
“You know, I’ve never been to your bedroom.”
She lowered her lashes and gave him one her saucy smiles. “Oh, I was going to tell you. You won a three-hour tour on Friday when you get here.”
“Three hours sounds very brief. I want to make sure to give every corner proper attention.
That headboard alone looks like two-hours’ worth of inspection and structural testing.”
Her pupils dilated into huge brown moons. Yeah, he definitely would be fucking her against that wrought iron.
She closed her eyes and breathed out, “I can’t wait.”
He should get on a plane right now. Fuck everything else.
“How did today go?” Her question yanked him out of his thoughts, crashing him back into reality.
He shrugged. “It was fine. It’s over.”
Her eyes narrowed like a doctor inspecting a wound. “Try again, Cam.”
“What do you want me to say? It’s annoying as all fuck out. I spent years playing with the Emperors and only talked to the media when necessary. They’re making me pay for it. My publicist keeps bitching about all the strings she has to pull.”
She pressed her lips together in a pout. “Thank you. You’re doing this for us and I know it’s not easy.”
He was dying to kiss that pout off her lips. “Don’t thank me now. Thank me when you see me. Use that mouth on me, Adri. I’m dying to have all you over me again.”
Her lips parted. “Don’t start things we can’t finish.”
“You can finish it and let me watch.”
What the fuck. Was he losing his freaking mind? Did he just actually suggest she got herself off on camera for him? His cock hardened with his palm itching to rub against it. He wouldn’t be surprised if she swore at him and hung up.
Except her lower lip disappeared between her teeth and a hooded look came over her eyes. Holy shit, he was going to need a cold shower right after he beat off.
“Cam.” She shook her head way too slow, like she was reluctant to do so. “It’s just not a good idea but…”
She brushed the hair back from her face and looked away for a second. She looked at him again and her skin darkened and glowed. “…I want to.”
His cock twitched. Don’t ask her, Cam. Don’t fucking ask her. “Want to what?”
Her face darkened even more, if that were possible, but a determined look came over her eyes and she smiled. Oh shit.
“I want to put my hands between my legs. I want to imagine my fingers are yours, rubbing me until I come. I want you to watch me come.”
Blood barreled down into his dick and he found one of his hands there. His fingers trembled as he lifted them and placed them back on the desk. “You are evil. Do you know how cold the water is in New York all year round?”
She laughed a little. “Yeah, it is.”
“I guess letting me watch you shower is also off limits?” She’s going to hang up on you.
She shook her finger at him. “I’m not taking a cold shower. I have a vibrator for times like these.”
The skin tightened around his whole body and he let his head fall back. “Adrianna, I still have to eat dinner with Chase and Luciana. How am I supposed to do that now?”
“Perhaps, we should switch to less sexy topics?”
He nodded. “That would be safe.” It wouldn’t help his aching cock but maybe it could keep his mind off it. “How’s the bistro?”
“Running smooth. Lauren did a great job in my absence. I’m impressed at how Adrianna-like she managed it.”
“Tell me how that is.”
She smiled and he should have known she was about to tease him. “You know how hands-on and thorough I like to be with everything.”
“Okay. Okay. I’ll stop.” Her eyes still twinkled and damn him, he loved it when she was this playful.
“Oh. Wait, here’s something certain to kill the mood. Elias Saunders. Lauren told me he stopped by last night.”
“What did he want?”
“Supposedly, he wanted to apologize to me and see how she was doing.” The air quotes, her lips pressed together into a flat line, and that not-amused look he knew so well, all made Cam uneasy.
“Look, he’s a friend. I confided in him about Bron and you. I was reeling and he was around. I know he got carried away with that email but I already ripped him a new ass—”
“I’m not mad you told him about Bron. It’s only normal. I guess he was trying to protect you. I just don’t understand why he came here when you’re not around?”
Her tone had more bite than usual when she was mad. “Elias is a good guy. He just takes the lawyer thing too seriously. I told him my lawyers would handle it. Maybe he wanted to make sure they did. I don’t think he set out to be an asshole on purpose.”
“Okay,” she sighed.
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?”
“I don’t like your friend very much.”
“You’re not the only one,” he muttered but she heard him.
“Who else doesn’t like him?”
She nodded. “Chase and I don’t like him for the same reason, but I know he’s your friend. I’ll be civil to him, but he better be on his toes.”
“Wait, did he do something to you?”
She shook her head. “But it’s like he did.”
He was about to ask but Chase appeared at the door. “Food’s here.”
“Go eat. We can talk some more tomorrow. I’ll call you during the drive to Bron’s school in the morning.”
“You’re going to bed, then?” Damn, could he sound more pathetic?
“Yeah. I have to be up early and you know I have that thing I need to do before I go to sleep.”
He couldn’t say anything and she laughed. “Love you, Cam.”
“So, what’s Adrianna up to tonight?”
Images of her long, feminine fingers with their pretty, pink, manicured nails slipping between her legs, rubbing slow circles against her pink bud washed over him. Cam’s stomach dropped and he squeezed the ketchup out of his bacon cheeseburger.
All the self-coaching he had done on the way to the living room flew out of the window. Her lips were probably parting and her hips bucking against her fingers. His dick was once again straining between his pants. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“She’s fine.” His voice was rougher than he intended.
“You’re in a mood. That’s my cue to go upstairs.” Lux began to stand up but he put a hand to her wrist.
“Don’t go. It’s been a long day.” Yes, he was lying. It’s not like he could tell his sister he was about to burst through his pants imagining Adrianna getting herself off.
“This house is just dead without Bron.” She sat back down.
“You guys need to get a grip. Even the mutts are depressed.” Chase shrugged. “They only perked up when Bron called me earlier.”
Cam smiled. His little girl was sweet, caring, and amazing.
“You mean when you were pumping our niece for information?”
“Don’t be spiteful or those wrinkles will get bigger, Lux. Anyway, I was asking her how the important people in her life are. That’s what you do when you care about someone.”
“Yeah, right.” Lux rolled her eyes.
That’s when it hit Cam. “Lauren. That’s why you and Adrianna don’t like Elias.”
Chase’s hand stilled. “We don’t like him because he’s an asshole.”
Lux nodded. “He was always so nice to me and at first I thought he was hot, until one time he came to the house when Cam wasn’t there. He was really douche-y to Eddha when I went upstairs to look for something—” Her gaze landed on Diego, who was sniffing circles around the carpet. “Oh, shit.”
She picked him up and ran toward the door. Frida took off after her.
“Why did you bring up Twittle-Fuck, Esquire? Just to piss me off?” Chase took a swig of his beer.
“He went to the bistro looking for Adri and Lauren.” Cam had expected a reaction out of Chase, but the flash of darkness on his brother’s eyes was a bit disconcerting.
He continued. “Adri was not happy about it. She didn’
t tell me why she doesn’t like him. Just that you and she don’t like him for the same reason. I’m guessing this all goes back to Lauren. But I never knew Elias had any interest in her. She wasn’t exactly his type back then. He was all about law school and Lauren was two years younger. Elias wouldn’t have messed with a minor.”
Chase didn’t look at him. “He wasn’t sleeping with her, if that’s what you’re thinking…”
“I wasn’t.”
“…but he toyed with her.”
“We all did dumb things when we were young. Look at me.” Cam pointed at himself.
“And me too. But, there’s something about him. He’s someone else with you. I am glad you didn’t make him your lawyer.”
It had been a point of contention in his relationship with his friend. But after the e-mail he’d sent to Adri, Cam no longer felt guilty about it. “It wasn’t a business decision. I was advised not to hire friends to handle my business affairs. Then again, I’m full of shit, since I hired you.”
Chase shot him a crooked smile. “But I’m brilliant about making you money and you know I would chop off my own arm before I failed you.”
“I know. He might have gone because maybe he thought I didn’t listen to his advice the other day.”
His brother flipped his palm up in question.
“He went to see me when I went to the art show. It was the day I met Bron and saw Adri again. He was giving me sound advice on getting a paternity test and he offered to set it up. I told him no, that I would let my lawyers handle it.” Cam finished his burger and pushed the plate aside.
Chase grunted. “That must have been another blow to his mammoth ego.”
“He was looking out for my best interests because he said that I’m always stupid around Adri.”
His brother nodded. “You are.”
“He sent her an email with a paternity test request.”
A muscle ticked in Chase’s jaw. “That asshole. He’s not your fucking lawyer. I don’t think he gets that shit. You’re never going to hire him.”
No, Cam never would. “It bugs me even more after today’s visit. It would be normal for a friend to check up on this for another, but…”