Phineas Redux

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by Anthony Trollope



  Phineas Finn, when he had been thrice remanded before the Bow Streetmagistrate, and four times examined, was at last committed to betried for the murder of Mr. Bonteen. This took place on Wednesday,May 19th, a fortnight after the murder. But during those fourteendays little was learned, or even surmised, by the police, in additionto the circumstances which had transpired at once. Indeed the delay,slight as it was, had arisen from a desire to find evidence thatmight affect Mr. Emilius, rather than with a view to strengthen thatwhich did affect Phineas Finn. But no circumstance could be foundtending in any way to add to the suspicion to which the converted Jewwas made subject by his own character, and by the supposition thathe would have been glad to get rid of Mr. Bonteen. He did not evenattempt to run away,--for which attempt certain pseudo-facilitieswere put in his way by police ingenuity. But Mr. Emilius stood hisground and courted inquiry. Mr. Bonteen had been to him, he said, avery bitter, unjust, and cruel enemy. Mr. Bonteen had endeavoured torob him of his dearest wife;--had charged him with bigamy;--had gotup false evidence in the hope of ruining him. He had undoubtedlyhated Mr. Bonteen, and might probably have said so. But, as ithappened, through God's mercy, he was enabled to prove that he couldnot possibly have been at the scene of the murder when the murder wascommitted. During that hour of the night he had been in his own bed;and, had he been out, could not have re-entered the house withoutcalling up the inmates. But, independently of his alibi, Mealyus wasable to rely on the absolute absence of any evidence against him.No grey coat could be traced to his hands, even for an hour. Hisheight was very much less than that attributed by Lord Fawn to theman whom he had seen hurrying to the spot. No weapon was found in hispossession by which the deed could have been done. Inquiry was madeas to the purchase of life-preservers, and the reverend gentleman wastaken to half-a-dozen shops at which such instruments had lately beensold. But there had been a run upon life-preservers, in consequenceof recommendations as to their use given by certain newspapers;--andit was found as impossible to trace one particular purchase as itwould be that of a loaf of bread. At none of the half-dozen shops towhich he was taken was Mr. Emilius remembered; and then all furtherinquiry in that direction was abandoned, and Mr. Emilius was set atliberty. "I forgive my persecutors from the bottom of my heart," hesaid,--"but God will requite it to them."

  In the meantime Phineas was taken to Newgate, and was there confined,almost with the glory and attendance of a State prisoner. This was nocommon murder, and no common murderer. Nor were they who interestedthemselves in the matter the ordinary rag, tag, and bobtail of thepeople,--the mere wives and children, or perhaps fathers and mothers,or brothers and sisters of the slayer or the slain. Dukes and Earls,Duchesses and Countesses, Members of the Cabinet, great statesmen,Judges, Bishops, and Queen's Counsellors, beautiful women, andwomen of highest fashion, seemed for a while to think of but littleelse than the fate of Mr. Bonteen and the fate of Phineas Finn.People became intimately acquainted with each other through similarsympathies in this matter, who had never before spoken to or seeneach other. On the day after the full committal of the man, Mr. Lowreceived a most courteous letter from the Duchess of Omnium, begginghim to call in Carlton Terrace if his engagements would permit himto do so. The Duchess had heard that Mr. Low was devoting all hisenergies to the protection of Phineas Finn; and, as a certain friendof hers,--a lady,--was doing the same, she was anxious to bring themtogether. Indeed, she herself was equally prepared to devote herenergies for the present to the same object. She had declared toall her friends,--especially to her husband and to the Duke of St.Bungay,--her absolute conviction of the innocence of the accused man,and had called upon them to defend him. "My dear," said the elderDuke, "I do not think that in my time any innocent man has ever losthis life upon the scaffold."

  "Is that a reason why our friend should be the first instance?" saidthe Duchess.

  "He must be tried according to the laws of his country," said theyounger Duke.

  "Plantagenet, you always speak as if everything were perfect, whereasyou know very well that everything is imperfect. If that man is--ishung, I--"

  "Glencora," said her husband, "do not connect yourself with the fateof a stranger from any misdirected enthusiasm."

  "I do connect myself. If that man be hung--I shall go into mourningfor him. You had better look to it."

  Mr. Low obeyed the summons, and called on the Duchess. But, in truth,the invitation had been planned by Madame Goesler, who was presentwhen the lawyer, about five o'clock in the afternoon, was shown intothe presence of the Duchess. Tea was immediately ordered, and Mr. Lowwas almost embraced. He was introduced to Madame Goesler, of whom hedid not before remember that he had heard the name, and was at oncegiven to understand that the fate of Phineas was now in question. "Weknow so well," said the Duchess, "how true you are to him."

  "He is an old friend of mine," said the lawyer, "and I cannot believehim to have been guilty of a murder."

  "Guilty!--he is no more guilty than I am. We are as sure of that aswe are of the sun. We know that he is innocent;--do we not, MadameGoesler? And we, too, are very dear friends of his;--that is, I am."

  "And so am I," said Madame Goesler, in a voice very low and sweet,but yet so energetic as to make Mr. Low almost rivet his attentionupon her.

  "You must understand, Mr. Low, that Mr. Finn is a man horribly hatedby certain enemies. That wretched Mr. Bonteen hated his very name.But there are other people who think very differently of him. He mustbe saved."

  "Indeed I hope he may," said Mr. Low.

  "We wanted to see you for ever so many reasons. Of course youunderstand that--that any sum of money can be spent that the case maywant."

  "Nothing will be spared on that account certainly," said the lawyer.

  "But money will do a great many things. We would send all roundthe world if we could get evidence against that other man,--LadyEustace's husband, you know."

  "Can any good be done by sending all round the world?"

  "He went back to his own home not long ago,--in Poland, I think,"said Madame Goesler. "Perhaps he got the instrument there, andbrought it with him." Mr. Low shook his head. "Of course we are veryignorant;--but it would be a pity that everything should not betried."

  "He might have got in and out of the window, you know," said theDuchess. Still Mr. Low shook his head. "I believe things can alwaysbe found out, if only you take trouble enough. And trouble meansmoney;--does it not? We wouldn't mind how many thousand pounds itcost; would we, Marie?"

  "I fear that the spending of thousands can do no good," said Mr. Low.

  "But something must be done. You don't mean to say that Mr. Finn isto be hung because Lord Fawn says that he saw a man running along thestreet in a grey coat."

  "Certainly not."

  "There is nothing else against him;--nobody else saw him."

  "If there be nothing else against him he will be acquitted."

  "You think then," said Madame Goesler, "that there will be no use intracing what the man Mealyus did when he was out of England. He mighthave bought a grey coat then, and have hidden it till this night,and then have thrown it away." Mr. Low listened to her with closeattention, but again shook his head. "If it could be shown that theman had a grey coat at that time it would certainly weaken the effectof Mr. Finn's grey coat."

  "And if he bought a bludgeon there, it would weaken the effect ofMr. Finn's bludgeon. And if he bought rope to make a ladder it wouldshow that he had got out. It was a dark night, you know, and nobodywould have seen it. We have been talking it all over, Mr. Low, and wereally think you ought to send somebody."

  "I will mention what you say to the gentlemen who are employed on Mr.Finn's defence."

  "But will not you be employed?" Then Mr. Low explained that thegentlemen to whom he referred were the attorneys who would get up thecase on their friend's behalf, and that as he himself practised inthe Courts of Equity only, he could not defend Mr. Finn on his t

  "He must have the very best men," said the Duchess.

  "He must have good men, certainly."

  "And a great many. Couldn't we get Sir Gregory Grogram?" Mr. Lowshook his head. "I know very well that if you get men who arereally,--really swells, for that is what it is, Mr. Low,--and paythem well enough, and so make it really an important thing, theycan browbeat any judge and hoodwink any jury. I daresay it is verydreadful to say so, Mr. Low; but, nevertheless, I believe it, and asthis man is certainly innocent it ought to be done. I daresay it'svery shocking, but I do think that twenty thousand pounds spent amongthe lawyers would get him off."

  "I hope we can get him off without expending twenty thousand pounds,Duchess."

  "But you can have the money and welcome;--cannot he, Madame Goesler?"

  "He could have double that, if double were necessary."

  "I would fill the court with lawyers for him," continued the Duchess."I would cross-examine the witnesses off their legs. I would rakeup every wicked thing that horrid Jew has done since he was born.I would make witnesses speak. I would give a carriage and pair ofhorses to every one of the jurors' wives, if that would do any good.You may shake your head, Mr. Low; but I would. And I'd carry LordFawn off to the Antipodes, too;--and I shouldn't care if you left himthere. I know that this man is innocent, and I'd do anything to savehim. A woman, I know, can't do much;--but she has this privilege,that she can speak out what men only think. I'd give them twocarriages and two pairs of horses a-piece if I could do it that way."

  Mr. Low did his best to explain to the Duchess that the desiredobject could hardly be effected after the fashion she proposed, andhe endeavoured to persuade her that justice was sure to be done inan English court of law. "Then why are people so very anxious to getthis lawyer or that to bamboozle the witnesses?" said the Duchess.Mr. Low declared it to be his opinion that the poorest man in Englandwas not more likely to be hung for a murder he had not committed thanthe richest. "Then why would you, if you were accused, have ever somany lawyers to defend you?" Mr. Low went on to explain. "The moremoney you spend," said the Duchess, "the more fuss you make. And thelonger a trial is about and the greater the interest, the more chancea man has to escape. If a man is tried for three days you alwaysthink he'll get off, but if it lasts ten minutes he is sure to beconvicted and hung. I'd have Mr. Finn's trial made so long that theynever could convict him. I'd tire out all the judges and juries inLondon. If you get lawyers enough they may speak for ever." Mr.Low endeavoured to explain that this might prejudice the prisoner."And I'd examine every member of the House of Commons, and all theCabinet, and all their wives. I'd ask them all what Mr. Bonteenhad been saying. I'd do it in such a way as a trial was never donebefore;--and I'd take care that they should know what was coming."

  "And if he were convicted afterwards?"

  "I'd buy up the Home Secretary. It's very horrid to say so, ofcourse, Mr. Low; and I dare say there is nothing wrong ever done inChancery. But I know what Cabinet Ministers are. If they could get amajority by granting a pardon they'd do it quick enough."

  "You are speaking of a liberal Government, of course, Duchess."

  "There isn't twopence to choose between them in that respect. Justat this moment I believe Mr. Finn is the most popular member of theHouse of Commons; and I'd bring all that to bear. You can't but knowthat if everything of that kind is done it will have an effect. Ibelieve you could make him so popular that the people would pull downthe prison rather than have him hung;--so that a jury would not dareto say he was guilty."

  "Would that be justice, ladies?" asked the just man.

  "It would be success, Mr. Low,--which is a great deal the betterthing of the two."

  "If Mr. Finn were found guilty, I could not in my heart believe thatthat would be justice," said Madame Goesler.

  Mr. Low did his best to make them understand that the plan of pullingdown Newgate by the instrumentality of Phineas Finn's popularity,or of buying up the Home Secretary by threats of Parliamentarydefection, would hardly answer their purpose. He would, he assuredthem, suggest to the attorneys employed the idea of searching forevidence against the man Mealyus in his own country, and wouldcertainly take care that nothing was omitted from want of means. "Youhad better let us put a cheque in your hands," said the Duchess. Butto this he would not assent. He did admit that it would be well toleave no stone unturned, and that the turning of such stones mustcost money;--but the money, he said, would be forthcoming. "He's nota rich man himself," said the Duchess. Mr. Low assured her that ifmoney were really wanting he would ask for it. "And now," said theDuchess, "there is one other thing that we want. Can we see him?"

  "You, yourself?"

  "Yes;--I myself, and Madame Goesler. You look as if it would be verywicked." Mr. Low thought that it would be wicked;--that the Dukewould not like it; and that such a visit would occasion ill-naturedremarks. "People do visit him, I suppose. He's not locked up like acriminal."

  "I visit him," said Mr. Low, "and one or two other friends have doneso. Lord Chiltern has been with him, and Mr. Erle."

  "Has no lady seen him?" asked the Duchess.

  "Not to my knowledge."

  "Then it's time some lady should do so. I suppose we could beadmitted. If we were his sisters they'd let us in."

  "You must excuse me, Duchess, but--"

  "Of course I will excuse you. But what?"

  "You are not his sisters."

  "If I were engaged to him, to be his wife?--" said Madame Goesler,standing up. "I am not so. There is nothing of that kind. You mustnot misunderstand me. But if I were?"

  "On that plea I presume you could be admitted."

  "Why not as a friend? Lord Chiltern is admitted as his friend."

  "Because of the prudery of a prison," said the Duchess. "All thingsare wrong to the lookers after wickedness, my dear. If it wouldcomfort him to see us, why should he not have that comfort?"

  "Would you have gone to him in his own lodgings?" asked Mr. Low.

  "I would,--if he'd been ill," said Madame Goesler.

  "Madam," said Mr. Low, speaking with a gravity which for a moment hadits effect even upon the Duchess of Omnium, "I think, at any rate,that if you visit Mr. Finn in prison, you should do so through theinstrumentality of his Grace, your husband."

  "Of course you suspect me of all manner of evil."

  "I suspect nothing;--but I am sure that it should be so."

  "It shall be so," said the Duchess. "Thank you, sir. We are muchobliged to you for your wise counsel."

  "I am obliged to you," said Madame Goesler, "because I know that youhave his safety at heart."

  "And so am I," said the Duchess, relenting, and giving him herhand. "We are really ever so much obliged to you. You don't quiteunderstand about the Duke; and how should you? I never do anythingwithout telling him, but he hasn't time to attend to things."

  "I hope I have not offended you."

  "Oh dear, no. You can't offend me unless you mean it. Good-bye,--andremember to have a great many lawyers, and all with new wigs; and letthem all get in a great rage that anybody should suppose it possiblethat Mr. Finn is a murderer. I'm sure I am. Good-bye, Mr. Low."

  "You'll never be able to get to him," said the Duchess, as soon asthey were alone.

  "I suppose not."

  "And what good could you do? Of course I'd go with you if we couldget in;--but what would be the use?"

  "To let him know that people do not think him guilty."

  "Mr. Low will tell him that. I suppose, too, we can write to him.Would you mind writing?"

  "I would rather go."

  "You might as well tell the truth when you are about it. You arebreaking your heart for him."

  "If he were to be condemned, and--executed, I should break my heart.I could never appear bright before the world again."

  "That is just what I told Plantagenet. I said I would go intomourning."

  "And I should really mourn. And yet were he free to-morrow he wouldbe no more to me th
an any other friend."

  "Do you mean you would not marry him?"

  "No;--I would not. Nor would he ask me. I will tell you what will behis lot in life,--if he escapes from the present danger."

  "Of course he will escape. They don't really hang innocent men."

  "Then he will become the husband of Lady Laura Kennedy."

  "Poor fellow! If I believed that, I should think it cruel to help himescape from Newgate."


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