Shiftr: Swipe Left for Love (Andrea) BBW Lion Shifter Romance (Hope Valley BBW Dating App Romance Book 4)

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Shiftr: Swipe Left for Love (Andrea) BBW Lion Shifter Romance (Hope Valley BBW Dating App Romance Book 4) Page 8

by Hawkes,Ariana

  Magnus was leaning against his car in one of the forest’s parking lots, waiting for Andrea to arrive. At last, there she was, climbing out of her charmingly beat-up car. She looked stunning. She had knee-length boots on. Her long, camelhair coat was open, and underneath, she was wearing a black sweater dress, which showed off her full breasts and curvy hips to perfection. His lion gave the ghost of a roar, longing to sink its claws into that ripe body. He waved, shushing it up at the same time, and strode over to her.

  “Hi!” they called to each other. He was going to kiss her on the cheeks, but, at the last moment, he moved his mouth to the right, and the corners of their lips brushed. The contact ignited a slender flame of desire in his body, and his cock jolted to attention. He tasted cherry lip-gloss. It had given her lips a very appealing pinkish-purple tinge. She didn’t seem to be wearing a lot of make-up. Her eyes were a violet hue. He hadn’t realized before, thinking that they were blue, but now their true color was revealed in the sunlight. They sparkled between long, black lashes, and her eyebrows had a high, elegant arch. Her hair was curlier than he’d seen it before. It bounced mischievously just above her shoulders. God, she’s sexy. She didn’t seem annoyed that he’d sneaked a kiss on her lips. In fact, her cheeks were pink with telltale pleasure.

  “It’s so great to see you,” he said. She smiled, with a hint of self-consciousness.

  “So, where are we going?” she said.

  “Well, I’ve got a meeting at a location in the forest, a mile and a half from here. There’s another parking lot that’s closer, actually, but I thought it would be nice to take the walk from here.”

  “Good call,” she said. “It’s a lovely day.” He crooked his elbow out, and, to his delight she took it, wrapping her arm around his.

  “So do I get any clues about this mysterious location?” she said. He really liked her voice. It was strong and well-spoken, the voice of a woman who asked questions for a living. There was an endearing hint of a New York intonation, cutting through the southern softness.

  “Nope!” he replied. “It’s not that big a deal to be honest. So if I drop you any clues, you’re going to be seriously underwhelmed when you see it.”

  They walked for around half an hour, chatting all the way. They talked about their favorite parts of New York, the bars, cafes and galleries they’d both been to. They talked about their first impressions of Hope Valley. Andrea said how much she’d loved living there as a child, because of all the open spaces. It was a safe town where kids could play outside in summer until sunset. She talked warmly of chasing the other kids around the neighborhood and playing softball in the local park. But then she’d reached her teens, and her parents had dumped a load of pressure on her head.

  “It was like they’d been waiting for me to reach puberty, so I could become their great white hope, and make up for all the things they’d lacked in their lives,” she said. “I think, to a large extent, I lost my childhood right there.”

  “That’s really sad,” he said with feeling, thinking that he wanted to do whatever it took to prevent her from having to face any pressure ever again.

  “What are your parents like? Are they both shape shifters?”

  “Yes they are,” he said with a grin. “They’re pretty adorable actually. They met in high school, and became mates when they were only sixteen. By the time they were 25, they had five cubs, and we spent our childhood tumbling around together in a big old house near the Canadian border. We always traveled a lot, so I got to see the world from an early age.”

  “I haven’t traveled much,” she said wistfully. “I’ve worked such long hours that I’ve wound up spending most of my vacations sleeping.” Magnus put an arm around her shoulders and squeezed them.

  “Something tells me that’s going to change very soon.” Her expression became so appealingly innocent that he dipped his head and kissed her. It was intended to be a quick peck, but became a lingering embrace. Her lips were cold from the misty air, but warm and inviting on the inside, reminding him how much he wanted to be surrounded by her warmth.

  The sound of men yelling to each other reached their ears.

  “What’s that?” Andrea said, as they turned a bend in the track and came into a clearing. In front of them was the wooden skeleton of a house. It had two stories, a high, sloping roof and a large veranda. Four big, stocky men were working on it, hammering away.

  “What do you think?” Magnus asked.

  “You’re having a house built!” she exclaimed.

  “Sure am!” he said with a grin.

  “It’s going to be finished all in wood, right?”

  “Yep, like a giant cabin.” One of the builders turned around at the sound of his voice.

  “Hey, Magnus,” he called, coming over. Magnus shook his hand.

  “Hey, Connor. This is Andrea.” The tall, well-built man shook her hand, smiling at her kindly. He shouted to the other guys to come over and introduce themselves.

  “We’re all part of the same clan. This is Leigh, Ryzard, Niall and Logan. We’re all working on the build, but Logan is our expert carver, so he’ll be doing all the little details.” They all greeted Andrea, holding her hand gently in their large, calloused ones.

  “You’re shifters, right? Am I allowed to ask that?” Andrea said, her voice a little above a whisper.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Ryzard replied.

  “Are you bears?” she ventured. They all laughed.

  “Need you ask?” Connor said.

  “I guess not.” She laughed.

  “Are you guys on schedule?” Magnus said.

  “Yes. Should be done next Friday at the latest,” Logan replied.

  “Wow. A whole house, ready in two weeks?” Andrea said.

  “We bears work hard,” Niall said, with pride.

  “That’s very refreshing.”

  “Speaking of which, if you’d excuse us, we’d better get back to work now,” Connor said. “The days are still short, and we don’t want to waste the light.”

  “Do you like it?” Magnus asked Andrea when they were alone again.

  “I love it.”

  “Me too. It’s my dream house. Full of space, and everything’s going to be environmentally friendly. But, part of the reason why I wanted to bring you here was to find out if you had any suggestions for making it even better, as I’d really value your opinion.”

  “Me? I’m really not an expert on house design,” she said, but she looked pleased to have been asked.

  “You don’t need to be. Just take a look at the structure, and I can show you the plans, and if you think the house could benefit from any additions, please let me know.”

  “Ok!” she said and began circling around the house. Magnus watched her, glad she was occupied with something else so he could feast his eyes on her. The walk had warmed her up, and she’d taken her coat off, allowing him to see the outline of her body beneath her dress. There was a little wiggle in her hips as she moved, which was driving him crazy. Images of her on top of him, those hips swaying back and forth flashed through his mind. She had a lovely ass too – round and full, and just asking to be bitten. He could see that two of the guys were sneaking appreciative glances at her, and his lion snarled. No-one else was going to touch her. He was going to love and protect her forever.

  “Mine,” he muttered under his breath. “All mine.”

  Andrea completed a circle of the house and came back to him.

  “A balcony would be good, maybe running all the way around the house. I don’t know if that would be possible though.” He grinned.

  “I love it! I’ll find out if it can be done. And here’s the plan.” He handed her the architectural drawings that Logan had done himself.

  “Nice big kitchen. That’s important. One, two, three – four bedrooms, right?”


  “Three bathrooms. A den. What’s that room for?” she pointed to an unmarked square.

  “I’m not sure yet.”
br />   “Maybe a spa room? Or am I being ridiculous? I just love steam rooms and hot tubs.”

  “Whatever you desire,” he said. She stared at him, suddenly realizing what they’d been saying to each other. She dropped her gaze to the ground and bit her lip.

  “Andrea.” He touched her chin with his thumb, lifting her head so she was forced to meet his eyes. “I know we haven’t even mated yet, but I know you’re the one for me. I said it in the bar the other day, and the feeling has only grown stronger.” He watched as her pupils dilated, flooding the iris.

  “But what if we’re not, you know, compatible?” she said shyly. His lion let out a little roar. She jumped.

  “What was that?” she shrieked.

  “It was my lion. It was lion language for ‘there’s no way we won’t be compatible’.”

  “Really?” Her expression turned mischievous. “So, if I understand right, your lion is saying that it’s got the hots for me. But what if that feeling’s not reciprocated? What if you’re not the lover for me?” His lion let out a louder roar.

  “That’s lion for ‘I promise not to let you out of the bedroom until your every desire has been satisfied. Every. Single. Time’.”

  “Oh.” She looked at him through her eyelashes. “In that case, I’ll hold you to that. Every. Single. Time.” He grinned at her, delighted that her sassiness was back in full force. “Come here,” she whispered, and, to his total surprise, she grabbed a fistful of his hair and drew him towards her. He yielded, bringing his mouth to hers. She met his lips, drawing him into a fierce kiss that made tingles run from his scalp, all the way down his spine.

  “If you’re going to kiss me like that, we’d better get away from here, unless you’re intending for us to have some al fresco sex,” he muttered. She laughed joyfully.

  “That has always been my fantasy, but isn’t it a little cold? And I think we’d have a bit of an audience as well.” He laughed as well.

  “Cold, I think we could work with, as long as we had enough warm clothes. But I agree on the unwanted audience.”

  “The shed’s not far away though, is it?” she said calmly.

  “About half a mile,” he said, desire thrumming in his veins.

  “You know how I feel about that place. But right, now, it sounds like heaven,” she said, in the same calm tone, as if she was discussing the weather. He took her hand.

  “Actually, I added a couple of home comforts since you saw it last. If we walk fast, we could be there in eight minutes.”

  “Let’s go,” she said.

  They did walk fast to the shack, holding hands, barely speaking. Sex hung in the air between them, every particle of it seeming to be charged with their desire. At long last, the row of shacks came into view. For both of them, it couldn’t have been a more welcome sight. Magnus unlocked the door of his shack and they hurtled in. He flicked a light switch on, and two lamps were illuminated, at either end of the room. He’d added two more animal skin rugs to the floor, and some soft blankets to the bed.

  “Better?” he said.

  “Much!” she replied. As he closed the door, she threw herself on him, tipping him off balance, and pressed him against the door. She kissed him urgently as her hands ran up and down his chest, feeling at his pecs and abs. At her touch, he instantly became hard, and his lion let out a groan of need. She unfastened the top button of his shirt, and then another one.

  “What’s it like to mate with a lion?” she asked abruptly, pulling back and looking up at him. “Will it hurt?” He looked down at her, reading her, knowing she could take it.

  “Maybe a little, but only in a good way,” he said, with a smirk. She gave a little gasp, and began to kiss him harder, her tongue insinuating itself into his mouth and seeking out his. Christ, she was like a lioness. He’d never met such a voracious woman before. It was incredibly hot. She’d succeeded in unbuttoning his shirt all the way. He still had his coat on, and she stripped it off, along with his shirt, and let them fall to the floor. Then she paused and stared at his torso, drinking in the sight of his bare flesh. When her gaze reached his belt, her lips curved into a smile. She could see that he was hard and ready for her. She reached out and touched him through his pants and it was his turn to gasp. It was as if he’d been electrocuted. Her eyes were full of fire at she tipped her head back to look him in the eye. He tangled his fingers in her hair and kissed her hard and deep as she continued to touch him. When she reached for his zipper, he pulled away.

  “Enough!” he said. “You’re trying to get me naked, and you’re still wearing all of your clothes.” He encircled her waist in his hands and led her over to the bed, gently pushing her down onto it. He knelt in front of her and unfastened the zippers that ran the length of her boots. He pulled them off and ran his hand up her leg, as far as mid-thigh.

  “Pantyhose, right?” he said. She nodded, hitched her dress up and eased the patterned lace hose down from the waist. When they reached her knees, he slid them down the rest of the way, revealing the soft, pale skin of her legs. She had great legs – very shapely, with strong, curvy thighs and defined calves, and small at the ankles. Her toenails were painted the same deep cherry shade as her fingernails. Her feet were adorably small and feminine. He held them in his hands, until she pulled them away, muttering that they were big and ugly. He never did understand women’s hang-ups about their size. All women looked tiny to him. He leaned forward and kissed her, tenderly at first, and then more passionately. And, as he felt her body relax, he began to ease her dress up, along her thighs. She wriggled, allowing him to slide it over her ass and up to her waist. She stiffened a little as he raised it over her belly and tugged it up, over her buxom breasts. At last, he drew away from the kiss and whispered,

  “Lift up your arms.” He eased the dress over her head and cast it aside. He gazed at her body, luxuriating in the sight of her delicious curves. She looked down, wouldn’t meet his eye. It was very endearing seeing this strong, dominant woman seeming so shy. But he didn’t want her like this. He wanted her to unleash her urges and desires for him, without any inhibitions. “Andrea, you’re so sexy,” he growled. “I’ve been dying to undress you ever since I first laid eyes on you. You have the most beautiful body I’ve ever seen.” And it was true. She had curves any shifter would kill for. Her lashes lifted and her violet eyes met his, searching, checking that he really meant it. The hunger in his expression must’ve persuaded her, because her full lips curved into a sexy, dirty smile. That look in her eye, along with the sight of her, sitting in front of him, legs slightly parted, in emerald green lace lingerie, just about tipped him over the edge.

  He couldn’t hold back any longer. He leapt onto her, tipping her backwards so she lay flat on the bed. As his cock pressed against the tender place between her thighs, his whole body jerked. God, I need to be inside her so bad! He stripped his pants off. There was no hiding his erection now. It tented the front of his black silk boxer shorts, big and strong. Andrea stared at it with undisguised lust. As he arched over her, she reached for him, one hand running all over his torso, the other trying to pull his pants off.

  “Not so fast,” he said, and he caught up her wrists and pinned them above her head with one of his huge hands. She tested his grasp, straining to get away, but he held her there easily. She was a very strong woman, but there was no overcoming a lion’s force. Her eyes were full of a mixture of frustration and arousal. He sensed that she loved to be dominated, but wouldn’t give into it without a fight. This was going to be very interesting. And he had the distinct impression that mating with Andrea was never going to be dull. Which was fortunate, since she was his mate. This is your mate, his lion told him, over and over, as he gazed at her flushed cheeks, and parted lips, and the voluptuous, womanly body that struggled beneath him. With his free hand, he caressed her breasts through the lace of the bra. Her nipples instantly became very hard, begging for him to suck on them. He nibbled at them through the fabric, teasing her. She made little sounds
of frustration, needing more. He reached under her back and deftly unfastened the three catches of her bra, then he lifted the entire bra up, freeing her breasts. They were huge, bigger than his hand, with lovely, caramel-colored nipples. As his hand closed on them, one and then the other, she let out an unrestrained moan. He took her nipples into his mouth, gently sucking them, rolling them on his tongue. Her pelvis made little jerks, trying to get closer to his cock. Instead, he pushed her legs wide apart and pinned them with his thighs, intent on making this lioness wait until he was ready to take her. The sweet, musky scent of her arousal reached his nostrils, making his cock stiffen even more. If he waited much longer, it would be too late. He kneaded at her breasts as he sucked her nipples. He was a real breast man, and she had the most incredible ones he’d ever got his hands on. As his teeth grazed her tender skin, she gave little moans of delight.

  He relinquished his grasp on her wrists long enough to remove her bra completely, and then he caught them up again. He ran his hand over the soft curve of her belly and lightly, casually, placed his hand between her thighs. Her panties were drenched. His lion snarled, urging him to push them aside and thrust his cock into her. It took all of Magnus’s self control not to give into it. Instead, he hooked his thumbs into the sides of her panties and pulled them all the way down, slipping them over her feet and crumpling them in his hand, before depositing them next to her bra. Andrea was now fully exposed to his eyes. He gazed at the neat, dark triangle of hair between her thighs, and the wet, pink pussy beneath. She looked so open, so ready for him.

  “Look at you,” he growled. “You’re so pink and perfect. I can’t wait to taste you, to explore you with my mouth.” She squirmed in pleasure, her thighs slackening. He dipped his head, and gave her pussy one long lick, all the way up to her clit. As his tongue circled that super-sensitive little bud, she cried out and he almost lost his grip on her wrists. He licked it again, and again, filling his nostrils with her fresh, sweet, salty scent. It reminded him of cut grass and sea breeze and caramel candy, all at the same time. He couldn’t get enough of it. Her hips began to move rhythmically. Sensing that she needed him inside her, he slipped a finger into her pussy. She cried out again, and her muscles clenched around his finger as he slid in and out on her wetness. He slid a second finger in and curled his fingertips, seeking out her g-spot. Her body jerked and jolted.


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