Deadly Obsession

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Deadly Obsession Page 4

by Duncan, Mary

  Moments later a nurse entered the room.

  She asked Carmen a series of questions and collected the specimens for the doctor.

  “I’ll get these to the lab right away.” The nurse told her.

  “Would you send my boyfriend in please? He’s waiting outside the door.”

  It wasn’t long until the doctor returned with her test results.

  “Ms. Haines, when was your last menstrual cycle?”

  “Come to think of it, I haven’t had one this month.”

  “That’s because you’re pregnant; about seven weeks along.”

  Stunned, Carmen and Dexter stared at each other silently. They definitely hadn’t expected this news.

  “Are you sure doctor? I mean is there any way you could be mistaken?”

  “I’m sure, there’s no mistake. You’re going to be a mother. I’ll let you get dressed. The nurse will be in soon to give you a referral to an OBGYN. Set up an appointment as soon as possible, early care is very important to your health and the baby’s.”

  Carmen was speechless, a baby. She wasn’t ready to become a mother. She and Dexter weren’t even married yet. The doctor had to be wrong; she couldn’t be pregnant.

  “A baby, we’re going to be parents. Can you believe it?” Dexter said.

  “No I can’t. I’m not ready for this. What are we going to do Dexter? We aren’t prepared; not now.”

  “We’ll get prepared; it’s still a ways off until we’re due. We’re having a baby Carmen; it’s really not up for discussion. We’ll do whatever we have to. I know it wasn’t planned but there’s nothing we can do now. The baby’s on its way, ready or not.”

  “Are you sure we can do this Dexter?”

  “Don’t worry Carmen, everything will

  be okay, I promise. I’m a little excited but I’m also sad. My mom would be so happy; she would have been a wonderful grandmother.”

  Carmen comforted Dexter. The more she realized there was life inside her, a life that she and Dexter had created, the more her feeling of anxiety began to subside. Inside her was a real little person who would love her and Dexter unconditionally and would depend on them for everything. As they pulled out of the parking deck at the hospital, Dexter’s cell phone rang, catching him off guard. He failed to check the caller ID before answering.

  “Not you; not today; I don’t want to talk to you.”

  Dexter threw his phone out the window as he was going down the road. He and Carmen were expecting a baby and Carol wasn’t going to spoil their excitement. She already knew his feelings and he refused to be bothered by her anymore.

  “Dexter, Dexter, answer me!” Carol

  shouted angrily.

  She quickly realized that he’d hung up on her. She was furious. “So he thinks he can just shut me out and I’ll go away; he’s wrong. I’ll never go away; I’ll show him what for. I don’t care that he loves Carmen, I can change that. We just need some time alone that’s all.” She said to herself.

  Suddenly, Carol felt a sharp painful cramp in her pelvic region. She became alarmed as something could be wrong with the baby. As the pain worsened, she could feel something warm running down her legs. She drove herself to the hospital.

  “Ma’am what’s wrong, can I help you?” the nurse asked.

  Carol was bent over with her hands on her stomach, blood gushing down her legs and puddling at her feet.

  “Something’s wrong, I think I may be having a miscarriage.”

  The nurse immediately requested a wheelchair. She wasted no time getting Carol back to see the doctor. She was losing vast amounts of blood. If they didn’t stop the bleeding soon, she may die.

  “Please save my baby!” she screamed.

  The doctor rushed Carol back to surgery. The next few hours were touch and go but he finally managed to stop the hemorrhaging. She was taken to recovery.

  “Nurse, how is my baby? Is he okay?”

  The nurse called the doctor.

  “Ms. Avery, please calm down. You’re in recovery. I’m the doctor who performed your surgery.”

  “My baby, doctor, how is my baby?”

  “I’m sorry; there was nothing we could do. The baby’s gone.”

  Carol became hysterical; she was devastated. The baby was her only remaining hope of ever being loved unconditionally and now he was gone. Why did this have to happen? This was Dexter’s fault; he caused this by upsetting her. He never wanted the baby in the first place. He will be happy to learn that it’s gone. Carol would see him dead and in hell for this.

  Chapter Five

  Dexter and Carmen were adjusting well to the idea of becoming parents. Their nervousness had been replaced with anticipation as they readied themselves for the arrival of their new bundle of joy. They had spent countless hours over the last months, shopping for baby furniture and apparel. They wanted everything to be perfect for their son’s birthday.

  In two short weeks Carmen would become Mrs. Dexter Crane. She couldn’t believe it, everything seemed so perfect. She and Dexter had risen above his infidelity; it was no longer an issue as Carol had vanished. They hadn’t heard from her since they learned they were pregnant.

  The Crane-Haines wedding would be the most beautiful in all the history of Cedartown, Georgia. It would take place at the local Catholic Church, gorgeous breath taking vaulted ceilings, cherry wood pews, and a vintage marble alter lined with red roses and white doves. Wedding bells would hang from the crystal chandeliers, leading Carmen’s way down the aisle to join hands with Dexter; her dream was finally coming true. The last few months had been exceptionally rocky but their love had survived.

  Dexter was relieved that the wedding was just around the corner. He was ready to make Carmen his wife before anything else unplanned could surface causing her to change her mind. Although, they hadn’t heard from Carol in months, Dexter hadn’t let his guard down. He wanted to be prepared if she suddenly showed up with harmful thoughts for Carmen, or himself for that matter.

  “Where are you?” Dexter enquired.

  “I’m here for the alterations to my gown. I’ve gained so much weight with the baby.” Carmen replied.

  “How much longer before you head home?”

  “Not sure, why, is everything okay?”

  “Everything’s fine, I just miss you;

  that’s all. I think I’ll make a fire in the fireplace and maybe even pop some popcorn. We can snuggle up together with a blanket on the floor. We’ve been so caught up in these wedding plans that we haven’t spent quality time together in quite a while.”

  “I know, I’m sorry, I just want everything to be perfect. I love you. I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

  As Dexter prepared for a quiet evening alone with Carmen, he was interrupted by a phone call. At first glance, he wasn’t sure if he should answer as it was an unknown caller.

  “It’s me Carol, didn’t expect to hear from me did you?”

  “No, I didn’t, why are you calling?”

  “Things are unsettled between us; you know that, I can’t leave things undone. You must pay a high price for the loss of my child. You took the only one from me who would have loved me unconditionally. I’ve been watching you, I know you and Carmen are expecting a child and I see the excitement you have for him. Why couldn’t you be excited about our child? Why didn’t you love him?”

  “Carol I’m sorry that you lost your baby but it wasn’t my fault. I didn’t do anything to cause it. Why are you blaming me?”

  “Yes you did; you refused to love me, you turned me away. The stress of your rejection towards me, the utter sadness you’ve caused me, it was too much on my body. You refused me happiness and now I’ll take away your happiness. You’ll know what it’s like to want something so bad it hurts and no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, it’s never enough. You’re just like my father and you must be punished for your evil ways. I’ll make you pay.”

  “I’m warning you Carol
, you better stay away from Carmen and me. I don’t want to hurt you but I won’t stand back and let you harm my family, do you understand what I’m telling you? I’ll do whatever it takes to see that Carmen and our child are safe. Carmen and I’ll be married in two weeks, why don’t you just stop this nonsense and leave us alone?”

  “I won’t stand for it; you and Carmen will never be married; I swear you won’t!” Carol screamed.

  Carol had to intercede; she couldn’t allow this wedding to take place. If Dexter married Carmen, it was final; all hope for her would be gone. It was time to make a move and that’s exactly what Carol intended. She hated Carmen Haines and all that she stood for. Her life had been nothing but joy, it was time she stopped being selfish and allowed someone else a chance at happiness. Carol had been competing with Carmen for as long as she could remember and was tired of losing out just before the finish line.

  In middle school Carol and Carmen were the best of friends but that all changed after a sleep-over at Carmen’s house one weekend. Carol accused Carmen’s father of touching her in a sexually inappropriate manner. As a result Carmen’s father was suspended from his job and had to leave home until the accusations were disproven. Carmen ended her friendship with Carol and warned their friends of the ill intent that Carol had shown her family. She was more or less ostracized by everyone in the community when they learned of her deceitfulness. It took her years of walking the line to finally mend the damage she’d caused and to live down the reputation she’d earned.

  Carol had been seeing a psychiatrist, since high school. She just couldn’t cope with the stress of everyday life, due in part to the abuse she’d suffered as a child. Things that were simple for the average person was absolutely devastating for her, she lacked the ability to deal with her issues in a rational manner, she insisted on taking everything to the extreme. The only hope that she had for an even half-way normal life was to take her medication responsibly, which she rarely ever did. The medication made her feel funny, was her excuse for dosages being skipped.

  Dexter and Carmen’s wedding day had finally arrived; Dexter had made no mention to Carmen concerning his last contact with Carol as he didn’t want to upset her. He was exceptionally nervous, although he was overwhelmingly happy also. He and Carmen would say their vows before God and their closest friends and family. Their son would soon be born making their family complete; what more could a man want, he could think of nothing.

  The ceremony was scheduled to begin in thirty minutes and Dexter needed to make one final trip to the bathroom. He wanted to be absolutely presentable for such a memorable occasion; his hair needed to be perfect and his tie should be straight.

  Meanwhile Carmen was near panic; her make-up wasn’t right, her hair was a mess, not to mention she felt like a cow. She couldn’t walk down the aisle like this. She wouldn’t be surprised if Dexter ran in the opposite direction once he got a good glance at her. The wedding day she had envisioned was much different, everything was perfect.

  “I can’t do this; I’m a mess and look

  how fat I am. I can’t walk down the aisle this way.” Carmen cried.

  “Relax honey, you look beautiful, absolutely gorgeous and you’re not fat you’re pregnant.” Eva Haines, her mother, told her.

  “It wasn’t supposed to be this way, mom.”

  “You’re about to marry the man of your dreams, the father of your child, you should be the happiest woman in the world today. Don’t let pre-wedding jitters spoil your day.”

  Her mother was right; she’d waited a lifetime for this moment. She pulled herself together and finished getting ready.

  Dexter stepped inside the bathroom and locked the door. He stood in front of the mirror to examine himself, his tie was straight, shoes were shiny and his hair looked great. He was ready to make Carmen his wife, what he wasn’t ready for is the unexpected visitor who must have been waiting for him.

  “Don’t move, Dexter, don’t make me do something we’ll both regret. If you do as I say I won’t have to hurt you.”

  He couldn’t believe it, there he stood in the bathroom on his wedding day, being held at gun-point by Carol Avery; of all days to be held hostage.

  “Are you kidding me, what do you want Carol; why are you doing this? The ceremony is about to begin, I need to be out front.”

  “There’s not going to be a ceremony, not today, not for you, not ever. I told you this would never happen but you had to try it anyway; you belong to me, not her.”

  “But I don’t love you Carol, don’t you understand that, I love Carmen. Why do you want to be with someone who doesn’t love you? Don’t you deserve better than that?”

  “It doesn’t matter if you love me now, you’ll learn to love me in time.”

  “This is crazy Carol, what do you plan on doing with me?”

  “I’m taking you somewhere away from here, somewhere that only you and I will be, alone.”

  “How do you plan to kidnap me from a crowded church in broad daylight? Someone will see us; you’ll be locked away for a long time for this.”

  “I know my way around this church like the back of my hand. I attended many services here as a child. There’s a back way that only few people know about, now let’s go.” She said pointing the gun deeper in his back.

  Dexter was horrified, what a moment ago was the happiest day of his life just turned into the worst ever. How would Carmen feel, thinking that he just abandoned her by choice, she would be devastated. What about their son, would he be forced to grow up without his father? He had to leave some kind of clue behind, one that would be obvious to Carmen.

  Carol discreetly eased her head out the door, checking to make sure the coast was clear. She then led Dexter out the back entrance and down an alley to her car. She opened the trunk and forced him to get in; unwillingly he did as she commanded. Meanwhile, the ceremony was beginning without him.

  “Carmen, the preacher’s ready to begin but we can’t find Dexter anywhere, have you seen him?” Dave Haines, her father asked.

  “No, isn’t he out front, has anyone checked the bathroom, maybe he’s in there?’ Carmen suggested nervously.

  “Good idea, I’ll check right away.”

  “Hurry dad!”

  A sudden nauseated feeling came over Carmen, she quickly ran to the bathroom. Where was Dexter, had he suddenly changed his mind, she couldn’t very well be a bride without a groom. Her happiness was without warning crashing down around her, someone had to find Dexter quick. Her dad returned.

  “Where did you find Dexter’s wallet dad?”

  “It was lying on the bathroom floor but there was no sign of Dexter at all, where do you suppose he is?”

  “Something’s wrong, Dexter would never leave his wallet behind, it stays clipped to his side. Something’s terribly wrong, I can feel it.” Carmen began to cry.

  She had an eerie feeling about this; she couldn’t help but think that Carol may be involved in Dexter’s mysterious disappearance. She’d already killed his mother; did she intend to kill him also? She was sick to her stomach with worry. They had to find Dexter and find him quick before Carol had an opportunity to harm him.

  “Someone call the police, now; Carol is responsible for this, we have to find Dexter before it’s too late!” she cried hysterically.

  Dave Haines immediately dialed 911 as his wife consoled their daughter. He wasn’t sure why Carmen was convinced that Carol had something to do with Dexter’s disappearance but she seemed adamant that something was wrong with Dexter.

  “The police are on their way, why do you think Carol has done something to Dexter? Why would she harm him?” Dave asked his daughter.

  “Oh daddy, I know this has something to do with Carol. She’s been harassing us; she keyed my car, broke into my house and took my engagement ring. She’s obsessed with Dexter; she wants to be with him but he keeps refusing her. Dexter even thinks that she may have killed his mother. She’s a dangerous woman, she’ll do anything to get
what she wants and she’ll stop at nothing.”

  There was a knock at the door.

  “Are you Carmen?” the officer asked.

  “Yes sir, you have to find Dexter, that woman is crazy.”

  “What woman ma’am?”

  “Carol Avery, she’ll kill him if you don’t find him right away.”

  “What makes you think that this Carol Avery has done something to Dexter?”

  She gave the officer a detailed explanation. She was careful not to leave anything out.

  “Calm down ma’am, we’ll get to the bottom of this. Don’t worry; it’s not healthy for your condition.”

  The officer gathered all necessary information pertaining to Dexter and launched an investigation. His truck was still in the parking lot along with all his belongings. The policemen’s first assumption was that Dexter had pre-wedding jitters and simply skipped out on his wedding but now it seemed highly unlikely. Dexter’s whereabouts were unknown as well as the reason for his mysterious disappearance.

  Dexter had been bouncing around wildly in the trunk of Carol’s car for hours. The fumes from the exhaust were beginning to get to him. Suddenly the car came to a halt and the lid opened. Carol ordered him out of the trunk. She led him inside an old abandoned cabin.

  “Where are we Carol, what do you plan to do with me? Do you think you can keep me here from now own? Someone will eventually find me; it’s only a matter of time.” He hoped.

  “Our closest neighbor isn’t for five miles in either direction; no one will find you here. There’s no escape.”

  Dexter hadn’t the slightest where Carol had brought him as his surroundings bore no familiarity at all. They were surrounded by nothing but mountains and trees.

  “Well, what do you think? This is your new home, I hope you like it. We can finally be a family, just you and I.”

  “How did you find this place? What if the owners return?”

  “My family owns this property, I used to come here all the time as a child; this was my family’s vacation spot in the summer. I loved going swimming in the lake.”


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