by Duncan, Mary
“You better find him before I do. If I ever get my hands on him, I swear I’ll kill him and take pleasure in doing so. He doesn’t deserve to live.”
All was quiet at the Haines’s. Everyone was tucked safely away for the night while Nick Dasher was planning his next move. He travelled the same wooded trail he had once before on the night of Zachary’s kidnapping with a loaded gun, seeking revenge. There was no movement inside the house and no lights. He quietly stepped on the back porch and reached for the doorknob; right then and there his freedom ended as the cop who had been keeping watch at the back door made his presence known.
“Freeze, police, don’t move or I’ll shoot. Put your hands in the air, now.”
Nick was unwilling to go without a fight, attempting to run away but his effort was in vain. Now there were two police officers on his trail. Catching up to him, they knocked him to the ground and wrestled his hands behind his back. Finally managing to handcuff him, they radioed for a second car, Nick Dasher was in custody and on his way to jail where he would remain for a long time.
Awakened by the commotion, Dave Haines stumbled outside.
“What’s going on out here?” he enquired.
“It’s okay Mr. Haines, we got him; Nick’s in custody, he won’t be bothering you good folks anymore.”
Carmen began to cry. She was relieved that her nightmare was over.
“Dad, will you please take me to the hospital? I need to see Dexter.”
Dave was barely able to bring the car to a complete halt before Carmen jumped out. She was eager to see Dexter and make sure he was still alive.
“I’m so glad to see you, are you okay?” Carmen cried as she rushed over to embrace Dexter.
“I’m fine but what are you doing here; it’s not safe.”
“Yes it is they got him. Nick’s in jail, he tried to break into our house tonight and the police apprehended him. He won’t be bothering us anymore. We no longer have to look over our shoulders; he can’t ever harm us again.
Chapter Fifteen
Though the wedding had once again been postponed, the big day had finally arrived. Dexter and Carmen were set to take their vows before God, family and friends. The church was absolutely beautiful.
The light breaking through the cathedral glass, cast a red glow over the entire congregation. Dexter was handsomely positioned at the altar, awaiting Carmen’s march down the aisle to join him. He was wearing a black and teal green tucks and his tie was perfectly tied and centered. Officer Smith was beside him, standing as his best man as he was much of the reason they were there.
The music began to play, a song by Eddie Rabbit and Crystal Gayle, You and I. Immediately following was the wedding march. Carmen was always beautiful but today, a picture of pure perfection, taking Dexter’s breath away. He stood proud to know that she had chosen him to be her husband. Dave held her hand as he walked beside her down the aisle to give her away, tears of joy were flowing.
The music stopped.
“Who gives this woman in marriage?” the reverend asked.
“Her mother and I do.” Dave proudly proclaimed.
Dexter and Carmen had gone through so much that traditional vows didn’t seem to be suitable for this occasion.
“I Dexter, take you Carmen, to be my wife. I’ve loved you from the moment I first saw you and I will love you for as long as there’s breath inside me. I promise to always do my best to make you happy. You are my best friend, my lover, my soulmate, and I’m so thankful that you chose me to love.” Dexter vowed sincerely.
Carmen could hardly see through the tears.
“I Carmen, take you Dexter, to be my husband. I’ve never once doubted my love for you. I promise to always be faithful, loving only you as my heart could never love another. Just to be with you for the rest of my life is more happiness than any one woman deserves. Your beautiful smile, kindness and unconditional love are all I’ll ever need. I love you Dexter, I will always love you. You truly are my one and only.”
They gently placed the rings on each other’s fingers. It was official, Dexter and Carmen were man and wife. Silently they stood for a moment gazing deep into each other’s eyes, cherishing this special moment. Dexter gently removed her veil, softly caressing Carmen’s face as he slowly moved in to kiss her. They exited the church hand in hand and were carried away by a horse and buggy decorated in white satin and flowers.
Dexter wanted to make Carmen’s wedding night unforgettable. He picked her up and carried her across the threshold of their apartment. Once inside, she was blown away by his thoughtfulness.
“Oh Dexter, this is amazing. When did
you do this?”
“Before leaving for the church.”
The entire apartment was lit only by candlelight and red rose pedals were leading the way to the bedroom. On the bed he placed a beautiful negligee for Carmen to wear.
“I love you Carmen. Your happiness is the most important thing in this life to me. I will never hurt you again.”
They passionately made love as if it was their first time. The last few months had been extremely trying and hard on them but their love had stood strong through it all.
Chapter Sixteen
Nick had spent the last two months in the Haralson County Jail, awaiting trial. He chose to have a jury present even though the evidence stacked against him was much too obvious to deny. His only hope was to lessen his time. At this particular moment, Carol seemed to be the lucky one in all of this, as far as he was concerned.
“It’s time Nick.” The jailor told him.
He handcuffed Nick and shackled his feet. It was time for him to face trial for his unspeakable crimes. He was escorted into the courtroom. Across the room, he could see Dexter and Carmen, their eyes filled with hate for him. He smirked at them.
“You bastard, I hate you; I hope you burn in hell!” Dexter shouted.
The judge cautioned him to hold his peace. One more outburst and he would be escorted out of the courtroom. He pulled himself together as he wished to be present for the proceedings. He needed closure in this case. He had to hear the judge sentence Nick to a lengthy prison sentence.
“Nick, what can you tell us about Dexter Crane’s kidnapping?” the state appointed lawyer asked.
“I didn’t have anything to do with it, it was Carol. I didn’t even know she’d taken him until after the fact.”
“So you deny any involvement in the kidnapping of Dexter Crane.”
“I sure do, I didn’t do it.”
“What about Ada Crane’s murder? What do you know about it?”
“Carol paid me to kill her. I cut her brake lines. I would have gotten away with it too, if Carol hadn’t decided to kidnap Dexter.” He said smugly; grinning.
Dexter was absolutely outraged.
“You piece of garbage, you’ll die and go to hell for what you’ve done. What did my mother ever do to you?” Dexter asked.
The prosecuting attorney quickly called him down.
“Hey it’s nothing personal, I just needed the money. I would have killed my own mother if the money was right.”
“Why did you kidnap Zachary Crane?” the lawyer asked.
“To keep them silent.”
“Then why did you leave him in California with your parents?”
“I got tired of hearing the little brat cry. I couldn’t listen to him any longer. I would have killed him too but I knew it would cost me the rest of my life in prison.”
“No further questions your honor.” The defense attorney rested.
Nick had hung himself, his intentions were painfully clear to the jury. He was unkind and heartless. He didn’t care about anyone, not even the life of an innocent child. He didn’t deserve to be among society. He had no remorse for the things he’d done.
It was time for cross-examining.
“Nick, you told the jury that you had nothing to do with Dexter’s kidnapping, is that right?”
“That’s right, it was Carol.”<
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“But you did know where Carol was keeping Dexter and yet you didn’t bother to tell anyone where to find him. You knew the police were looking for him, why didn’t you come forward?”
“It wasn’t my problem, and I didn’t want to get involved. It was between Dexter and Carol; it had nothing to do with me.”
“You mean to tell me that you knew what grave danger Dexter was in and you felt no obligation to help him? Isn’t our duty to help our fellow man when he’s in trouble?”
“I don’t think so.”
“No further questions your honor, the
prosecution rests.”
Court recessed for three hours while the jury deliberated. The verdict was in; court was recalled.
“I must say, this is the most peculiar case I’ve ever heard in my twenty years on the bench. How does one human being simply refuse to help another? It is our humane obligation to help our fellow man; especially in such a life-threatening circumstance. It’s very sad to know that there are people out here in this world who genuinely have your mindset Mr. Dasher. I hope to never encounter a situation forcing me to depend on someone like you for help.” The judge said sadly.
He then turned to the jury.
“Has the jury reached a verdict?”
They handed down a guilty verdict at which time the judge passed sentence. Nick was facing life in prison without the possibility of parole. His fate had been sealed. He would no longer pose a threat to no one outside prison again. Ironically, Nick Dasher would spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder.