Love in the Heartland

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Love in the Heartland Page 17

by Diana Currie

  “Didn’t you drink enough last night?” Maddie asked suddenly, eyeing up the half empty bottle of Heineken.

  “This is part of my dinner,” Nathan said flippantly.

  Maddie had forgotten that it was only seven o’clock in California. “What else are you eating?”

  Nathan turned the computer to the side and walked over to the subzero fridge, opening both doors wide. The fridge was fully stocked, the top shelf full of plastic containers filled with Lupe’s weekend provisions. He pulled a few out to peek inside. “Looks like leftover ham and potatoes or leftover Italian sausage in red sauce.”

  “What about all that food in there! You could make anything you want! You could use that ham to make a really yummy omelet and fry up the potatoes to go with it.”

  “That sounds really good but putting one of these containers in the microwave is as close to cooking as I get, Maddie.”

  “I can help you if you want.”

  Nathan’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. “Really?”

  “It’ll be fun! The great Chef Gusteau used to say, ‘Anyone can cook!” Maddie said excitedly. Nathan leaned against the open fridge smirking at Maddie’s terrible French accent.

  “Is he on the Food Network or something?”

  “What? No! Gusteau is from the Pixar movie, Ratatouille. You never saw it?”

  “No, I don’t watch many kids’ movies. I would have thought you were more of a Disney girl.”

  Maddie scowled at Nathan through her computer. “Disney owns Pixar. What else did my father tell you about me?”

  Nathan winked at her playfully. “I will never tell. So… omelet time?”

  “You’ll need a mixing bowl, a knife, and a frying pan,” Maddie replied begrudgingly.

  For the next ten minutes Maddie helped Nathan cook his first omelet. She had him dicing green pepper, tomato, mushroom, and ham. Nathan learned to mix the eggs and milk in a bowl before pouring it into the hot frying pan.

  “Let it cook a minute and then gently lift the edges until it becomes unstuck. When you can get the spatula underneath quickly flip it over.”

  Nathan did just as she instructed but still the egg fell apart a little in the middle. He cursed and she scolded him. “It’s okay, just spread your ingredients into the middle quick and then fold over one side!”

  Maddie laughed out loud when the oil, cooking his potatoes in a separate pan, splattered onto his arm. “Damn, that hurts!” he exclaimed wiping off the hot oil.

  “Just turn down the heat a little, you big baby,” Maddie said rolling her eyes.

  When it was all done, and Nathan had an impressive and filling meal on his plate, he took it over to the kitchen table to enjoy. They chatted some more while Nathan ate their creation and made plenty of yummy noises. Maddie loved watching him enjoy the omelet, even though he talked with his mouth full quite a bit. It didn’t bother her; just more evidence that he was indeed a normal guy. It was comforting knowledge.

  “That was delicious. Thank you, Chef Gustav,” Nathan said patting his full belly.

  “The name is Gusteau! That’s it, next Sunday we’re watching Ratatouilletogether.I want you to be ready for it, so have the president of Pixar FedEx you the DVD,” Maddie retorted playfully.

  Nathan laughed. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  Maddie smiled, glancing over to her alarm clock to see it was after eleven o’clock already. They’d been talking for almost three hours.

  “What’s the matter?” Nathan asked noticing her attention being drawn away from her screen.

  “Nothing. It’s just late. I should get some sleep. I’m watching the girls again tomorrow so Kyle can get as much overtime as possible while I’m on winter break.”

  Nathan’s face fell a little but he understood. Maddie had a strong commitment to her family and it was generous of her to offer to help out her brother while school was not in session. He could also tell by the way she talked about them that watching her nieces was no burden to her. She loved spending time with the babies.

  “Okay. I’ll let you go. I’m going to be reading over my lines the next couple days. Maybe we can talk again before my first day of filming? Things will get hectic for me as soon as it begins.”

  “Yeah, of course. Maybe Tuesday night?”

  “I have a cast party that night. Maybe in the afternoon?”

  “Yeah, that would be fine. Is that a smart idea, all of you going out drinking the night before you start shooting?”

  “Well, I don’t know about Pete, Ty, and Katie, but I won’t be drinking much. Nothing like I did on New Year’s,” Nathan assured her.

  Maddie smiled weakly. “I hope not.”

  “You don’t have to worry about me so much. A lot has changed since September you know.”

  “Yeah, it sure has. Well, goodnight, Nathan.”

  “Good night, Angel.”

  Maddie reached for the mouse to close out her Skype window and then stopped herself. Nathan’s mention of New Year’s brought back a nagging question in the back of her mind. If she didn’t get the answer to it soon, no matter how much the truth hurt, she thought she’d go crazy.

  “Nathan, wait. I’m sorry but I have to know, who did you almost sleep with on New Year’s Eve?” Maddie whispered shyly; holding her breath.

  Nathan bit his lip and briefly considered not answering. He didn’t want to end their great evening together on a sour note, but he’d also promised never to lie to her. “Katie Owens,” he answered regrettably.

  “Oh.” Maddie closed her eyes; that name was the only one she was dreading. Why did it have to be her? Any other random party guest and Maddie could have written it off to the Cognac. “Okay, now I definitely don’t want you signing on to those sex scene rewrites anymore. What happened that made you stop?”

  Nathan smiled sadly and looked straight into Maddie’s chocolate brown eyes. “Because I realized that Katie wasn’t the right girl,” he said softly. “It should have been you.”

  Chapter Ten

  It should have been you.

  Maddie couldn’t stop thinking about Nathan’s parting words as she attempted to fall asleep Saturday night. She was tired the next day as she spent eight long hours babysitting. Rebecca was getting a tooth in and was super cranky as a result. Addison was cranky for no reason other than she was watching her sister cry and carry on. She wondered how Nathan was getting along memorizing his lines for the first week of filming Tomorrow and Forever, but didn’t text him at all in the three days that passed since that conversation.

  Tuesday afternoon Maddie was watching the babies again because Kyle had an early shift at the garage. Rebecca went down for a nap after lunch but Addison was still being difficult. They watched some Baby Einstein’s videos and played “Aunt Maddie builds a tower of blocks and Addison knocks it over” about two dozen times.

  “Addison, aren’t you getting sleepy yet?” Maddie begged her at 1:45. Rebecca would be waking up any minute and then she’d never get Addison to lie down. “Come on, sweetie, please? I’ll get your bunny and your bottle. Do you want your bottle?”

  Addison threw a red block at Maddie’s head and giggled. “Oh, I’m gonna get you for that, little lady!” Maddie declared showing her niece her tickle fingers. She laid her niece down of the carpet and made her laugh and shriek. Maddie was blowing raspberries on her belly when she smelled a distinct scent.

  “Oh! Addison, you did a stinky in your diaper!”

  “Bo bo,” Addison confirmed.

  Maddie sat up and laughed out loud. She quickly cleaned up the mess in the baby’s pants and tossed the diaper in the trash. Just as she was washing her hands the door opened and Kyle entered.

  “DaDa! DaDa!” Addison cheered running to greet her father.

  Kyle scooped her up in his arms and kissed her cheek. “Hi Addison, baby. Did you have fun with Aunt Maddie?”

  “Bo bo,” she replied.

  “That means she pooped. I just changed her,” Maddie corrected as Kyle wa
s lifting Addison over his head to take a quick sniff.

  Kyle smiled. “I have perfect timing then. Where’s Rebecca?”

  “Still napping. This one wouldn’t go down at all.”

  “Oh, man. She’s been like this all week. You mind if I shower again before you leave?”

  Maddie shook her head. “No problem. But, hey, Kyle… I gotta ask, what is this invitation about?”

  Kyle looked at the birthday invitation on the kitchen counter Maddie was pointing to. “Leanna’s mom is turning fifty.”

  “And you’re going to go?”

  “She wants to see the girls,” Kyle shrugged. “It’s been months. And Leanna’s not going to be there; I already asked.”

  “Sherry would see them more if she ever offered to help you babysit,” Maddie said.

  “I know, but at least she wants them in her life. I don’t want the girls to lose any more family.”

  Maddie frowned. “Did Sherry say where Leanna’s at these days?”

  “Florida somewhere. I didn’t ask for details.”

  “So, you’re going to go face the whole Cleary family next weekend?”

  “Yep. Sherry, Harvey, Zack, even Sam. It’s been almost a year since I’ve talked to most of them.”

  “The twins’ first birthday party, I remember,” Maddie replied. “Well, if you need moral support I can go with you. They don’t scare me.”

  Kyle laughed sadly. “Thanks. I may take you up on that.”

  “Go clean yourself up. I’ll give Addison her bottle in one final attempt at nap time.”

  “Thank you,” Kyle mouthed and passed his daughter over to his sister.

  Maddie settled down on the sofa with Addison and her bunny, gently rocking her back and forth as she drank her milk. The girls were so big now, having turned two just a few weeks earlier. Kyle was right that they deserved to know Leanna’s side of the family but she hated how some of her relatives blamed Kyle for Leanna disappearing. The whole situation was such a mess.

  She could see Addison finally starting to drift off so she just had to wait a little longer before laying her down to make sure she’d stay asleep. Maddie wasn’t in a big rush that day, when she got home she knew she’d be waiting by the phone for Nathan’s promised call, eager as ever to spend a little time with him. As she rocked her niece, her mind wandered trying to think of what he might be doing at that moment. She imagined Nathan in his luxurious house practicing his lines and preparing for his new movie. The thought made her smile.

  That same day, on Tuesday morning Nathan spent a few hours working out, reading his lines over and over until he felt like he had them memorized. Then he took a long shower and studied his new shorter hair style in the bathroom mirror. His stylist had called it “fabulous.” It wasn’t bad, Nathan thought, just not the look he would have chosen for himself. Nathan was wondering which way Maddie preferred it when the doorbell rang. He wrapped his bathrobe tightly around himself and went to see who was there.

  Nathan checked the peephole since he wasn’t expecting anyone and saw an attractive blonde woman dressed in a white collared shirt and carrying a large leather bag. She didn’t look like a sneaky fan who somehow evaded the community’s security guards, but one could never be too cautious.

  “Who is it?” he called through the heavy wooden door.

  “Mr. Foster, my name is Colleen. I’m from Zen Thai Spa on Belmont Boulevard, courtesy of Mr. Gavin Sims.”

  Nathan pressed his forehead against the door. His director was sending him a “gift,” probably to ensure he was relaxed and happy on his first day of filming. Refusing Colleen would undoubtedly get back to Gavin and could cause tension between them. Nathan had to work with this man for the next three months; he didn’t want to begin by offending him. So even though he’d rather be upstairs taking a nap before his scheduled call with Maddie, Nathan begrudgingly opened the door.

  “Come in,” Nathan said hoping he sounded welcoming.

  Colleen smiled brightly as she breezed into Nathan’s home. She looked around to take in her surroundings and gently placed her massage table down on the tiled floor. “I’ve been booked for a two-hour session, Mr. Foster. Zen Thai offers a variety of services including manicures, hydrating or calming facials, dosha balancing wraps, deep tissue, shiatsu, Swedish, aromatherapy, traditional Thai, and table Thai massages. Or we could do a Watsu if you have a therapy tub in your bathroom.”

  Nathan had experienced masseuses before that would come to his trailer on the Zero Gravity set but it felt much more intimate and personal happening alone in his home. He’d never heard of most of the stuff that Colleen offered.

  “Do you want to look over the brochure while I set up?” she asked sensing his hesitation.

  “Sure. Thanks.”

  Colleen got to work setting up her table and unloading the giant leather travel bag. “Are you okay with doing this here or do you prefer the bedroom?”

  “Here is fine. Can I just get the traditional Thai massage?” he asked.

  “Absolutely. I see you’re prepared too; already in your robe. I’ll just go wash my hands and give you a minute to get situated.”

  Nathan peered down at the soft cushioned massage table and thin white sheet draped over the edge. When Colleen had left him alone, Nathan removed his robe and quickly wrapped the sheet around his waist like a towel, tucking the edge inside tightly. He didn’t feel comfortable simply draping it across his backside. He lay down on the table with his face in the donut hole and tried to relax. Unexpected perks like this came with the territory, he knew, but would probably never get used to them. He hoped he would never come to expect them.

  Colleen returned two minutes later and to her credit acted very professionally. She turned on the Thai music she’d brought with her and placed a lit aromatherapy candle on the coffee table. Her hands were small but strong. She used her elbows quite a bit which startled Nathan the first few times.

  Colleen giggled at his reaction. “Mr. Foster, Thai massage doesn’t just use elbows. I could also walk on your back if you’d like.”

  Nathan lifted his head to gaze back at her in horror. “Not this time, Colleen, but thank you.”

  Colleen proceeded to be gentle with Nathan, but did incorporate many of the other traditional moves of the Thai massage including stretching Nathan’s limbs back into yoga positions, and pulling on his fingers, toes, and ears. She bent his knees up to stretch his leg muscles, loosening his towel a bit without asking permission first, in order to get his body into the correct yoga positions. It made him a little nervous when her hands ventured over the back of his thighs and buttocks but it was all done over the sheet and the rubbing pressure felt too good to ask her to stop.

  It wasn’t long before Nathan was deeply enjoying Gavin’s gift. He closed his eyes and let his muscles react to the rhythmic pressure and stretching of her hands. Times like these were when he really enjoyed being a famous actor. Two hours passed much too quickly and before he knew it Colleen was rubbing the back of Nathan’s neck and asking him if there was anything else she could do for him.

  Nathan carefully turned over and sat upright on the table, clutching the sheet tightly around his waist. “You’re a very talented masseuse, Colleen. Thank you very much,” Nathan said sleepily.

  “You’re very welcome, Mr. Foster. Mr. Sims asked me to make sure you were completely satisfied today. So, if there is anything else I can do for you, you know… off the books, it would be my immense pleasure.”

  Colleen reached for the front of her blouse and undid the first two buttons revealing a lacy black bra that supported perfectly round C-cup breasts. Nathan’s eyes popped in surprise and couldn’t help staring at her chest. Colleen took advantage of his moment of shock to push her blouse off her shoulders and touched Nathan’s thighs, separating them enough to step in between. His sheet moved in response and was now rumpled so loosely around his hips that his modesty was just barely covered. Colleen smelled sweet and alluring and when she dropped
to her knees before him, Nathan’s dick hardened immediately.

  He knew he had to stop her but making his mouth work was proving difficult. Colleen was smiling wickedly, thinking she was about to duck her head under Nathan Foster’s protective white sheet when his brain finally retook control of his body. Nathan got off the massage table quickly and took a few steps away from the sexy masseuse.

  “Mr. Foster?” she asked confused.

  Nathan sighed, seeing that Colleen was obviously feeling like she had somehow failed to do her job. He reached one hand toward her and helped the young woman to her feet. “I don’t want that,” he said gently.

  Colleen perked up a little. “Oh, of course. You can fuck me if you’d rather. I don’t offer that to everyone but for you I’d be more than happy to accommodate your needs.” She reached behind her back and removed the black bra, tossing it onto the sofa.

  “Fuck,” Nathan cursed under his breath. Colleen’s breasts were perfect; her nipples hard and inviting. Was this a test of his willpower; two women throwing themselves at him in one week? Where had they been in September when casual sex was all he’d been interested in? It would be so easy to give in, fuck this beautiful girl hard and fast, and never look back. But as he figured out on New Year’s Eve, casual sex wasn’t going to satisfy him any longer.

  Colleen was now bent over the massage table, her black skirt hiked over her hips, her black thong all that covered her sex. Nathan closed his eyes briefly and then came up behind the girl to smooth her skirt back down over her ass. “You’ve misunderstood me, honey,” Nathan said. “I can’t have any kind of sex with you. The massage was wonderful, but really, that is all that I require of you today.”

  Colleen stood up, a look of disappointment and embarrassment on her pretty face. “Oh, okay. My fault.”


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