Love in the Heartland

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Love in the Heartland Page 31

by Diana Currie

  His threat made Maddie smile and it helped to wake her up a little more. Memories from the night before flashed in her mind; sex in the bathtub and then twice more in the bed before she finally passed out from exhaustion. He had some nerve interrupting her sleep after keeping her up so late! Nathan’s penis was a machine. She pressed her legs together making sure she wasn’t already sore. Her parts felt to be in working order but now she realized her bladder was full.

  Nathan would be pleased; it was time to get out of bed. “Can we have pancakes and eggs?” she asked swinging her legs over the side of the bed and standing up. She wobbled a little walking towards the bathroom.

  “Um, I don’t know how to make pancakes. I was thinking toast, cereal, or fruit.”

  Maddie rolled her eyes. “Let me cook for you. I just need a few minutes to shower and dress.”

  “Okay, I’ve already been in and out so take your time.”

  “You already showered?” she asked noticing that he was wearing new clothes.

  Nathan smiled. “Angel, you slept so long that I did my workout, showered, and still had to wake you up.”

  Pouting, Maddie replied, “Since when did you become a morning person?” She could remember the days when they first started calling each other; Nathan would be out partying until two or three am and then sleep until well after noon. At the time, he said everyone he knew kept those kinds of hours.

  “I guess I just don’t want any of my time with you wasted by sleeping,” he answered honestly.

  Maddie smiled. A lot had changed in the last six months.

  ToMaddie’s surprise, she was excited about the first place Nathan wanted to take her. They drove in a black four door Jeep with Arizona tags towards the beach in Santa Monica. Nathan explained on the way that the vehicle was leased. He had to change what he drove frequently to keep photographers from recognizing his cars. The out of state license plate made it more difficult to trace back to him. Maddie said that it must be annoying to have to keep changing vehicles but Nathan disagreed.

  “I think of it like I’m car shopping and I get to test drive every type of car for a month before I buy. Well, except for the Maserati I got right after my first Love Spelled Backwards paycheck. That baby is beautiful, but she has to stay in the garage most of the time,” he lamented.

  “So, I won’t get to ride in it?” Maddie teased.

  Nathan shot her a mischievous smile. “Maybe if you ask me nicely we can take it to dinner one night.”

  Maddie smiled back even though she didn’t know what a Maserati looked like or what made it worth so much money. She wanted to ride in it nonetheless because of the way Nathan got excited just by talking about it.

  They parked along the street like any normal vacationing couple headed to the beach. Maddie had never seen the Pacific Ocean before and was eager to get down to the water. Nathan was thrilled to see her reaction and knew the chance of being spotted was worth the risk. They walked along the beach for a bit; enjoying the sunshine and the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore.

  The other people on the beach began to thin out the further they walked and eventually the beach narrowed enough to where only a few tourists were around. Nathan lay out a towel he’d brought and they sat down on it to watch the waves.

  “It is so beautiful here,” Maddie commented.

  Nathan pulled his shirt over his head and laid back. “I don’t come to the beach much but when I do I always come here.”

  “Aren’t you worried about tan lines anymore?” she asked him.

  He smiled but kept his eyes closed from the bright sun above their heads. “My love scenes are over so I’m free to turn two-toned if I want.”

  Maddie laughed freely. “What if I don’t want to make love to a man who’s pasty from the waist down?”

  That made Nathan open his eyes to check and see if she was joking. The big grin on her face told him that she was. “I don’t think you have room to talk, Angel. What kind of tan lines are you going to get wearing that jumper?”

  “Jumper?” she giggled. “It’s a sun dress.”

  “Whatever you call it; it covers up so much skin you could wear it to church. Did you forget that we’re on the beach?”

  Maddie slapped her hand against his bare stomach with enough force to make him curl forward and grunt. “I know where we are, smart ass,” she replied.

  “So why don’t you take it off? I know you’re wearing a bathing suit underneath.”

  Maddie frowned and looked out at the ocean. She felt confident in the bikini when she was dressing back at the house. Out there in the open she worried about the paparazzi catching her on camera wearing less than underwear. The thought was inconceivable.

  “What’s wrong?” Nathan asked.

  “I’m afraid to take it off. I don’t want to end up on some entertainment news website practically naked.”

  Nathan sighed and sat up so he could talk to her more candidly. “Maddie, listen to me for a minute. I know being here frightens you and that you haven’t had any experience with fame from my side of the camera lens, but soon you’ll see that it’s not quite as limiting as you think. TMZ doesn’t post photos of me multiple times a day or even every single day. I do manage to get around undetected most of the time. You’re only seeing the times they catch me; you have to consider how many times they don’t.”

  “I’m sure you’re right, but what bothers me is getting caught off guard because you never known when it will happen.”

  “When what will happen? The paparazzi?”

  “Them, or fans… anyone I guess.”

  Nathan looked around the beach for a minute and then jumped to his feet. Maddie was confused as he reached out his hand to pull her up. “What are you doing?” she asked warily.

  “Popping your celebrity sighting cherry. Come on.”

  She was nervous as she followed him down the beach about thirty yards or so as he approached another young couple standing in the surf. Was he voluntarily drawing attention to himself? Maddie was stunned silent as she watched their exchange.

  “Excuse me. I’m sorry to disturb you but I was hoping you wouldn’t mind taking a picture of me and my friend?”

  “Yeah, sure,” the man agreed with a smile. He clearly didn’t recognize Nathan yet.

  Maddie saw the moment the woman placed his face because her eyes bulged and her hand came up to cover her mouth. She tried to hide her surprise but was failing miserably. Nathan handed the man his phone showing him what button to press for the camera feature. He opened his arm to Maddie and she stepped closer so he could place his hand around her shoulder. Nathan smiled as the man snapped a few pictures.

  “I love your movies,” the woman finally blurted, unable to contain herself any longer.

  The man looked at her and then leaned over to whisper in her ear.

  “That’s Nathan Foster!” she whispered back but not quietly enough to actually qualify as a whisper.

  “Oh,” he replied and looked at Nathan and then Maddie with a little embarrassment in his eyes. He handed the phone back to Nathan. “Here you go.”

  “Thank you, I appreciate it. My friend here has never seen the Pacific Ocean before so I wanted to capture the moment.”

  “Oh, it’s our pleasure,” the woman said with a big smile on her face. “Can I um… get a picture with you too?”

  Nathan smiled and waved her over. “Sure thing,” he said happily.

  The woman handed her phone to the man and blushed as Nathan put his arm around her shoulder. They posed for a few pictures and then Nathan said, “Do you think I ought to invest in one of those selfie sticks?”

  The woman giggled uncontrollably and Maddie thought about how not so long ago she would have reacted the exact same way. Finally, the woman stepped away from Nathan and nervously fiddled with the hem of her tank top as she thanked him.

  “Your welcome. Thank you for the picture. Sorry to disrupt your conversation.”

  “No, you didn’t
. Anytime,” she replied.

  “Enjoy the rest of your day,” Nathan said as he took Maddie’s hand in his and led her back up the beach to their towels.

  He sat in the middle of it and pulled her down to sit between his legs. She leaned her back against his chest and felt secure as his arms came around her waist.

  “I can’t believe you did that,” Maddie chuckled, leaning her head against his neck.

  “See, nothing to be afraid of. They were nice, polite, and no mob is swarming.”

  “You called me your friend. Twice,” she noted.

  Nathan grinned guiltily. “Well, there’s no reason to push our luck. And I didn’t want to disappoint the nice girl.”

  “I think she’s figured it out,” Maddie replied dryly. “She keeps looking over this way.”

  Nathan glanced back to the couple and saw that she was right. Well, that was to be expected. “Everything will be fine. Most people react just like those two did. Not everyone reveres me like your friend Holly.”

  “I get what you’re saying. The crazy fans show up to movie premiers and autograph signings and that’s what I see on Entertainment Tonight. Those aren’t the type of people you typically pass on the streets.”

  Nathan kissed her cheek. “Exactly. They are around, don’t get me wrong. But coming across one or two at a time is manageable.”

  “So, if Holly and I had approached you on the street you wouldn’t have run for your life?” she teased.

  He laughed and hugged her closer. “Hmmm, I probably would have taken a moment to decide if dealing with Holly was worth the price of getting to talk to her incredibly beautiful friend.”

  Maddie rolled her eyes. “Lupe was right; you are such a smooth talker. I better watch my back.”

  Just as she finished her sentence, Nathan shifted his weight so he could flip them around until she lay beneath him on the sand. “Or you might end up on it?” he quipped.

  Shocked, Maddie looked over to the couple who had taken their picture and both had phones in their hands. They quickly averted their eyes when she turned her head towards them.

  “We’re going to be on Instagram any second,” she hissed.

  “For the first time in a long time I don’t care,” Nathan declared.

  “What happened to protecting my privacy?”

  “Angel, they are very far away. I’m covering you with my body and shielding your face. Besides, I doubt the zoom on their Android will capture much.”

  “Oh, so you’re an Apple snob to boot! I had no idea,” she replied faking disgust.

  Nathan just laughed and covered her lips with his. He knew they were being somewhat reckless out there on the beach but he couldn’t help himself. It had literally been years since he felt so carefree; so normal. Every time he was with Maddie he could feel her pulling him out of his celebrity bubble and back into the real world. He never wanted her influence to fade. They kissed on the beach for a few more minutes and then Nathan decided they’d better be moseying on. They walked hand in hand back to the jeep and set off to the next destination he wanted Maddie to see.

  Santa Monica Boulevard was a very happening place. Maddie was in awe as they drove down the famous street looking for parking. This was not like the desolate beach; how did Nathan expect them to walk around unnoticed? She remembered what Nathan explained to her earlier and decided to just go with it and trust him. He had been living there for a few years so he must know what he’s doing.

  Nathan held the door open for her as they entered the BOA Steakhouse on Santa Monica Blvd. Right away, Maddie could tell the restaurant was going to have prices to make her heart stop. She swallowed that concern knowing that if Nathan chose this place he must already know what it’s like. He’d probably eaten there before. She smiled and let him lead her through the busy crowd to the hostess podium. The woman who greeted them was very attractive; slender and blonde with a bright smile. She recognized Nathan immediately.

  “Mr. Foster, welcome back. Let me see if your table is ready.”

  Nathan winked at Maddie as the hostess spoke into a microphone clipped to her shirt. A moment later she nodded and escorted them through the restaurant to a dining area by the bar that was made private by dark wood partitions. She handed them menus and promised their server would be right over.

  “You like steak, right?” Nathan asked.

  “Yes,” Maddie replied perusing the menu, “but I don’t know the difference between some of these. I’ve heard of Kobe so that’s something.”

  Nathan suppressed a smile. He knew she was a fish out of water there and found it endearing. He wanted to spoil her this week; show her some of the great places in L.A. to dine, shop, and hang out with friends.

  “I used to eat here a lot my first year in L.A. I would never cook, so I ate out all the time before I found Lupe.”

  Maddie looked up over the edge of her menu. “That makes me wonder if perhaps you’ve brought a lady friend here before.” She wiggled her eye brows suggestively.

  “Honestly, I might have but I can’t remember. If I did she must not have meant that much to me.”

  “But you no doubt broke her heart. Tell me Nathan, just how many hearts have you scattered throughout this town?” she teased.

  “I lost count a long time ago, Angel. Why do you ask?” he replied.

  Maddie shrugged. “I know your dating resume is much longer than mine. We’ve both gone through a few breakups in the past, but I can count mine on one hand. Holly and I kept track of all the women you’ve been seen with over the years and every single one is searchable on the Internet; they’re all recorded there in entertainment history. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll end up being part of it.”

  “I’m doing everything I can to make you part of my life so that doesn’t happen. I’m trying to let you inside my head in a way I’ve never done before. I’ve told you things no one else knows about me,” Nathan said seriously. “And it’s because you’re different than all the rest; haven’t you figured that out yet?”

  Nathan’s words gave an infusion of confidence to Maddie’s heart. She did know that she was different; it was glaringly obvious in so many ways. She could only hope that her simplicity and humbleness proved to be assets to their relationship as time went on instead of a wedge that would eventually tear them a part.

  “I didn’t mean to get real on you, I guess I’m still adjusting to being here,” she apologized.

  “Don’t be sorry for telling me how you really feel. I love that you don’t hold back; you don’t over think everything you say to me. So many girls have walked on eggshells around me and only said things they thought I wanted to hear.”

  “Good, because I don’t think I could edit my opinions if I wanted to. First, they fly out of my mouth too fast and second, everyone can tell when I’m lying.”

  “Really? We should test that out,” Nathan said smiling.

  The waiter came to the table and filled their glasses with ice water. “Good afternoon, my name is Henry. Have you both been to BOA before?”

  Maddie bit her lip and looked at Nathan. He smiled at Henry and said, “Yes we have. Can I get a bottle of red wine, whatever goes well with the Porterhouse?”

  “Absolutely, Sir. Are you ready to order?”

  Nathan glanced at Maddie. “Um, you choose for me,” she replied. He gazed at the menu and selected two different cuts with the intentions of letting Maddie choose when the food arrived.

  “Let’s do the porterhouse with a béarnaise sauce. Crab and black truffle gnocchi on the side. And a Kansas City filet mignon with steamed vegetables.”

  “Excellent choices, Sir. I’ll be right back with your wine,” Henry said before closing their menus and walking away.

  “Which one is mine?” Maddie wondered.

  “I thought we could share them. Now what were we talking about before?”

  “My inability to lie.”

  “Oh, yes that’s right. We should play Box of Lies tonight.”

hat’s Box of Lies?”

  “Jimmy Fallon. The Tonight Show?” he asked, a little surprised she was shaking her head in response.

  “I’m usually asleep by eleven o’clock.”

  “All the clips are on YouTube; we’ll watch some. He plays these games with his celebrity guests and one of them is Box of Lies.”

  “Have you ever played with him?” Maddie asked. Surely, she would have heard of this if he had.

  “No, the Zero Gravity people wanted me to while I was out promoting the movie but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I was in a bad place at the time, as you know, and Fallon wanted me to do lip sync karaoke. No way. Not me.”

  Maddie giggled. “What about for Tomorrow and Forever? You’ll probably have to go on with him to promote it.”

  Nathan shuddered. “I’ll suggest the egg breaking game. Or the giant beer pong… that I can do without looking like a douche when it’s over.”

  “These seem like very peculiar games. You have me curious now, Slugger.”

  “I’ll show you, and you can pick one for me.”


  “So, I’m not sure what else you’d like to do today. Do you want to get a massage?”

  “A massage?”

  “There’s a local spa we could go to. Have you ever had one?”

  Maddie shook her head. “I’m sure it would feel good but not today.”

  “Okay, maybe we should save that for when Jacqueline gets here. How about shopping at Santa Monica Place? It’s an open-air shopping center just down the street. I can buy you some pretty things.”

  Maddie scrunched up her nose.

  “Do you want to walk the Santa Monica Pier?” Nathan suggested.

  “Won’t there be a lot of people there?”

  Nathan sighed. “Angel, I’m at a loss here. Most women would love an afternoon shopping and getting rubbed down by strange men with oily hands. If you don’t agree to any of my fun date ideas then I’ll be forced to take you back to Casa Foster. Do you know what’s going to happen there?”

  Maddie tried not to smile at his exasperation. He was adorable trying to figure her out. Hadn’t she told him countless times that she wasn’t a typical girl? Shopping at high end retailers intimidated her. And she didn’t want to say anything to hurt his feelings, but the idea of a masseur touching her after Nathan’s ordeal in January turned her off to the whole experience.


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