At Seventeen

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At Seventeen Page 3

by Gerri Hill

  Their need to breathe pulled them apart. Madison looked at her shyly, a slight smile on her lips.

  “Kissing is kinda fun.”

  Shannon smiled. “Yeah. It is.”

  As they stared at each other, Shannon felt something pass between them. She knew they were communicating without words, but she had no clue as to what they were saying. When they heard the outer door open, they stepped apart, Madison quickly picking up the discarded blouse and again holding it up for her inspection.

  “This one?”

  Shannon grinned. “Yeah. I like that one.”

  Mrs. Lansford stood in the doorway, her gaze going between the girls to the pile of clothes on the bed.

  “I see you’re having a hard time deciding on what to wear.”

  “Shannon likes this one. Do you?”

  Mrs. Lansford came closer, nodding. “Yes. That would look lovely on you, dear.” She looked at Shannon. “You have good taste.”

  Shannon shrugged. “I should probably go help my mom with dinner,” she said. Mrs. Lansford only nodded. Shannon glanced over at Madison. “Have fun on your date. I can’t wait to hear all about it,” she lied. The look in Madison’s eyes told her she knew she was lying. Shannon winked at her before fleeing the room.

  * * *

  “Oh my God. That’s so sweet,” Tracy said.

  “Did you practice a lot after that?” Charlotte teased.

  Shannon blushed at the memory. Yeah, they practiced a lot after that. And they got good at it. Did she really want to share all of that with her friends?

  “We did,” she admitted.

  “The lasagna can wait a few more minutes,” Tracy said. “I want to know how her date went.”

  * * *

  “What’s wrong? You seem restless.”

  Shannon paused, realizing she’d been pacing. She stared at her mother, not sure what to say.

  “Madison went on her first date last night,” she said.

  Her mother nodded. “Yes. With Stephen Cole.”

  “Do you know him?”

  “He’s been over with his parents before,” she said. “Has Madison not introduced you?”

  Shannon rolled her eyes. “Come on, Mom. You know I’m not allowed up in the big house when they have company.”

  “Oh, that’s right. I had forgotten. You’re over there so much as it is.”

  Shannon shrugged. “We’re friends.”

  “I know, honey.” Her mother picked up the remote and muted the TV program she’d been watching. “I’m so sorry Mrs. Lansford treats you the way she does. It’s only because I work—”

  “I don’t care about that, Mom. I wouldn’t want to hang out with those kids anyway.” She sat down on her usual corner of the couch, not knowing why she was so restless. Madison and Stephen had gone to the movies, driven there by George in Mr. Lansford’s Rolls Royce. She was surprised Mrs. Lansford hadn’t rented out the whole movie theater for them. Today, Madison had tennis lessons. Shannon was waiting for her to get home so they could talk. While she didn’t necessarily want to know about her date, she was curious as to whether Stephen had tried to kiss her or not.

  “Well, speaking of dating, I wonder when you’re going to want to start. I think fourteen is a little young, though.” Her mother looked at her thoughtfully. “Do you have anyone in mind?”

  Shannon snorted. “No. I’m not ever going to date.”

  Her mother smiled, then put her TV program back on. Shannon got up and went into her room and continued her pacing in private. Soon, she heard the TV shut off and knew her mother was out in the big kitchen, starting dinner for the Lansfords. That was one of the perks of living there; whatever decadent meal the Lansfords would eat, Shannon and her mother would enjoy as well.

  When the clock clicked past six, Shannon left her room, hoping Madison would be home soon. She went into the kitchen to offer to help, knowing her mother would shoo her away. Only when Stella had the day off would her mother allow her in the kitchen. She sat on the bottom step, waiting, hoping Madison wouldn’t be late. She didn’t have to wait long before the door opened at the top.

  Madison stood there, still in her tennis outfit. She smiled at her and Shannon returned it.

  “Want to come up to my room?”

  Shannon jumped up, taking the stairs two at a time.

  “Dinner’s at seven, Shannon,” her mother called to her.

  “I know,” she called back.

  She and Madison hurried up the stairs to Madison’s rooms. When the door closed behind them, they stood staring at each other, neither speaking.

  “My mother is playing bridge,” Madison finally said. “She’s not home yet.”

  Shannon nodded, knowing Madison shared that with her to let her know they would not be interrupted.

  “How was…how was your date?”

  Madison went into her bedroom and Shannon followed. “It was awful. He spilled his Coke on me.”

  “That’s terrible,” Shannon said, secretly pleased. Or maybe not so secretly as Madison laughed at her.

  Shannon’s breath caught as Madison ripped her T-shirt off, leaving her in only her bra. She disappeared into her bathroom, and Shannon sunk down on the bed, trying to control her breathing. She heard the shower come on and assumed Madison was bathing after her tennis lesson.

  “Be out in a second,” Madison called. “I was so sweaty.”

  Shannon licked her lips. “Okay.”

  When Madison returned, her hair was damp and she was in clean shorts and a shirt. Shannon was still sitting on the bed. Madison sat down beside her, her eyes roaming across Shannon’s face.

  “I thought about you a lot today.”

  Shannon swallowed nervously. “Yeah?”

  “Stephen didn’t try to kiss me.”

  “Good,” Shannon whispered.

  Madison nodded. “Maybe we should practice some more. I mean, I want to be prepared when it does happen.”

  “Of course.”

  Madison smiled as her gaze drifted to Shannon’s lips. “I liked the way you kissed me.”

  Shannon could feel her pulse race and she was afraid. They shouldn’t be doing this, she knew. But that didn’t stop her. She leaned closer, meeting Madison’s mouth. The tentative, shy kisses they’d shared the day before were gone. Shannon nearly fainted when she felt Madison’s tongue graze her lip. She couldn’t stop the moan that slipped out when she felt Madison guide her down on the bed.

  They lay facing each other, hands resting lightly on each other’s waists as they kissed. Feeling bold, Shannon let her own tongue trace Madison’s lower lip. She was shocked when Madison’s mouth opened and their tongues met. It felt so good, and they moaned as their kiss changed from the simple exploration of lips to a full-fledged mouth and tongue exchange.

  Shannon’s body was on fire and she didn’t know what to do. Her hand moved lower to Madison’s hip, and her fingers caressed her, moving down farther to where her shorts stopped. Madison moaned again when Shannon’s hand moved across the exposed skin.

  They pulled apart, gasping for breath, their eyes meeting questioningly. Shannon was about to roll away when Madison’s mouth returned to hers. Somewhere in her lustful haze, Shannon knew they should stop. Mrs. Lansford would be home any minute. If she caught them kissing…oh, Shannon didn’t even want to think about the consequences. Her hand squeezed Madison’s leg, then she eased back from the kiss, her lips leaving Madison’s mouth to trail across her face, then her neck. Madison nearly purred, and Shannon had to force herself to stop.

  She finally rolled to her back, away from Madison as she tried to catch her breath. Madison too lay on her back, staring at the ceiling. Shannon could hear the short, quick breaths that she took. She squeezed her legs together, feeling a sharp throb between her thighs.

  “I really, really like that,” Madison whispered.

  “Me too.”

  “We can’t ever tell anyone.”

  “I know.” Shannon sat up. “I shoul
d go. Your mother—”

  “Yes.” Madison sat up too and ran her hands through her hair as she took a deep breath. “She’ll be home soon.” She reached out and touched Shannon’s face, her thumb rubbing lightly across Shannon’s lower lip. “You’re so pretty.”

  Shannon smiled but said nothing. Madison was the pretty one, not her. Madison’s hand fell away and her gaze left Shannon’s lips.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” Shannon said as she stood.

  “I won’t be around much,” Madison warned. “Stephanie is having a party at the country club.”

  Shannon’s heart sank, again reminding herself that she and Madison were from two different worlds. She nodded mutely, then left, but not before seeing the sad look in Madison’s eyes.

  Chapter Five

  “You must have been an emotional wreck,” Charlotte said. “That’s a lot to contend with at fourteen.”

  “Thanks,” she said, taking the plate of lasagna from Tracy. “Looks great.” She nodded at Charlotte, acknowledging her statement. “I knew what we were doing was crazy, yeah,” she said. “Going through puberty and realizing your best friend was the one who turned you on was scary as hell. But if her mother would have caught us kissing…” she said with a shake of her head, “I can’t even begin to imagine her reaction.”

  Charlotte laughed. “Oh, I think you can imagine it. That’s what scared you.”

  “So did you and Madison talk about it?” Tracy asked. “I mean, you can call it practice all you want, but I’m sure you both knew what was really happening.”

  “Yes, we knew what was happening, but we didn’t talk about it. She was doing what she was supposed to do—date Stephen Cole. Everything was separate about our lives except that. Different schools, different friends. Her mother kept her busy with tennis lessons, dance, swimming. As she got older, she spent more and more time with her friends. Not that she wanted to. But it was expected of her.”

  “Because she was a Lansford,” Charlotte stated. “So Brook Hill was still a small enough city that those old separation of the class rules still applied. Amazing.”

  “Like I said, her mother took it very seriously.”

  “So did you find it difficult to see each other?”

  “Sometimes. As busy as she kept Madison, her mother had as many activities of her own. Dinner was at seven and neither her mother nor father made it home much before then.” She took a bite of the lasagna and nodded. “This is delicious, Tracy. Thanks for making it vegetarian.”

  “Thank you. And you’re welcome.”

  “How long before kissing was no longer enough?” Charlotte asked bluntly.

  “You mean, when did we start touching?”

  “I’m assuming you didn’t dive right in and become lovers. You were virgins,” she said.

  “Virgins but not clueless,” she said. “I wanted to touch her but I was afraid.” Shannon smiled. “The first time I dared to touch her breasts, I was fifteen.”

  * * *

  “I made an A on my test,” Madison said excitedly, holding up her test paper for Shannon to see.

  “Well, look at you,” she said. “See? I told you it’d be okay.”

  “I know. I was still shocked though.”

  Shannon followed Madison into her study room and plopped down on the floor where she normally sat. Madison sat cross-legged beside her, a smile on her face.

  “What?” Shannon asked, smiling too.

  “Stephanie is having a dance party tomorrow night.”

  Shannon cocked her head, grinning. “And? You want to practice dancing?”

  Madison nodded, her expression serious. “Can we?”

  Shannon got excited at the thought but didn’t want to appear too eager. “What kind of dance?”

  Madison’s soft smile sent a chill down Shannon’s spine. “Slow.”

  Shannon swallowed, wondering how her legs would support her if she and Madison were dancing. For as much practice kissing as they’d done, there’d never been much touching involved. Even when they’d dared to lay on Madison’s bed, there still was no full body touching. But slow dancing? Their bodies would be close together, their hands would be free to move at will.

  “Can we?” Madison asked again.

  Shannon finally nodded. She knew she wouldn’t refuse Madison. They stood and Shannon shifted nervously.

  “Music?” she managed.

  Madison shook her head. “Let’s just dance,” she whispered.

  Again Shannon nodded, but she had no clue how to start. Truth was, she’d never been dancing before. Madison stepped closer, taking Shannon’s hands and drawing them around her waist. Madison’s hands ran slowly up Shannon’s arms to her shoulders, finally snaking around her neck. Shannon’s eyes slipped closed as she felt Madison’s body brush against her own.

  “You’re supposed to lead,” Madison said quietly, her breath warm against Shannon’s ear.

  Shannon shuffled her feet, moving against Madison. She tightened her hold around her waist, managing to contain a moan as their bodies bumped together. She became aware of her racing pulse, of her quick breaths, and she told herself to calm down. They were only dancing. But when Madison’s fingers threaded through her hair, she heard Madison’s rapid breathing as well and she realized she wasn’t the only one affected by their closeness.

  Feeling brave, she let her hands wander, rubbing lightly across Madison’s back. She drew her nearer as she lifted her head. Their mouths were as close as they could be without kissing. Shannon’s eyes fluttered open, finding Madison’s still closed. She moved to her lips, intending a slow, innocent kiss. But there was nothing innocent about it when Madison moaned into her mouth, her tongue immediately finding Shannon’s.

  The pretense of dancing ceased, replaced by the most extensive make-out session of Shannon’s young life. Their feet stopped moving entirely as they pressed as close together as possible. As much as she’d fantasized about Madison, it had not prepared her for the real thing. They were breathing heavily as their kisses turned frantic. Shannon’s legs felt weak and she clung to Madison, arms wrapped tightly around her waist. They had kissed plenty in the last year, but it was never like this. This was raw and sexual, and Shannon’s body responded to it, a constant throbbing between her legs making her hips arch into Madison.

  And then she did something she’d only dreamed of—she let her hand travel unimpeded to Madison’s breast. She wasn’t sure what Madison’s reaction would be, but she couldn’t stop the natural progress of her hand. She groaned when she felt Madison’s small nipple harden against her palm.

  Madison tore her mouth from Shannon’s, a loud moan escaping as she gasped for breath, her own hips straining to make contact with Shannon. Shannon squeezed the nipple between her fingers, her mouth finding Madison’s again, their tongues brushing hotly against the other.

  Even in the lustful state she was in, she heard it. The elevator. She groaned in frustration as she pulled away from Madison. They stood staring at each other, breathing as if they’d run a race.

  “I…I should go,” she managed.

  Madison’s blue eyes were still boring into hers. Shannon had to force herself to take another step away from her. Her movement seemed to snap Madison out of her trance, and she wrapped her arms around herself before nodding.

  Shannon fled then, knowing it would not do for Mrs. Lansford to catch her there, not in the state she was in. She’d just made it down the flight of stairs to the main floor when she heard the elevator door open. She paused at the door that would take her downstairs to the kitchen, taking deep breaths, trying to calm her aroused body. It scared her to death knowing that it was sexual. They weren’t pretending to kiss, pretending to dance. She knew what it meant. She wondered if Madison knew or if she was still pretending they were just practicing.

  She finally pushed open the door, walking slowly down the steps. She could hear her mother and Stella in the kitchen. She hoped to sneak by to her room, but her mother spotted her

  “Come give me a hand loading the tray, Shannon.”

  “Okay,” she said, but she avoided making eye contact with her mother. She picked up the dish her mother pointed to and carefully carried it over to the serving tray. She knew the routine. Stella would have already been up to the dining room and set the table. Stella would also serve the Lansfords at seven o’clock, as soon as Mrs. Lansford rang the bell indicating they were ready. The serving tray would be loaded with three, sometimes four courses. A soup or light appetizer to start, sometimes a salad, followed by the main course and ending with dessert. Shannon got out the crystal drinking glasses and filled them with ice and water. She also added two coffee cups and saucers for Mr. and Mrs. Lansford’s after-dinner coffee. She went to the oven without asking, pulling out the bread that was warming there. Her mother always put a rose on the serving tray, which Shannon found funny as Stella would be the only one to see it.

  “Are you okay?”

  Shannon looked up. “Yes. Why?”

  “You look flushed. Are you hot?”

  Shannon nearly broke into a fit of giggles, but she refrained. “I feel fine.”

  Her mother studied her, and Shannon grew uncomfortable under her gaze. “When you came down, you were short of breath,” her mother stated.

  Shannon swallowed nervously. “I ran down,” she said. That, at least, wasn’t a lie. “Mrs. Lansford came home.” She shrugged. “I didn’t want her to catch me up there. She thinks we spend too much time together as it is.”

  But her mother shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

  “You don’t?”

  “No. I remember when I was your age. Jane Sizemore and I were best friends. You rarely saw one of us without the other. You and Madison don’t have that luxury since you don’t go to the same school.”

  “And don’t have the same friends,” Shannon added.

  “Right. And Mrs. Lansford keeps her plenty busy, doesn’t she? So I don’t think you spend too much time together.”


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