At Seventeen

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At Seventeen Page 5

by Gerri Hill

  “I want to lay down with you,” Madison said.

  Shannon nodded and let Madison lead her by the hand, following her into the bedroom. Shannon had no time to think as Madison’s hands quickly pulled her shirt over her head. Warm hands shoved her bra aside, unclasping it and letting it fall to the floor. Shannon was trembling as she stood there, her eyes closed, and Madison’s hot mouth closed over a nipple.

  “God, Madison,” she murmured.

  Madison pulled away, then quickly removed her own blouse. She was not wearing a bra, and Shannon’s knees felt weak.

  “Lay down with me,” Madison said. “I want you on top of me.”


  They had done this on the sofa before—many times—but never on the bed. The look in Madison’s eyes told her today would be different. She kicked her shoes off before sitting on the edge of the bed. Madison scooted over, giving her room. Shannon’s eyes traveled over her body, clad only in shorts. Her gaze settled on her breasts—breasts she now knew very well. Her mouth watered at the sight.

  “Come here,” Madison said quietly.

  Shannon moved to her, supporting herself on her hands as she lowered her body to Madison’s. Madison’s legs parted, and Shannon sank between them, causing them both to moan softly as their breasts touched and then their mouths, their kisses long and slow. There was no need to hurry today. They had the afternoon to be together.

  “I love the way you kiss me,” Madison murmured as Shannon’s lips moved across her face to her neck. She found the spot below Madison’s ear that she loved to nuzzle, and Madison’s hands traveled across her back to her hips, cupping her and pulling her tightly against her.

  Shannon could feel the dampness in her shorts as she arched against Madison. She groaned, imagining Madison as wet as she was. She raised up on her arms, exposing Madison’s breasts to her. She lowered her head, capturing a nipple firmly in her mouth. She loved the feel—the taste—of her breasts. She loved how Madison moaned when she suckled her, like she was doing now.

  “You drive me crazy when you do that,” Madison breathed.

  “I love your breasts. They’re perfect,” Shannon whispered as she moved to her mouth again, her tongue moving past her lips with ease. When she pulled back, Madison was staring at her, her eyes as dark as she’d ever seen them.

  “I want…I want you to touch me.”

  Shannon leaned on her elbow as she blinked stupidly at her. “Touch you?”

  “Yes. Touch me.” She took Shannon’s hand and moved it between their bodies. “Touch me there.”

  Shannon groaned at the thought of touching Madison. She’d be lying if she said she hadn’t fantasized about doing that very thing. In fact, she often touched herself, imagining that it was Madison she was stroking. But now…

  “Don’t you want to touch me?”

  “God, yes,” Shannon said. She shifted to her side, giving herself room. She could see her hand trembling as she moved it between Madison’s legs. Before she even touched her, she could feel the heat between her thighs. “I want…I want to be inside your shorts…inside your panties too.”

  Madison’s answer was to unbutton her shorts and slip the zipper down. Shannon didn’t hesitate as her hand slid past the waistband of her panties, sliding across smooth skin. Madison’s wetness coated her fingers and she moaned quietly, letting Madison draw her down for a kiss. She had touched herself before, she knew what felt good to her, but would Madison want that?

  She pulled back from the kiss, staring into Madison’s eyes. “You’re really wet,” she said.

  Madison only nodded. Her lips were parted, and she was breathing as fast as Shannon was.

  “Can I…do this?” she whispered as her fingers rubbed lightly across her swollen clit.

  Madison jerked her hips in response. “Yes,” she whispered. “That feels really good.”

  Shannon bent her head and, finding Madison’s breast again, sucked her nipple into her mouth. The wet silkiness of Madison’s arousal filled her hand, and she slid her fingers back and forth across her clit, stroking it fast like she did to herself. Madison was moaning loudly and Shannon left her breast to kiss her, trying to silence her. Even though she knew they were alone, she was still terrified of being caught.

  Madison seemed to have no fear of that as she tore her mouth from Shannon’s, gasping for breath as her hips moved wildly against Shannon’s hand. Shannon shifted her weight, trying to hold Madison still as her fingers glided across her clit.

  “Oh God, Shannon…please don’t stop.”

  “Never,” Shannon promised as she increased her tempo. All too soon Madison’s hips lifted off the bed, and Shannon watched in awe as her body convulsed. She covered her mouth again, catching Madison’s scream just in time. She pressed her fingers hard against her, causing Madison to whimper as her legs clamped tightly together.

  Madison went limp on the bed, and Shannon slowly pulled her hand out from her shorts. She brushed Madison’s nipples with her damp fingers, watching as they hardened immediately. Madison’s eyes were closed, and her chest rose and fell quickly with each breath. Without thinking of what she was doing, Shannon lowered her head to her breasts, her tongue swirling around each nipple. The musky taste of Madison’s passion that she’d painted there almost caused her to climax right then as she cleaned both nipples. She felt Madison’s hands pushing at her, and she stopped, pulling away guiltily.

  “I want to touch you like that.”

  Shannon groaned as Madison’s words sunk in. She nodded mutely and rolled to her back. The hungry look in Madison’s eyes thrilled her, and she unbuttoned her shorts, giving Madison room.

  “I’ve never had an orgasm before,” Madison admitted as her mouth trailed across Shannon’s breasts. “Have you?”


  Madison paused, and Shannon recognized the hurt look in her eyes. “When? With who?”

  Shannon smiled. “With myself.”

  “You touch yourself?”

  “Sometimes. I think about you and I touch myself,” she said.

  “And…and that makes you have an orgasm?”

  Shannon nodded. “I’ve wanted to touch you for so long now.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “I didn’t know if you wanted me to.”

  “I did.” Madison stared into her eyes as her hand drifted lower. “And I want to touch you.”

  Shannon’s eyes slammed shut as she felt Madison’s fingers brush through her damp curls for the first time. Like she’d done, Madison found her clit. She touched it lightly, enough to make Shannon’s hips jerk in response.

  “Like that?” Madison asked as she stroked her.

  “Yes, like that,” Shannon managed through her ragged breath. She wanted to make it last, but she was about to explode. She felt it deep in her belly, building like a giant wave. As soon as Madison’s tongue touched her nipple, the wave crashed down on her. She grabbed Madison’s hand and held it tightly against her as her hips arched into it. She bit down on her lip to keep from screaming out in pleasure.

  She released Madison’s hand, but Madison didn’t remove it. Instead, she lay down beside her, resting her head on Shannon’s shoulder as they tried to catch their breaths.

  “That was so much better than when I do it myself,” she admitted with a smile.

  “I’m glad.”

  Shannon closed her eyes, daring to ask the one question that haunted her. “Do you let Stephen touch you like that?”

  Madison shook her head. “No. I don’t let him do much of anything. He wants to, though.” Madison turned to look at her. “I don’t want him to. It doesn’t feel the same with him. It doesn’t feel like much of anything with him.”

  “What does it feel like with me?”

  Madison smiled. “Fire. A hot, wonderful fire.”

  Chapter Eight

  “Oh, my,” Tracy said as she fanned herself. “Is it hot in here?”

  Shannon laughed. “You wanted to know

  “As I said earlier, this is the best first-time story I’ve ever heard.”

  “What would have happened had you gotten caught?” Charlotte asked.

  Shannon’s smile faded. “Her mother would have killed me.”

  “What about your mother?”

  Shannon’s smile returned. “My mother would have killed me.” She nodded at Tracy who silently asked if she wanted more coffee.

  “I think it’s romantic,” Tracy said.

  “Romantic? Raging hormones at sixteen? I don’t know how romantic it was,” Shannon said. “Neither of us knew what we were doing.”

  “You apparently learned quickly,” Charlotte said with a laugh. “I suppose this was before you could just Google anything you wanted to know.”

  “Twenty years ago? Yeah. We were on our own.”

  “But Stephen was still in the picture. How did you reconcile that?”

  “It was what it was. Stephen was always in the picture. I knew my place. Despite what I may have wanted for us, I knew it could never be.”

  “What do you think she wanted for the two of you?”

  Shannon looked at Charlotte thoughtfully. “I thought you said you weren’t going to put me on your couch, Dr. Rimes.”

  Charlotte smiled. “Sorry. I just find your story very intriguing. I’m surprised you were able to handle it as well as you did at that age.”

  “Like I said, I knew what my role was in her life. Yes, I was in love with her. Madly. She was in love with me too. But that was as far as it could go. We had no future. Hers was already planned out. We had stolen moments, that’s all.”

  “That’s so sad,” Tracy said.

  “Yes. It was difficult. I tried not to think about her dates with Stephen and what she was doing. I no longer asked. I didn’t want to know.”

  “So who did she lose her virginity to? You or Stephen?”

  Shannon remembered that night well. It was one of those special memories she would carry with her always. “Me. It was a Saturday. I was seventeen.”

  * * *

  It was a rare occasion that they had the mansion to themselves. Well, except for George, but he would never come up to Madison’s room. Her mother was at a baby shower, and the Lansfords had left early that morning for an overnight trip to Chicago. She and Madison hadn’t had much alone time in the last two weeks, and she missed their closeness. She was looking forward to spending the day with her. When she knocked on her door all she heard was a mumbled “come in” from the other side.


  “In here.”

  She headed to the bedroom, surprised to find her curled on the bed, a tissue clutched in her hand. Shannon stopped in her tracks, seeing tears in Madison’s eyes.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Madison rolled onto her back and patted the space beside her. Shannon sat down, her eyes searching Madison’s for a clue to explain the tears.

  “I went out with Stephen last night.”

  Shannon nodded. “I know.”

  “He wants to have sex.”

  Shannon looked away, knowing this day would come. She had a difficult time swallowing as her throat was choked with jealousy. “I’m surprised he’s waited this long,” she said honestly.

  “He hasn’t exactly been waiting patiently. I know I’m going to have to, but God, I don’t want to,” she said, tears again forming in her eyes.

  “Then don’t,” Shannon said. “Break up with him.”

  “Oh, Shannon, you know I can’t do that. After all these years, you know how it is.”

  “It’s your life, Madison, not your mother’s. Why do you allow her to control everything? It’s like college? Why there?”

  Madison smiled sadly. “Ivy League. There was never a doubt—or a choice—as to where I would go.”

  Shannon stood and paced, running her hands through her hair. “So Stephen wants to sleep with you.”

  Madison got out of bed and went to her, stopping her pacing. She wrapped her arms around her and Shannon sunk into her embrace.

  “I can’t stand the thought of him touching you,” she murmured.

  “I know.”

  They held tightly to each other, their bodies as close as possible, every inch pressed together. Shannon closed her eyes, breathing in Madison’s familiar scent. Her lips traveled slowly across Madison’s neck, stopping below her ear. She was rewarded with a quiet sigh.

  Madison pulled back, meeting her gaze with one equally intense. “I want…I want you to be my…first. I want you to be…inside me, not him.”

  Shannon couldn’t look away. For all they’d done in the past two years—the kissing, the touching, the exploring—she’d never been inside Madison. She knew every inch of her body, but she’d never been inside her. Just as Madison had not touched her that way. It was something they never talked about. But so many times—when Shannon’s fingers were coated with her wetness—she wanted to slip those fingers inside her, to make love to her that way. Many times she’d come close to asking but had always pulled back, taking what Madison had offered and nothing more.

  Now, Madison was offering more.

  “Are you sure?”

  “You’ve been my first for everything, Shannon. Besides, we’ve done everything to each other but that.”

  Shannon nodded. It was true. Her hands—and even her mouth—had been everywhere on Madison’s body, everywhere but buried inside her. The thought of making love to Madison like that made her legs tremble. She drew Madison to her again, kissing her slowly, thoroughly, drawing a moan from her as her hand cupped her breast, her thumb raking across her nipple. Feeling in control again, she led Madison to the bed. She could see a hint of nervousness in her eyes and smiled reassuringly at her.

  “I’m as nervous as you are.”

  Madison smiled too. “Good.”

  They undressed each other, hands fumbling with buttons and zippers, eliciting quiet laughs from them both. Madison drew the covers back on the bed and pulled Shannon with her. This was what Shannon loved—being completely naked and touching—something they rarely had the opportunity for. Quick, stolen moments were all they usually could afford.

  Not today. Today they had to themselves. Today they would hold nothing back.

  “I love the way this feels,” Madison murmured against her lips as their kiss ended. “I love being with you like this.”

  Shannon bent lower, capturing a nipple with her mouth. Madison’s breasts were very sensitive and she knew just how to please her as her tongue flicked across the tip. Madison held her tighter as her hips began a slow, familiar roll. As always, the fire between them sprang to life. Shannon held her weight on her hands, letting their lower bodies move together. Madison’s hands roamed across her back, settling on her hips and guiding Shannon more firmly between her legs.

  “Kiss me.”

  Shannon did as she was asked, taking Madison’s mouth in a wet, hot kiss, her tongue circling Madison’s as they dueled. She broke off the kiss, going back to Madison’s breast instead. She was hungry for her—all of her—and she moved down her body, her lips trailing a path to the spot she loved most. Madison loved it too. She was already moaning, her thighs spread invitingly for her.

  Shannon parted her, her tongue slicing through the wetness she knew she’d find. She hummed with pleasure at her first taste, her eyes slipping shut as her mouth closed over her swollen clit. As she’d done with her nipple, she sucked it into her mouth, causing Madison’s hips to jerk against her face. She held her down, feasting on her, feeling Madison’s hands in her hair, holding her in place.

  “Oh God…Shannon.”

  When she felt Madison’s thighs trembling around her face, she pulled back. Madison whimpered, her hands urging Shannon back between her legs. But Shannon sat up, entering her with two fingers, feeling the tightness of Madison’s walls closing around her.

  Their eyes met, each holding the other captive. Shannon paused, then plunged deep inside her. She felt only
a little resistance as she entered her, then Madison opened fully, reaching for Shannon.

  Shannon went into her arms, using her hips to guide her hand now, pulling out slowly then entering again. Madison was panting in her ear, holding her tight as her hips matched the rhythm Shannon set.

  In and out, her fingers glided with ease, each stroke going deeper inside of her as Madison met each thrust.

  “Yes…yes. God, Shannon—”

  Shannon turned her head, finding Madison’s ear. With her tongue, she mimicked her fingers, in and out, loving the sounds of pleasure Madison freely voiced. Her hips rocked against her hand, shoving her fingers deeper inside of her, faster now, trying to keep up with Madison’s frantic movements. Madison’s hips arched high, and Shannon felt her muscles contract, felt her fingers sucked tightly inside of her. Madison screamed out, her hips jerking once, then again and again, before sinking limply down.

  Shannon was breathing heavily from her exertion, and she kissed Madison’s face, her neck, their bodies damp with perspiration. She shifted, intending to pull her fingers from Madison, but Madison stopped her, her hand resting on top of Shannon’s.

  “Not yet. I want to feel you inside me.”

  “Did I hurt you?” Shannon whispered.

  “No.” Madison turned her head, her gaze settling on Shannon’s. “I love you.”

  Shannon felt tears sting her eyes. Those were three words they had never said to one another. Shannon’s heart nearly burst as Madison said them to her now.

  “I love you too.”

  Chapter Nine

  “Oh my God. I’m in love with you guys,” Tracy said.

  Shannon settled back on the sofa, balancing her coffee cup on her thigh. “It was a special day,” Shannon admitted.

  “And did she reciprocate?” Charlotte asked.

  Shannon smiled. “We spent three uninterrupted hours in bed that day. I’m amazed either of us could walk the next day.”

  “How in the world did you keep your affair from her mother? And your mother, for that matter?” Tracy asked.


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