At Seventeen

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At Seventeen Page 24

by Gerri Hill

  She returned his smile. “Have you been practicing that?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. Can you tell?”

  She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Not at all,” she lied.

  He reached for his third piece of pizza. “So, is she coming over?”

  “Tonight? No.” She paused. “Why? Did you want to see her?”

  He glanced at her quickly, then away, and she saw embarrassment on his face. “Are you like…you know…sleeping together?”

  She felt a blush cover her face, nearly matching his. “I don’t think we need to delve that far into it, do you?”

  He laughed. “That means yes.”

  She shoved a piece of pizza in her mouth to avoid answering. While she was happy he was accepting, she had no intention—whatsoever—of discussing her sex life with him.

  Chapter Forty

  Shannon was hovering, and she knew it, but apparently she got her stubborn streak from her mother.

  “I told you, I feel fine,” her mother said for the fourth time.

  “The doctor said to take it easy,” she reminded her.

  “And you take that to mean I should be in bed resting?”


  “Madison and Ashton are coming over, and I’d rather visit with them in here than in my bedroom,” her mother said as she settled on the sofa. “After lunch, I promise I’ll go lie down.”

  While Shannon didn’t want to treat her like an invalid, she had been there when the doctor told her to rest. They still had no explanation for her fainting spell. But she had no more time to argue. A couple of light knocks on the front door told her that Madison…and Ashton…were already there. And she didn’t mind admitting she was a little nervous. Madison had said she planned to tell Ashton about them, not wanting to hide it from him…from anyone. Shannon could face Madison’s mother, her father, even Stephen. But her son? She knew what she was really afraid of was that if he didn’t support it, didn’t accept it, then Madison would run from it again, shunning what she felt in her heart for the sake of someone else.

  Her mother must have sensed her hesitation. “Ashton loves his mother very much,” she said. “He’ll only want her to be happy.”

  “Oh? So now you can read my mind?” she said as she headed to the door.

  “I could always read your mind,” her mother said with a laugh.

  She took a quick breath, then opened the door, her gaze landing first on Madison before sliding to Ashton. She was surprised to find a hint of amusement there. Was her nervousness that obvious?

  “Hey, come in,” she said, stepping out of the way. “Glad you could come by.” She motioned with her head. “She’s in the living room on the sofa.”

  As soon as Ashton was out of earshot, Shannon turned to Madison. “How did it go?” she asked quietly.

  Madison touched her arm, letting her fingers linger. “It went fine.” She leaned closer. “I missed you last night,” she whispered.

  Shannon was sure her relief was visible. “So we’re not in trouble?”

  “We’re not in trouble.” Then Madison raised her eyebrows. “What were you afraid of?”

  Shannon looked away, hearing her mother and Ashton talking but not listening to their words. She met Madison’s gaze, holding it. “I was afraid he…he wouldn’t accept it, and then you…you would tell me…”

  “Oh, sweetheart,” Madison murmured, pulling her into a tight, intimate hug. “I love you, Shannon. I wouldn’t let anyone—not even Ashton—keep us apart again.”

  Madison kissed her and Shannon felt all her worries melt away, making her feel foolish for them in the first place.

  “Geez, you two, can you not wait?”

  They pulled apart guiltily, both blushing as Ashton stood watching them.

  Shannon opened her mouth to apologize, but Madison stopped her with a quick laugh. “Then quit sneaking up on us,” she said, going to him and linking her arm with his. “How is Alice?”

  Shannon followed them inside, meeting her mother’s laughing eyes. She blushed again.

  “He’s gotten so tall,” her mother said.

  “I know. He’s taller than me,” Madison said. “How are you feeling?”

  “I feel fine, even though this one,” she said, pointing at Shannon, “insists I should be in bed.” She patted the spot beside her. “Come sit with me,” her mother invited and Madison nodded, sitting down next to her.

  Shannon knew immediately that her mother and Ashton had been scheming about something. Ashton glanced at her.

  “Is there something I can help you with in the kitchen?”

  Shannon couldn’t believe she was afraid of this sixteen-year-old kid, but she was. “Sure,” she said as she walked into the kitchen. “I’m…uh…making a tofu and vegetable stir-fry,” she said, pointing to all the veggies already cut up. “And we’re going to have it over pasta.”

  He wasn’t looking at the vegetables. “My mom says you love her.”

  Shannon bit her lower lip. “Yes. I do.”

  “She says she loves you too.”

  Shannon nodded. “Yes.”

  Ashton stared at her for a long moment, long enough for Shannon to shift nervously from foot to foot. “She and my dad…they were never affectionate with each other. Never.”

  Shannon didn’t know what to say so she just nodded.

  “You promise you won’t hurt her?”

  “I will never hurt her.”

  * * *

  Madison squeezed Alice’s hand. “Do you think Shannon needs rescuing?”

  “I think Ashton needed to know if her intentions were good,” Alice said. “What about you?”

  “Me? What do you mean?”

  “You told him about you two, he said. Are you okay with everything?”

  “It wasn’t a shock to him since my mother had already told him I’d lost my mind,” she said with a quiet laugh. “But, yes, I’m okay.”

  “I can’t believe you told your mother. I imagine that sent her into a spin.”

  “We haven’t spoken since,” she admitted. “I keep waiting for my father to call or come by, but he’s been conspicuously silent.”

  “Well, I would think it’s not quite as big a shock to him. I would suspect—when you were younger—that he, like me, knew there was more to your relationship with Shannon than just being friends.”

  Madison shook her head. “I don’t know. He wasn’t around all that much.” She shrugged. “What about you? How are you really feeling?”

  “Tired. Very little energy.”

  “Have you decided when you’re going to have the surgery?”

  “We’re going to schedule it as soon as possible. The doctor said I could wait until after the holidays, but I want to get it over with. Shannon and Jarod, they’ve got the store. I know they wanted to have it opened by November. I don’t want to be a burden to them.”

  “Alice, they would never—”

  “I know, I know. But the sooner I have the surgery, the sooner I can recover. I don’t want Shannon to feel responsible for me. I would rather she be with you.”

  Madison leaned closer and hugged her. “We’ll work something out,” she said. Yes, she wanted Shannon to be with her, every day, every night. But not at the expense of Alice being alone.

  “You guys ready for some lunch?” Shannon called from the kitchen.

  “Wonder what she’s whipped up this time?” Alice teased.

  Chapter Forty-One

  Shannon skidded to a stop in Madison’s driveway, feeling every bit like the hormonal teenager she once was. She’d left her mother napping while Joan and the kids kept watch. She had a couple of hours to spare before she’d need to relieve them. Tomorrow—Sunday—she was planning a family dinner and would take a cue from Madison and order a variety of dishes from Sapori D’Italia. But now—right now—she just wanted to be with Madison.

  She knocked on her door and rang the doorbell both. Madison was expecting her and she opened it only a few seconds
later. They stood staring at each other and the look in Madison’s eyes caused her pulse to race. Yeah, just like when they were teenagers. And like then, Madison drew her inside, closing the door to the world.

  “You’re alone, right?” she asked, knowing that she was.

  Madison slipped into her arms, her kiss slow and gentle, teasing Shannon’s lips before pulling away. “You said we had two hours. I don’t want to spend them talking,” Madison said with a smile as she led her toward her bedroom.

  Shannon pulled her shirt off along the way, reaching for Madison’s as soon they entered the bedroom. She nearly groaned when she found no bra and she fumbled with her own, dropping it on the floor beside her shirt before pulling Madison to her, their breasts mashing together.

  “God, I missed you,” she murmured against Madison’s lips. “Last night was endless.”

  Madison’s hands moved between them, unbuttoning her jeans and lowering the zipper, just enough to get her hand inside. “And I missed you,” Madison said, her fingers, her hand, slipping past her panties and touching her skin.

  Madison’s tongue was insistent and Shannon let her lead, her own tongue being bathed by Madison’s. She moaned when Madison’s fingers slipped through her damp curls, touching her clit, rubbing against it lightly.

  “I’m going to fall down,” she whispered.

  “Open your legs,” Madison said, ignoring her warning.

  Shannon did her bidding, trying desperately not to lose her balance. She hardly had time to think before Madison’s fingers were filling her. She held on to her, breathing hard as Madison moved her fingers inside of her.

  “Lower your jeans,” Madison requested, her eyes like blue fire as she stared into Shannon’s.

  Shannon pushed them down her thighs to her knees, moaning loudly as Madison began thrusting against her, inside of her. Shannon’s hips moved with her, matching each stroke. She tried to kiss Madison, their tongues dancing together, but she was gasping for air and she leaned heavily against her, both their skins damp with perspiration, both panting as they drew breath.

  “You’re so wet,” Madison whispered. “Can you feel me inside you?”

  “God, yes,” Shannon hissed, her hips trying keep pace. “Don’t stop.”


  Her legs were shaking, threatening to give way as they thrust together. Madison’s free hand was around her back, holding her close, and Shannon knew it was the only reason she was still upright. Each stroke brought her closer, and when she felt Madison’s thumb rake across her clit, she threw her head back, the pressure building and building. She wanted to hold on, to go even higher, but her resolve shattered as her orgasm knocked the breath from her.

  Madison held her tightly and Shannon clung to her, gasping for air. She squeezed her legs together, keeping Madison’s fingers inside of her a little longer.

  “If you let me go I’m going to fall,” she murmured, her eyes still closed.

  “I’ll never let you go.”

  * * *

  “You’re insatiable,” Shannon accused as they sat side by side on the patio.

  “Me?” Madison laughed. “I think the shower was your suggestion.”

  Shannon rolled her head, meeting her gaze. “I don’t want to leave.”

  “And I don’t want you to leave.” They’d spent the better part of two hours making love and they were both still languid, their eyes dreamy. Now wasn’t the time for a serious discussion. But she broached the subject anyway. “I have room here, you know.”

  Shannon raised her eyebrows.

  “For you and Alice,” she said. When Shannon didn’t say anything, she continued. “The mini-master would be perfect for her. And after her surgery, while you and Jarod are getting your store up and running, I could be here for her.”

  “I can’t ask you to do that, Madison.”

  “You’re not asking. I’m offering.” She sat up. “Alice is like a mother to me,” she said. “I want to help.” She took Shannon’s hand, letting their fingers entwine. “I want us to be together, Shannon. Not simply stealing a few hours here and there, like we did today. That feels too much like…well, like we’re still having to sneak off to be together.”

  Shannon hesitated. “You don’t think it’s too soon?”

  “It’s sixteen years too late.”

  Shannon studied her for a moment, her gaze slipping away to the pool. “What do you think she’ll say?”

  “I think she would be thrilled,” she said. “And it’ll give her some purpose. Alice is a caregiver. She needs to feel like she’s taking care of someone. She can teach me to cook, we can plant flowers together.” Madison smiled at her. “I know you. You’re going to be busy with the store, and then you’ll feel guilty for leaving her alone.”

  Shannon nodded. “You know, when we first started this project, it was because we were thinking it was time to move her into an assisted living facility.”

  Madison’s eyes widened. “Are you serious? Alice does not need to be in one of those places. I won’t let you,” she said, shocked that Shannon and Jarod had even discussed such a thing.

  “I know. I guess we jumped the gun a bit. Neither of us were around her that much, and it seemed like she was getting older, she just looked tired all the time. There was so much she couldn’t do anymore,” Shannon said. “When we started this project, neither of us anticipated moving here permanently. That’s obviously changed since Jarod’s got his whole family here now.”

  Madison had a moment of panic as she searched Shannon’s eyes. “And you?” she dared to ask.

  Shannon’s expression softened. “I love you, Madison. There’s no place in this world I’d rather be than here with you.”

  Madison let out a relieved breath. “I was afraid…well, for a moment there, I thought you were going to say you weren’t going to stay. I mean, I know you have a home, friends,” she said.

  “My home is a house,” Shannon said. “And my friends…well, after their little surprise visit last month, let’s say our relationship is a bit strained. Ally has become a good friend to them and I don’t really fit into their group anymore.”

  “Because of me?”

  “I’m not sure I really ever fit in,” Shannon said. “They’re all doctors and attorneys and such. When Tracy and Charlotte and I were alone together, we got along great. There were no pretentions. But dinner parties with eight or ten or twelve, no, that wasn’t in my comfort zone.”

  “So…so you’ll stay then? Here? With me?”

  “If my mother is living here, we’re going to have to alter those plans for skinny-dipping next summer,” Shannon said with a smile.

  “Oh, I think we can still manage to sneak away for that.” She tugged Shannon closer, kissing her gently, letting her lips linger. She pulled back when her desire flared. She knew Shannon had to leave.

  “If you’re sure about this, how about we mention it to Mom at our family dinner tomorrow?”

  Madison loved being included in the “family.” Everything she ever learned about family, she learned from Alice, not her own mother. Her relationship with Ashton was based on how she’d seen Alice and Shannon interact, on how Alice treated Ashton. If not for that, she would have most likely imitated her mother’s parenting style. She could only imagine the train wreck that would have been.

  When she didn’t answer, Shannon nudged her. “Is that okay?”

  She nodded. “It’s perfect.”

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Shannon put the last dish in the oven, pushing them tightly together to get it to fit. Too much food for seven people, but she hadn’t been able to decide what to order. She got the clam sauce that Madison loved. She got spaghetti and meatballs for the kids. Lasagna, of course. Vegetables in a pesto sauce over angel hair pasta for her. Fettuccini Alfredo. Two half loaves of garlic bread dripping in butter and cheese. She closed the oven door, her mouth already watering.

  “Smells good, sis.” Jarod eyed the two bottles on the cou
nter. “Wine?”

  “Sure. Why not?”

  He picked up one bottle, turning it around in his hand. “Are we celebrating something?”


  He put the bottle back down. “You look good,” he said. “Happy.”

  She smiled. “Thanks. I am.”

  “So does Madison. It’s obvious what you feel for each other,” he said. “I’m glad you two worked it out.”

  She raised an eyebrow skeptically. “How did you know there was anything to work out?”

  “Did you think it was a big secret as to why you avoided coming to Brook Hill?” His voice lowered. “By the way, the kids know about you two so there’s no need to pretend you’re just friends,” he said with a grin.

  “Well, glad to know my personal life is all out in the open,” she said, trying not to feel embarrassed. After all, Joan and the kids had been there yesterday when she’d snuck off for a couple of hours.

  He leaned against the counter, his arms crossed casually. “So you wanted to talk about Mom?”

  Shannon glanced into the other room where Madison and Joan sat chatting and their mother was playing a board game with the kids. Maybe she would get Jarod’s opinion instead of simply springing it on everyone.

  “Madison wants me and Mom to move in with her,” she said. “You’ve been to her house. It’s sort of a mother-in-law plan anyway. That way, she’ll be there to look after Mom, especially after her surgery. We both know these next six weeks you and I will be swamped getting the store up and running.” She looked at him questioningly. “What do you think?”

  “Are you sure? I mean, you and Madison just got started here. Having a third person around might—”


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