Last Horizon: Beta

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Last Horizon: Beta Page 24

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “Oakmoss, I think I will go pick that for my alchemy,” she said in a pleasant voice and started slowly walking towards it as her friends scrambled off mounts and put the figurines away. Just as she got to the plant Amythyst and Terets stealthed. Dumadin, Em and Felton all clustered together and waited. Kittish finished picking the flower and turned around with a shocked look on her face.

  “Nothing? After all my production into getting this herb?” Frowning she walked back towards the group and Terets and Amythyst unstealthed and joined her.

  “That is a first,” Dumadin chuckled, “no attack for once. Maybe it was a glitch before and they fixed it.”

  The group considered this and nodded and started walking, knowing Kittish would be running off to grab flowers so mounts were near useless at this point.

  “So nice to finally not be attacked for your flowers, dear,” Dumadin said giving Kittish a kiss as they walked.

  “But it was so funny watching you all panic,” she mock pouted.

  “Only because you don't get eaten enough,” Terets started to say, which caused Dumadin and Kittish to break into laughter.

  Blushing, Terets held up his hands in surrender as Em and Felton joined in with the laughter. “You two deviants stay over there,” he chuckled and stepped back behind the lovers.

  “Love it. You still give us straight lines after so long, man,” Dumadin chuckled and wiped tears from his eyes.

  “Yeah well..,” Terets cut off as an Angry Bear charged him out of the underbrush. It closed and bit him before the group could react, “Gah, seriously...”

  The group reacted with the precision that they had developed and a few moments later the bear was dead and Terets was being healed.

  “What, now they're going to delay it until we've dropped our guard?” Terets grumped and started to send off a report to Jazzy. “I mean, it was at least vaguely amusing when it happened right away but come on.”

  Kittish looked apologetic, “I'm sorry Terets. Maybe they'll stop with this by live. It is kind of annoying for anyone traveling with an herbalist.”

  Terets shook his head as he finished his report, “It's not your fault. Stupid fricking devs probably laugh their assess off about it.” He paused in his rant and looked at Amythyst, “Your sister is excluded from this, of course. I bet it was Paval though, that is so a Russian name which means he probably has a mean streak of humor.”

  Dumadin rolled his eyes, “Enough man. That's such a blanket statement, not all Russians are like that and you know it.”

  “Okay fine, but I want to blame someone right now,” Terets grumbled on in an angry voice.

  “I blame you for being a tasty meat snack,” Dumadin quipped. “What do you think Amythyst? Does he resemble a tasty meat snack?”

  Amythyst turned red and lowered her head again, not answering. Terets turned to start yelling at his friend when he was cut short by a soft single word.

  “Yes,” the soft voice of Amythyst seemed to carry. “In this case, he is right though. Paval was in charge of getting the game to produce 'random' events to keep things realistic.”

  Terets had turned a deep red at the yes and stood there with his mouth hanging open. Amythyst looked up with a blush of her own and quickly lowered her eyes again and walked by him.

  The group was stunned speechless for a few moments and kept pace with Amythyst as she didn't stop. A moment later Kittish and Emelia moved up to either side of her and started speaking softly to her.

  The three guys fell into step behind them a few paces back. “Well Terets, I want to say grats. You have elevated yourself to at least a tasty meat snack.” Dumadin said with a smirk before being clipped in the back of the head and sent stumbling.

  “Jackass,” was Terets only word as his blush started to fade and he started considering his own thoughts. “Just stop for a few moments, okay? She's probably trying to deal with her own emotions right now,” Terets hissed quietly at his friend.

  Dumadin nodded and smiled with sincerity and whispered back. “Still grats, man. That is a huge step and you now know you're at least more than just a possible friend.”

  Felton let them talk for a moment, “Best let the ladies speak for a while and we just hang back unless something comes at us.”

  The other two agreed to this and the spent the next five hours walking behind the women who were having a private conversation. A few times they saw a bear or wolf and quickly slaughtered it for meat and skins. Once they reached the six hour mark Dumadin brought it to their attention and called for a break.

  Six hours later the group came back together and started moving again. The women once again started walking together again but this time the guys took the lead to better dictate the attacks on critters. They strolled along, enjoying the company and scenery, in no hurry. After five hours they came upon Theodore's cave and the group gave Em and Felton a run down on their first real challenge.

  They were all chuckling as Dumadin felt the need to throw himself into the cave at the end as if Theodore had launched him. They took the moment to grab the Deathhead mushrooms and made it to the crevice and went in. Before they started the climb, they decided to break for the evening and come back ten hours later after sleep.

  Ten hours later they reconvened and started up the twisting winding path. Em mined the iron veins they came across and Kittish grabbed the mountain blooms. An hour went by as they climbed before they reached the canyon and Felton and Emelia gasped at the beauty before them.

  “My gods, this place is wonderful,” Emelia breathed out. Felton nodded with her, pulling her into a hug as they looked over the pond and river. “Wait, how are there fish in this pond?”

  Dumadin and Terets chuckled, “Game, hush you'll break the magic.”

  Emelia rolled her eyes at them and went to look at the fish. Kittish and Amythyst went along describing just how tasty the fish were. After a few minutes they heard the lilting voice of Thallien speak from his cave.

  “Ah, you brought back more friends, very good. Please bring them inside my humble home and let us be introduced.” Thallien finished speaking and Dumadin ushered the group towards the cave.

  The group rounded the corner and saw that the walls had been extended slightly, making the cave larger. Dumadin made introductions, eyeing the walls.

  “Did you expand, Thallien?” Dumadin couldn't help himself asking as he kept his eyes on the walls.

  “Yes. I had the feeling you would bring a few more friends with you and wanted to make sure we were all comfortable. Welcome to you both to my humble home,” Thallien bowed as he finished.

  Felton, who had been an engineer was looking the cave over, “Very nice work. How long did it take you to make it this big?”

  Thallien smiled, “Not long at all really. Most of it was done before I found it, I just recently expanded it to this size. Did you happen to bring my journal with you?”

  Dumadin handed Thallien the journal, “Here you go Al. I know you'll want to read it before anything else.”

  Quest completed: Find Thallien's journals, part two.

  Receive: Twenty thousand experience, and unique crafting bonus.

  When you craft there is a slight chance that only half the mats will be used.

  Thallien nodded, eagerly taking the journal, “You are quite correct, Dumadin. Please the same rules as before,” he turned to Felton and Em to explain. “Make yourselves at home, use whatever you want, just make sure you leave my bed alone. I will speak with you all in the morning.” Thallien went to his bed and laid down to read, ignoring them.

  Felton blinked and looked at Dumadin, who chuckled, “He's done this each time so far. He has an anvil and smelter in the back over there. Let’s go break and make stuff and see what we can do. I'm sure these others have things to work on and Em and Amythyst can catch some fish for you guys.”

  The group broke apart and started crafting and fishing. Dumadin and Felton, after hours of working at the anvil and smelter found the chance of t
he mats being halved seemed to be about 10%. Terets confirmed this with his leatherworking as did Kittish when she made Deathhead poison which used two mushrooms.

  “That would be so fricking nice in live,” Felton sighed thinking how bad it was that he couldn't keep the bonus.

  “Look at it this way man, we can do the quest again and get you the bonus. As long as we don't speak about it we can do it again.” Dumadin said to console his friend, with a pat on the back.

  “Yeah but gods, when you get to the high end stuff like mithril or adamantine, that can be the difference between hundreds or thousands of gold.” Felton sighed and checked over what they had been able to make.

  As the group gathered together after the crafting was done and everything repaired, they found themselves with better gear all around. The weapons and armor from the orcs had been reworked for the steel, which Felton with his journeyman weapon making had turned into very nice weapons indeed giving them all solid back up weapons. Terets had crafted better quality leather armor for Amythyst, Kittish and himself.

  After having a small feast with the fish and various rations the group called it a night. “He's normally ready to talk with us around eight in the morning. So let's get back together around then and see where he wants to send us, but we really need to farm some spider venom as well. So we'll need to go south before we head off where ever he sends us next.”

  Agreeing, the group said their goodbyes and logged out for the evening.


  The group came back together and found Thallien was not in his bed or anywhere inside the cave. Once they had all their stuff together they walked out into the canyon and found Thallien fishing.

  “Morning to you all, thank you for letting me sleep.” Thallien greeted them and set his pole aside, “However, I have some bad news. I can't at the moment remember where the third journal is. If you give me a few days or even a week I'm sure I can remember and give you the advice you will need.”

  Dumadin blinked and looked at his friends, who were also looking puzzled. “That's fine Thallien. We're going to introduce our friends to Smee and show them Stoutbank. We'll be back near a week from now to find out what you've remembered.”

  Thallien stood and thanked them each in turn, shaking hands with them, “Well until you return and I can give you more, stay safe.”

  As the group started down the trail they laughed and joked about quest chains that had breaks in them.

  “Maybe it is to stop players from rushing through them too fast. I mean, the goblins went to level ten, the orcs to fifteen. So the third one is looking like twenty more than likely, which means we should get some more xp in.” Kittish mused and the group nodded in agreement with her.

  “That plan is solid,” Emelia added, “we should go do this farming and then if we have any days left head to Veno and see if they have something for us.”

  In agreement, they kept on walking down the path picking up the ore and plants on the way. Upon reaching the bottom they set out to the south and Smee's cabin. They were only walking for a few minutes when Kittish spotted a woodsage and informed the group.

  They got ready as Kittish walked to the plant and before she got to it an Angry Wolf came charging out at Dumadin. Rolling his eyes, Dumadin got his shield up and activated Iron Blood. His friends quickly descended on the wolf, killing it in seconds. Kittish went and picked the flower and Terets did the skinning, after which they were back on the way.

  “That, while funny the first few times, is quickly starting to wear a little thin. If it was just the chance of happening instead of a guarantee then it would be okay.” Dumadin said out loud to no one in particular as he sent the suggestion off to Jazzy.

  “That would actually make it better, as then you have the anticipation,” Kittish added her two cents.

  The group started discussing the pros and cons of various suggestions as they walked along. They stopped abruptly as a golden light flashed before them. When the light cleared, a gossamer winged elf stood before them with a smile on her lips.

  “Well hello you eager beavers, I had to stop by and speak with you as you are causing a bit of a stir in the office.” Jazzy gave a small curtsy, “Oh, and the other two I was hoping were with you. I am Jazzy, it's nice to meet you Emelia and Felton.”

  The couple smiled and nodded back to her, exchanging pleasantries. As they finished Amythyst cut in, “What is the problem, sister?”

  Jazzy blinked and looked at the two new comers with a frown on her face. “You should not do that,” Jazzy started to scold Amythyst when Amythyst cut her off.

  “They already know so cut it and speak plainly. There has to be an issue or you wouldn't be here. I know that as plain as day so tell us what it is.” Amythyst said, her foot tapping slightly in her agitation.

  The group looked at the sisters and took small steps back not wanting to be involved in a domestic issue.

  “Fine, then. I try to be friendly and show your friends some courtesy and you jump all over me. I mean I haven't even looked into his,” Jazzy pointed at Terets, “background because you told me not to. We don't know who he is or if he might hurt you and...”

  Terets cleared his throat, “Excuse me, Jazzy. Did you just say you were going to dig around into my background for your sister's safety?”

  Jazzy stopped and blinked and a horrified look came over her face. “Well not exactly, it's just well...”

  “Are you happy? You are going to make him not want to speak with me like the one other person who ever showed interest in me after the accident. It's hard enough being broken like I am without you trying to help me. It had been going so well and now...” Amythyst broke at that point, shuddering and began to cry.

  Jazzy stepped towards her, “Lav, it is just that I care and...” Before she could finish Amythyst logged out of the game. Jazzy stood there and bowed her head and began to cry herself.

  The group stood there and watched, not wanting to get involved but very aware that something needed to happen.

  Terets stepped up to Jazzy and spoke in a soft tone. “I commend you for wanting to protect her Jazzy, but she is a grown woman. She might have issues but we all do and sometimes trying to help only hurts more. I don't know if your sister and I will ever be anything more than friends but at the moment you are not helping her. I suggest you leave for a bit and come back in a few days. By then we will hopefully gotten her to calm down and be able to help her.”

  Jazzy looked up with tears flowing down her face, “I am sorry for this... we never used to fight at all, but ever since the accident.” She stopped talking and sniffled, trying to get her tears under control. “I think you're right Terets, and I thank you for the kindness you've shown her. Just please, if nothing is going to happen be gentle and easy when you explain it to her. I'll come back in a few days and I am sorry.” A bright light flashed and she was gone.

  The group began to breathe and Terets held up a hand as he used his interface to send an email to Amythyst. He told her everything was okay and he wanted her to come back when she was ready. He explained that Jazzy would leave them alone for a few days and he really wanted her to be with her friends.

  “We should wait here for a bit and see if she comes back. I sent her an email. In fact why don't you all take a few hours break and I'll wait here. If she comes back I'll take a break once you all come back and I'll log out on my mount so it can walk with you guys.”

  The group nodded and began to log off. “If you need anything Will, just let us know. I'll keep my tablet nearby.” Dumadin informed him before logging off.


  An hour later Amythyst logged back in to find Terets sitting there waiting for her. She looked for the others and didn't see them and looked very nervous.

  “I asked them to step out for a bit so we can talk, Amythyst. Just you and me without well-wishers and do-gooders. Please come sit and let us talk for a bit, okay?” Terets spoke softly and motioned across from him.
/>   Amythyst hesitantly moved a few steps closer and sat down with caution. “Terets..,” her voice faltered.

  “It's okay Amythyst, let me start please.” Taking a few deep breaths Terets began to speak, “I understand difficulties with family. My sister and I haven't really talked in twenty years, too many differences. My brother is doing well at this point, he had some rough years for a long time. Family is always a point of love and aggravation. I understand why she was being protective of you and I don't blame her. As I told her and the others, whatever we end up deciding or becoming is between us, not them. I don't know if anything will come of the connection I think we have, but I don't want anyone but us to decide that.”

  Amythyst nodded, a few tears trickling down her face, “Thank you. I know she means well but the only time someone showed any interest in me after the accident she scared him off. She hounded the internet finding out everything she could. He panicked when he found out my sister was effectively stalking him. That was almost ten years ago, and it still hurts me. He was only the person who even looked at me twice after the accident.”


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