Logan's Reaper

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Logan's Reaper Page 7

by J. D. Lowrance

  Tricia had been quiet most of the night, never really engaging in conversation with Campbell or me. Every now and again she would give me a dirty look but I figured it was because of what I was wearing. It seemed to draw every eye in the place. Campbell had really gone all out on me tonight. She dressed me in a black V-neck top that tied at my neck and was completely backless except for a black, satin ribbon that tied in the back. She paired it with my go-to denim skirt and a pair of black, strappy fuck-me heels that made my legs look a mile long. She even did my makeup, making my eyes pop and my lips plump. How did she do it every time? I have no idea.

  Campbell, Emma, and I just finished dancing to some club mix when our waitress dropped off the third bucket of beers and another round of tequila shots. Tricia finally spoke to me and I wished she had not. “So you Colton’s new girl?”

  “I guess,” I answered not liking her pursed lips, head bobbing with attitude.

  “Well, for your information he is not really the one-girl kinda guy. Let’s just say that Tru has already texted Emma that Colton. . .” Emma cut her off. “Tricia, shut up. You have no right. Just shut up.”

  “Whatever Emma. She needs to hear this. I can already tell she is crazy about him,” she slurred, clearly a little intoxicated.

  “Just say what you have to say Tricia,” I spat at her.

  “Like I said before, Tru texted Emma asking her if you were still here with us because Colton is already MIA. No one can find him at the brother party and it is only midnight. That only means one thing when it comes to Colton. He is dick deep in a sweet butt who is spread wide and screaming his name.” I looked to Emma who was wide-eyed staring at me.

  “Is it true?” I asked so low that I was not sure she even heard me.

  “Tru just said that he and Knox were looking for him and could not find him. He asked if you were still with me and I said yes. His bike is still there so he is somewhere in the clubhouse. It could mean anything,” she said as she reached across the table to take my hand. Campbell during the course of Emma’s explanation put her arm around my shoulder giving me a squeeze.

  “Don’t listen to her until you know for sure. He might have just passed out somewhere or is taking a dump or something.” Campbell’s laugh held no humor.

  “Yeah, Cam, maybe you’re right,” I said faking a smile to everyone at the table.

  “Whatever,” hissed Tricia. “You don’t have to be upset. If you want to be with Colton long term then you just have to accept the rules of the game.”

  “And you know what those are?” I asked. My anger growing, for her or Colton I was not sure.

  “Yeah I do. I am not a sweet butt and not quite an old lady but I will be. Before you came along he warmed my bed a least twice a week. I know the rules and what to expect so when he’s done playing house with you, which he has done multiple times in the past, he will come find me because I know what he needs.”

  “Are you done your little speech, bitch?” Campbell seethed. Emma jumped in before Tricia could say anything else. “Enough,” she said as she stepped over to Tricia but looked at us. “Campbell, take Logan back out on the dance floor while I put Tricia in a cab.”

  Campbell was already out of her seat and trying to pull me out of mine. I grabbed my shot, downing it as I reached across the table and grabbed Tricia’s. “Cheers to sisters.” I looked at Campbell and smiled. “To new friends,” I said smiling at Emma and Amber. “And to bitches like you,” I said staring at Tricia as I threw back the other shot. Campbell tugged on my arm and I followed her to the dance floor. Let’s get this party started!



  “I swear I am having fun,” I said to Campbell after she asked for the third time in ten minutes.

  “Well, you don’t look like you are having fun.”

  “Let’s just go dance again.” I lead Campbell back out as Pink’s “So What” started.

  I started grinding on her making her laugh which in turn made me laugh. We were drawing attention to ourselves but we did not care. The effects of the alcohol I consumed were showing. It felt good to let loose with everything that I learned tonight and the confusion I felt towards Colton. I was glad for the night apart so I could figure out if we needed a break or not. It was getting too serious too fast my mind yelled as my heart screamed to go find him right now and say those three little words that I knew were true. But I could not do that to myself because there was no way playboy Colton could feel the same way. He was gorgeous and in the last two weeks he turned the heads of woman of all ages. His dirty blonde hair, unique gray eyes, and amazing body were too much for women not to take notice. If what Tricia said was true I was in way over my head.

  The song changed to something I did not recognize while Campbell sang at the top of her lungs. It had a good beat so I let myself get lost in the song. My hips were gyrating to the bass when I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I tried moving it but it turned into a steel band pulling me deeper into my assailant. I looked to Campbell for help but she wore a sly grin as she turned back towards the table leaving me alone to fight this guy off. I tried bumping my butt against him but that just seemed to turn him on more as his erection started bumping back. I still could not turn around because of his hold so I resorted to pinching his skin, twisting as hard as I could. My success was short lived because as soon as he released me he swung me around to face him.

  “Oh my God, Colt,” I exclaimed. “It’s you.” I jumped into his arms planting kisses all over his face.

  “Well that was quite a greeting, beautiful,” he said as he kissed me along my jaw finding his way to his favorite spot. Did he just say he missed me? I could barely hear his whispered words.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you had brother stuff to do. I thought we were going to spend the night apart.” I was even more confused than before with my hearting rejoicing at his touch and my head yelling for space. I felt him stiffen in my arms. “You don’t want me here?” he asked as he started to pull away.

  “No,” I yelled tightened my grip on him. With him here I knew he was not with another woman. “I mean yes. Yes I want you here. No don’t you dare pull away from me.” His body instantly relaxed back into me. I felt his warm tongue flick across my pulse that was beating in time to the insane bass of a new song that I felt pulsing up from the floor. I started to move against him knowing he would dance with me. My hips pressed against him teasing his erection as I turned in his arms. I felt his desire for me sandwiched between us as I swayed back and forth to the music as his hands found my hips and pulled me harder against him. I entwined my hands around his neck letting the beat drive our rhythm.

  “You feel amazing,” he crooned in my ear. “Your hot little body pressed up against mine.” One of his hands traveled to the bottom of my skirt and up the inside of my thigh. The tips of his fingers just brushed against me. “I can feel your need for me soaking your panties,” he groaned in my ear. I looked around the crowded dance floor and saw that no one was paying us any attention as he pushed my thong aside and dipped a finger into my folds. His other hand cupped my jaw as he ravished my lips in a soul-stealing kiss. He swallowed my moans as I rode his hand. “I need to be inside of you NOW.” He swore as he straightened my skirt before wounding through the crowd to our table.

  “We’re leaving,” he announced to the table. Tank was sitting with Emma, Amber, and Campbell. Both Emma and Campbell gave me a wink as I grabbed my purse. Colton held out his hand and said, “Keys.” I handed them to him. “I got Sunshine,” Tank called as Colton pulled me to the door and out into the night.


  I pushed Logan up against her passenger side door as I devoured her mouth with my own. The slight tang of tequila still on her tongue drove me insane. I could not get enough of her sweetness. Her hands pushed slightly on my chest halting my assault on her mouth.

  “Colt,” she murmured against my lips, “why are you really here?”

  I pulled back
slightly so I could look in her eyes. “Why do you keep asking?”

  “It’s just confusing,” she replied biting her bottom lip. She rested her forehead against my chest.

  “Confusing?” I questioned pulling her chin up to look at me. “What is so confusing?”

  “The girls were saying things about you, about me, about the club,” she drifted off.

  “Who said what?” I asked feeling my anger from earlier beginning to return. “Tell me damn it.”

  “Colt, please, just listen,” she said grabbing ahold of my cut as if I would run away. “Tricia said things about you and her, about the rules of the club, and . . . and.”

  “And what?” I interrupted placing my hands over hers. “Say it Logan, just say it.”

  “I don’t know, ok,” she countered. “This is a lot to take in. And I am not that upset about what she said. I am more upset at myself.”

  “Why?” I pulled her hands off my cut shaking them. “Why?”

  Tears welled in those cat-shaped sapphires as she pulled her hands out of mine and said, “because, damn it, you were there and I was here. And it was my stupid idea to spend the night apart. This is too intense,” she said pointing between me and her, “I never . . . it’s never been like this with anyone before. I don’t know what to do now. Your past has been shoved in my face a few times now and I can’t compete with that or with those women. I would not even know where to begin.” Her breathing was ragged as her chest heaved. A single tear slid down her cheek.

  I balled my fist to stop myself from reaching out to catch it. “It’s not a competition Logan. How could you think that? What about the last two weeks?” Maybe my pop is right and she cannot handle this life.

  “What about them? Tricia told me how you liked to play house sometimes and then when you got bored you went back to her. Is this house Colton? Is that what we are doing?” She yelled at me.

  I reached out grabbing, then pulling, her to me hard against my chest. The breath was knocked out of her as I bent my knees so we were eye level. “Listen. To. Me. Beautiful,” I snarled through clenched teeth. “I am only going to say this once.” I paused so that I knew she was listening. “You should know better than to call me Colton.” I nipped at her lips. “You should know better than to listen to a jealous whore like Tricia.” I grounded her pelvis against mine. “And you should know better that what we have is more than me playing house.” My lips slapped against her unyielding in my pursuit to hear her moan and give in to me. My hand moved to her neck forcing her to open allowing me to deepen the kiss. I swallowed her moans as I took what I needed from her.

  “Colt, please,” she whimpered trying to pull back from me. I did not give her an inch. “I need space,” she pleaded, “to think.”

  “No beautiful,” I said. “You can think right here in my arms, with me.” I punctuated the last two words. She finally relaxed into me, whether out of consent or defeat I did not know. “I’m taking you home.”


  The ride home was quiet with Colton eventually turning on the radio. Caged In’s newest hit “Green-eyed Monster” came on and I hummed along loving the new song. I kept stealing glances at Colton trying to figure out what was going on between us. My fear of him stopping what we were doing kept me from asking him. I figured if he wanted more he would ask or tell me how he felt.

  When we pulled up to my house Colton came around and opened the door for me. He stepped back so he would not touch me as I got out. We both stood starting at each other. He handed me my keys as he turned towards his house. Colton never looked back as he unlocked and walked through the front door leaving it wide open. I was torn between following him and walking through my own front door. The questions from earlier were running through my head as my heart warred with my mind.

  My heart finally won as I walked into his house and closed the door. The air was thick with unresolved tension as he sat on the couch drinking a beer. His eyes were walled over showing nothing but stone cold gray. One hand held his beer while the other was a fist resting on his thigh. His jaw was clenched tight and his lips a flat line. Neither of us was willing to make the first move.

  I took a big breath and asked, “So what now?”

  “Whatever you want Logan.” Logan, and not beautiful. There was definitely some damage that we needed to mend. We stood frozen in our spots staring at each other. He went to speak but stopped himself.

  “What were you going to say?” I questioned.

  “Never mind,” he responded.

  “No, please tell me,” I demanded.

  “Fine,” he said. “I was going to ask, what do you want from me?”

  “I don’t know the answer to that. I know we talked a few weeks ago in your kitchen, but I guess that wasn’t enough. I need more.”

  “Colton,” I said as he charged me from the couch like a bull pinning me to the front door.

  “Stop fucking calling me that,” he roared. “Everyone else does but not you, not now.” The only sound was our harsh breathing. Our noses only inches apart as I looked everywhere but at him. My bottom lip quivered as my eyes filled with tears. When my eyes finally met his, the barriers I had erected to keep him at bay came crashing down at all the feelings I saw in them for me.

  “Colt, I’m sorry,” I cooed at him trying to ease the tension radiating off of him. “Baby I am so sorry,” I said putting my arms around his neck as the tears fell unchecked down my cheeks. “Tricia made me doubt the last few weeks.” His arms stayed planted to the door. It was time to be honest. Lord help me. My words came fast and sobs racked my body. “I was afraid that you didn’t feel the same way as I felt about you. Emma and Amber were telling awful stories about sweet butts at the club and then Tru texted Emma about not being able to find you. To top it all off, Tricia started running her mouth about your past and how it was probably repeating itself at that very moment. I was hurt and mad because we never discussed what we were and then her comment about playing house just made me question everything.”

  I looked up when he did not respond. His eyes were back to the stone cold giving me no hint as to what he was feeling. I felt like I was losing him even though he had not moved from his spot. He still had not touched me, keeping his hands pinned against the door.

  “I’m sorry for doubting this, for doubting you,” I whispered hoping he was still listening to me. “Please say something.” A single tear escaped down my cheek. His thumb caught it as he cupped my neck pulling me towards him. I heard the lock click on the door as he scooped me up in his arms carrying me up the stairs to his room. Colton placed me gently in the middle of the bed parting my knees with his thigh as he seated himself against me. He nuzzled his spot on my neck taking a deep breath. We stayed like this for a short time before he pushed up on his forearms. As our eyes met, he kissed long and deep.

  “I’m sorry too beautiful,” he said. “I thought you knew how I felt. I thought you could feel it in my touch and see it in how I was with you. You are my everything, Logan Marie Jones. The one I wake up next to every morning, after dreaming about you every night, after making love to you until you fall asleep in my arms. I am letting you know there is no one else and there won’t be anyone else; just you. You are mine.”

  “Oh. My. God,” I cried. It was exactly what I wanted, needed from Colton. “Baby, I am yours and you are mine.” His lips met mine as I poured everything I felt into that kiss and into the next several hours of love making.



  The run to Hellhounds was uneventful. I could not believe we had to ride for three and a half days to drop off a fucking envelope. It was not even thick which meant I was not carrying cash for payment or retribution. What the fuck? What was so damn important in that envelope that the fucking Soul Reapers VP has to make a personal appearance? Tank and Knox were just as confused as I was. But now we were about thirty minutes outside of Camden City when we rode up on three bikers wearing Iron Knights’ cuts. The Iron Knight
s were a recreational riders club of ex-special forces that were known to work as debt collectors for other MCs. I pulled ahead of the front rider so he could see my cut and signaled for him to pull over. Tank and Knox joined me on the side of the road.

  “Be careful brother,” Tank said to me as we were dismounting.

  “Take your time,” advised Knox as he took his gun out that was tucked in the back of his pants keeping the safety on.

  The three riders stayed on their bikes but cut the engines as we approached. As I neared I recognized Gunner, the Knights’ VP as the front rider. “Hey Gunner,” I said grasping his hand in mine as we half hugged. “What brings you to our neck of the woods?”

  “Got some business with your pop,” he answered as he looked from me to Tank to Knox. “How have you been?”

  “Cool, man,” I replied. “Just got back from a run myself. Staying long?” I asked.

  “Nah, bro,” he answered. “Just long enough to talk to Wesson and get his sign-off.”

  “Ride safe,” I called out as I turned back to Tank and Knox. Gunner and his crew brought their bikes back to life and rode off.

  “What business does your pop have with the Iron Knights?” asked Knox.

  “Good question brother,” I responded, “good question.”

  We hopped back on our bikes and continued our journey into town. Knox was headed to the clubhouse with a status report to Pop while Tank and I rode to the duplex. Pop was not expecting me until tonight. I tried several times throughout the trip to get Tank to talk about Campbell but he kept his mouth shut. He never let up any details but knowing Tank his “Sunshine” was still untouched until her birthday next week. I could not say the same about Logan. Tonight would be the first time without condoms and I could not wait. Hell, I was counting down the fucking minutes.

  When we pulled up Campbell came running out of the girls’ house and straight into Tank’s waiting arms. I heard murmuring between the two but nothing happened beyond the close embrace.


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