Yaoified Love

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Yaoified Love Page 2

by Z. Allora

  Kyle cupped Rory’s cheek. The move secured and tilted Rory’s head. The angle gave him a view of Kyle’s tongue swiping out, tracing moisture over his own perfect lips, leaving them glistening and oh-so-kissable.

  Desire slashed through Rory. Never before had he craved a kiss the way he yearned for Kyle’s. He’d finally get to taste a guy’s mouth, and not just any guy’s, but Kyle’s. Just an inch away—

  But lips never met lips. Kyle stopped his descent.

  What? No!

  Rory panted and fastened his hands onto Kyle’s trim waist. He tried to pull him closer, but Kyle remained frozen.

  Mountain Dew breath teased Rory’s lips, making him crave the sweetness that remained out of his reach.

  Rory should close the distance, he should—

  Kyle turned his head away in slow motion and told the group, “That’s all. The next panel is about to start.”

  Disappointment crushed Rory.

  What had he been thinking? Of course, this guy wouldn’t be interested in him. Fans were just taking pictures. Jesus, was Rory so pathetic he couldn’t see the difference? This was cosplay, emphasis on play. Guys got hard all the time. Besides, Kyle probably had a boyfriend... or boyfriends!

  Rory dropped his hands and clenched them into fists. He wouldn’t reach out and drag Kyle to his mouth. He might not have a lot of experience, but he did have some pride.

  He pushed Kyle back and jumped to the floor, then rejoined a wide-eyed Amber. “Come on. It’s time for the next panel.”

  “Rory,” Kyle called out to him.

  He didn’t stop. He couldn’t. He towed Amber in his wake. Rory waved without looking. “Catch you later, Kyle.”

  At lunch, Amber decided room service was a viable option, but the hotel kitchen must have been overwhelmed with the convention. It took forever to get food, which was fine because Rory was relieved to spend a good chunk of the afternoon in their room.

  Not that he was avoiding anyone in particular; he wanted to enjoy the hotel room before the rest of the evening’s festivities began.

  Amber seemed to almost believe him.

  Chapter 2

  Rory glanced around the huge ballroom filled with Yaoi fans. “So, what’s Bishie Bingo again?”

  “It’s like bingo... but way more!” Amber’s eyes sparkled, hinting at what the more might be.

  Would Kyle be participating? Not that Rory cared. “Amber, do we have to sit so close to the stage?”

  She sighed. “Yes, I want to get lots of bingo cards and a good view. There are some great prizes!”

  “Like what?” Rory squinted at the prize table on stage.

  “There’s boxed sets, original prints, signed copies of books, DVDs, and a bunch of other great stuff. Plus, you get to remove an item of clothing from a bishie boy!” She giggled.

  A fan wearing a blue wig leaned over and said, “Hi, I’m Laura. Couldn’t help but overhear. This is from last year’s event.”

  She held her phone out and played a video clip of someone ripping off a blushing bishie’s pirate shirt.

  “Um, thanks.” Rory glared at Amber.

  Laura gave him a sweet smile and proclaimed, “Bishie Bingo is live Yaoi.” She turned back to chat with her friend.

  Amber waved him off. “What? See? It’s only one item of clothing.”

  Rory wiped a hand over his face. “There’re so many things wrong with that statement....”

  Laura’s friend giggled. “You’re too funny.”

  Rory shrugged and then tried to figure what the aqua beret was about. “I’m sorry, I don’t recognize the beret. Which character are you?”

  “I’m me. It’s what I do best.”

  “Outstanding I—” He grinned. “Ow!”

  Amber removed her elbow from his side and squealed, “It’s starting.”

  He turned his attention to the stage.

  The announcer—wearing black leather, a white pirate’s shirt, and carrying a crop—mounted the stairs two at a time. His long hair was secured in chopsticks. He stalked to center stage as he waved to the audience. “Good evening! I’m Raven, and I’ll be your host for tonight. Let’s welcome our bishies!”

  Scantily clad and costumed men took the stage, and the audience jumped to their feet. Rory wasn’t sure, but the standing ovation seemed to be more about getting a better view than anything else.

  “There’s Kyle.” Amber elbowed Rory in the arm.

  Kyle jogged to the top of the stairs, stepped in line, and folded his arms. He had on his suit but the crisp white shirt was half-open. A piece of dark hair curled down on his forehead as he gave the audience a superior, mobster glare.

  “Um, yeah.” Rory shivered. Why is he so fucking stunning?

  “Our beautiful bishies will be coming....” The announcer purred the last word, ensuring the crowd roared.

  Rory glanced around. Damn, would this mob rush the stage? Nah, this was YaoiCon. The fans were just enthusiastic, right?

  The announcer grinned. “Yes, they’ll be... coming, and so will you... if you’re lucky.”

  Another round of giggling and clapping echoed through the ballroom.

  He waved a paddle emblazoned with the word “YAOI” etched in glitter. “Enough. Don’t make me use this in a bad way.”

  Someone shouted, “Is there a bad way?”

  The announcer feigned a glare and growled, “Don’t try me. Now, as I was saying, the bishies will... strut, wiggle, and sashay among the hordes of you fans so you may purchase bingo cards.”

  Rory surveyed the stage. All the guys were lined up like some smoking-hot man buffet. One had only a loincloth and carried a vine, another dressed in a sailor outfit, and another was decked out like a pirate. Some were recognizable characters, several others were in leather, and one wore a frilly maid’s outfit complete with fishnets and heels. But none compared to Kyle.

  Kyle had donned not only a tailored pinstriped suit but a “fuck you” attitude as well. He stood there, mobster casual, and conveyed his readiness to screw or kill at a moment’s notice.

  Shit! It was crazy to stare at someone who could have stepped out of Rory’s masturbatory dreams. God, Rory wanted... to buy a card from him.

  The bishies leapt off the stage and rushed into the crowd. Kyle was almost assaulted by fans anxious to flirt shamelessly with him as they purchased cards. He seemed to take the attention in stride and gave back clever one-liners. Watching him zigzag through the crowd, their eyes locked.

  Kyle’s frown turned into a small sexy smile. He mouthed, “I’ll be right there.”

  Was he talking to Rory? God, Rory could almost believe Kyle might be attempting to work his way over to him.

  What a sight! The perfect cut of his suit clung in all the right places. His open shirt exposed his throat, and a hint of chest hair.

  Rory held out his money, but before Kyle could take it, another bishie, dressed in Chinese armor, snatched the cash with a grin and handed over a card.

  Drat! Rory could buy another card, but that would appear desperate.

  Kyle shrugged, smiled, and winked before he moved on to the next fan flashing cash.

  The announcer called out, “Last call, lovelies. Buy a card from one of our harem of bishies. But hurry, the game is about to start.”

  When the last bishie returned to the stage, the game started. Bingo moved at a fast pace—until the winners started to collect their prizes. Then the tempo dropped to the same rate Yaoi was translated into English... too slow.

  Rory whispered his frustration to Amber. “Why do all the winners focus on Kyle? There are other guys up there.”

  She shrugged. “Well, maybe they, like you, want to get your Kyle naked.”

  “He’s not my Kyle!”

  “Oh really? Look, your Mr. Sexy in Mob-wear is fun and playful with the winners.”

  God, Kyle’s undress-me attitude bordered on inappropriate. Rory pressed his lips together so he didn’t say “Too playful!”

  And th
e winners? Man! No one really needed to run their hands over someone’s ass to remove wingtips—simply untie the fucking laces. No need to get all handsy.

  During the fourth round, the MC reminded the winners they could enlist the help of other bishies in claiming the clothing item. “You’d get a two-for-one, and some of our bishies really like each other.”

  What the hell was he implying? Kyle might have a boyfriend who is a bishie? No way could Rory compete with that sexy confidence!

  The very next winner must have decided the announcer had made a great point. She whispered to a bishie wearing a cutoff football jersey, protective padding that made his shoulders look huge, cleats, and white pants so tight they looked painted on. He nodded to her, grinned at the audience, and then stood in front of Kyle.

  Of course!

  The football player said something Rory couldn’t make out and tugged a reluctant Kyle front and center.

  The MC said, “Hands behind your back, Kyle-san.”

  Kyle scowled, but did as requested.

  The football player started to unbutton Kyle’s shirt.

  The announcer asked, “Can’t you be more creative? Come on, Leon. We all know how imaginative you are....”

  Words passed between Kyle and the football player. The bishie untucked Kyle’s shirt, and ran his fingers along the buttons. He bent and, with his teeth, opened the buttons one at a time.

  Once the shirt was undone, there was truly no need for the bishie to run his tongue over Kyle’s chest. Regardless of what the screaming, gleeful fans thought. Tongue baths shouldn’t be part of Bingo!

  Was Kyle enjoying the attention or hamming his reactions up for the audience? He gasped when the bishie bit his nipple, making Rory wish he’d been the cause of that erotic sound.

  It had to be a conspiracy because every one of the winners continued to focus on undressing Kyle. They slipped his belt off.

  The announcer put the leather to use on the bishie dressed as a maid. The maid took the belting right over his frilly panties. The sight made Rory tremble. This really was like walking through a live Yaoi!

  The next winner was an attractive man in his thirties. He strutted down the aisle and jumped onto the stage like he owned it. As soon as his bingo card was verified, the winner pointed at Kyle. “Kyle, if you please.”

  He led Kyle to the center of the stage, and unbuttoned Kyle’s pants. Glancing over his shoulder, he asked the crowd, “More?”

  The audience screamed, “Yes!”

  The guy traced his fingers along Kyle’s zipper. “Should I?”

  Another affirmative roar rose to deafening levels.

  The winner teased the crowd and, by all appearances, Kyle—by trailing his fingers around the waistband of the pants. “Do you think these should to come off?”

  “Of course!” and “Please,” along with “Yes!” rang out.

  He hooked his fingers into Kyle’s pants.

  Someone nearby moaned. “The winner used to be my favorite bishie when he performed.”

  No wonder the guy was completely comfortable on stage. He was an accomplished tormentor and proved it as he gradually lowered Kyle’s pants.

  The announcer ordered, “Be so kind as to do a 360, Kyle.”

  Kyle stepped out of his pants.

  The maid rushed to gather the pants off the floor, then folded them over a chair.

  Doing a slow turn allowed Rory to ponder the interesting lines of fabric that intersected over Kyle’s ass connected to a thong, creating an illusion of underwear, but more skin than cloth seemed to be revealed.

  When Kyle faced the audience again, the announcer clapped. “Well done, Kyle-san. Well done.”

  The winner of the round dropped to his knees in front of Kyle, pretending—or at least Rory hoped he pretended—to blow Kyle. His head bobbed, and he grabbed Kyle’s ass. He snuck his fingers under the material and touched skin.

  Kyle combed his fingers through the winner’s hair, threw his head back, and groaned.

  Jesus, Rory didn’t know which was worse: the irrational jealousy of someone touching Kyle or wanting to be the one to make him give those fucking sexy groans... or knowing he could never be that free.

  Rory decided he was exhausted. “I’m heading to bed.”

  Amber made a face at him. “Alone?”

  “No, with my two hands.” He stomped down the aisle. The screaming crowd would cover his escape.

  Chapter 3

  Rory hadn’t slept well, but he was determined to begin day two of YaoiCon with a fresh perspective. Deeming his crush silly, he’d just focus on fun, and no one would stop him. He threw the camera strap over his head and stood in front of the mirror to Akihito his hair a bit.

  “Come on. I’m hungry!” Amber insisted.

  They grabbed muffins in the hotel bakery. At the cashier, she eyed the Mountain Dew he’d added to their carb feast. “What’s with the Dew?”

  Not wanting to go there, he shrugged. “Trying something different.”

  She didn’t have to know he was hoping to quell his need to experience the flavor. It had nothing to do with Kyle’s mouth smelling of it.

  All the chairs were taken in the lobby, so they found a place and leaned against the wall. Just as Rory was about to take a bite of the muffin, the elevator doors slid open.

  Kyle strutted out of the elevator into the lobby... in a towel. He wore only a motherfucking piece of terrycloth draped around his waist. The towel even dipped a bit in the front, revealing a dusting of dark hair that continued under the towel.

  Rory’s fingers itched to follow the trail and see what treasure he could find. Or maybe he’d just stroke his hands over the muscular chest that appeared slightly oiled. He could—

  Rory lost control of his packaged blueberry muffin. The baked good hit the floor and rolled ten feet away. “Fuck me!”

  “I bet if you asked him nice he would...,” Amber snorted. Clearly not feeling the earth shift under her feet the way Rory did.

  Kyle bent to snatch the wayward breakfast off the rug and then beelined over to Rory and Amber.

  Goddamn it!

  Rory remained because he couldn’t disengage from Amber’s grip without causing a scene.

  “I think you dropped this.” Kyle set the muffin into Amber’s hand, since there was no way Rory would accept anything from him. Not even a kiss... and that definitely wasn’t on offer. Kyle’s lips were only available to other bishie boys.

  “Oh my God! An Asami shower scene picture,” someone shrieked. “Push Akihito against the wall.”

  Rory’s traitorous ex-best friend slipped away, deserting him.

  “Sounds good to me.” Kyle grabbed Rory by the shoulders, and pressed against him. He trailed his fingers down Rory’s arms until he interlocked their fingers.

  Rory tried to glare at him, but his body absorbed the contact and leaned into the heat Kyle’s mostly naked body gave off.

  “And let’s go all the way.” In a quick move, Kyle yanked Rory’s hands above his head and pinned them to the wall.

  “Oh,” Rory gasped.

  The pose put Kyle in the dominant position. Fuck! It pushed all of Rory’s buttons, and he couldn’t deny going all the way sounded like a brilliant idea.

  Frowning, Kyle said, “I couldn’t find you after bingo last night.”

  He looked for me? So what? The defiance Rory could feel in his expression had nothing to do with playing a role of reluctance. “Maybe I didn’t want to be found.”

  Someone in the crowd asked, “How are you this morning, Kyle?”

  “Great. I’m with my little Rory here,” Kyle purred with a hint of a Japanese accent.

  Dammit! How many fantasies was this guy going to dangle in front of Rory before denying him?

  “I’m not your anything.” Rory banged his head against the wall. He surrendered to his fate and let the scene play out.

  Kyle growled and took Rory’s submissive move as an invitation. He traced his lips over Rory’s thro
at, up and down, and then nipped along the base of his neck. His hold on Rory tightened.

  A moan fell from Rory’s lips. God, he hated his longing to be overpowered by Kyle for real, held hostage in the shower while Kyle took advantage of everything Rory yearned to give him.

  Gentle suction threatened to leave a mark.

  Shit! Rory craved a hickey, to carry Kyle’s mark. His need to be Kyle’s uke wasn’t rational.

  He almost pressed closer. No! It was too much. His cock had already gone hard, responding to Kyle’s half-naked body rubbing against his.

  How many times had he jerked off to the idea of someone holding him, forcing him... not quite non-con but overcoming his resistance? Ha! He was the star of his own Yaoi.

  He panted and wished he had an ounce of anything less than enthusiasm where Kyle was concerned.

  Kyle groaned and pushed closer. “I really wanted to see you last night.”

  Images of friendly bishies touching Kyle worked better than ice water to cool his ardor. Rory didn’t bother to keep the irritation out of his voice when he asked, “For what? Looked like you had your own harem onstage.”

  “I’ve known those guys for years. Most of them have girlfriends or boyfriends....” Kyle grinned. “Wait, are you jealous?”

  “I’m no such thing.” Rory struggled to break free of the ironclad grip, but Kyle held him in place. His traitorous cock throbbed at being secured, and his favorite fantasy of playing a reluctant uke surfaced.

  Kyle shifted, thrusting a knee between Rory’s legs. “I think—”

  The clearing of a throat wrenched Rory out of the depths of Kyle’s dark brown eyes.

  “Sir, you can’t be in the lobby in a towel,” a man in hotel uniform scolded.

  With exaggerated slowness, Kyle released Rory’s hands.

  The crowd had increased in size. Some were still snapping pictures and maybe taking video. Shit, Rory would wind up on YouTube or Vine for sure.

  Kyle stepped back and teased his fingers where the towel wrapped around him. How Rory wished to touch the smooth, warm skin. Agile fingers played in the folds of the fluffy white towel. He wasn’t going to—


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