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BurnforMe Page 3

by Jan Springer

  Her husband…correct that, her ex-husband’s strong embrace had felt like an anchor, preventing her emotions from spiraling out of control and stopping her from escaping. She’d managed to stem the memories of their time together. But a few hours of nonstop riding had snatched her strength away and weariness had enveloped her. She’d nodded off, tumbling into the darkest, deepest sleep of her life. A sleep laced with memories.

  “Are you awake?” His whispery voice caressed her senses so tenderly, her breath hitched, giving her away.

  She remained silent, not knowing how to react.

  “You’re still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever wanted to fuck,” he moaned and tweaked her nipple that much harder.

  Why hadn’t he said this to her after David died? Instead, he’d been so cold and distant, as if he didn’t care about her or what had happened to their son. He’d just drowned himself in his cop work and ignored her. That’s the main reason she’d gone after Smart, because it had seemed as if nobody cared that her son was dead. And if he still loved her then why hadn’t he objected to the divorce when she’d sent him the papers? In one instant, fury at everything that had happened raged through her like a meat cleaver. From being kidnapped, to her plan being ripped apart, to being undressed while she slept, to him touching her without her permission. Everything crashed in around her and she lost it.

  Within a heartbeat, she unwrapped herself from his warm embrace. Turning, she sat up in the bed.

  In her burst of fury she tried really hard to ignore the sexy early morning shadow hugging his strong chin and his wide grinning mouth. Tried not to let the tangled mop of dark brown hair curling over his forehead and draping over his ears affect her.

  Instead, she went with her anger and she slapped him. Smack across his right cheek.

  And dammit, the palm of her hand stung from the sharp impact. She expected him to flinch. He didn’t. His brown eyes flared with appreciation and she realized the sheet and blankets had dipped off her upper body, revealing her breasts to him.


  She grabbed the sheet and clutched the covers to herself.

  “You son of a bitch! You’ve got no right to undress me. We’re not married anymore!”

  His grin grew wider as if he enjoyed her anger and his amused voice curled around her, igniting her anger to new heights. “Good morning to you too.”

  He must have sensed that he’d just lit her fuse once more, because he grabbed her wrists before she could strike him again. Once again the sheets dipped beneath her breasts.

  Oh man!

  He grinned as she struggled to cover herself, but his fingers were handcuffs around her wrists as he held her arms tightly against her sides while his heated gaze leisurely slid over her breasts again. Her face grew warm.

  A set of deep dimples exploded in his upper cheeks and laugh lines popped out at the sides of his eyes making her breath hitch in her lungs. She tried to force herself not to react to the erotic butterflies zipping through her lower belly or the sensual way her pussy creamed as his warm gaze continued to rake over her breasts.

  “Just like old times.”

  “In your dreams, Mason Daniels. I’m so out of here!”

  His hands tightened around her wrists and she couldn’t escape.


  “Sorry, honey. You aren’t going anywhere until I’ve talked some sense into you.”

  “You’re the one who’s lost his senses. Do you know what you’ve done?”

  “Saved you from a fate worse than death, no doubt. You look great in black but not in an orange prison jumpsuit, babe.”

  Ignoring his snide remark, Avery shook her head in disgust.

  “You ruined my wedding day,” she complained, trying hard to hide from Mason how much she despised the man she had been about to marry.

  Fierce anger, unlike any she’d ever seen in his eyes before, flared red-hot.

  “You’re not thinking straight, Avery. Obviously you haven’t been for quite some time. You would have been killed by his bodyguards the minute you shot him. Or maybe you would have been killed the minute they saw your gun. If you hadn’t been able to go through with it, you would have been stuck with the honeymoon. Unless you already got fucked by him. That sure would explain why you’ve flipped your lid and were about to marry someone you don’t love.”

  “This is none of your business, Mason.”

  “The hell it isn’t. You’re ruining your life over your revenge. Can’t you see that?”

  “It’s already ruined. Just leave me alone.”

  She struggled against his hard grip and then just like that, he released her wrists and climbed out of bed.

  Avery couldn’t help but attach her gaze to his cute nude curvy ass as he stood. Turning slightly, he reached for his underwear and her eyes widened as she saw his impressive erection. Even in the grips of anger, he was aroused. His cock stood up against his belly, strong and proud and her cunt muscles responded immediately, quivering and spasming as she imagined him sliding inside her.

  Wanting him to slide into her.

  Shock at those thoughts jolted her. No, she couldn’t still be in lust, let alone in love with Mason. Not after the way they’d ended their marriage.

  “I’ve got to leave for a few minutes. Don’t go anywhere,” he said as he slid on his underwear, hiding his full erection from her.

  Irritation slammed through her. She was naked. Where the hell did he think she would go without any clothes?

  “Where is my wedding dress?”

  “You won’t need it. There’s something for you to wear in the bathroom,” he said as he slipped on his black leather pants and a chocolate brown t-shirt that matched his eyes to perfection. Reaching over, he opened the night table drawer beside his side of the bed and withdrew a shoulder holster and his gun. Snapping the holster in place, he stuffed his gun into it then grabbed his black leather jacket and headed for the door. Before he stepped out, he turned around. The seriousness in his gaze as he studied her jolted her.

  “When I get back, we’re going to talk.”

  Without waiting for a response, he shut the door, leaving Avery wondering why in the world she would even consider sticking around to hear what he had to say. And why in the world was she even thinking about how much she missed Mason making love to her? Had she truly lost her mind as Mason had said? She shook off the disturbing thoughts. He said he left clothes in the bathroom. She’d slip into them, sneak out, walk to the main house and use the phone to call a taxi.

  But the instant she entered the bathroom, Avery froze.

  Spread out on the counter lay a similar style of sheer see-through white chemise embellished with pink rhinestones she’d picked up for their honeymoon years ago. Upon closer inspection she noticed it came with white thong underwear and white star pasties that would fit over her nipples.

  Oh boy, this is so not happening.

  Visions of her being aroused beyond belief swept through her head. Of being tied with bindings to the bed, with Mason licking her breasts, teasing her nipples, then kissing a scorching line down her belly angling to between her thighs where his rough tongue swept her labia and massaged her sensitive clitoris until she was begging him to fuck her.

  Unwanted tenderness and love spiraled through her. She panted in response and her heart picked up speed. Avery shook her head in disbelief. Did Mason actually think they could relive their honeymoon, after everything that had happened?

  If he did, he was the one who’d totally flipped, not her. There was no way in hell she was going to wear this skimpy outfit.

  No. Way. In. Hell.

  * * * * *

  Mason blew out a tense breath as he stepped outside the warm cabin and into the cool damp morning air of the Northern Ontario woods. Autumn was in full force as gold leaves showered upon the small clapboard cabin and danced around his head. From their past visit, back when they’d honeymooned here, he knew there were several more very private cabins strewn amongst the
array of pine, birch, oak, maple and many other types of trees that gave a magnificent display of crimson, gold, pumpkin orange and greens, which all intermingled into breathtaking beauty. The scene was spectacular. And just as stunning inside the cabin with the sight of his ex.

  Late last night when he’d parked the car out in the parking lot Avery had still been asleep, her head on his shoulder, her body tucked perfectly beside him. The nearby inn and cabins had been dark. He’d phoned earlier in the day and made the reservations asking specifically for this cabin. On the phone he’d explained he was bringing his wife for their second honeymoon really late that night and they had told him they would leave the key to their cabin beneath a mat on the cabin’s front door. Along with it, he’d found a note saying they were invited to the inn for a complimentary breakfast. Right now he didn’t think Avery was up to a breakfast in public. Certainly not the way she was dressed. Or currently undressed.

  Last night he’d gently lifted her from the car and carried her to the cabin, where he’d precariously held her sweet warm body while getting the key. Gazing upon her face compliments of the cabin’s porch light the owners had left on, he could see she was tired. His gut had clenched in both anger at her for what she’d been about to do with Smart as well as a fierce protectiveness for her mental well-being. There was no way she could be stable if she’d agreed to marry that bastard. Despite that possible problem, she still had the same hold over him. He’d known it the instant he’d grabbed her in the church and shoved her onto the seat in front of him. Her warm curves had melted against him and set him ablaze.

  He’d seen her face flushed with excitement just moments earlier. Noticed her eyes glowing with anger and her curvy breasts and suckable nipples needing his tending and his cock had gone on full alert. Not that it hadn’t been on high alert when he’d peeled that sultry dress off her. The dress had been followed by her other attire, bra, shoes and black stockings. He’d stuffed all her belongings into a plastic bag and shoved it outside the cabin door. He didn’t want any reminders of Smart around.

  Watching Avery sleep, he’d noticed the shadows under her eyes, the loss of weight, the tiny pinched lines around her mouth.

  She was hurting. Big-time. Pain had shone in her eyes when she’d awoken this morning and slapped him. Lifting his hand, he rubbed the sore spot on his cheek. Yes, understandably she was pissed but why hadn’t he seen that pain before? Why had he been so engrossed in his own grief that he hadn’t been able to reach out to her and find comfort in her arms after their son died? All he’d wanted was be alone with his thoughts and feelings. Alone to figure out why Rick Smart, the main drug dealer in the area, was untouchable. He hadn’t been able to comfort her. Was it any wonder she divorced him?

  Reaching down, he grabbed the bag containing her dress and other attire. He would have to bury it out in the woods or burn it somewhere. But for now he’d stuff it behind some nearby bushes. There was no way he was letting Avery out of the cabin until she came to her senses. Strolling across the yard toward the nearby inn, he smiled as he wondered how she’d react when she saw the clothing he’d set out for her in the bathroom. Would she remember what they’d had together? Or would she rip the garments to pieces?

  Hell, he’d really screwed up with Avery, but he hoped his plan would set things right again.

  Chapter Three

  About half an hour later Avery walked out of the tiny bathroom. After a nice hot shower in the small shower stall, she felt quite refreshed and she hoped she had her chaotic emotions under check. Having no other choice, she wore the skimpy outfit her ex had supplied and reassured herself she had full intentions of grabbing a bed sheet to cover her new outfit and leave this cabin. She would just have to borrow clothes from the landlord and catch a ride out of here.

  As she entered the adjoining room the mouthwatering smell of fresh coffee mingled with the tangy aroma of pizza and a hint of wood smoke. Avery stopped cold and blinked in surprise at the cheerful fire blazing in the fireplace. Mason had returned from wherever he’d gone and now sat on the hearth chewing a large slice as he stared into the flames. He appeared deep in thought and didn’t hear her come in so she stood there in silence and observed him.

  His brown hair was longer than the last time she’d seen him a couple of years ago. It curled down around his ears in a tangled windblown mess making him appear like a dangerous ruffian. There were more wrinkles around his mouth as if he’d done his share of frowning and he had the saddest expression on his face. Without warning, her heart twisted in pain for him. Obviously she’d been wrapped so deeply in her own grief for their son that she didn’t realize Mason had been suffering just as much since their son had died. In that instant, she realized her mistake in divorcing Mason. But it was too late now. She couldn’t give up her plan on killing her son’s murderer.

  Without warning Mason’s head snapped up and he saw her. The haunted look in his eyes dissolved as his gaze swept over her practically nude body, stopping to rest on the dreadful white pasties she’d forced herself to place over her nipples so he wouldn’t get yet another look at her fully exposed breasts. She made herself stare defiantly at him, resisting the urge to cover herself with her hands or a sheet. His gaze was so forceful heat ripped through her like a volcano.

  “I see you found the clothes I left for you.”

  “I wouldn’t classify these…as clothes. You’re in big trouble for kidnapping me,” she said, quickly changing the subject as she tried to ignore the warmth blushing into her cheeks.

  “So, have me arrested. In the meantime…” He nodded to a steaming mug of black coffee he’d set on the mantel and then lifted the tin foil lying across a plate and dug out a large slice of pepperoni pizza.

  “Here’s a peace offering. The owner makes it herself. She said if I’m not bringing you to the inn for breakfast, then I could help myself to anything in the kitchen, so I grabbed some slices of homemade pizza she had left over from last night’s dinner crowd.”

  Despite herself, Avery couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Pizza for breakfast? You haven’t changed.”

  “My love for you hasn’t changed either.”

  Surprise ripped through her at his bold confession. If he still loved her, then why accept the divorce so easily? Not even a protest. But she really hadn’t given him an opportunity to protest, had she? In the last few months of their marriage, she’d practically refused to see him.

  “C’mon, pizza is getting cold,” he urged.

  On shaky legs she forced herself to walk the four feet toward him and accepted the pizza.

  “Eat it all, you’re too skinny.”

  “Thanks for the compliment,” she said tartly, then bit into the pizza, noting the delicious sweet chunks of pineapple buried in the hot cheese.

  “Pineapple pizza, I took a chance it’s still your favorite.”

  “It is,” she said between bites. Gosh, suddenly she was ravenous and despite the pizza tasting perfectly scrumptious, Mason’s words still rang in her ears.

  My love for you hasn’t changed.

  If his impressive erection were an indication, he wasn’t lying. He still loved her. Damn him!

  “The new owners told me most of the insides of the other cabins had to be completely redone due to leaking roofs from the previous owner’s neglect, but this cabin they were able to save and keep as close to the original as possible because the roof hadn’t given out yet.”

  “So, she finally sold out,” Avery mused as she remembered the elderly lady who’d been renting out the cabins and tending the nearby campground by a peaceful lake. The poor dear had seemed so sad after her husband’s recent passing. Back then, Avery hadn’t understood her grief. She hadn’t lost anyone close to her, so how could she relate? Now, however, she understood how devastating the loss of a loved one could be.

  “The new owner is a woman from the States. I think they did a pretty good job keeping the rustic appearance in this cabin, don’t you?” he asked as
he looked around the small twenty foot by twenty foot cabin. She followed his gaze and melancholy swept through her at the gray planked walls, the stone fireplace and the honey gold pine floor. Back in the old days, the windows had been adorned with heavy cloth curtains. Now they’d been replaced by pale yellow blinds. The sheets were also pale yellow and the comforters and quilts were of varying designs of yellows and greens. The bed was the same one. A black wrought iron king-size in the middle of the room. She looked up at the ceiling and noted the wagon wheel chandelier light fixture.

  “That’s new.” She pointed to the light.

  Mason nodded. “Didn’t they have hurricane lamps back when we were here?”

  “The power outage. I remember. After a storm knocked out the power she supplied us with a couple of those smelly red kerosene lamps.”

  Excitement fused through her as she remembered their second night here. They’d spent the entire night making love on that bear rug in front of the fireplace with the hurricane lamps flickering on the mantel.

  Gosh, it had seemed so romantic with those lamps and the fire.

  “The skylights are new. They weren’t there during our honeymoon,” Mason mused and she looked up and spied the two small skylights in the ceiling. One directly above the bed, the other above the tiny kitchenette near the only doorway of the cabin. Streams of buttery sunshine swept into the room from the openings, bringing in a cheerfulness she thought had gone from her life forever.

  “Same rustic cabin, minus one short-haired bearskin rug…”

  She almost choked on her last bite of pizza at the memory of the two of them intertwined in each other’s arms lying naked on the bearskin rug. Warmth burned her cheeks and she turned away from him, strolling to the window to look out at the golden autumn leaves from the twenty or so birch trees showering the motorcycle in front of their rental cabin.


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