Business as Usual (Off The Subject)

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Business as Usual (Off The Subject) Page 12

by Swank, Denise Grover

  She releases a belly laugh. “Oh, Curly Sue. You are so much more fun than I expected. Not to worry. I already know what I want.”

  The fact that she’s given this thought worries me. I stare at her while I wait for her to deliver her demand.

  “I want you to go out with me tonight.”

  “Sorry, Tina,” I say. “I prefer guys.”

  “Oh really?” she laughs. “As far as I can tell, you’re damn near virginal, even if you insist otherwise. Who’s to know which way you swing?” Her smile fades. “But not with me. I just want you to go out for a night of fun with me and my friends. And at the end of the night, I’ll tell you her name.”


  “Because you live up to your end and I’ll live up to mine.”

  “No.” I shake my head. “Why on earth would you want me to go out with you?”

  She leans forward, her gaze intense. “Because I think you’re capable of having a really fun time. You just need help.”

  While my friends have told me this so often it’s become a mantra, hearing it from Tina feels slimy. “And if I’m not interested?”

  She shrugs. “Suit yourself.” She starts to leave again.

  She probably doesn’t know anything. Tina is a conniving bitch who likes to stir up trouble. But what if she really does have information? Her stipulation doesn’t make any sense, but I’m willing to play along if I can get answers.

  “Fine.” But the thought of going out at all, let alone with Tina, makes me anxious. Before I even realize what I’m saying, I burst out, “But I get to pick the place.”

  She stands in the doorway, hanging on the frame. “Funny, Curly. But we’re going to a bar. Not the park.”

  “It is a bar,” I say. “But Southern students don’t go there. I found it when I went out with the cast from the play.”

  She narrows her eyes. “Go on.”

  “There’s nothing to tell. It’s half a block from the theater downtown, full of locals.” She looks skeptical. “And not old farts either. There were a ton of good-looking guys.”

  “What’s it called?”

  “Tony’s Bar and Pub.”

  A slow grin lights up her face. “Okay, we’ll go to your place. But if it’s a bust we leave. Deal?”

  Did I have a choice? “Fine.” It was a spur of the moment decision. If I get into trouble, I hope that Ben is working and will help. I’ll pull out the I’m your boss’s sister card if need be.

  “Don’t sound so eager, Virgin Mary. Don’t worry, I’ll get you laid yet.” She walks out, singing Madonna’s Like a Virgin.

  I cringe. Is that her game? I told her I wasn’t a virgin, and she’s determined to prove I’m not lying? One thing is clear: I’m treading on dangerous ground. I only hope it’s worth it.

  Chapter Twelve


  I feel like I’m walking through a landmine field. Caroline and Reed might have made up, but things are far from okay. Reed’s secret is destroying us all. Caroline looks like she’s lost weight from worrying so much and I’ve made a devil’s bargain with the Southern University wild child. But the sooner I can get to the bottom of this mess, the sooner life can get back to normal. If it’s not too late…

  I’m not sure how to tell Reed I’m going out. But I’ve decided to wear the wig again. If I see anyone I know, they hopefully won’t recognize me. And if I’m truthful with myself, it’s an experiment. I want to see if it makes me feel different from how I did last Friday night.

  After a dinner of take-out pizza, I head to my room to get ready. I take my wig into the bathroom, along with a hat. I pin my hair up and put the wig on, pinning it securely into place. Again, I’m amazed by the transformation and I haven’t even darkened my eyebrows or put on more makeup. While I’m applying dark eye shadow to the crease in my eyelids, Tina texts me.

  Be at my apartment at 8:30

  That gives me forty-five minutes to finish getting ready and drive to her apartment. More than enough time. I finish my makeup and put the hat on, stuffing my black hair inside before walking the few steps from the bathroom to my room. Once I have the door closed, I look at the clothes in my closet, trying to figure out what to wear. I want this night out with Tina to fulfill her requirement, but I don’t think I can be as wild as she wants me to be. I decide to go with a black knit dress that’s clingy, but not too slutty, with a pair of gray tights. It’s short enough that I can wear my coat over it to hide what’s underneath. I pair it with a pair of black stiletto leather boots.

  I still have twenty minutes.

  I don’t want to go out without my phone again, but Reed can still track me down if he figures out I’m missing. I figure out the best way to ensure he can’t do that is to bring my phone but turn it off unless I need to make a call.

  I leave a note on my desk saying that I left for a little while, but will be back. With any luck at all, I’ll slip out undetected. Then if Reed comes to my room looking for me, he’ll know I left of my own free will and wasn’t abducted, because Lord knows that’s where his paranoid mind will jump.

  When I slip out the door and down the hall, Caroline is snuggled on the sofa, watching Gossip Girl, a pudding cup in her hand. Things are worse than I thought.

  She glances up at me, taking in my hat and coat, and then turns back to the TV.

  “Caroline?” I ask, sitting next to her. “Where’s Reed?”

  “He went out.” Her voice breaks.

  “He’s not cheating on you,” I say. “I know it.”

  She nods. “The Reed I know wouldn’t even consider it. But he just took off after getting a phone call.”

  I don’t say anything.

  She keeps her gaze on the TV. “I heard a woman’s voice on the phone.”

  “Caroline.” I fight the tears burning behind my eyes. “I’m doing everything in my power to find out what’s going on with him.”

  She turns to me. “Lexi, I know you helped get us together, but it’s not your responsibility to keep us together. I love him more than anything, but I can’t deal with these secrets. I think I’m going to move in with Scarlett for a little while to sort things out.”

  I grab her arm. “No. Please. Just give me a week, okay? Reed loves you so much.”

  “I used to think that too. Now I’m not so sure.”

  She sinks back into the cushions, looking sad and alone, and I vow to call Scarlett as soon as I get outside the door. “Aren’t you going to ask where I’m going?”

  “I don’t want to know.” She turns to me. “But have fun. And be careful. And if you need a ride home, please call me and not that bitch Tina.”

  If she only knew.

  She takes in my stunned expression and turns back to her show. “Scarlett told me.”

  I give her a hug, hanging on longer than usual. “I love you, Caroline.”

  She gives me a squeeze. “I love you too.”

  On my way to Tina’s, I call Scarlett. “Caroline’s in bad shape.”

  “How bad?” she asks.

  “Gossip Girl, second season. She was eating pudding cups since we don’t have Ben & Jerry’s.”

  “Oh, God. That is bad. Where’s Reed?”

  I hesitate.

  “Lexi, where is he?”

  “Caroline said he got phone call from a woman and left.”

  She curses for several seconds and I gasp because it’s so unlike her. “I’m bringing her to my apartment, Lexi.”

  “No, wait, Scarlett. I’m sure he’s not cheating on her. Give me the chance to prove it.”

  “Lexi,” Scarlett says with forced patience. “If he’s not cheating on her, then why won’t he tell her what’s going on?”

  “I don’t know.” My heart is breaking into pieces.

  “Caroline loves you almost as much as she loves Reed, but I can’t let him continue to hurt her this way. I’m going to go get her.”

  “Scarlett, please. I asked Caroline to give me a week to get to the bottom of this.”

  “I know you mean well, Lex, but you’re hurting her more by asking her to stay.”

  I want to cry.

  “You can come stay with me too if you want. Tucker won’t mind.”

  “I can’t,” I choke out. “I can’t leave Reed.” He’s going to be devastated if Caroline moves out, not that he hasn’t brought it upon himself.

  “We’re here if you need us.”

  “Thanks.” I hang up and wonder how awkward it will be on Monday when Scarlett shows up at the lab for work. But I can’t worry about that now. I’m pulling up to Tina’s apartment and I need to focus on getting through tonight. I need the information she has more than ever.

  I park my car and take off the hat, finger combing the tangled strands of my wig. When I think I look presentable, I get out and lock up my car, then climb up the steps to her second floor apartment.

  I’ve barely knocked on the door when a large, muscular guy with tattoos and multiple ear and facial piercings opens it. He steps back and looks me up and down, his eyes lingering on my chest and legs before returning to my face. “Well, hello there, sugar.”

  My back stiffens. “Tell Tina that I’m here.”

  His pierced eyebrow lifts with a smirk. “And who might you be?”

  “Alexa.” The name is out before I realize I’ve said it. “She knows me as Lexi.”

  He opens the door wider. “Little Lexi. I’ve heard all about you. Come on in.”

  I’m not sure I like the sound of that and I sure don’t like the way he’s eying me. Against my better judgment, I walk into the apartment. Several guys and girls already here. The designated driver from last weekend is in the kitchen mixing himself a rum and Coke.

  “Hey, Virgin Mary,” he calls out when he sees me. “Let me make you a drink.”

  I cringe at the name. “No thanks, I’m good.”

  “Have a drink, Curly Sue,” Tina says from behind me. When I turn around, her mouth drops open. “Whoa. What happened to your hair?”

  “Nothing,” I say.

  She stands next to me, and grabs a strand. “This is the real thing, not some cheap drugstore knock-off. What’s the deal?”

  Caroline got it for me and while she can work magic with a budget, I’m sure it’s high quality. But there’s no way in hell I’m telling her the real reason I’m wearing the wig. I shrug. “You want me to channel my wild side. It seemed like a good first step.”

  She walks around me, looking me up and down. “I like it. Tonight’s going to be fun.” She grabs a red plastic cup from the guy who’s making drinks and hands it to me. “Bottoms up, Curly.”

  My curls might be gone, but the nickname hangs on. I suppose it’s better than Virgin Mary.

  I stand next to the counter and take small sips of my drink while I wait for them to leave for the bar. Unfortunately, no one seems in a hurry.

  “Have a seat, Alexa,” The tattooed guy pats the space next to him on the sofa.

  I lift my cup and give him a tight smile. “Thanks, I’m good.”

  “You might as well relax, Lexi,” Tina laughs. “We’re going to pre-game here for a while.”

  It takes all my inner strength to keep from rolling my eyes in disgust.

  She sits on a bar stool close to me and takes another cup from the in-house bartender. “You gave me double rum, right Mikey?”

  He holds out his hands. “Please. Of course.”

  She grins. “Good boy.” She takes another gulp and then turns to me. “Let’s lay down some ground rules.”

  I cross my arms, still holding my cup, and lift my chin. “That’s a great idea.”

  “You will get drunk. If you don’t, the deal’s off.”

  “What the hell do you care if I get drunk?”

  A slow grin lifts the corners of her mouth. “How can you have fun if you’re not drunk? And that’s the entire point of this endeavor—for you to have fun.”

  “Fine, I’ll get drunk. What else?” I have no intention of getting drunk. There’s no way I’m going to let myself lose control with this group. But Tina will have no way of knowing if I’m drunk or just acting that way.

  “You have to sleep with somebody to prove you’re not a virgin.”

  I set the cup down on the counter. “Then we’re done.” I spin around and head to the door, fully expecting her to call me back. This is far from the first negotiation I’ve handled, although it’s undoubtedly the sleaziest.

  As I expect, she grabs my arm and pulls me back. “God, you’re so fucking touchy.”

  I jerk out of her grasp. “I’m not having sex tonight.”

  She picks up the cup and places it in my hand. “Drink.” Her eyes are hard and the word is definitely an order.

  I take a generous gulp and lower the cup. Give on the little things, hold firm on the deal breakers. “I’m still not having sex tonight.”

  She tilts her head with a grin. “Fine, it’s not a requirement, but it’s highly recommended.”

  “What else?”

  “It’s all business with you, isn’t it, Curly?”

  I take a sip to prove I’m following the rules. “I am a business major.”

  “Well, business as usual then.” She laughs. “If you don’t have sex, you have to make out with someone.”

  “A guy of my choosing.”

  “A guy or girl of mine.”

  I shake my head and look her in the eye. “A guy of my choosing. Or I walk.”

  “You really want the name of Reed’s new girlfriend, Curly?”

  “You know I do.” But for some reason she really wants me to go out tonight—and in a big way—so I have some bargaining chips as well.

  “Fine. A guy of your choosing, but he has to kiss you and feel you up.”

  The rum in the coke has hit my stomach, making a toxic brew with all the pent-up anxiety that sits there. “You’re disgusting.”

  She laughs, but it’s a hollow sound. “So I’ve been told.”

  I would feel sorry for her if she weren’t so intent on making me do things I don’t want to do. “Is that all?”

  “I guess. We’ve got to start you off slow. There’s always next time.”

  Next time? She actually thinks we’re going to hang out again. “My turn.”

  She laughs. “You think you’re in a position to make demands?”

  “I’ll stay out with you until midnight, and if I meet all of your requirements, you’ll give me the name.”

  She shakes her head. “Midnight? We’re just warming up. One.”

  I expected her to say two or three. “Fine.”

  “What else?”

  “We go to the downtown bar I told you about.”

  “I already agreed to that this morning. Anything else?”


  Her grin turns cold and hard. “Good, then finish that drink.”

  And that’s when I know it without a doubt: I’m in deep shit. I drain the cup and Tina hands me another, even stronger than the first. “Are we ever going to leave?” I ask.

  I’m sipping, but Tina is impatient. “We’ll go as soon as you finish your drink.”

  I gulp it down. “Let’s go.”

  Tina and her friends laugh and even though she told me we’d leave, it takes everyone fifteen minutes to get ready. When we walk out the apartment door, I question the wisdom of my stiletto boots, but it’s too late to do anything about it now. I stumble on the steps and the guy who made my drinks steadies me before I fall on my face. He tries to grab my ass and I push his hand away.

  “The night is young,” he whispers in my ear.

  I freeze at the bottom of the stairs, watching as Tina and her friends walk toward two cars. What the hell am I doing? I don’t even know if she has real information for me.

  Tina turns around and holds out her hands. “Come on, Curly. Let’s go to your bar.”

  At least the bar is a public place. I hope more than ever that Ben will be there. If I order my own drinks, I can make sure they’re non-alc
oholic. I don’t doubt that he’ll help. Taking a deep breath, I join the group, proud of myself for not falling over.

  I climb into the back of the car and Tina slides in next to me. The guy with the tattoos and piercings gets in next to her and they start making out before we leave the parking lot. He slides his hand up her thigh, under her skirt. My face flushes and I look out the side window when she begins to moan.

  “Lexi,” she calls my name.

  I ignore her, but she calls my name again, more insistent this time. When I finally turn to look at her, her eyes are hooded and her breath is coming in short pants as he continues to rub her. “Are you into threesomes?”

  “You’re disgusting,” I say again, turning toward the window as she moans louder. I’m sure she’s doing this to make me as uncomfortable as possible and it’s working. Maybe that’s what this night is all about—humiliating me.

  “Does that feel good, baby?” the guy asks her.

  “Get me off and then you can play with Lexi,” she pants.

  “You touch me and I’ll cut off your balls.” My voice is deadly calm.

  Tina laughs. “God, I think she means it. Curly Sue has some backbone after all.”

  It’s not an idle threat. I’m shaking as the guy who’s driving parks on the street half a block from the bar. As soon as the car stops, I open the door and stumble out onto the sidewalk. Tina’s still in there, her moans increasing in volume as she comes.

  There’s no way in hell I’m ever getting in a car with her again. Ever. I’ll have to find another way back home. Caroline offered to get me if I need help. I’ll call her.

  But that’s hours away and now I’m stuck in this untenable situation. The thought of spending the next four hours with Tina and her friends makes me want to throw up. I gulp in deep breaths, fear and disgust rushing through my veins. I just need to get into the bar, and then I’ll be safe. Ben will be there. If I feel threatened, I’ll ask for his help.

  I don’t wait for Tina and her disgusting friends. I practically run into the bar and nearly cry with relief when I see him behind the counter.

  Chapter Thirteen


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