Find Me If You Dare (The Chronicles of Elizabeth Marshall Book 2)

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Find Me If You Dare (The Chronicles of Elizabeth Marshall Book 2) Page 17

by Rachel Lucas


  I took a deep breath and fought to calm my raging emotions. I had to tread carefully. If my parents were both safe and unharmed for the moment, I didn’t want to alarm them.

  “Hi Mom,” it took considerable effort on my part to make my voice sound casual and matter-of-fact, “I just wanted to call and check on you and dad. Are you both doing okay?”

  “Oh were both doing fine. You’re dad’s back has been acting up a bit lately, though. He shouldn’t have shoveled the walk after that last snow storm. He should have let the neighbor boy do it.”

  I was so relieved to hear her voice, to hear the normal, routine things in her life. I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. Sitting next to me, Logan was giving me signals. I nodded my understanding and focused on how to relay to my mother the importance on the situation without alarming her too much.

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Listen Mom,” I paused and tried to gauge my tone the right way, “I need you to do me a favor. I need you to make sure all your doors are locked, even the one going out into the garage. Don’t open you door for anyone, unless the person looks like a federal agent or a police officer. Even then, make them show you their badge.”

  “I don’t understand,” the confusion was evident in her voice, “what are you saying?”

  “Please, Mom, just do as I say. I’m on my way there. I’m coming from Salt Lake. I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’ll explain everything as soon as I get there. Now, are you locking your doors?”

  “Caitlyn, honey, you know this is such a safe neighborhood. We hardly ever lock our doors, except at night or when we’re gone.”

  I gritted my teeth and fought for patience. Now was not the time for my mother to get stubborn on me.

  “I know your neighborhood is safe, but could you please just do this favor for me? It will make me feel much better.” I was almost pleading at this point.

  “Well, if you insist.” I could hear her shuffling through the house in the background. “Walter, lock the sliding glass door please. It’s Caitlyn. She’s on her way here. She’s asking us to lock all the doors. Well, I don’t know why.” She turned her attention back to me. “Honey, why are we locking the doors again?”

  “I’ll be there soon and I’ll explain everything. Right now I just need to know that you’re both safe.”

  Logan gave me another signal and I covered the phone for a moment to hear what he had to say. He had his own cell phone to his ear.

  “Hammond’s just pulling up to their house now. Tell them it’s safe to let him in.”

  I felt a huge sense of relief to know that Logan’s partner, Detective Hammond, was already at my parent’s home. He had been on a protective detail for them before, even though they didn’t realize it.

  “Mom, a Detective Hammond from the Riverview Police Department should be arriving at your house any minute. It’s okay to let him in. He’ll stay there with you until I get there. Okay?”

  The doorbell rang almost on queue.

  “You’re starting to worry me, Caitlyn.” The fear was beginning to come into her voice. This was what I didn’t want. “What does this Detective Hammond look like?”

  “He’s a big guy, looks like he could have been a pro line-backer. Is he there?” I asked.

  “I’m supposed to have you show me your police badge,” I could hear my mother bravely request.

  I could picture Don Hammond’s gruff smile as my petite mother stood her ground with him.

  “You’ll be safe now until I get there.” I assured her.

  After we hung up I held my phone to my chest for a moment, saying quietly to myself. “Please let them be safe.”

  Chapter Fifty-Six

  We were an odd group sitting there in my parent’s formal front room. Director Phillips was on his cell phone with Chief Brickman from the Riverview police, coordinating a perimeter around my parents’ house and neighborhood. If there was any possibility that Elizabeth was in the area, we were going to find her before she could harm my parents. Another security detail had been sent to my sister’s home in Bountiful just as a precaution.

  Logan was bringing his partner, Detective Hammond, up to speed on the investigation. Madeline, after a brief introduction to my parents, had found a quiet corner in the room to charge her laptop and was quickly typing away.

  It was left for me to explain the entire truth about Elizabeth, the girl they had known since her childhood, and why they might be in danger from her.

  The entire way to my parents’ home, Madeline had kept me calm by advising me on the best way to help my parents realize the seriousness of the situation without sending them into a full blown panic. I wasn’t sure I was doing such a good job if my father was any indication.

  “Are you telling us that she’s threatening to kill your mother and me?” The full impact of what I was saying was starting to sink in. My father rose to his feet, his face flushed a ruddy pink, looking out the large picture window in the front room in concern.

  “Only Indirectly, Dad,” I tried to calm him. He’d had a minor heart attack a few years back and I didn’t want to upset him too much. “It’s more of a precautionary measure. I’d rather err on the side of caution where you are both concerned. I’m sure it’s all going to end up being unnecessary, I’d just rather not take the risk.”

  “I just can’t believe it,” my mother sat in a delicate chair in their always perfect front room, shaking her head, “we’ve known her for years. Are you really telling us that you think she did…..” Her voice trailed off as she brought a hand up to her mouth in shock. “All those stories we’ve been hearing about on the news, all the talk about suspecting there’s a serial killer on the loose, you really think it’s your Lisbeth?”

  My Lisbeth. How many times had she been around my family? How many times had my parents trusted me to be safe at her home? Who wants to ever believe that someone they know, someone that they had in their home, ate at their kitchen table, would ever be capable of such things? No one ever wants to believe the nightmares and horror stories out there in the world will ever touch them here in their home. Everyone wants to believe they are safe, that murder and crime happens to other people. No one wants to be touched by the reality.

  I was past thinking it was her. I knew it was her.

  “She’s a very strong suspect.” Leave it to Logan to always be so diplomatic. “We’re doing our best to find her. We have numerous local and federal jurisdictions focused on this. Just until we have her in custody, though, we would appreciate it if you would allow us to provide you with some additional protection.”

  Boy, he was good. Both my parents seemed calmed by the authority and trust in his voice.

  “If you say so, Logan,” my father finally stopped pacing in front of the window and took a seat on the couch. So, they were on a first name basis? This was new to me. I might have been distracted by it if I didn’t have so much at stake at the moment. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to see a few more patrol cars in the neighborhood. The neighbors might talk though.”

  “We’ll try to be very discreet,” Logan offered with a slight smile. I could tell he respected my father and it was important that this be handled the right way. I was so grateful that he cared that much.

  Just then, the phone rang in the kitchen. My mom stood to go answer it.

  “No, mom, let me get it,” I was on my feet and heading out of the room before I finished the words. Logan was right next to me. A knowing look passed between us as we reached the charger for the cordless phone.

  “We haven’t had time to set up a wiretap or anything yet. Check the caller ID first.” He said in a low voice.

  With a shaking hand I reached for the phone. I took a tight breath and looked at the caller ID. I didn’t get a chance to release my breath a hit the “talk” button before I was blasted.


  “Caitlyn, is that you? Why are you answering mother’s phone? I want to talk to her. Someth
ing is going on and I don’t like it. You’ve been involved in something these last few months, haven’t you? Why have you been leaving town so suddenly? Why were you conveniently out of town when Lewis was killed? And why do I have federal agents on my front door step?”

  Chapter Fifty-Seven

  It took longer than I would have liked to calm Meghan down. I had to remind her that the additional stress wasn’t good for the baby before she finally took a deep breath and let me speak. She wasn’t as easy to pacify as my parents. She had always been a bit neurotic and prone to alarm. The very thought that she might be in any kind of danger, and additionally her unborn baby, was enough to nearly push her over the edge.

  Thankfully, her husband was there to talk to the FBI agents and help her see reason. I told her less about the situation than I did my parents. She’d find out all the details eventually, but there was no need to worry her additionally at this point.

  After assuring her countless times that the federal agents were just a precaution and that yes, our parents were safe and sound and well protected also, she finally agreed to go lay down to rest and let her husband handle things for a while.

  I sat the phone back down on the charger after hanging up and looked over at Logan, arms folded across his broad chest and leaning against my mother’s kitchen counter. I couldn’t help a laugh escaping my lips. He grinned back at me, allowing me to release the tension then looked at me with one eyebrow raised.

  “I think we’re all starting to see ghosts around every corner,” I leaned against the opposite counter and braced my hands against the edge, fighting to loosen the tight cords of muscle in my neck caused by all the recent stress. “Has there been any sign of her in the area yet?”

  “No.” The simple word said enough. I knew they were trying hard. I knew all the local and federal authorities were combing through the area, searching for the small woman that so easily blended into any crowd. But still they hadn’t found her.

  “Caitlyn, honey,” my mother stood at the doorway to the kitchen. She still had a look of concern on her face. I hated to be the cause of that concern, even if it wasn’t directly. “Was that your sister on the phone?”

  “Yes, mom,” I smiled to again reassure her. We had already told my parents that similar precautions were being taken with Meghan and her husband. “The authorities are there with her now. She’ll be fine.”

  “Thank heaven,” she let out a small shutter of relief. “You know how easily your sister gets upset. Maybe I should have spoken to her.”

  “No, she’ll be fine. She’s resting now. You can call her later.” I walked over to put a comforting arm around her. She had my purse in one hand.

  “Oh, I almost forgot,” she held the black purse up to me, “it was vibrating a moment ago. You might have missed a call.”

  She walked back into the other room as I gave a curious to Logan.

  “Caitlyn,” he cautioned as I opened it up and dug inside to find my phone.

  “I know, I know, check the caller ID first.” I grumbled. “I really am starting to hate this stupid thing. As soon as this whole nightmare is over, I swear I am completely going off the grid.”

  I found the phone and turned it on, seeing that my mother was right. There was a symbol for a missed call. I pressed the button to look at the number.

  “It’s just Dr. Ross,” I knew the number right away. “Just a missed call but no message left. I wonder if he’s all right. I hope there hasn’t been a setback.”

  Madeline had appeared in the doorway, her concern for the doctor in her expression.

  “I’d better call and see if everything is okay.” I moved my finger over the button to return the call when I stopped. I looked over at Madeline. She was trying to understand the silent question in my eyes. It took a moment to voice it. “Do you ever remember seeing Martin’s cell phone on or near him in the hospital?”

  She shook her head in silent reply. Her mind was racing like mine.

  “Did forensics take it in as evidence?” I looked back and forth from her to Logan.

  “Let me check.” Madeline disappeared then was back in an instant, placing her laptop on my parents’ kitchen table. “They’re still putting the file together, but I have access to most of it. Here’s the list.”

  She ran down the list of all the items taken from the crime scene for further investigation. Everything from hair, blood and fiber samples to the computer we had looked at earlier was now in custody. I stood behind her and read down the items. Nothing was mentioned about a cell phone.

  I looked down at the innocent little electronic device in my hand. In one way, it was a lifeline, an instrument of amazing technology, but in another way, it almost felt like a poisonous snake, reaching out to strike me. A part of me wanted to throw it across the room as hard as I could.

  “I have to call it back. I have to.” The words were out of my mouth before I knew it and were very determined. “I have to know if she has Martin’s phone. I have to talk to her.”

  “Wait,” Madeline placed a cautionary hand on my wrist. “Before you do, I have an idea.”

  Chapter Fifty-Eight

  It was amazing what that woman could do with a laptop. With a few clicks of her mouse and passwords and access I’m certain few people in this country had, she gave me the thumbs up. She had plugged both phone numbers into her computer and was ready to do a trace. If I called Martin’s phone and anyone answered, and if the signal could be “pinged” off of any cell tower, we would know where the call was coming from. We might be able to find Elizabeth. We might know if she was still here in this area or if she had moved on to her next target, her next victim.

  “Just remember, keep her on the line as long as possible.” Madeline directed, poised at her laptop, waiting for her fingers to fly.

  I glanced up at Logan, seeing the encouraging look on his face. Come on, he was saying, you can do this.

  I felt every muscle in my body tense as I gathered the courage to push the simple button to make the call. I wasn’t even certain Elizabeth had Dr. Ross’ cell phone. If she did, would she even answer? If she answered, what was I going to say to her?

  A part of me was so angry with her. I just wanted to rage at her, to make her see how many people and lives she had damaged with her actions. I’d never lost my temper with her, never even so much as raised my voice to her, unless it had been when I had been speaking with one of the other family members. This time, I didn’t want to hold back. I wanted her to know and understand how much pain she had caused. I wanted to yell at her until there was no more breath in my lungs.

  The other part of me had to be more logical and objective though. So much was on the line here. I had to find out where she was and where she was going. I had to find out what she was planning on doing next. I would never accomplish that with anger. Anger had never been a way to deal with her.

  I pressed the tiny button to make the call.

  One ring. Two. Then a third. Was she going to answer? If it was her that had called a short time ago, she would recognize my cell phone number. A fourth ring, then…

  The call was answered but there was nothing but silence.

  “Hello?” My voice sounded weak, almost timid. No answer. Just silence. I tried again. “Hello? Is anyone there?”

  The silence, the stillness stretched on. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe she had taken the phone but had already ditched it. It could be in any stranger’s hands by now. Someone could have just found it and dialed the last number on the list, mine.

  Still, it was the only chance we had at the moment.

  “Hello? Is anyone there? Someone just called me from this number. Are you there?” My voice sounded stronger, more confident.

  No response. Well, it was a shot in the dark anyway. There was no telling where Martin’s phone was or who had it. For all I knew it could have been a pocket-dial. Maybe even a nurse at the hospital had found it with his things. Maybe….

  “Caitlyn?” My heart almost sto
pped at that voice. That pure, innocent voice of my youth. “Is that you Caitlyn?”

  “Elizabeth?” I almost choked the name out. I felt the blood drain from my face, fear and memories rushing back to me.

  “Since when have you called me by my formal name?” Her voice was soft, almost pleasant, with just a small hint of curiosity. She paused for a moment in expectation. It took a heartbeat more for my numb brain to understand what she was asking.

  “Lisbeth? Is that you?” I fought to keep any signs of strain out of my voice.

  “Oh Caitlyn, I’ve missed you so much.” It was evident in her tone. She sounded just like that old childhood friend of mine. Her voice was calm and clear, sincere. Just hearing those familiar words spoken through the phone was enough to start dissolving some of the pent up anger inside of me. It was the same thing she would say to me when I would come to visit her at the mental hospital. The plea was in her voice, that same plea she used when she was trying so hard to convince me that she was innocent of her mother’s murder.

  She had been right then. She had been innocent of killing her mother. But not so innocent of killing many more. I had to remember that. I had to steal myself from softening towards her. But I was still unprepared for her next statement.

  “I’ve really needed to talk to you. You have no idea what I’ve been going through. Whatever you think I’ve done, I didn’t do it. It wasn’t me.”

  Chapter Fifty-Nine

  I looked up at Logan as he crossed the room. Director Phillips stood in the doorway, a curious look on his face. In a low whisper, Logan brought him up to speed on what we were doing. I could tell the moment Logan told the director that I had Elizabeth on the line. He stiffened and his eyes widened a bit in surprise.

  I was still trying to digest what she had just said to me. Had I really heard her right? Was she trying to say she was innocent now? Maybe I was finally losing my mind. I had to make sure I wasn’t the only one hearing this.


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