The Lion's Den (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles)

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The Lion's Den (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles) Page 12

by D N Simmons

  She snorted. “Not just your job, Gabe. Your fucking wife is demanding, too! And your goddamn kids!”

  “Now wait, hold it right there. Leave them out of this.” He gave her a look that said he meant business.

  “We’ve been through this before, when are you going to leave her?” she asked, arms folded across her pale, naked breasts.

  Gabriel zipped up his pants then pulled on his shirt, buttoning it quickly. “Do we have to talk about this shit now?”

  “I want to know where I stand.”

  He sat down in a chair as he put on his shoes, tying them. “I’ve been with my wife for ten years, Donna.”

  “That doesn’t answer my fucking question, Gabe.”

  “I’ve told you what you mean to me.”

  “That’s not enough anymore.” Donna’s blue eyes peered at Gabriel as he pulled on his jacket.

  Finally losing his temper, he rose, storming over to the bed. “What do you want from me?! Want me to leave my wife and kids for you? Is that what you think is going to happen?”

  She looked up, anger and disappointment spreading across her face.

  He continued. “It’s not. I love my wife, and I love my kids. I never agreed to anything more than this when we first met. I never made you any promises!” Gabriel said.

  “So, what? I’m just this piece of ass to you?”

  He huffed. “You already know the answer to that question. Listen, Donna, I like you, we’ve had some good times, but that’s all it is … good, raunchy times. Nothing more, I’m sorry.”

  “Get out! Get the fuck out!” Donna yelled, throwing pillows at him, which he nonchalantly batted away as he made his way to the door.

  “I think it’s best if I don’t come back,” he told her, opening the door.

  “Fine! Don’t!” Donna yelled.

  In a final fit of rage, she threw the table lamp, which hit the door, shattering into bits and pieces. Gabriel was gone, on his way to the precinct. When he arrived, he ran into his partner, Barry in the parking lot.

  “Glad you could make it,” Barry teased.

  Gabriel shook his head. “Don’t start with me, please. I’ve been through enough as it is. What’s this about a breat whathe case?”

  Barry looked at his friend and partner, deciding not to pry. He began to tell him what Matthew said. “ … And that’s when I called you.”

  “Shit, at least it’s something,” Gabriel agreed. They met up with the other four detectives gathered around Warren and Matthew’s desk. Introductions were made quickly. Immediately, the three shifters recognized that Gabriel had recently had sex, but was left unfulfilled. They also knew he had two female scents on him. Warren and Matthew knew one was his wife; the other more recent one was his mistress. They decided not to pass judgment, not knowing the full story, didn’t seem fair.

  “What should we do now?” Gabriel asked.

  “These guys could be anywhere, but I think we should start with schools, which are now letting out. Captain’s got patrol units as far as we could stretch them. We just need to join the patrol, maybe that’ll make them too nervous to act,” Warren suggested.

  “I just thought I mention this, but these guys kind of like publicity and the more eyes on them, I think it makes the game more fun for them,” Brian pointed out.

  “We’ve got to do something,” Barry said. “We’ll patrol the north side.”

  Warren nodded. “We should break up. Colin, I think you should come with me, you don’t know this city.”

  Colin nodded. “That’s fine with me. Brian, you go with Matthew.”

  They made their teams and left to stake out their designated spots. Inside the car, Matthew called Adrian’s cell phone. He answered.

  “What’s up?” Adrian asked.

  “Where are you guys at now?”

  “Glenview, why? Got something for us?”

  “Yeah.” He told them their plan.

  “Really? I know that the others are kind of spread out around the state, I’ll give my dad a call and tell him, thanks.”

  They ended their call.

  “Your Pack?” Brian asked.

  Matthew nodded. “Well, the man I was talking to is from Warren’s Pack. But one of my Pack members is with him as well as another friend of mine. Our leaders are taking it upon themselves to assist in our investigation. We all want to stop these killers as fast as possible.”

  “Your communities work together?” Brian asked, astonished.

  Matthew shrugged as he steered the car. “Yours don’t?”

  Brian shook his head. “Not really. We’re spaced out pretty far from each other’s territories and don’t communicate that much. There’s four supernatural communities in California. My wolf Pack controls all of LA, the vampires run San Francisco, the hyenas run northern California, they have a pretty big Pack.” He chuckled. “And the cheetahs run most of the southern/western territories. When we were going through what you’re going through now, the vampires were the only ones who were actually trying to deal with it. Even my Alpha felt it was a vampire affair since vampires were the ones doing the killing. When the Second Phase hit, my Alpha got involved. But, for whatever reason, they left after leaving a cold trail of thirteen bodies. It just stopped after a three-day killing spree. I don’t know if the same thing is going to happen here or not, but that’s what happened two years ago.”

  “I don’t want them to relocate, I want them to burn in hell,” Matthew said through clinched teeth.

  “My feelings exactly.” Brian looked out of the window then turned toward Matthew again. “I hope I’m not being too forward, but I’m just curious, how did you two meet? You and Warren?”

  “That’s a long story.” Matthew smiled.

  “We’ve got a long drive ahead, why not?”

  “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours?”


  Matthew began telling him how he and Warren had met and how they ended up partners on the S.U.I.T. force.

  “I can tell you’re a new shifter … a coyote, how did that happenif you don’t mind me asking. Stop me if you think I’m being a nosey bastard.” Brian tossed him a handsome smile.

  “Naw it’s cool. We’re all in the same pool, right?”

  “Yeah, your secret’s safe with me.”

  Matthew told him he was attacked in a territory battle and that’s how he was turned. “It’s still taking some time for me to adjust, but I’m getting there. I think that’s why Warren paired you with me.”

  Brian nodded. “I know how it is at first. I was born one, but of course, you can smell that can’t you?”

  “Yeah, it’s a different scent, almost intoxicating … definitely more animalistic. Nothing I would have picked up on if I was still human.” Matthew chuckled nervously. He was beginning to smell something else, and that was Brian’s desire rising and knew the wolf was sexually attracted to him. Being flirted with by another shifter brought on an entirely different sensation, one that he’d only been familiar with through Warren. He could feel his own body reacting to the aura filling the car and was beginning to get uncomfortable.

  “So,” Brian began, his voice low, seductive. He knew that the younger shifter was reacting to the arousing waves he was emanating. “This thing between you and Warren, is it serious?”

  “Yes!” Matthew exclaimed a bit too enthusiastically. “Very serious. I’m in love with him.” He hoped he got the message through.

  Brian settled back against the seat cushion. “Serious, eh?” He looked down at Matthew semi-erection. “Oookaaay.”

  Matthew knew what that meant, knew what the cop was referring to. He pulled the car over. Turning in his seat, he gave him his full attention. “Listen, Brian, I’ve got nothing against you. I’m actually flattered that you find me attractive, but don’t let my reaction fool you. The only person I’ve ever wanted is Warren.”

  “Is that why you’re sitting there with a rock-hard dick?”

thank you, and that’s beside the point. Even if I was interested, and I’m not, I still wouldn’t do anything with you. I’m loyal to Warren.”

  Brian laughed. He held his hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay … can’t blame a guy for trying. I’m not going to hit on you anymore. Don’t worry; I respect your loyalty to your partner. I’m not one to be a home wrecker.”

  “Good, I thought I was going to have to toss you from the car,” Matthew said, chuckling.

  Brian raised both eyebrows. “You think that you could have?”

  “I don’t know.” He smiled. “Maybe … maybe not.”

  “I would think not,” Brian smiled. “Okay, let’s go. I’m hoping we’ll be able to catch his scent.”

  Matthew looked at him curiously. “Do you know his scent?”

  “I smelled it on the corpses of the people he killed. I’ve never come face to face with him or the vampires he’s associated with … ” Brian looked out of the window. “ ... But I’d know it if I smelled it.”

  They drove on, with the windows down. It was worth a shot as far as they were concerned. “So … how long have you and Colin been partners?”

  Brian shrugged. “About three years.”

  “Is he trustworthy?”

  “As far as I know, yes.”

  “Well, if you don’t mind me asking, why haven’t you told him what you are?”

  “Did you know about Warren right away, did he come right out and tell you what he was?” Brian looked at him.

  Matthew thought back to those days when he was left puzzled by Warren’s amazing abilities and not having a name to identify them. He remembered the day he found out about Warren and the tension between them afterwards. “No, he didn’t come right out and tell me anything. I had to find out after he had been shot. I watched him heal right before my eyes.”

  “How did you take it?”

  “I was fucking amazed at first. I couldn’t believe it; I had had no idea what he was. Then he told me, and that was all I wanted to know for a long time. My partner, the guy I trusted with my life was a ‘werewolf’. That’s what I thought. But knowing that didn’t make me see him any differently. The more I found out about his species, the more comfortable I became. I also know the term ‘were’-anything is greatly frowned upon.” He chuckled.

  “Yeah, we find it insulting.” Brian scanned the crowd as they drove past a school and its playground. “I don’t trust my partner with my secret. He harbors too much resentment for our kind. I have to be careful every step of the way with him.”

  Matthew looked at the detective, feeling sorry for his situation. He wondered if Warren had ever felt that way about him?

  “So, do you think these vampires can walk around during the day?” Matthew asked, changing the subject.

  “Yes,” Brian answered. “At least one of them can.”

  Matthew nodded, having his suspicions confirmed.

  “To be honest with you, a vampire who can walk in the sunlight isn’t one to fuck with, if you get my meaning,” Briand stated.

  Matthew nodded again, remembering Kysen; Darian’s Maker. He was strong enough to control an entire state, not willing to share with any other supernatural. Matthew had met the Master vampire only once and still felt inferior whenever he thought about him. That was the effect of his presence, even though Kysen himself had tried to tone it down.

  “I said that to tell you in all honesty, I don’t know how far the resources of the S.U.I.T. will take us. From what I understand, the elders of our kinds don’t fear the law, not in any form.” Brian pointed to a spot where a lot of children where playing in a playground. “Think this is a good spot to stake out?”

  Matthew pulled the car over, killing the engine. “As good as any.” He had to agree with Brian. The resources of the S.U.I.T. may not help at all. The least they could do is point Darian and the others in the right direction. They waited, hoping to catch a sadistic killer. They knew the others were doing the same, each team hoping to get lucky.

  Chapter Ten

  “Adan, do you honestly think this vampire can save us?” Stephanie asked, brushing the kinks from her long reddish hair.

  “He’s the only vampire I know of that’s powerful, Steph. I know we need help. I can’t defeat this coven on my own; I’ve tried and almost died. Darian has managed to hang on to prime territory for over one hundred years. All of Illinois belongs to him, not just Chicago … that takes power and strength. This is our best chance if we want to survive.” Adan, King of his lion Pride searched through the telephone book.

  “What are you doing?” Stephanie asked, sitting down beside him.

  “Last night, I went out and searched for him. As it turns out, he owns several businesses in the city, one of the most popular is a dance club called Desires Unleashed. I’m looking for the number.” Flipping through the pages in the “Night Clubs/Entertainment” section, he finally found what he was looking for. “Here it is.”

  “Can he move around in the daytime hours like this vampire?”

  “I don’t know, but we need to get to him, now stop pestering me.” Adan tossed her a look that showed his agitation with her.

  “I’ll join the others,” she said, getting the point. She rose and left the little room.

  Adan opted for a hotel room, hoping the pricey public location might throw the vampire coven off his trail, if only for a day. He hoped the vampires would think he’d stay lying low, as he had been doing. Somehow, that coven had always found them, no matter where they were. For a little more than a week now, he and his Pride had been moving from country to country, city to city during the day only when he knew that coven was resting, even if it’s Master wasn’t. The constant hiding and running … it had bought them time, hours only. The very night they arrived in Chicago, more deaths began to happen. He knew they were there. The same things happened in every city they ran to. Never in his life, had he experienced a group of supernaturals this bloodthirsty, this sadistic.

  It angered and hurt him to know that his Pride was doubting him. His inability to destroy their enemy had left many of them wondering if he was the leader they needed. In a heated argument, Tyler had called him a coward and gone against his wishes. He told the younger shifter to stay within the group, but frightened beyond all reasoning, he fled, hoping to find protection and solace within a cheetah Pride they had stayed with in Ireland. Adan was willing to bet the first body the Chicago S.U.I.T. had found skinned alive had been Tyler’s. It was a message to him. Obviously, Adan felt guilty, more importantly, he felt helpless. Out of all the feline Prides, the lions were the only ones who depended on the male dominant to find them safe havens and be able to protect them. With his Pride being hunted and killed off one by one, he looked to be a weak King. He would be challenged; if not from within his Pride, then from other males looking to mate with his females. If he was to regain their confidence, he would have to save them and not allow anymore of his to die while he remained unable to prevent it. Needless to say, he was a bit stressed. His Matron walked into the room, climbing on the bed behind him. She began to massage his shoulders, relieving the tension.

  “Breathe. Stephanie told me you almost bit her head off in here,” Danielle said, her voice was calm and soothing.

  Adan leaned against her, resting his head on her bosom. “She was pestering me. I’ve got enough people within our Pride doubting me silently, I didn’t need to hear it out loud.”

  “No one is doubting you. No one is fool enough to think you didn’t do everything within your power. Even a five-hundred year old shifter cannot defend against the likes of this coven. No one blames you.” She hoped she was helping ease his uncertainty.

  He half turned, looking up at her. “Don’t they? Tyler didn’t ieve in me, and now he’s dead.”

  “We don’t know that for certain.”

  Adan frowned. “Do you honestly believe the body they found outside of that nightclub wasn’t his? A message to us that they were still on our trail?”

  “Logically thinking, I agree with you. Wishfully thinking, I hope not.”

  “Let’s stick with logic right now,” Adan said.

  “Very well. If he is dead, it’s because he was so confrontational. Sometimes testosterone is a man’s worst enemy. You were wise to tell us to stay together. We’re all alive because we did. He wanted to challenge you by defying your command. He failed. Do what your heart and mind tells you is right. Do not worry about what cannot be changed. Call this Darian Alexander if you think he will help us.” She leaned forward, kissing him gently before climbing off the bed

  “Thank you, Danielle.”

  “You’re welcome, Darling.”

  “Can you send Stephanie back in here.”

  “All right.” With that, Danielle left the room.

  Adan was happy she had talked to him; he was beginning to feel better already. He pulled his disposable cell phone from his back pocket, dialing Desires Unleashed. When the operator answered, he asked if or when the owner was coming in. The operator didn’t know, but said she’d take a message. He gave her his cell phone number and told her to have Mr. Alexander call him as soon as possible. The operator took the message and they ended the call. He leaned back against the pillow, concentrating on his next move. He knew that the vampire coven that hunted his Pride was an old and dangerous one; he only hoped that Darian would be able and willing to help them.

  Stephanie poked her head into the room slowly; hoping Adan’s “little talk” with Danielle had cooled some of his temper. “Danny said you wanted to talk to me?”

  He looked up. “Yes, I’m going out to get something for us to eat, I would like for you to come with me.” He rose, stretching his muscles.

  “Sure, let me just put on my shoes.” Stephanie went to do just that, returning wearing pair of brown leather sandals to match her khaki capri pants and shirt.

  “What do you want to eat?” he asked as they made their way to one of their rental cars he paid for under an alias.

  “Pizza is quick and filling.” Stephanie looked out of the window as they sped by hundreds of people and buildings. “Adan, I’ve been trying not to think about it, but I’m really scared.”


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