The Lion's Den (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles)

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The Lion's Den (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles) Page 24

by D N Simmons

  “I’m calling Xander,” Warren said, and did just that. He contacted his Alpha, giving him all of the information he had up to that very moment.

  “My God,” Xander said under his breath after hearing about the attack on the three officers. “I have to tell the others. Right now, I want you three to stay together, do you understand me? As a matter of fact, come here.” He gave Warren the address of their hotel.

  “We’ll be there in a little while.”

  “Please hurry.”

  “Will do.” Warren ended the call. He looked at Brian. “Matt and I are going to meet up with our Packs. Do you want to stay here with your partner, or come with us?”

  “Hard decision. I want to stay beside my partner, but I also want to help catch these sons-of-bitches,” Brian said, not sure which choice to make.

  “Here’s the thing, the doctors aren’t going to let you in there until he’s out of the woods. While you wait for that to happen, you can come with us. If you don’t you’ll just be sitting in the waiting room for hours,” Matthew said, bringing things into perspective.

  “You’re right,” Brian agreed. “But I’m coming back here after we’re done.”

  Warren nodded and all three men left the hospital, heading tow the hotel. The sun would be setting soon and they had no idea what would be next. They made it to the hotel. Warren made the introductions, making sure everyone knew who Brian was and vice-versa. Once everyone was settled into various chairs and sofas in the room, they continued to discuss their predicament.

  “What do we do now?” Devin asked, looking toward Elise for an answer.

  “There’s nothing we can do, Devin. They don’t want to be found, and searching around aimlessly has gotten us nowhere,” Sergio said.

  “So we just have to wait, is that what you’re saying?” Devin asked.

  “Do you have any other ideas?” Carmen asked.

  Devin huffed. “No, not really. I just hate this … not knowing what to do. I hate being a sitting duck. I hate not being proactive in our defense.”

  “I know how you feel. Trust me, I hate this shit, too,” Sergio agreed.

  The others nodded, as they all felt the same about their situation.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Kiren burst through the door, climbing onto Marcus’ lap, kissing him passionately. “I had so much fucking fun!” he said, once he broke the kiss.

  “I take it you got to all three targets?” Marcus asked, his hands massaging Kiren’s buttocks.

  “All three.”

  “I can smell one of them was a little more fun than the other two?”

  Kiren smiled wickedly. “He was the sweetest. I took him right there next to his wife who was out cold. His kids were upstairs and had no idea what was happening downstairs.”

  “Do you want him again?”

  Kiren shook his head. “No, he was nice, but I don’t want him again. I have my eyes on Adan. He’s beautiful and powerful. Bringing him to his knees will please me greatly.”

  “Then he’s yours.”

  Kiren held his head upward, ears twitching at the sound he was hearing then he smiled. “The others are up now.”


  “So, what are we going to do tonight?”

  “Nothing. We let them stew in their fear and confusion. I want to see what they are going to do, especially the S.U.I.T. organization.” Marcus smiled widely.

  “Aren’t you four going to hunt?”

  “Yes, we are. But we aren’t going to kill.”

  “Well, that’s no fun,” Kiren whined, pouting.

  “That’s my decision, and you’d do well to follow my orders.” Marcus looked at him, one eyebrow raised sardonically.

  “I won’t disappoint you again, I promise.”


  The other three members of Marcus’ coven emerged from the bedroom, fully dressed.

  “Are we hunting tonight?” Mikhail asked.

  “Yes, but no killing,” Marcus said.

  The three of them nodded and left the apartment to search for their evening meals.


  Outside, standing on the corner, Raven frowned. “I don’t see why we can’t kill tonight, what’s Marcus up to?” she asked.

  “It’s not up to you to question him. Let’s just hunt, feedwithout killing and head back in,” Alicia said, scanning a group of young people as they walked down the street, unaware of the danger that was lurking near.

  “It better be something good,” Raven complained. “Let’s eat them real quick and head back.”

  “No, that’s stupid. They’re too close to where we’re at. We don’t know if this Master vampire of the city is scanning minds, and we don’t want him to lock on to some stupid human who’s nearby. Let’s hunt the suburbs,” Mikhail suggested.

  The other two agreed and that’s what they did, feeding greedily and making it back home while the night was still young. As politely as they could, they asked their Master about his plans. Marcus spoke to them, told them of his strategy, of what was done to the three S.U.I.T. detectives earlier that day. Told them of the games he had in store for Darian and the others. It was then that Raven had a question.

  “Master, what if the Council tries to retaliate for our attack? They have powerful allies.”

  “They also have powerful enemies and I do not fear the Council. They are a group of eight politicians given immortality. The deals they made with the human government were one of human interest. Any supernatural worthy of their gift would never submit to the laws that govern us, nor would they cower beforeoy soldiers. If the Council dares to confront me, I will destroy them. They know this, which is why they’ve been silent and will remain silent. There is nothing they can do, nothing they will do.” Marcus reclined his chair, settling even more comfortably against the cushions, confident about his notions.

  “You are all powerful, Master, I was wrong to doubt you,” Raven said.

  “All is forgiven,” Marcus said, smiling. They waited out the night, leaving their enemies untouched and bewildered.


  In the privacy of his bedroom, Darian slowly paced the floor. His mind ran rampant with ideas. He was struggling to find out what Marcus and his coven were up to. He didn’t want to admit it to himself, nor to the others that he was beginning to feel out of his league with this Master vampire. Still, he had hope that together, they might have a chance at defeating their enemy, once they were able to lock onto them and their overall plan. He was very distraught after hearing about the three men who were bitten that day and he wondered what the future held for Matthew and Warren because of it. Xavier entered the room, closing the door behind him. He watched Darian standing in the middle of the room.

  “You can’t blame yourself for any of this, Darian,” Xavier said, stepping closer.

  “I don’t. I just wish I could stop it.”

  “We will, together when the time is right. We need for them to make their move and when they do, we’ll be able to act. Just sit tight.” Xavier was hoping to ease his lover’s anxiety. He’d never seen Darian so upset; he didn’t like it. But he understood it. When Darian sat on the edge of the bed, Xavier took the space next to him.

  “Have you fed tonight?” Xavier asked him.


  “Did you get any relief from it?”

  Darian turned to Xavier. “No, not really, which is rare.”

  “I could do something about that, might help you to relax,” Xavier said, imploringly.

  “You think I need to relax? Do you think I can?” Darian was intrigued.

  “I think you should, yes. I’ve never seen you so distraught, and quite frankly, I don’t know if you’re able to concentrate as well as you could if you had a level head. This is true with anyone, be them human or supernatural, young or ancient.”

  Darian caressed the side of Xavier’s face, gazing into his beautiful lover’s gray eyes. “I love you, my beautiful

  Xavier smiled. “I know.” He slipped his hand between Darian’s legs, gently massaging his groin causing his lover to moan.

  Darian’s breathing quiened. He closed his eyes, leaning his head backward. Xavier undid his lover’s pants, freeing him. In the privacy of their bedroom, on his knees in front of his lover, he relieved Darian of his stress, releasing his tension along with the last tremor of pleasure.

  Xavier rose, running the back of his hand over his mouth. “Feeling any better?” he asked, smiling.

  “Much.” Darian returned his smile.

  “We should join the others.”

  “All right.”

  Both men joined the others who were lounging and discussing their situation and other interests. Earlier that night, they decided to give it another chance and searched the state, hunting their enemy, but were unsuccessful. Finally, just two hours before dawn, they gave up and returned to their separate locations. Only now, Richard was with Darian instead of Xander and Elise. They knew all they could do was wait … wait to see what was going to happen next.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Two Days Later

  Captain Lawrence sat in her office with the Director of the highly esteemed S.U.I.T. organization sitting in the chair on the other side of her desk. His silver and gray hair was parted on the side and slicked back. He had taken the position nearly three years ago after the last director died in a plane crash. No one knew that the last director had become the meal of the very supernaturals he and eleven others were trying to hunt. Either way, it was good news to Milton Cunningham, who was known throughout the organization for being a ruthless, heartless bastard and now, sitting in front of her, Michelle finally understood why.

  “I don’t think I need to tell you why you have to fire those two men,” Cunningham said, shifting lazily in his seat.

  “They both just managed to pull through after a vicious attack and you want me to go into their hospital rooms, while they’re lying in bed recuperating and tell them they no longer have jobs?” Michelle asked incredulously.

  “Please, spare me the sentimentality. They knew what they were getting into when they agreed to join the S.U.I.T. Every officer employed within the organization knows there’s a chance they could become infected while on the job, just like every soldier knows they could get killed in war. It’s a chance you take.”

  “Don’t give me that bullshit ‘there’s always casualties in war’ speech. These men have dedicated their lives to this city, to this country, they deserve more than a kick to the curve!”

  “I didn’t make up the policy, I just enforce it. And if you want to keep your position here, I suggest you do your job and follow through with protocol. This is not up for negotiation. Also, I would highly suggest you keep a lid on the secret internal investigation we’ve arranged. We would hate to discover any leaks,” Cunningham said as he rose from his chair. “I’ll be expecting your final reports and termination papers on those two detectives on my desk tomorrow morning, Captain Lawrence.” With that, he left.

  “‘Highly suggest’ my ass,” Michelle mumbled to herself. She knew what his version of “highly suggest” meant. It meant that it was a direct order he expected her to follow without question. She rose from her chair, walking over toward her window overlooking the busy downtown streets below. She dreaded what she was going to have to do, but it’s what she had to do.

  She made it to the hospital a half hour later, deciding to give Barry the bad news first. With a flash of her badge, the officer guarding Barry’s room nodded and stepped to the side allowing her entry. Inside she saw that Barry’s wife was sitting beside his bed, smiling at her husband. Leanne rose cheerfully and approached Michelle when she saw her and gave her a big hug. Michelle returned the embrace before making her way over to the bed where Barry laid.

  “Hey Captain, thanks for stopping by. I heard about Gabriel, is he okay?” Barry asked.

  “He’s awake now, and his wife is all right, too,” Michelle said.

  “Good, good.” Barry released a long sigh of relief.

  “Listen Barry, I had to come here today to deliver some bad news.”

  Barry adjusted himself sitting up straight in his bed waiting for her to continue.

  “I got a visit from the Director of the S.U.I.T. this afternoon, and … as much as I hate this, I have to follow protocol.”

  “Just spit it out, Captain,” Barry said. He was beginning to understand what she was trying to say.

  “We’re going to have to let you go. The rules of the organization”

  Barry held his hand up. “I know about the damn policy. Is there anything you can do about this decision?”

  Captain Michelle Lawrence shook her head. “I don’t think so, but I want you to know that I’m going to ty my best. I’ll be looking for a way to reverse the decision.”

  “Hold on, let me understand what you’re saying,” Barry’s wife, Leanne interjected. “Are you telling us that you’re firing him after his years of dedicated service? Barry has been serving this country for twenty years! What happened to him isn’t his fault. He was a victim. You don’t throw excellent cops out on their ass when they become victims of vicious criminals. You give them solace! Support!”

  “Leanne, I know where you’re coming from, trust me. I hate that this is happening, I do. But I have a job to do and rules to follow, I’m sorry,” Captain Lawrence said in her defense.

  “Bullshit!” Leanne threw her hands up in the air. “This is bullshit. Baby we don’t have to take this laying down. I’m going to call my brother, Aaron.” She put her hand over her husband’s, offering him support. She looked up at Michelle. “And you can tell the Director of the S.U.I.T. that he can kiss our ass, and to expect a lawsuit shortly.”

  Michelle didn’t bother to argue, as a matter of fact, she didn’t blame them for their response to such horrible news. She nodded and left before they officially kicked her out.


  Michelle drove to her next location, to visit Gabriel. He was bright-eyed and speaking with the nurse in an attempt to get more food.

  “But I’m still hungry, I’m starving! It’s not like I’m loving this hospital shit, but I just want a little bit more, please. Listen, I’ll pay for the cafeteria food if you can get me two sandwiches,” Gabriel pleaded. He could still feel his stomach rumbling.

  “I’m sorry, but the rules are the rules. I’ll bring up another plate at five o’clock this evening,” the nurse said.

  “Don’t bother, I’ll be checking myself out of this hell hole in an hour, just get out,” Gabriel spat out, gesturing toward the door.

  The nurse turned and left, walking past Michelle on her way out. Michelle approached the bed.

  “How are you doing, Gabriel?” she asked.

  “I don’t even want to talk about how I’m feeling right now, Captain. Is there a reason why you’re here?” Gabriel skipped the pleasantries; he wasn’t feeling in a chipper mood.

  “All right, I’m going to cut to the chase. The reason why I’m here is because I have to follow policy.”

  “I thought you said you were going to cut right to the chase.”

  She exhaled. “I have to fire you.”

  “You came all the way down here to tell me that shit?”

  “I felt you deserved to hear the news from me in person.”

  “Oh yeah, that makes it all a little bi better. This is bullshit, Captain!”

  “I have my orders, Gabriel.”

  “I don’t give a shit about some fucking protocol! I put my life on the line for the S.U.I.T., for this government and now you’re telling me you’re tossing me out on my ass?!”

  “I’m going to try to do what I can to reverse this decision.” Michelle couldn’t really blame him for being upset; she just hated being the bad guy in the equation.

  “This is fucked! I’m not disabled … shit, maybe I’d be better off if I was. You wouldn’t be able to fire me if I was. I can’t
help what that motherfucker did to me, Captain. I was doing my job, I don’t deserve this!”

  “I know. I’m trying to help you.”

  “What am I going to do now? What about my pension?”

  “Policy doesn’t honor pensions for officers who are terminated.” Michelle actually looked away, not wanting to bear witness to the expression on Gabriel’s face. It was the look of someone who had been terribly betrayed.

  Gabriel chuckled. It wasn’t the chuckle of someone who was happy. It was the chuckle of someone who was at the end of their rope, someone who was beyond frustrated. “This is a piece of work, right here. What about severance pay? You know, something I can use to feed my fucking family while I look for another job?”

  “That, I am going to do for you. I’ll start up the paperwork this afternoon.” Michelle turned to leave, stopping in the doorway. “You can clean out your desk anytime this week, whenever it’s convenient for you. I really am sorry.” With that, she left. The least she could do was make sure they got one final payment for their services if nothing else.

  Gabriel sat on his bed, fighting back the tears that threatened to roll down his cheeks. It was too much, too much at one time and he felt lost. Real men don’t cry, his father always told him that when he was a little boy. So, whenever he got a skinned knee, or a bloody cut, he had choked back the tears. He had wanted to prove to his father just how much of a man he was. However, sitting in his narrow hospital bed, his whole life seemed to be crumbling apart before him. He felt helpless, out of control. Images of his attack flashed through his mind, the violation followed up by his transformation. He shook his head, in an attempt to clear his brain. Reaching over, he picked up the telephone, calling the nurse. He wanted to check out. The nurse came to his room and he told her his wishes.

  “That’s perfectly fine, Mr. Johnson. There are just a few more tests we want to perform. Don’t worry, the doctor will release you shortly.”


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