The Lion's Den (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles)

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The Lion's Den (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles) Page 31

by D N Simmons

  “It goes without saying, this vampire has my son, I’m going,” Xander said.

  Kysen eyes rolled upwards. “Shall we wait for nightfall for Xavier and the rest of Darian’s coven to declare their heroics?”

  “Kysen, please, there’s no need for insults. We just want to help in any way that we can. Remember, our loved ones are also there, they need us as well,” Elise said.

  “Who’s insulting? I’m simply putting things into perspective so that you all won’t have any delusions. The very fact of the matter is, you couldn’t help yourselves. Yet, you’re so very confident that your presence will help me. Forgive me, but from what I’ve gathered from your minds, you may be going to your deaths,” Kysen pointed out.

  “I’m not afraid to die,” Richard said. “And since we are allowing each other the courtesy of bluntness, may I point out that you my very well be going to your death by facing them without assistance. Marcus is extremely powerful and you’ll only be ambushed by him and his coven. You’re powerful, but not invincible against one who’s almost equal to your own strength.”

  Kysen pursed his lips. “So you’ll be my cannon fodder, as they say?” he asked the four leaders, whom he knew had much to live for.

  “Part of being a leader means putting yourself in a situation like this. Whatever happens, will happen. I’ve never shied away from dangerous situations and I don’t plan on doing so now,” Xander said.

  “Can we go now?” Elise added.

  Kysen eyed the four shifters, secretly admiring them for their bravery.

  “Very well. The remaining members of your groups are free to stay here. I would highly suggest that someone stronger than them …” He pointed to the other shifters in the room, “… Should stay here to protect the others in case Marcus or one of his should decide to track you down.”

  Richard looked at the others then nodded. “You make a valid point. I’ll stay. I’m the second strongest here. In my stead, you should take Xavier with you.”

  Kysen turned, looking at Xander. “Do you agree?”

  Xander nodded. “Xavier is strong, besides, he’ll want to be there for Darian. I’m sure you understand the bond they share.”

  Kysen chuckled softly, catching the hint. “Very well. Go and fetch him.”

  “We don’t have a coffin to place him in, do you?” Elise asked, wanting to protect Xavier from the harmful rays of the sun.

  “I do,” Kysen said. Telepathically beckoning his servant. The man entered, awaiting his Master’s command. “Follow him, he’ll take you to my storage room where you’ll find several coffins. Bring three. There’s one I want you to bring in particular, it’s solid gold with encrusted jewels. I’m sure you’ll spot it right away.”

  “For Darian?” Elise asked, one eyebrow rose.

  “Yes,” Kysen responded.

  “I should carry that one, seems like it’ll be heavier than the others,” Richard offered.

  “Okay.” Elise motioned for two of her members to follow the servant and Richard toward the storage room.

  Kysen looked at them, he shook his head slightly. “Feel free to bathe properly before you lounge on my furniture. There’s plenty of clothing for you to choose from. My servants will give you anything that you need while you are here.” He turned to Elise, Xander and Adan. “The three of you should also bathe and change clothes before we go.”

  “Do we really have time for that? I want to leave as soon as possible,” Elise said, stepping forward, not at all caring about her presence.

  “Make time,” Kysen said, not relenting on his request for them to be presentable and mos of all, appealing to his senses. The scent of blood, in general, didn’t repulse him. However, the scent of decaying blood, did. And there was plenty of that on their attire.

  “Where should we go?” Adan asked.

  Kysen turned toward him, smiling sardonically. “If you weren’t friends of Darian’s, I’d spray you down in my backyard. However, you may use my guests’ bathrooms. My servants will take you there.” Again, he mentally called for more servants and they came.

  The three shifters were led in separate directions toward three bedrooms. Richard, Daniel, and Devin returned with the three coffins, placing them on the floor. Kysen walked over to the gold and jewel-encrusted coffin, leaning down, he ran his fingers lovingly over the polished top. The others stood in the room, silently watching him. He rose, looking around, pleased that most of the shifters were gone, cleansing themselves. Five minutes later, Elise, Xander and Adan returned each wearing a fresh change of clothes.

  Natasha came down as well; just in time to see them placing Xavier’s resting form inside a black lacquered coffin. She had been quiet earlier, her body felt sluggish, and she was exhausted. She watched the intense interaction between the supernatural leaders, hoping Kysen wasn’t as big of an asshole as he was leading them to believe. She’d met him only once and had mixed feelings about him. She was happy that he finally decided to help them. She wanted Darian and the others to return safely, and didn’t want to think about what could be happening to them at that point. She didn’t want to imagine them being killed or tortured.

  “Kysen,” she began, catching the vampire’s attention, he turned toward her.

  “Yes, Natasha?” he answered.

  “Thank you for helping us.”

  “Your gratitude is not required. I’m only helping Darian, in doing so, the rest of you are benefiting from my intervention,” Kysen said.

  Natasha huffed. “Can’t you just say, ‘you’re welcome’? Why do you have to be this way?”

  “What way? I’m simply telling you the truth. You seem to believe that I should care about your fates simply because Darian does … I don’t.”

  “Well, thank you anyway, for whatever it’s worth,” Natasha said before turning to take a seat on the sofa with her son.

  Kysen looked at the child in her arms, he walked over to them. “Has Darian enjoyed being the father of this child?”

  Natasha’s eyes focused on him. “Yes, very much so. He loves being a Dad and he’s excited about his second child, too.”

  “He’s more domesticated than I would have ever guessed.”

  “Is that a problem?”

  “It’s weakened him.” Kysen turned toward the others. “It’s his love, his concern for you that has put him in this predicament.”

  “You can complain to him once we save him, can we go now?” Elise asked once again.

  “Very well.” Kysen led the way, leaving the shifters to carry the three coffins.

  Elise carried a redwood coffin, following Kysen.

  “I’ll take this one, you take the other,” Xander said, hoisting the gold coffin onto his shoulder with a slight level of difficulty.

  “Nice how he left us to carry the load,” Adan groaned to himself as he lifted the black lacquer coffin containing Xavier onto his shoulder. He left the mansion followed by Xander carrying the coffin meant for Darian. They loaded the coffins on two trucks, Darian’s coffin being the only one inside a huge Sidewinder SUV. The sun was shining brightly as they made their way toward Kysen’s private jet. Once on board, they settled comfortably as Kysen mentally piloted the aircraft toward Darian’s location.

  “What if he senses us coming?” Xander questioned.

  “He’ll be expecting you, I’m sure. He won’t be expecting me. I’m going to mask my aura until I need it to locate Darian’s exact location,” Kysen said.

  “I see,” Xander said, nodding.

  “What if he kills Darian when he feels you prying for their location?” Adan asked.

  Kysen turned sharply, glaring at him. “And what if none of this ever happened? So many unnecessary questions! They’re becoming more than a little annoying.”

  “It seems as though you are now the one who doesn’t want to face a possible reality,” Adan said.

  Kysen chuckled. “‘A possible reality’ could be so simple as this aircraft suffering engine failure and falling out of
the sky sending you to your fiery deaths.”

  “I disagree. That won’t happen with you piloting.”

  Kysen rolled his eyes again. “Whatever. Can we not discuss Darian’s hypothetical demise?”

  “Very well, what would you like to discuss? Do you have any questions for us?” Adan asked, giving Kysen his attention.

  “As a matter of fact, I do. You and Darian … he was your first, am I correct?” Kysen asked, smiling lustfully.

  Adan jerked, the question catching him off guard. “What a thing to ask at a time like this. Besides, don’t you already know the answer?”

  “You are tense in this situation, not me. And no, I didn’t know. I hadn’t bothered to pry that deeply into your memories,” Kysen answered.

  “Why ask that of me, though?” Adan asked, feeling slightly embarrassed. The question was rather intrusive and intimate and they were not alone.

  “I’d prefer to discuss matters not dealing with torture, deaths and ‘what ifs’.” Kysen crossed one long leg over the other,his eyes remaining on Adan as if Elise and Xander were not there. He was intrigued by the young lion as well as attracted to him. His beauty was exotic, much like that of Darian’s and his personality was vivacious. He stared at Adan’s golden amber eyes and his beautiful olive complexion. He watched Adan’s full lips part as he prepared to respond to him.

  “Forgive me, but I’m finding it difficult to think about anything other than saving the others at this point. I don’t want to discuss … certain things,” Adan answered.

  Kysen smiled. “Is that the reason your pulse quickens when you look at me? Why your blood flows faster through your veins? Even now, I can smell pheromones emanating from you. You’re attracted to me, yet you’re fighting that attraction. Why?”

  “Perhaps, I’m struggling to figure out what is it about you exactly, that I could possibly find attractive.” Adan raised an eyebrow.

  “Touché. I suppose I haven’t been the most gracious host. It really isn’t my nature.”

  “What is your nature, then. So far as I can tell, you’re rude, arrogant, jaded, disconcerting … and ultimately repulsive.” Adan knew he was taking a chance in saying what he said. He was even more shocked when Kysen’s smile widened.

  “You forgot to mention vain.”

  “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to add that to an already astonishingly long list of undesirable attributes.”

  Kysen laughed outright, tickled by the shifter’s brazen responses. It had been a while since he’d met anyone quite like him. He enjoyed pushing Adan’s buttons, playing with him … seducing him.

  “I’m going to the lady’s room,” Elise announced, rising from her seat.

  The three men rose from their seats as she walked past.

  “I see you’re a gentleman … for the most part,” Adan said, noting how Kysen rose from his chair.

  “She is a lady of high standards, is she not? I can respect that,” he said, settling back into his chair.

  “Do you need to feed?” Xander asked. “You’re going to need all of your strength to defeat Marcus.”

  Kysen opened his mouth, preparing to refuse the offer, but then he glanced at Adan, then back at Xander, changing his mind. A shifter’s blood was indeed a delicacy, but most of all he wanted Adan.

  “I will need to feed before we make contact with them, yes,” Kysen lied, turning toward Adan. “Will you be donating?”

  Adan snorted. “I don’t remember making the offer. No.”

  “Well, as I am eradicating your initial problem, the very least you could do would be to make sure I’m at the top of my game when I do so,” Kysen prodded.

  It was now Adan’s turn to laugh. “Who wouldthink you had moments when you’re not at the height of your ability?”

  “Well, I could face this vampire and his coven with hunger pangs distracting me. If that’s the chance you’re willing to take,” Kysen said, his mouth curled slightly at one end.

  Adan cocked an eyebrow, watching Kysen suspiciously. “I wouldn’t put it past you to be manipulating this situation just to feed from me. I bet you’re not even hungry.”

  Kysen laughed. “I could be manipulating you, but then what if I’m not?”

  Adan sighed. “You don’t have to play games with me, if you want to drink from me then fine. If it’ll give you the added strength you’ll need to defeat our enemy, I’ll be more than happy to donate.”

  “Much appreciated,” Kysen said.

  “I’m sorry, but I must ask, why are you not the least bit concerned about this other vampire?” Xander asked.

  Kysen turned toward him. “Because I plan on killing him. He’s insulted me by taking what’s mine, by hurting what’s mine. What he’s done to Darian is unforgivable and I plan on making him feel pain for what has happened.”

  “Don’t underestimate him, please. Darian didn’t and still we were not prepared,” Xander said, hoping Kysen’s over-confidence didn’t cloud his judgment. He wanted to succeed and believed there was no room for errors.

  “Understand, I am neither Darian nor you. I will kill this vampire. As a matter of fact, he would probably already be dead had I not had to drag the lot of you along with me,” Kysen said through tight lips.

  “Can we not discuss that again? I want to save my lover and my friends. I feel as though you’ll need us, even if you don’t. The only time we wasted was getting you to help us,” Elise said upon exiting the bathroom.

  “Please, enough hostilities. We’re in this together. There’s been more than enough fighting for one day, don’t you think?” Adan said, looking at the others.

  Kysen sighed as he settled back against the cushions. “Very well, we still have a long flight ahead. Why don’t you all get some rest?” His voice was gentle as he spoke, revealing yet another layer of whom he was, or could be to his companions.

  “Thank you,” the three shifters said in unison and did just that.

  Adan laid down on the sofa, feeling comfort and relaxation for the first time in over a week. He felt safe on their airplane knowing that Kysen would protect them … Well, he hoped Kysen would protect them. He opened one eye, looking at the ancient vampire from across the plane.

  Kysen chuckled softly. “Don’t worry, no one will be attacking you while I watch over you. You can rest easy.”

  Adan sat up, propping himself on one elbow. “You love Darian very much, don’t you? And it’s not because you believe he is your property?”

  “I do, and he does belong to me. N as a suitcase would to the person who purchased it, but as a child to a parent. My blood flows through him, giving him life everlasting. My knowledge has guided him. The lessons I’ve taught him as sustained him for over sixteen centuries. Our bond is stronger because I created him out of love.”

  “I care for Darian as well. To answer your earlier question, yes, he was my first sexual experience. But that’s all I want to say on the matter.”

  “I hope it was memorable, in a good way,” Kysen said, curious as to why Adan seemed so reluctant to discuss the interaction.

  “It was. Which is why it was so difficult for me to part with him at that time.”

  “Ahhh, you were in love with him.”

  “I was young.”

  “You still are. You are only … What? Less than two-hundred years old?”

  “A hundred and sixty-six, to be exact.”

  “And still so much more for you to experience. Your Pride holds you back. I must say, being the leader of a shifter community does keep one grounded. If you go somewhere, your entire community must travel with you because at any time, you can become a target if another sees a moment of weakness.”

  “As my understanding, it’s not much of a difference for Masters of vampire covens.”

  “Which is why I refuse to keep a coven. I’ll choose a companion and together we experience all that this world has to offer.” Kysen was enjoying their conversation. As he spoke with Adan, he realized that he was hungry for that contac
t, the intimacy. He needed it, actually. Even if he didn’t want to admit it, he missed being with someone.

  “I’m sure a vampire of your age has experience so much already,” Adan said, sitting up a bit more. He was being drawn deeper into the conversation, growing more curious and intrigued with Kysen.

  “It’s almost always new when I’m traveling the world with a companion who is amazed by it,” Kysen said softly, reflectively. His eyes stared forward, distant as if he was remembering a fond experience.

  Adan studied him for a few seconds, wondering what Kysen was thinking about. He finally decided to ask him. “What are you thinking about?”

  “The first time Darian and I traveled to America, how almost childlike he was, wanting to see, touch and taste everything. This was, of course, before it was called ‘America’.” Kysen smiled fondly.

  If you don’t mind me asking, how old was Darian when you met him … I mean, turned him?”

  “When we first met, he was twenty-six. I turned him when it was his time, when he was in his prime, when everything about him was perfect. He was twenty-eight.”

  “How interesting,” Adan said, words slightly distorted due to a massive yawn.

  Kysen chuckled. “You should rest. Go on, there’s only a few hours before we expnd.”

  “How fast are we going?”

  “Very. You could say, I’m not using this jet’s conventional functions.”

  “I see.” Adan nodded slowly as he lay back down on the sofa, eyes closing, almost against his will. Within a matter of seconds, he was in deep sleep. Kysen continued piloting the airplane. He used his mental ability to sense Darian’s aura, but only the surface, not wanting to break through Marcus’ hold over Darian … that would come soon enough.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Nightfall had fallen over the horizon two hours ago. Marcus knew Darian was trying to awaken, so he forced him to remain in his resting state, as he had the entire time. He didn’t want the vampire to see any landmarks which could give him a hint to their location as well as to where his mansion was. Alicia and Raven had chained the shifters and John to the wall of their dungeon. The chains, which were made out of silver, kept each shifter pinned tightly against the stone wall, making it impossible for them to break free. Next, they had laid Darian and Christopher on the cold, hard stone floor.


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