Billionaire Rides: The Complete Series (MC Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story)

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Billionaire Rides: The Complete Series (MC Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) Page 60

by Claire Adams

  “Wow, I wonder where she’s getting her information.” I opened the front door and picked up my own paper. I recognized Rose’s byline on the front page, and as Adam talked, I skimmed through the article. I was surprised to find that some of the information in the article mirrored things that had been in personal documents Miles had allowed me to view.

  “Adam,” I said, thoughtfully, “do you think maybe David has been in touch with Rose and perhaps that is where she is getting some of her inside information?”

  “I thought of that, too. Whoever she is getting her info from is definitely skewed towards Brigham being guilty of more than just wealth and power.”

  We mused over that for a bit, and then before I finally told Adam that I had to hang up and finish getting ready for work, I told him about Jack being in town and planning to have dinner with him on Friday night.

  “Hmmm, an old friend, huh?” Adam said, I think he was trying to sound like he was joking but he also sounded a little worried. He confirmed that as he said, “No old feelings there, I hope?”

  “He’s just an old and dear friend,” I told him. “It’s nice to catch up with someone from back home for a change.”

  Adam didn’t say anything else about it. Instead, he changed the subject back to his hearing on Monday and how he couldn’t wait to finally be rid of Marjorie. We hung up on that note, with Adam promising to check in on me later at the office.

  When I got to the office several hours later, it was unnaturally quiet. I ran into Carla in the hallway headed to our office.

  “Why is it so eerily quiet around here today?” I asked.

  “Well, Mr. Hanson and Mac are closed in the conference room in a meeting with Mr. Brigham and his associates. Nico and Kyla are in court this morning, I think, and I am not sure what’s going on with the rest of the staff. Maybe they’re all taking time off for the holidays,” she said.

  “Hmm, maybe,” I said, thoughtfully as I took the message slips Carla handed me. I stepped into my own private office and began going through them. They were mostly all simple matters that I could handle quickly this afternoon. There was one, however, that intrigued me at once. It was from a Rose Dugan at the Post, and it had a number. The message urged me to call ASAP. I was curious enough that I did just that. The number I called was a cell phone, and it was answered at once by a girl that didn’t sound old enough to be a journalist at all. I was tempted to ask her if her mommy was home.

  “Ms. Dugan?” I asked instead.

  “Yes, this is her.”

  “This is Alicia Winston; I’m returning a call from you.”

  “Ms. Winston, yes, I am so glad you called. I was interested in finding out if perhaps you and I could meet sometime to talk about a serial piece I am doing on one of your client’s for the Post?”

  “Well, Ms. Dugan, you do know that a lawyer who is in the process of representing a client is bound by confidentiality? I’m sure there wouldn’t be much information I could give you.”

  “I am aware of that, Ms. Winston; actually, I was hoping to give you a little inside information.”

  I was really intrigued. I agreed to meet with Rose over lunch at a coffee shop nearby the office. I couldn’t imagine what type of “inside information” she could possibly have, but I was interested enough to go and find out.

  I spent the rest of the morning returning phone calls and completing paperwork I had gotten behind on the past few days. I was about to wrap it up and leave for my meeting with Rose when Adam walked in. He came around behind my desk, and taking me by the hands he lifted me to my feet and planted a kiss on my lips.

  “I missed you,” he said.

  I smiled and kissed him back. “I missed you, too.”

  “Have lunch with me?”

  “I’m sorry, I can’t,” I told him. I was genuinely sorry. “I have a meeting. I was just leaving before you came in.”

  “Well, I guess as your boss I can’t complain about you working through lunch.” Then taking me into his arms, he said, “As your boyfriend, however, I am very disappointed.”

  I smiled again and said, “Me, too, love. Maybe we can have dinner?”

  Adam’s mood seemed to change slightly. “Maybe, I’ll try to finish things up here in time.” I wasn’t sure what the mood shift was about, but feeling a little guilty myself for not admitting that my meeting was with Rose Dugan, I let it go.


  I found Rose waiting for me outside of the coffee shop when I arrived. She looked almost as young in person as she had sounded on the phone. She wore very little make-up, and her dishwater blonde hair was swept back in a hasty bun. She wore Converse tennis shoes and a pair of jeans that were bleached and frayed in places and the overall effect was a high school girl.

  “Ms. Winston?”

  “Yes, hello,” I said as I approached the girl. I put out my hand and received a hasty shake in return.

  “Let’s go inside,” Rose said.

  After we took a seat and ordered our coffees, I said, “I must say, I am curious to know what information you might have with regards to one of my clients.”

  “Well, first of all let’s cut to the chase, Ms. Winston,” Rose told me. “We both know the client that me and all of New York are most interested in right now is the wealthy and powerful Mr. Miles Brigham IV.”

  I had of course known who the client was that interested Rose, but I was determined to let her do all of the talking during this particular meeting. I only nodded slightly, and she went on. “I’m sure you’ve read my piece on him by now?” I again nodded. “I am in touch with a source who knows quite a bit about your client and his family. This source of mine is helping me build my piece, but is also concerned about you being drawn into the mess known as the Brigham family.”

  I couldn’t help myself; I had to ask, “Why would this ‘source’ of yours have any concerns about me?”

  “Let’s just say they do. and leave it at that,” Rose said. “This person has some pretty convincing evidence that Mr. Brigham and his devil’s brood are guilty of many things other than arrogance and vulgar wealth. They asked me to tell you that you would possibly be placing yourself in danger by agreeing to represent them.”

  I arched an eyebrow. Who did this little sprite think she was telling me who I should and should not “represent?” Surely, she didn’t think I would be so simple minded as to dump my client on her say so alone. She must be up to something else, but I couldn’t figure out just what yet. When I sat quiet long enough to make Rose uncomfortable, she said,

  “Miles Brigham IV had everything to do with his third wife’s murder and everything to do with the murder of Vick Landon, as well. I intend to prove it, and my source was kind enough to ask me to warn you before I brought the Brigham empire crumbling down. You can do what you wish with the information.”

  With that, the arrogant young girl stood and put her bag on her shoulder. I looked up at her and said, “So that’s it, you brought me here to warn me that I may or may not be in danger and that you have some anonymous source who has some investment in my personal safety. You will not, however, tell me whom that source may be or what this so called evidence is that we have against my client. I think you have wasted my time, Ms. Dugan. I charge hundreds an hour for my time, I don’t have any to spare for playing games.”

  Rose smiled. The smile made her look like a kid who knew something that her mother didn’t. “I warned you like I was asked, and here’s one more warning, Ms. Winston. You may be charging Mr. Brigham hundreds of dollars an hour for your services, but be careful. He plays with people’s lives just for fun.”

  And with that, she walked out the door, leaving me to wonder what the hell that had even been about.



  I had another excruciatingly busy day and to make it even worse, I wasn’t going to have time to meet Alicia for dinner. I grabbed a rose off of my assistant’s desk and knocked on Alicia’s door around five.

p; “Come in!”

  I pushed open the door and found her still at work behind her desk. She looked up at me and smiled. God, she’s gorgeous even with her hair falling out of the loose bun she had it tangled in and most of her make-up rubbed off from her hours of pouring over paperwork. I held out the rose to her and said, “I’m afraid I can’t make dinner tonight, baby. But can I have a rain check?”

  She took the rose and smiled, “I suppose. It’s kind of been an exhausting day, anyways. I think a bubble bath and a cup of tea is just what the doctor ordered.” I waited for her to pack up her things and put the files on her desk in Carla’s basket so that she could take them back to records in the morning. Then, I walked her out to the parking garage.

  It seemed like she was debating whether to tell me something important, but she stayed silent. I thought about asking her about it, but had so many things on my mind and a team still inside waiting for me, so I selfishly decided to wait and maybe she’d tell me at another time when I was not so overwhelmed.

  When we reached her car, she pressed the unlock button on the fob in her hand and then I took her into my arms and gave her a long, deep kiss. When we came up for air, I held her back so I could look at her pretty, flushed face. It suddenly morphed into a look of disgust when she spotted something over my shoulder. I turned and saw Marjorie. I felt like losing my lunch. She had that permanent nasty smirk on her face.

  “What the hell? Marjorie, what are you doing here?”

  “I was meeting my lawyer for dinner, and I just thought I’d come by and let you know. I didn’t want you coming home to eat with me like you did last night and finding that I wasn’t home.”

  The bitch was trying to cause trouble as usual. I turned back toward Alicia quickly. “She’s lying. I did not have dinner with her last night. I was here, working.”

  Marjorie feigned a serious look and said, “Oh dear, was I not supposed to say anything in front of the little woman?”

  I spun around on her and before she had time to back up, I was in her face. “Shut the hell up, Marjorie! Shut your nasty, lying mouth! I wish you were dead, you know that? If I thought you were worth it, I would kill you myself.”

  Marjorie didn’t even flinch. She wasn’t afraid of me because although I talked a good game, we both knew I’d never follow through with the violence she made swell in my veins. She laughed instead and said, “Such passion. Love and hate are such closely related emotions, aren’t they? Do you remember what amazing sex we used to have after a roaring fight?”

  Every muscle in my body tightened and for a fraction of a second, I thought I just might be able to do it. Maybe I could kill the bitch. I felt Alicia’s hand on my arm and heard her say,

  “She’s not worth it, Adam.”

  Marjorie still didn’t seem to realize she’d just almost pushed me too far. She smiled at both of us before turning and heading for the garage elevator. Just before the doors slid closed, she blew me a kiss. It turned my stomach and I felt Alicia’s hand tense against my arm. “I didn’t have dinner with her.”

  Alicia put her hand up on my face and said, “I know.” I pressed my face into her palm and then slid it over to my lips and kissed it. “Enjoy your bath and quiet time.”

  “I will. You don’t stay too late. You can come and sleep at my place tonight. You need to get some rest.”

  I nodded. I probably wouldn’t just because I hated the idea of letting Marjorie have my place to herself. She made my blood boil. I kissed Alicia’s cheek and she slid into the car.

  As I closed her door I heard myself say, “I really do wish she was dead.” I don’t think I meant to say that out loud. I know Alicia despises her, but me talking about her being dead couldn’t be sitting well with her. At this point I was too exhausted and too fed up to care what anyone thought. I was sick to death of my life being ruled by an evil, ungrateful bitch and I’d do just about anything at this point to just make her go away.


  I stayed at the office until after ten. I was so tired by the time I got into my car that I was glad I wasn’t driving. I actually saw spots in front of my eyes. I said a little prayer that Marjorie would be out when I got home, but it went unanswered, as usual. I walked into the penthouse to find her on the couch in her lounging outfit, painting her toenails and drinking a glass of wine. She had a fire roaring in the fireplace and the surround sound playing smooth jazz. She makes me sick. I tossed my keys on the table in the foyer and turned toward my bedroom.

  “You don’t want to have a glass of wine with me? You look like you could use a little unwinding.”

  I looked at her with fire in my eyes and said, “I won’t be unwound until you are out of my life once and for all.”

  She smiled. “Don’t count on that being any time soon.” Once again, rage hissed through my body. I took a step toward her, but caught myself and instead turned back toward the hallway and went to my room. I closed and locked the door behind me before ripping off my tie and jacket. I pulled my phone out of my pocket then and called Alicia. She was the only thing that could calm me down where Marjorie was concerned.

  “Hi, baby. What are you doing?” I was practically whispering. I was feeling paranoid like Marjorie was listening at the door. I didn’t want her being any part of my conversation with Alicia.

  “Hi, I’m taking a bath. I wish you were here.” My mind pictured that and I groaned and then it dawned on me that she was headed home to take a bath hours ago.

  “What took you so long to get your bubble bath?”

  “Why are you whispering?”

  I sighed. “Marjorie’s in the other room. I don’t want her overhearing us – she doesn’t need any more ammunition to torture us with.”

  I could hear the change in Alicia’s voice at the mention of Marjorie’s name, but she was supportive anyways as she said, “I’m sorry, baby. Maybe Monday it will be all over, huh?”

  “God, I hope so. It has to be. Let’s not talk about her any more though, please. Tell me about your evening and why you’re getting your bath so late.”

  “I went shopping. I realized I haven’t even decorated for Christmas yet or started my gift shopping. While I was out, I bumped into Jack Grant, my friend from the U.K.” I felt a tightening in my chest. I counted to ten in my head before saying,

  “He seems to have a knack for bumping into you when you’re alone.”

  “He was Christmas shopping, Adam. No evil intentions there, I assure you.”

  I felt like a jealous ass. “I’m sorry, baby. Everything that’s been going on lately has given me the eerie feeling that there are evil intentions all around us.”

  “I suppose I can’t blame you there,” she said. “We just can’t let all of this change the way we think about people. Everyone is not like Marjorie, or the Brigham’s, for that matter.”

  “Thank God,” I said, wearily. “I think I should turn in for the night, so that we can deal with people such as Marjorie and the Brigham’s again bright and early tomorrow morning.”

  “I love you, Adam,” she said. It’s funny how much better I feel hearing her say that in her cute little British accent. “Everything will be okay, soon.”

  “I wish you knew how much I appreciate you.”

  “I do know, love. I do believe it will be better soon. It has to get better, right?”

  “I suppose it can’t get much worse.” It could, though. She could leave me. Now that this guy “Jack” was sneaking around, that could even be another nail in my coffin. Shit! I was getting way too paranoid. I needed to get some sleep. “I love you, too,” I told her before hanging up the call. I undressed down to my boxers and collapsed on my bed. It was only seconds before I slipped into a deep, dreamless sleep.



  I put the phone back down on the side of the tub after I talked to Adam and sighed as I dipped back down into the sudsy, warm bubbles. I felt horrible for him, but I also felt bad for me. He should be here or I shoul
d be there and Marjorie shouldn’t be anywhere in our solar system.

  I closed my eyes and heard the sound of his voice when he said Jack had been “bumping into me” a lot lately. I wasn’t happy that he was jealous per se, but at least maybe it gave him just a taste of how I have to feel every time he was with Marjorie, only ten times worse, considering he was still married to her. Jack and I had really only bumped into each other again, just this time not literally.

  On the way home, I’d decided I still had too much nervous energy after the run in with Marjorie to relax. Instead, I headed down to Times Square where the shops were all still open late for holiday preparations and began my Christmas shopping.

  I walked from shop to shop, picking out things that I thought my mom and dad would like. I found a gorgeous pashmina for Kyla, and bought several small holiday baskets for assorted people from the office. By the time I reached the last shop, my arms were so full of packages that I could hardly carry them all. The last shop was a jewelry store that offered custom designed items. I found exactly what I was looking for as a gift for Adam. I placed an order for a watch and inscribed it with the words,

  “My boss, my mentor, my lover, my friend. Always, Alicia”

  After I left there, I stopped in to a quaint little coffee shop on my way back to the garage where I left my car and ordered an extra-large latte. As I sat down at the nearest table to the counter and relieved myself of the weight of the packages, I slipped off my heels, too, and for the first time since seeing Marjorie in the parking garage at work, I began to relax.

  “Wow, I hope you have a sleigh outside to carry all of that home in.” The voice startled me until I looked up and realized it was Jack. He was standing next to the table dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a black polo shirt, wearing that sexy lopsided grin that used to take my breath away.

  I laughed and said, “That would be nice, actually, because maybe there would be a few elves out there to help me carry it all.”


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