by Darcy Dawes
When I walked passed him through the doorway I smiled apologetically. “Really, I am sorry for making fun of you. Being picked on as a kid isn’t fun for anyone, no matter how rich or poor they are.”
He raised an eyebrow. “You really want me to scold you for that, don’t you?”
He flicked my nose with a thumb and forefinger very gently. “No disrespecting me, Natalie Jones. Is that clear?”
My insides squirmed again. Between my legs I’d long since passed hot and wet; now I was on fire.
“…yes, da-Daniel.”
He never caught it, but I did.
I’d almost called him dad.
Chapter Three
Three weeks passed in the blink of an eye while at the same time crawling by agonizingly slowly. They went quickly because Natalie was great with Wyatt; with her looking after him and generally ruling the house my life became infinitely easier. I got enough sleep for work and had the energy to play with Wyatt when I got home. Life was settled. It was almost like we were playing at being a family and doing it well.
The reason the days were passing slowly was also, of course, because of Natalie. I couldn’t stop thinking about her—imagining what it would feel like to touch her hair, or unzip her dress, or slap her on the ass when it looked like she was procrastinating from her compulsory summertime college reading…
I straightened up where I stood washing the dishes, soap lathered on my hands preventing me from reaching down and scratching an exorable itch in my crotch at that last thought. Well, it wasn’t so much an itch as it was me getting a hard-on, but with Natalie and Wyatt happily eating dinner over to my right I could hardly deal with my predicament the way I would if I were in private.
I didn’t know what was coming over me. Natalie had just been so flustered after Wyatt had left us alone the day she arrived that I couldn’t help but mess with her a bit…after I’d gotten over my own nerves. It had been too easy. Too fun.
But how the hell had it devolved into me getting a kick out of acting like a dad? Scolding her, telling her to respect me, keeping her on her toes—I longed for the next time she did something that needed admonishing.
Not that Natalie was anything other than wonderful with Wyatt. But once my nephew was in bed and it was just the two of us…
I shook my head. I had to stop fantasizing about, one day, taking one of our conversations too far and acting on my desire to really punish Natalie.
Ah, shit, that’s not helping, Dan, I thought, turning my body slightly so that nobody could see my raging hard-on but me. I was stupidly horny—Natalie barely had to do anything at all and my cock reacted. Maybe I needed to find a fuck buddy. It couldn’t be healthy for me to have all this pent-up sexual energy in my own house.
And yet…I was enjoying it. I was relishing in every agonizing moment spent with Natalie.
“Dan, the sink’s overflowing,” Natalie said mildly without even glancing over.
Turning the faucet off hurriedly, I fished around in the sink for the plug and pulled it out, splashing water and soap suds everywhere. Wyatt was laughing raucously, as if what had just transpired was the funniest thing in the world. Even Natalie giggled.
“Where was your head?” she asked. “Clearly not on the dishes.”
I gave her a look; it was a cross between ‘you don’t want to know’ and ‘come upstairs with me and find out’. Natalie blushed prettily, as if she knew exactly what my look meant. But then Wyatt spilled his yoghurt all over himself, spattering some all over her, too.
“Wyatt Farthing,” she scolded as she pulled the now empty pot away from a mirthful Wyatt, “just what are you doing? You’re too old to be playing with your food!”
“Uncle Dan is all messy. Now we are too!”
Natalie sighed good-naturedly. “Time for a bath then, Mister Messy.”
“Aw, but it’s not bedtime yet!”
“Then you shouldn’t have thrown your yoghurt everywhere. Come on; the quicker you have a bath the quicker you can get out of it.”
Even Wyatt could see this logic, so he zoomed up the stairs. Having finally cleaned up the mess I’d made, I could see the humor in what had happened at the kitchen table.
“I’ll clean up the table, Nat, so just head up and give Wyatt a bath,” I said when it became apparent Natalie was going to attempt to clean it as quickly as possible before following my hyper nephew upstairs. “And I’ll watch him after his bath, so feel free to have one yourself to…clean up.”
I don’t know why I paused before uttering those last two words. But it sent a red flush crawling up Natalie’s ears, and she laughed a little nervously. It didn’t exactly of quell my hard-on.
“Thanks, Daniel,” she smiled, exiting the kitchen slightly too promptly.
“Ah, stop it, you fool,” I muttered once she’d left. We were only three weeks into summer, after all—how was I supposed to last six before Wyatt started elementary school? Though I enjoyed the torture of it all it was torture nonetheless. I couldn’t take much more of it.
I set about finishing the dishes and wiping down the kitchen surfaces, trying to think about anything but Natalie. I went over my work schedule for the next week, taking mental note of meetings with authors or the marketing team that I had to prepare for; I noted that I had free time in a few days to visit my sister to see how she was doing in person; I thought about whether my parents would be up for taking Wyatt next weekend so that Natalie could have a couple days off that coincided with me not being in work…
“So much for not thinking about her,” I laughed, my tone entirely self-deprecating as I headed upstairs to my bedroom to change out of my soap-stained clothes.
It was already evening, so I changed into a t-shirt and a pair of casual sweatpants just as I heard Wyatt get out of the bath. I ran into him in the hallway, trying to wriggle out of a towel Natalie had cocooned him in. With one fell swoop I picked my nephew up, tickling him as I dried his hair with the towel. He shrieked in delight.
“I’ll get him into his pajamas, Nat. You just take you time in the bath.”
She avoided my eyes. “Thanks, Daniel.”
I wanted to demand she looked at me when speaking to me, but Wyatt was still in my arms. I took him through to his bedroom and struggled him into his favorite pajamas, which were covered in dinosaurs.
“I want to wear my T-Rex costume to bed!” he complained, as if the dinosaur pajamas and dinosaur bedspread and dinosaur blanket I’d bought him last week were simply not good enough for him on their own.
“Tomorrow,” I said patiently. “You can wear it tomorrow, Wyatt. We can build a fort and you can storm it as a T-Rex.”
“No, I have to be a dragon for that!”
“I thought you were over dragons last week?”
He stared at me in horror; I almost laughed at his seriousness.
“I’m never over dragons,” he said.
“So why is everything dinosaur-themed now?”
Wyatt almost looked embarrassed. “Because…Nat-Nat likes dinosaurs.”
Oh. God, he was adorable. I’d heard Natalie read through a dinosaur encyclopedia to him, and she’d taken him to the museum to see all the fossils, but I hadn’t realized Wyatt had gotten interested in the subject because of his nanny.
I ruffled his hair. “Can you read a book for a little while? Your cartoon isn’t on for another half hour, yeah?”
He nodded. “Can I draw instead?”
“Whatever you want, kiddo.”
I left him to it, slinging the towel I’d used to dry him over my shoulder as I headed down the corridor to put it on a radiator to dry. And then I noticed the bathroom door was ajar.
Natalie had forgotten to close it.
Don’t look, I thought. Don’t look. You have more self-control than this. You’re a grown man.
And yet I was lying to myself, for I had little to no self-control left whatsoever. Mo
ving on silent feet I walked over to the door, telling myself that all I was going to do was peek inside, catch a single glimpse of Natalie in the bath and then walk away.
But when I looked through the gap, risking pushing the door open another couple of inches to widen my view, all thoughts of walking away were immediately eliminated.
Natalie had her head tipped back, eyes closed and lips slightly parted. Her breasts were bobbing in and out of the water, and one of her hands was massaging them with wet, soapy fingers. Her other hand was below the surface, but I could see her arm moving slightly. When she let out a low moan I was left in no doubt about what she was doing.
How could she leave the door open and then masturbate?! I thought, incredulous. Does this girl have no self-awareness at all? Or does she…
Did she want me to catch her?
When the door creaked on its hinges I flinched. Natalie’s eyes flashed open, and she locked on to my face. I didn’t know what to do. Was she going to scream? Was she going to quit? Was she going to tell someone that I sexually harassed her, or—
Natalie did none of those things. In fact, she did nothing at all about my presence at the door.
She merely continued.
Chapter Four
Dan is watching me. I should stop. I should stop.
I didn’t.
I mean, I had left the door open—just a little—on purpose. I wanted to see what he would do. I wanted to see if him being attracted to me was all in my head.
Clearly it wasn’t.
It felt like being caught doing something bad by a teacher. I was doing something I shouldn’t be doing, and I needed to be scolded. God, I wanted Dan to scold me. I wanted him to march right over to me and tease my nipples and slide his finger over my clit until I begged for him to fuck me.
I didn’t mean to let out a whine, but it came out nonetheless. Daniel’s eyes widened at the noise. Glancing downward, I saw a tell-tale bulge in his pants that was the best confirmation I could ever have that he was into me.
Or it could simply be that watching a girl jack herself off in a bathtub is inherently sexy, I mused, though at this point I didn’t care.
Daniel looked down at his erection, then back at me. I was almost as if he was asking for permission.
“Please…” I murmured, my voice heavy with desire as I circled my clit until my breathing hitched.
Dan didn’t need further permission than that. Slowly his hand crept below the waistband of his pants and took hold of his cock. But I couldn’t see anything. I wanted to see.
“Pull them down…please?” I asked, my voice more of a moan than anything else.
He smirked. “You want to see? You want to see how hard you make my cock, do you?”
I nodded, biting my lip for his benefit.
“Show me how much you want to see it,” he demanded, eyes gleaming.
Fuck. Whatever it was that we’d been doing to each other over the past three weeks had made me hornier than I’d ever been before. I’d slept with a couple guys in college, of course, but they’d never made me feel like this. Like my body was on fire, and only one man could tame it.
“How?” I asked uncertainly, willing to be directed.
Daniel took a step forward into the bathroom. “Sit up,” he commanded. “Let me see your tits. Natalie. Let me see you squeeze them and pinch your nipples until they’re swollen.”
I eagerly complied, sitting up a little straighter in the tub until my breasts were properly above the water’s edge. I began to pull and tug at one of my nipples, intermittently squeezing until—
“Both hands,” Dan said. “Both hands, Natalie.”
“Did I say you could talk back? Both hands.”
That only made me more desperate to increase the pace at which I was fingering myself. I stared at him defiantly, as if I meant to refuse his order. But then, after a second or two, I pulled my hand away and began teasing my other nipple, too.
Daniel’s breath caught in his throat as he watched, enraptured. He slid his pants down until his cock dutifully sprang out, the length of it long and thick and hard.
I gulped. “Can I have that in my mouth?” I asked, surprised at my own filthiness. Daniel moved forwards another few steps until he was right beside me in the tub. He stroked his erection a few times as I watched, still twisting and teasing my nipples as I squeezed my boobs.
“Maybe,” he said, eyes glittering dangerously. “Can you handle it? Can that pretty little mouth of yours make me come while you make yourself come? Can you do both?”
I stared up at him, eyes wide. “Please let me try…Daniel.”
I’d nearly said dad again. Or, rather, daddy. I’d never been this kinky before in my life. At it seemed almost as if Daniel had wanted me to call him that too, though I was too nervous to risk finding out.
“Then be a good girl and don’t spill a single drop when I finish,” he ordered, and then the entire length of his cock was in my mouth and down my throat, leaving me spluttering as I struggled to catch my breath. He looked down at me. “I thought you could handle it?”
“I was—surprised—oh,” I bit out, though Dan slid his dick back into my mouth before I could finish the sentence. His hands ran through my hair, holding me in place.
“Suck, Natalie. Suck me. Lick me. Make me go mad.”
I was tempted to say that clearly he already was. And so was I. But I didn’t. Instead, I dutifully complied his order.
His cock was uncomfortable in my mouth at first, but after flicking my tongue against the tip, then suckling on it and licking the entire length of his erection my mouth became used to its size. My lips eagerly enveloped him, my head bobbing back and forth as I pulled him further into me.
“Fuck…” Daniel hissed out between his teeth. He was staring down at me in disbelief. “You’re so good at this. Who taught you how to do this, huh?”
There was a note of reprimand in his voice that only made me hornier. I said nothing in response, merely sucking harder and faster while Dan’s eyes rolled backward slightly. His fingers curled ever tighter into my hair.
“Touch yourself, Natalie,” he ordered. “Touch yourself like you want me to touch you.”
My fingers were trembling; I knew I’d barely have to touch myself to bring about an orgasm at this point. When I skimmed the flesh of my clit I moaned around Dan’s sheer girth, writhing against my fingers as they set to work. The warm, soapy water enveloping heightened every sensation; my pussy was so slick and wet by the time I inserted a finger I could barely believe it.
I cried out when I was a few seconds away from orgasm, my mouth moving faster in my desperation to finish. Daniel seemed to get the picture; he used his hands in my hair to set the rhythm, urging me on faster, faster, faster.
There was no warning before he came in my mouth. One second there was nothing and then there was a burst of warm, sticky liquid coating my tongue that I was under orders to swallow. And so I did so, but Daniel didn’t remove his cock.
“I want you to come with me inside you,” he said breathlessly. How I wished that he were inside another part of me while I came.
But it happened a mere handful of seconds later, my body wracked with shivers of pleasure as an orgasm finally hit me. Daniel’s cock stifled any noise I made, and then it was gone when I collapsed back into the bathwater, my head a haze of dopamine and endorphins.
We stared at each other with heavy-lidded eyes, both of us panting heavily. What we’d just done…we shouldn’t have done it.
I wanted more.
Daniel reached out for me; for a second it seemed as if he was going to get into the tub with me and fulfill my wish to fuck me senseless.
It was only natural, of course, that Wyatt appeared at the door.
“Uncle Dan?” he asked, completely oblivious to what was going on. “My show comes on super soon.”
There was a pause. Daniel slid his pants back into position as
discreetly as possible, put on his ‘father’ face, and turned round to beam at his nephew.
“Of course, Wyatt! How could I forget? Let’s leave Natalie alone so she can enjoy her bath.”
“Can we all have a bath together next time? I think a bath would be fun if I wasn’t alone.”
Daniel’s hand twitched, and I sank further beneath the bubbles to hide.
“Maybe next time,” Dan joked. “Now come on; let’s go downstairs.”
Maybe next time.
Daniel had no idea how much I hoped that would be true.
Chapter Five
“Dan, Rafe Forbes is coming in today, don’t forget!”
“Of course not. How could I forget about our Master of Fuckery, Rafe Forbes?”
Master of Fuckery was an apt title for the man. While the eyes of the general public were obsessively trailing after the next bestseller, be it a Dan Brown conspiracy or another book by J. K. Rowling written under a pen-name, Rafe Forbes silently but very, very successfully raked in the cash for us by writing kinky, filthy erotic romances. They sold like nobody could believe.
“We’re all perverts,” the man had once said. Considering what had been going on between me and Natalie, I was inclined to agree.
Don’t think about Natalie right now, I chastised. You’re in work.
But how could I not think of Natalie after what had happened between us in the bathroom? A few days had passed since then and I could think of nothing else. We were being too careful with each other now—too polite—as if the both of us weren’t entirely sure what we were supposed to do next.
I knew what I wanted to do next. I just didn’t know if I should do it.
Thankfully, when the tall, tanned and dark-haired Rafe Forbes appeared through the front door of Farthing Publishing I finally managed to reroute my brain to work mode, and I left my office to greet him and take him through to the conference room. We were going over the marketing strategy for his new book, due for release any day. Another executive was in charge of Rafe’s account, so in reality I had no idea what his new book was about.