The Final Play

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The Final Play Page 3

by Rhonda Laurel

  “You like dressing up. I’ve seen a significant change in your fashion style since we met.” Nina smiled.

  “I graduated top of my class from Nina Hawkes’s finishing school. I had to do a believable runway strut for the final exam.” Morgan batted her eyelashes. Nina was right though. Due to her intensive fashion sessions, Morgan felt like she had her own style and complemented Seth. A few of the magazines that often captured her out and about Philadelphia called her the always-fashionable Mrs. Blake. They’d even gotten a mention as one of the cutest families in the NFL.

  “Well, you are my brightest pupil, and I am happy to say Michelle’s been letting me dress her for the cooking show too.”

  Morgan set the frame down on her desk. “Let’s go shopping, then lunch. I want Seth to take to me to the opera next week and I want to be the cutest pregnant woman there.”

  “There’s a new shop that opened up. I’ve been wanting to take a peek.”

  “Let’s peek away.” Morgan laughed as she reached for her purse and coat.

  Nina wrapped her decorative silk scarf around her neck and looked around the office. “I’m going to miss being able to drop in on you whenever I want. I remember the first day I walked through the door to see you, at the request of Seth and Patton, and I didn’t know what to expect. I found a friend and I’ll never forget that.”

  “Can I tell you something?”


  “The thought of leaving the bookstore frightens me. It’s a part of me. It’s cozy and it’s always been like a home away from home for me. I can’t imagine doing anything else.” Morgan blinked rapidly.

  “Maybe it’s time you think about expanding your horizons.”

  “Seth’s dad said the same thing to me. Seth thinks I can do anything. His faith in me is a little inflated at times.”

  “Nonsense, he loves you and knows what you’re capable of achieving. Since I’ve known you, each time you were presented with a new opportunity you rose to the occasion. We all have faith in you and you’ve now gotten advice from three brilliant people, I say you take it.”

  “Easier said than done.” Morgan held up her hands in response to Nina’s perturbed look. “But worth considering.”

  “Thank you.” Nina put her arm around her and led her out of the office. “Now let’s get you a decadent gown for the opera.”

  * * *

  Seth loved dining at the Slap Shot. Not only did his friend Derek’s restaurant have a great menu and atmosphere, but it also enforced strict rules about big egos and grandstanding. Seth grabbed his regular table and waved at Arnie the bartender to bring over his usual, the top shelf scotch Derek kept for him. When his drink was set down on the table, he looked up to see Derek.

  “Hey, I was hoping to run into you.” Seth stood and gave him a hug. “I thought you’d gone out of town.”

  “Change of plans. Blake, I didn’t know you’d be here tonight.”

  “I called an hour ago to see if Marlie could squeeze me in, and of course she did. I’m meeting Patton for dinner.”

  “Uh, oh. If Hawkes is coming here I better tell the chef to go out and kill a whole cow.” Derek laughed as he took a seat. “You should try our special tonight. It’s pan-seared red snapper with a lemon garlic sauce and roasted vegetables.”

  “You know I’m a steak man.” Seth chuckled.

  “I’ll tell the chef to add a filet mignon on the side.”

  “Sounds good. By the way, Morgan says thank you again for letting Nina use the Slap Shot as the venue for my party.”

  “Anything for her, she knows that. I just wish I could be there. I have a game that weekend.”

  “Duty calls,” Seth said. “We’ll have something at the house, so you can visit again.”

  “Cool. Are the boys ready for their first hockey lesson?”

  The boys had asked Derek a million questions when he’d had dinner at the house last month, which prompted the upcoming lesson.

  “That’s all they’ve been talking about. Thanks again for offering to teach them.” He laughed.

  “No problem, I look forward to it. You have them brainwashed on football.”

  Seth smirked. “No, I don’t.”

  “Connor said you told him football is a tougher sport than hockey.” Derek laughed.

  “That boy talks too much.” Seth shook his head and sipped on his scotch.

  “We could have a hockey star in the making.”

  Seth raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, if they start playing football on ice skates.”

  “We’ll see about that.” He grinned. “Tyler and Michelle had dinner here a couple weeks ago. He asked if I wanted to go to one of your games and sit in the family box.”

  “I think it’s nice you two finally buried the hatchet over Michelle.”

  “It was what Michelle wanted, and I enjoy talking to her when I stop by the bookstore.”

  “Still, it was a shock that you wanted to date her. I thought you didn’t do dating.”

  “Not so long ago you were just as bad until you met Morgan.” Derek waggled his eyebrows.


  “Well I woke up last week with a woman whose name I couldn’t remember. Let’s just say the morning got off to a rough start.”

  “How could you let that happen? You taught me the trick of typing her name into a reminder app on your phone for the next morning.”

  Derek ran a hand over his face. “What can I say man? Too much partying. I think I’m losing my edge.”

  “I thought you were seeing that actress?”

  “She was dating me, but I was just killing time while in Montreal. I came out of the bathroom and heard her telling a friend on the phone that she’d struck gold. I got the hell out of there and never looked back. Sometimes I think settling down isn’t worth the headache, but I have you as a shining example that a leopard can change its spots. Who knows how many good women passed through my life and I wasn’t aware of it.”

  “I guess it’s a good time to keep your eyes open for the one. Maybe you’ll even remember her name and impress her.”

  Derek winced. “Ouch, man. That stung.”

  Seth laughed and spotted Patton, who’d just arrived. He waved his friend over. Derek stood up and greeted him.

  “Hawkes, I had to close my kitchen early the last time you were here. Try not to order everything on the menu.”

  “The season just started, I make no promises.” Patton shook his head like a little kid.

  “Enjoy your meal, guys,” Derek shook hands with each of them. “I have to mingle.”

  “So how was parent teacher night at Gabby’s school?” Seth asked Patton when they were alone.

  “My baby is a genius and ahead of everyone in her class. She’s making real artwork while everyone else is painting lopsided suns.”

  “Of course. I expect nothing less from my god daughter.”

  Patton pored over the menu like a man who’d just crawled out of the desert. “So when’s your conference?”

  “Next week. I can’t wait to see what the boys have been up to. They’ve been trying to be good since the fight.”

  “Didn’t you tell them to be on their best behavior because Morgan was pregnant?”

  “I did. You should see them trying to help her in the morning. Jake tried to make breakfast.” Seth chuckled. “It was a loveable mess.”

  They sat there for a moment. Patton ordered a drink and his food—only half the menu this time—making Seth wonder if the big man was going on a diet. Still, he could tell Patton had something on his mind. Finally, after getting his drink and taking a stiff swallow, Patton began to speak.

  “You know my contract is up at the end of the season.”

  “I know. Are you looking to extend it with the Titans or have you been thinking about your options?”

  “Yeah, a permanent one. After the season ends, I’m retiring.”

  Seth raised his eyebrows. “Really?”

  “I would be lying if
I said your plans didn’t give me a lot to think about. We’ve had a good run, and I think I want to leave the team on a high note with the quarterback that brought the best out of us while giving it his all on the field.”

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “It feels right. When you leave, they’re going to get some hot shot with something to prove because he’s trying to fill your cleats. And let us not forget that train wreck Lamont will be looking to shine because you’re gone. All my life I never thought I was meant to do anything else, being a big dude and all. Then I met Nina and she saw something else in me besides being this big, dumb brute. I’ve been blessed twice in my lifetime. It’s time to see what else I have in me.”

  “I know there’s a whole lot more to you.” Seth smiled.

  “I’m going to keep it quiet for now. Nina and I can plan better without my family weighing in on things. We’ll probably be leaving Philadelphia. I don’t want to walk around town and have people yell, hey aren’t you the guy who used to play for the Titans?” Patton laughed.

  “If you’re looking for a fresh start, I have been known to heavily advocate for Texas.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Seth and Patton enjoyed their meal and were joined by a few players who’d come into the restaurant. They laughed and talked, but Patton’s declaration replayed in his head on a loop. He felt responsible for his friend’s decision, even though he was a grown man who was capable of making his own choices. But he knew how he felt. The team wouldn’t feel the same if Patton weren’t there. He might be starting a new, wonderful chapter in his personal life, but he felt like a heel for breaking up the team it took so long to put together.

  By the time Seth got home, the house was quiet. The boys were fast asleep. He headed to his bedroom to find Morgan cuddled up on his side of the bed clutching his pillow. She had that beautiful glow she got every time she was pregnant. She must have been trying to wait up for him, as evidenced by the bowl of carrots on the night table. He laughed to himself, thinking of her rationale for snacking on veggies every so often to counterbalance all the ice cream she ate. He undressed and slipped into bed and as Morgan cuddled up against him, he put his hand on her belly. The baby kicked. Seth smiled and closed his eyes.


  Dressed to the nines, Morgan and Seth got into the limo headed to the Slap Shot in a good mood, ready to have fun at the retirement party. The boys were staying with Sydney and Curtis and they’d have the entire evening to themselves. When they pulled up, they found a flurry of activity going on. There were cameras flashing and a news crew setting up. Like they’d expected, someone had blabbed about the party. Paparazzi tried to rush the limousine. Crusher, one of the big, burly bouncers who was normally posted outside of the restaurant created a perimeter and backed them away. A few minutes later he approached the limo and opened the door for them.

  “Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Blake.”

  “Hi, Crusher.” Morgan looked over his shoulder. “What are all these people doing out here?” Not everyone looked like they were there to cover a story.

  “Party crashers. We’re double-checking invites and ID’s. So far we’ve confiscated two counterfeit invitations and caught someone trying to sneak in the service entrance, but don’t worry, we took care of it.”

  “Thanks.” Seth smiled.

  Morgan sighed. “I wanted this to be a quiet evening for you.”

  “We will still have a good time.” He kissed her hand.

  “I wonder who blabbed,” Morgan said as he held the door to the eatery open for her.

  “Probably Lamont,” Seth drawled.

  The Slap Shot was already an elegant restaurant, but Nina’s extra touches really transformed it into a glamorous venue. Morgan felt like she’d dressed just right for the occasion in the cherry red, cross neck chiffon dress she was wearing. Seth, who looked good in anything he wore, rose to the occasion and found a matching red tie to wear with his charcoal gray suit.

  But soon she began to worry about Seth, though she did her best to hide it. Every time someone mentioned Seth’s career coming to an end, he’d get this enigmatic look on his face like he was still worried about the season, no matter how confident he sounded to Morgan. Sure they were winning, but the strategies were inconsistent and their energy was all over the place. He’d been playing football since he was in middle school and had disciplined himself to think and behave a certain way. He trained and ate well, all in the name of a new season in which he’d get to do what he did best: being the finest quarterback he knew how to be. She knew that was something you couldn’t simply shake off.

  There was a projector screen set up that flashed pictures of Seth’s time on the team. She watched the pictures cycle through, smiling at how much younger he’d looked the first year he’d played for the Titans. Then a picture came up with both her and Seth in it. “How on earth did Nina get those old pictures of me?”

  “She was leafing through the old photos when she was at the ranch for the weddings and asked Teri-Lyn for copies.”

  “Well, if it isn’t my favorite couple, S and M,” Patton yelled out as he and Nina approached stylishly outfitted as usual. Nina looked stunning in her lavender one-shoulder dress.

  “Nina, thank you for this.” Morgan gave her a tight squeeze. “It looks awesome in here.”

  “You’re very welcome. I’m upset about the zoo outside, but there’s nothing we can do until they get tired and go home.”

  For a few hours they mingled with the guests while eating tasty food. The entire team was there, including a few coaches, trainers, and some of the staff from the front office. Lamont entered the party with his usual dramatic flair with Charisma, but everyone was having such a good time, they hardly noticed. Charisma wore a ravishing blue strapless dress, but Morgan knew that sour look on her face from childhood. Something must have happened before they arrived. Determined to keep the evening focused on Seth’s achievements and not another episode of the Lamont and Charisma Show, Morgan took Seth by the hand and led him over to greet them.

  “Brayer, Charisma, thanks for coming,” Seth said.

  “It’s good to be here too.” Charisma flashed a tight smile.

  “Blake.” Lamont nodded at Seth then turned to her. “Morgan, always good to see you.”

  Lamont leaned in to hug Morgan, but she sidestepped him. She didn’t need to be that close to smell the alcohol. He reeked of it. Maybe he needed a little liquid courage to come and pretend to celebrate Seth’s life’s work. “There’s plenty of food, so help yourself.”

  “Thanks. It’s not every day you get to say a personal good-bye to one of the greatest players of our time.” Charisma beamed. “I’m glad we could be a part of this.”

  Lamont glared at Charisma. “Patton’s gonna toast him, not dip him in gold.”

  “Actually the gold-dipping is at the end of the night. And I get to take that big old trophy home.” Morgan flashed a cheesy smile at him.

  Lamont grabbed Charisma’s hand and made his way into the party.

  “I think that went well.” Seth laughed.

  “I won’t miss seeing that slimeball.”

  “I guess we should get back to the party.”

  “Before we resume hosting duties, I need some help in the kitchen.”


  Morgan took his hand and led him toward the kitchen, but when they were out of sight of the guests, she made a sharp turn into Derek’s office. She locked the door and pushed Seth into the chair behind big oak desk, pulled up her dress and straddled him. Morgan covered her mouth with his and nipped on his lower lip so he would open up. She grabbed hold of his head and probed deeper, entwining their tongues. Seth reached under her dress and gripped her buttocks and pulled her over his bulge.

  “Did I tell you how sexy you look tonight?” Seth stroked her nipple through the chiffon material.

  “Yes, you did, but feel free to repeat it.” Morgan liberated Seth from his p
ants, lifted up and came back down on him.

  Morgan held onto the gold ears of the chair and rocked back, sending both of them into a passionate frenzy. Seth gripped her buttocks and moved her forward, catching her lower lip between his teeth. They began to move together, in a steady rhythm, eyes locked as the rush of the passion coursed through both of them like an electric current. Then suddenly the tempo picked up and became hurried, Seth pulled her forward and covered his mouth with hers when she started to climax. Morgan’s thighs began to quiver over his, trying to keep control of the position she was in, but she was losing it. She started to wiggle a bit and that set off an explosive chain reaction in him.

  “I love it when you’re pregnant.” Seth breathed into her hair.

  She purred and kissed him again, slow and sensuous. She wanted him to know how much she loved him. “That was wonderful…but we have to get back to our guests.”

  “Do we have to?” He pouted.

  “They’re all here to celebrate with you. It would be in poor taste to stay locked in the office with me.”

  “They’ll get over it.” He pulled her to him and kissed her again.

  Morgan giggled as Seth tried to undo all her progress in looking respectable enough to return to the party. She reminded him that Patton was worse than the boys when it came to busting up an intimate moment. And unless he wanted half of the team to end up in Derek’s office, they’d better get back before it was obvious they’d been gone so long.

  “I’m going to do a quick check in the ladies room and then I’ll join you,” she said. “How about we meet back in the office in half an hour for round two?” She waggled her eyebrows as she closed the door to Derek’s office and locked it with the key.

  He winked at her. “It’s a date.”

  * * *

  Morgan couldn’t wipe the silly smile off her face as she checked her makeup in the restroom mirror one last time and exited. When she passed the smaller reception room where they’d had the hors d’oeuvres, she heard crying and raised voices. Her breath caught and her heart sank. Please, not tonight of all nights. She opened the door to see Charisma and Lamont in a heated conversation. She heard her cousin say she’d had enough of his embarrassing, drunken behavior and she was leaving him.


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