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The Final Play

Page 4

by Rhonda Laurel

  “If you weren’t so jealous of Seth you wouldn’t have to get so smashed to be here. I’m leaving.” Charisma seethed.

  “You’ll go when I say you can go!”

  Morgan gasped as Lamont stepped in Charisma’s way, blocking the exit to the door. He gripped her arm so tight she shrieked.

  “Get your hands off her!” Morgan yelled. She scurried up behind them and grabbed at his arm to make him let go of her.

  Lamont turned and wrenched away from Morgan so hard that it sent her careening backward. Terrified, she looked around the immediate vicinity for something to steady herself. She clumsily stumbled a few more steps backward and was able to grip the back of a chair that was tucked under the table and steer herself into the chair next to it. Her heart was beating fast and the baby was kicking relentlessly, but she’d made it to the chair. She was shaking and tears welled up in her eyes and the room felt like it was spinning.

  Someone touched her. It was Elton’s wife Tricia.

  “Hang on, Morgan!” Tricia said as she turned and ran in the direction of the main dining room.

  “Lamont, what did you do?” Charisma screamed as she rushed over to Morgan’s side.

  “I didn’t see her!” he yelled. Lamont’s eyes widened as he walked toward her. “Morgan, are you OK?”

  Morgan held her hand up for him to stay away. She was still trying to get her breathing under control. She moved her hand over her belly in gentle mini circles to calm the baby down. A crowd was beginning to form at the door. Mike, Krista’s wife, pushed through the crowd and came over and asked if she were OK.

  Charisma marched over to Lamont and slapped him hard across the cheek. “Get out of here. I don’t want to see you ever again.”

  He looked like he wanted to respond in kind to the slap, but they now had an audience. The women standing at the door looked like they were waiting for him to flinch so they could pounce on him. Instead, he adjusted his suit jacket and looked over at Morgan. “I’m sorry. I didn’t see you.”

  “Get the hell out of here, Lamont.” Morgan glared at him.

  “Morgan, are you OK?” a frantic Charisma sobbed.

  “Yes. Are you?”

  “Never mind about me. Did he hit your stomach?”

  “No.” Morgan straightened up.

  “Oh my gosh, Morgan!” A barefoot Nina came running into the room with Tricia right behind her. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, I’m OK. My butt’s going to be sore tomorrow, but aside from that I’m good. Where are your shoes?” She looked down at Nina’s painted toes, which were the same color as her dress.

  “It would have taken me forever to get to you in those four-inch heels. Tricia ran into the other room and told us what was going on. I had someone call an ambulance.”

  “There was no need,” Morgan protested. The night just kept getting worse. Suddenly it occurred to her that if Nina knew, Seth had to know. “Where’s Seth?”

  The loud clang coming from the other room made the ladies turn their head in the direction of the ruckus. Suddenly Lamont came crashing through the double doors and fell on the floor with Seth hot on his trail, fists clenched, looking more furious than she’d ever seen him in her life.

  * * *

  The second Elton’s wife came running into the larger reception room to tell him that Lamont had pushed Morgan down on the floor, Seth snapped. He raced to the room they pointed out to him and came face-to-face with Lamont as he turned the corner, moving like the world was on fire. Seth grabbed him by the lapels and slammed him against the wall, then caught him square in the jaw with his fist, sending the wide receiver staggering. Bystanders cleared out of the way.

  “I told you what I would do to you if you put your hands on my wife,” Seth growled.

  “You want a piece of me pretty boy?” Lamont charged at Seth.

  The thought of Morgan lying on the floor possibly losing their baby girl only enraged him more so he started wailing on Lamont. Lamont tried to land a few punches to his stomach, but it was no use. The blind rage oozing out of Seth was years in the making. The inappropriate comments about his wife, the way he glanced at her with the lustful look in his eyes, and the way he’d insinuated himself into the Reed family under the guise of having a relationship with Charisma, all melded together to a destructive boiling point.

  He hammered on Lamont, raining punches, then threw the man through the double doors. Lamont hit the floor hard. Seth started after him again, but Patton and Elton got between him and the bloodied wide receiver.

  “If Morgan or my daughter is hurt Brayer, I swear I’ll kill you!” Seth lunged at him again, but Elton stepped in front of him.

  “It was an accident!” Lamont said. “I didn’t know it was her.”

  Patton grabbed Lamont up by the collar with one hand. “Lamont, leave now or Seth won’t be the only one beating your ass tonight.”

  “You taking his side? Look at what he did to me?” Lamont wiped blood from his mouth. He was bleeding all over the place, and his face was beginning to swell.

  “Get him out of here,” Patton barked. Terrance and Dante pushed Lamont toward the door. Seth only unclenched his fists when Lamont was finally gone.


  Seth’s heart sped up when he turned and saw Morgan standing there with her hand on her stomach. Seth rushed over to her and took her gently by the shoulders. He looked her over, barely able to breathe through his fear for her and the baby. He couldn’t see any visible scars, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have any. “Baby. We’re getting you to the hospital now.”

  “I’m fine. I just—” his wife started to protest.

  Nina came running in with her heels in her hand. “The ambulance is here. I told them to use the back entrance to avoid the media. Patton and I can handle things here, then we’ll come to the hospital.”

  He looked at Charisma, who appeared shaken too. “Both of you are going to the hospital.”

  “I really just want some aspirin and to go home,” Charisma sniffed.

  “It’s not a request. Both of you, in the ambulance now.” Seth scooped Morgan up in his arms and headed for the freight elevator where Crusher was waiting to get them out of the building.

  * * *

  Morgan felt like it was all a big fuss, but she wasn’t about to tell her husband right now. Seth looked like he was ready for round two with Lamont. During the ambulance ride, she tried to tell him repeatedly that she was sure the baby hadn’t been hurt, but he wasn’t hearing it. He wanted the best doctor in the hospital to give her a thorough exam and he wasn’t taking no for an answer. His hand looked bruised, but he said it didn’t hurt. He was so pissed right now she was sure he probably wouldn’t feel the pain for hours.

  As Crusher and another bouncer from the bar ushered them into the hospital, she was glad to see there were no photographers in sight. Of all the things to be worried about at this moment, hearing what had happened discussed ad nauseam in the news the next day was going to be the biggest headache. Seth asked for every prenatal test possible. A nurse took Charisma into a separate room. Seth helped Morgan out of her pretty dress and into the hospital gown without saying a word. Someone came immediately and hooked her up to the machines that monitored her vitals.

  Seth made calls to the family and relayed the night’s events, but assured them the trip to the hospital was just a precaution and there was no need to come to Philadelphia. Sydney and Curtis were watching the boys, so they were in good hands. An hour later Jared and Robert burst into the room and began swearing epithets about what they were going to do to Lamont. She told both her brothers to calm down and to go check on their cousin.

  Morgan gripped Seth’s hand as the doctor gave her a sonogram, hoping she was right about being OK. The doctor said the baby showed no signs of being in distress and her heartbeat was strong. Once the room finally quieted down and they were alone, Seth pulled up a chair next to the bed, put his head on her belly, and closed his eyes. Morgan ran he
r fingers through his hair.

  “I am so sorry. I put the baby in danger.” Morgan sobbed. “I did a stupid thing, trying to stop a grown man from hitting someone. I should have gone for help. I never should have gotten involved.”

  “Hey.” Seth lifted himself out of the chair and sat on the bed and wrapped his arms around her. “You saw someone in trouble and you reacted.”

  She cried even harder. “Please, don’t be comforting. Yell. Get angry. It’s OK if you’re angry with me. I put our daughter’s life in danger.”

  “I could never be angry with you.” He caressed her cheek.

  “But, I—”

  “Did nothing more than I would expect you to when someone you love is in trouble.”

  She stopped crying and gave him a funny look. “It was Charisma. Let’s not go too far.”

  He smiled. “OK. I know how you get when your family is in trouble. The mama bear in you comes out and you’re ready to maul somebody.”

  “Stop trying to cheer me up.” She sniffed.

  “Happy wife. Happy life.” Seth kissed her. “I know you’d never do anything to endanger her or the boys.”

  “I just reacted. I saw Charisma in that corner and all I thought about was when Isabelle went through that trouble with her ex-husband and I wasn’t there for her. I couldn’t stand the idea of seeing another woman in my family being hurt.”

  “I know. Lamont caused this, not you.” He squeezed her hand. “I am just grateful that you and the baby are not hurt.”

  “She’s a Blake and a Reed. That means she’s twice as stubborn and very scrappy, but I know we almost lost her tonight.” Morgan teared up again.

  “But thanks to an excellent play from her mother, she’s fine.” Seth silenced her with another kiss. “Get some sleep.”

  Morgan looked at him. “Seth, promise you’ll be here when I wake up. I don’t want you going off half-cocked looking to finish things with Lamont.”

  “I promise.”

  Morgan knew from the look in his eye that even though he didn’t agree with it, he was telling her the truth. But just to be sure, she wrapped her hand around his and cuddled it next to her face. If he tried to leave, she’d be sure to feel it.

  * * *

  Seth watched Morgan drift off to sleep after she finally got comfortable in the hospital bed. The nurse brought him an ice pack for his hand and something to eat. At first he refused the ice pack, but the nurse said that the rest of the hospital staff would never forgive her if she didn’t make sure the star quarterback could play in the next game. He flexed his hand. His index finger was pretty sore, but he’d worry about it later.

  His phone kept ringing, but he didn’t answer it. It was one of his teammates calling. He got a text message from Tate saying that Isabelle had stopped crying once he was able to convince her that Morgan was really OK, but she wanted to talk to Morgan as soon as she was up to it to hear for herself. Tyler had called earlier, but the doctor was in talking to Morgan so he wasn’t able to answer. He was sure Michelle was bouncing off the walls as well. His phone pinged again with a distinct ringtone, signaling a call from someone from upper management in the Titans organization. It was Jimmy Fontane. The news had already traveled far and wide and there was no stopping it.

  It had been a long night and he wanted nothing more than to take Morgan home but knew it was more prudent to keep her there under the careful observation of medical professionals. It made him feel better knowing the boys were safe in bed at their grandparents’. In an instant, his world had changed again and he knew how much it would have killed him if something had happened to his baby girl. Morgan was a tough cookie and thank heaven she was able to grab onto the chair to break her fall. He knew she’d been telling him the truth in the ambulance, but the angry part of him struggled to accept that she was all right and he didn’t need to be afraid for either of them anymore.

  He’d have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow, but that fight with Lamont was a long time coming. For years the wide receiver had not-so-secretly coveted his wife to the point that he’d taken up with her cousin Charisma. And it was a big relief that Charisma was finally seeing him for the asshole he really was.

  “Hey, big brother.” Tyler peeked his head into the hospital room.

  “Ty, what are you doing here?” Seth frowned. It was three o’clock in the morning. “I thought you were at a race in Lauderdale.”

  “We were worried,” Michelle whispered when she came in and saw Morgan sleeping. She scooted around the bed and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Morgan stirred but didn’t wake up.

  “She’s exhausted. Let’s go out into the hall,” Seth said and carefully pulled his hand out of Morgan’s tight grasp and ushered them out of the room.

  “I’m so glad nothing’s wrong with the baby.” Michelle gave him a hug.

  “I second that,” Tyler said. “I say we go to Lamont’s house and teach him a lesson.”

  “Tyler, as much as I agree with the sentiment, that won’t solve anything.” Michelle squeezed his hand. “Seth, when can Morgan go home?”

  “The doctors want to observe her for a while. We should be out of here by the afternoon if they feel she can be released.” Seth looked at his brother. There were only a few times in his life he’d seen him this agitated. He needed to give him something to do. “Can you two pick up the boys from Curtis and Sydney’s? We were supposed to pick them up in the morning before they go to church.”

  Tyler nodded. “Will do.”

  “Also, can you get on the phone with the rest of the family? Tell them you saw for yourself that Morgan’s fine and we’ll be leaving here soon,” Seth said.

  “Of course.” Michelle gave a stiff nod. She understood he was trying to keep Tyler from doing something crazy too. She noticed his hand and gasped. “Oh no. How bad is it?”

  “It looks worse than it is. Thank you both for dropping everything.” He hugged them both.

  “That’s what family is for.” They hugged him back.

  Seth watched them walked toward the elevator. He ran a hand over his face and went back into the room.

  “Was that Tyler and Michelle?” Morgan mumbled.

  “Yes. They’re going to pick up the boys from your parents’ house.”

  “That’s good. What did the doctor say about your hand?”

  “I’m sure it’s fine.” He flexed it, ignoring the pain in his index finger and giving her a confident smile.

  She gave him an expectant look. “Is that so, Dr. Blake?”

  “It’s my expert opinion. So how are my two favorite ladies?”

  “Feel for yourself.” Morgan placed his hand on her belly. “She ready to run a marathon.”

  “That’s a good sign.”

  “It’s a great sign.” She grinned.

  “Damn right.”

  “How bad is the fallout?” She reached for the television remote, but he moved it out of the way.

  “Don’t know. Don’t care. I don’t want to think about that right now.”

  “Babe, you rearranged Lamont’s face. His nose is where his lips used to be, and your hand is swollen.”

  “Nothing he didn’t deserve.”

  There was a light tap on the door and then it opened. It was Charisma, still dressed in her hospital gown. The bruise was visible from where Lamont had grabbed her arm.

  “Hi,” she said in a low voice.

  “Charisma, how are you feeling?” Seth asked.

  “I’m fine. Just a few bruises. I wanted to leave after they checked me over, but the doctor said the family insisted I stay for observation. Robert and Jared are still here.” She tried to smile.

  He nodded. “You were in no shape to go home.”

  “Seth, do you mind if I talk to Morgan alone?”

  “Sure, I’ll go have a cup of coffee with Robert and Jared.” He kissed Morgan and headed for the door, but he then stopped. He had something to say to Charisma and maybe she was receptive to hearing it after the night they’d
just had. “Charisma, don’t ever think you have to settle for treatment like that from Lamont or any other guy. I can beat him up a hundred times, but it won’t mean anything if you don’t believe you can do better than him.”

  “Thank you.” Charisma’s eyes teared up.

  Seth smiled at Morgan. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “Hey,” Morgan called. “Promise me you won’t leave the hospital for round two with Lamont. Your daughter wants you to stay and get that X-ray.”

  “How can I go against her wishes?” He smiled and exited the room.

  * * *

  “That’s one hell of a guy you have.” Charisma wiped away a tear that was streaming down her face.

  “I know.” Morgan smiled.

  “How are you and the baby doing, really?”

  “Fine. She’s tough and I was blessed with a firm, plush bottom, as grandma would say.”

  “Thank goodness.” Charisma walked over to the window and stared out. “I’m so sorry about all of this. I should have known Lamont had an ulterior motive when he brought me to the party. I used to think he was a hot head because he was a pro-football player with a demanding career. But he’s just an egotistical jerk who doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself.”

  “Lamont, self-centered? Who would have thought it?” Morgan quipped.

  “I know. What a shocker.” She sighed. “I’ve turned a blind eye to so many things he’s done in the past. Including his obsession with you.”

  “I think he fixated on me to piss Seth off.”

  “It was more than that. You know it and I’m finally beginning to accept it.”

  Morgan shifted in the bed. She felt like getting up and walking around but didn’t want to incur Seth’s wrath if he saw her. “What are you going to do about Lamont?”


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