The Final Play

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The Final Play Page 10

by Rhonda Laurel

  “Can you do me favor?”

  Morgan laughed. “Depends on what it is.”

  “Can you just splurge on one extravagant, over-the-top, thing? Loosen up a little bit.”

  Morgan bid Charisma farewell as Seth and the boys returned from their hockey lesson. Too many years of ill feelings had gone by between the cousins, but there was still hope in Morgan’s heart that she could let go of the things that once hurt her so deeply.

  “How was the lesson?” Morgan hugged Seth as the boys trotted their hockey gear to their rooms.

  He raised an eyebrow. “How was your talk with Charisma?”

  “Let’s chat while we make dinner? I think we have forty minutes before the kids become animated again.”

  “Sounds good to me.” He kissed her.

  * * *

  Seth slid out of bed, careful not to wake Morgan. They’d had quite an adventurous day packing up the last of the things they’d be taking with them to Texas. The boys wanted to take every toy they owned and he couldn’t blame them. He knew having familiar things around would help in the transition from city living to ranch life. Mackenzie would fare the best out of the move. She was still too young to be accustomed to anything except getting lots of love from the family. She wouldn’t remember the fast-paced life they lived due to his football schedule. He was hoping to make up for lost time with the boys too.

  Seth went from room to room, assessing things and taking note of the new boxes scattered about. He picked up one of Colby’s ducks that was in the hall instead of lined up on the table in the bathroom with the other bath time toys. Connor’s toy plane was on his desk. Jake was reading at a level two grades higher than his current year, and Morgan scoured the bookstore for books to titillate his expanding intellect. He opened the door to Jake’s room to find all of the boys were sleeping in his bed. No matter what Jake did, they’d sneak in with him, and he’d make room and they’d all talk to each other until they fell asleep. It took all of their collective energy to keep up with three boys, but at the end of the night he and Morgan told each other how grateful they were to have such great boys.

  He remembered the day he bought the penthouse. It was his first major and biggest real estate purchase at the time. The houses he owned when he was briefly with the other football teams were more modest than this one. He’d never wanted to invest in anything big before he came to Philadelphia. He figured since the hype about his joining the team was being covered non-stop, he’d do something big and ostentatious to show the world he was ready for that playboy image they’d already attached to him just because style magazines had fixated on him being a pretty face in a rough sport. It did go to his head a little, but Penny’s constant rejection was the death knell of his good-guy image, so he gave the public what they wanted. Dating models, partying, and jet-setting were the things he used to do in his off seasons. But his brothers would rein him in when he got too wild.

  From the time he’d signed the contract, he’d had a feeling that it was his destiny to play for the Titans. They were a team that needed a good quarterback, and he was fired up and ready to prove himself. The memory of J.J.’s injury loomed in his mind heavily back then and it drove him to be better because his brother was robbed of his dream life. J.J. was the original all-American, handsome, poster boy quarterback until it was all taken away in the blink of an eye. When J.J. focused his energy on coaching him privately, he knew that any victory going forward would be for the both of them.

  Now he was out of the game and there were new things to consider. The day he woke up after the Super Bowl, he felt elated and panicked. For the first time in years there was no specific structure in his life. He’d normally spend the day mapping out his fitness routine and his diet, but instead he got up and made the family pancakes. Business offers were pouring in, so he asked his father for advice. John Jacob told him to relish in the accomplishments that not many people in the sport had achieved and enjoy this time with his family. He’d secured his place in football history and his name would be the topic of conversation for years to come.

  Seth gingerly opened the door to Mackenzie’s nursery. She looked like she was enjoying a good sleep. Those cute little cheeks moved ever so slightly as she breathed in and out. Morgan had put the cutest pink pajamas on her with a little frill at the edges of the collar and the sleeves. They had an appointment at six thirty, which was usually when she started to wake from her slumber and would be ready for breakfast and her bath.

  Mackenzie fought sleep the hardest out of all of the kids, especially at nap time. It must have been tough to settle down while there was so much activity going on around her. The boys made sure they included her in their fun even though she didn’t understand much of what was going on. It was so sweet to see all of the Blake children welcome her once they understood that a girl wasn’t cramping their style.

  He knew Morgan would kill him if she found out, but he couldn’t resist spending some alone time with his daughter. He pulled the blanket down a little bit on her and kissed her on the forehead when she didn’t wake he picked her up and cradled her in his arms. He grabbed the blanket and went into the kitchen to grab a bottle for Mackenzie in case she woke and a juice and popcorn for himself.

  So what would he do now? The possibilities were endless, but right now he was happy watching Mackenzie and the boys grow every day. His dad told him there was an office waiting for him at Blake Enterprises if he wanted, but he respected any choice Seth made. He continued milling around the house until he entered the war room. He thought maybe there was a Western on he could watch with her, but the television was already on and there was a note on the side table under the remote, next to his favorite chair.

  Queued up a highlight from the Super Bowl game for you and Mackenzie to watch together.

  Seth took a seat and pressed play. The screen came on and it was a roundtable interview he’d done after the team received their trophies. The men at the table were all former players who had engaged him in a meaningful conversation about what that moment meant to him.

  “Has this all sunk in yet? The magnitude of securing your place in football history has to be mind-blowing. Because we all know you’re headed to the hall of fame,” Chet Michaels, a former running back and hall of famer asked him.

  Seth leaned forward and spoke into the microphone in his hand. The one they’d attached to his shirt wasn’t working. “I have to say that this has been one of the greatest achievements of my life, but nothing tops being a husband and a dad. Knowing that someone loves you and understands your life’s dreams and is waiting for you when you get home every day is a great feeling. Without that family comradery and loving support I don’t know if I’d be sitting here today.”

  Seth smiled. Perhaps it was time to take his own advice. He’d enjoy this down time to revel in the life he’d built. He lowered the volume on the television and picked up his cell phone. He knew it was late, but he hoped he wasn’t disturbing them.

  “Hey, Daddy,” Seth said when John Jacob answered.

  “What’s wrong?” John Jacob said. “Is everyone OK? Is it one of the kids?”

  “No, nothing like that. Everyone is fine. Sorry for the scare.”

  “How’s Sweet Pea? Is she sleeping through the night yet?”

  “She would if I didn’t take her out of her crib.” He let out a soft laugh.

  “Morgan’s going to get you.” He laughed too. “Still wired from the big win?”


  John Jacob chuckled. “I can imagine winning the Super Bowl would do that to a person.”

  “I’m still riding that wave, too. But it occurred to me that I’m unemployed.” He sighed and stroked Mackenzie’s hair.

  “I wouldn’t say unemployed, just intentionally displaced right now. Don’t worry son, right now it’s a shock to your system. You’re in the middle of a big life change and it will take some time.”

  “How did you adjust after your retirement?”

“Your mama told me to let go and let J.J. and Bubba takeover. It’s the best decision I ever made.”

  “One thing’s for sure, I could spend the rest of my days holding Mackenzie in my arms.”

  * * *

  Morgan followed the navigation directions to the winery with ease as Michelle chatted about store business. Michelle had learned about the hidden gem at a food tasting festival hosted by the network that aired her show. It was the perfect place to kick back and enjoy the beautiful spring weather. The winery wasn’t too far from Philadelphia, and it was good to spend some time alone with her friend. She didn’t mind that her best friend spent most of her time hibernating with her husband, Morgan remembered the newlywed days well, when she and Seth would spend weekends in bed making love, snacking on food, and watching movies.

  She saw the sign for the winery and pulled into the parking lot. She loved the atmosphere at the place. There was a live band and tables facing the vineyard. The soft glow of the sun shining on the vineyard reminded her of Napa Valley.

  Morgan put her sunglasses on and got out of the car. “So, are you doing the full tasting?”

  “Yes, it’s no fun if you can’t sample everything.” Michelle giggled as she retrieved the pizza they’d brought with them.

  “Well, I’m the designated driver, so drink to your heart’s content.” Morgan linked arms with her and went over to the tasting station.

  After sampling the many wines, Michelle chose a crisp Riesling to drink with lunch and bought a few bottles for home. And a sparkling pomegranate juice concoction for Morgan. She was pretty good at pairing wine with dishes, and Morgan often enjoyed her friend’s dinner parties. She was going to miss seeing Michelle on a daily basis. She’d been trying to put up a good front, until she’d broken down the other night while taking a bubble bath. Seth came and offered comforting words and suggested she and Michelle spend some time together and talk about how their lives together were changing.

  They got a table in a nearby tent and dove into the pizza. Morgan looked over at Michelle, noticing how she radiated these days.

  “I bought some things for Mackenzie when I was in Boston for that food event.”

  “Oh no.” Morgan groaned. “What did you get?”

  “I found the cutest rain slicker and matching hat that looks like a ladybug.”

  “And?” Morgan said, knowing there was more coming.

  “A custom-made Koala bear named Addison and matching lavender jogging suits. But we’re not going to be doing any physical activity. We’re too cute to exert ourselves.” Michelle stuck her tongue out at her.

  “That’s actually pretty tame. Cassidy bought her a gavel with the words Future Supreme Court Justice engraved on it, and Sam sent her a karate outfit.”

  Michelle nodded. “She’s going to be so well-rounded.”

  Morgan dabbed her mouth with her napkin. “So, Shayla is working out well.”

  “I like her. She’s efficient and eager to learn. Good management material.” Michelle nodded as she tried to rein in a stringy piece of cheese still attached to the pizza. “But that’s not what you want to talk about. Is it?”

  Morgan put her pizza down and gulped some juice. Her eyes teared up. “No. I’m going to miss you. The store. You are such a big part of my life. Having dinner with you and Tyler.”

  “I’m going to miss you too. You and Seth are the reason Tyler and I became respectable adults.” Michelle smiled.

  “So you don’t think I’m abandoning you?”

  “You prepared me for the move five years ago. And I am delighted we’re in-laws now. We live on the same ranch, for heaven’s sake, and Tyler and I will be visiting often.”

  “Well, that is a plus. The boys would miss your lobster mac and cheese.” Morgan bit into her pizza.

  “Can I tell you a secret?”

  “Sure.” Morgan put her finger to her lips. “You can’t be pregnant or you would have passed on the vineyard today. And it would kill me if you didn’t tell me the moment you conceived.”

  Michelle giggled. “I think Tyler would like to know first, but you are the next person to call.”

  “I suppose I can live with that. So what’s the secret?”

  “Tyler and I have been talking about the future. You know we want to have kids, but that will be no time soon. We’re enjoying the hectic lives we lead. He’s been talking about getting his feet wet at Blake Enterprises.”

  “Really? I thought he liked racing.”

  “He loves it, but he said he doesn’t want to do it forever. He’s been having a lot of talks with John Jacob and he’s more confident about wanting to contribute something to the family business. So he’ll be learning the ropes when he’s not racing. Which means we’ll be in Texas more.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “We’re going to have to come to some decisions about the bookstore.”

  “Let’s talk about that another day.” She raised her glass to clink with Michelle’s.

  Morgan and Michelle watched as the lead singer of the band sipped on lemon water and read sheet music, getting ready for the next set. The sun beaming and nice breeze made it feel like a perfect day. She loved Michelle and couldn’t imagine her life without her. They’d both grown so much. She remembered the days when they’d lamented about being single and had planned to be cat ladies together. Now they were family in more ways than one. She looked over at Michelle who was nibbling on another slice of pizza. She loved her sister dearly.

  * * *

  Seth walked into the living room to see Morgan staring at the family picture on the wall above the mantle. The movers were ready to go and the protective sheeting on the furniture had been placed that morning to prevent dust accumulating while they were away. Although, they weren’t selling the place, a feeling of nostalgia hit them both last night. Even now he could hear the laughter of the kids running through the house with Morgan chasing after them. Those memories would stay with him forever.

  “Babe, the last box is on the truck.”

  “Good.” Morgan wiped a tear away. “I was just thinking of the first time I visited you here. I saw this wonderful place and wanted to run for the hills. I thought I wouldn’t fit into your world.”

  He chuckled. “I was so nervous that night.”

  “You were?” Her eyes brightened.

  “I knew if I couldn’t convince you to take a chance on us, that I’d lose you forever. And that was something I wasn’t prepared to do.”

  “Thank goodness you’re tenacious.”

  “A man in love will do things he never thought possible.” He kissed her.

  She walked over to the corner. “Remember Jake fell for the first time here? He got up and dusted himself off and kept going. And I cried like a crazy woman for hours.” She moved to the fireplace. “Connor sat up all night because he thought Santa was coming down the chimney.” And then she walked over to the couch and pointed at a faint stain. “Colby decided he was going to paint the couch.”

  “And don’t forget all the moonlight slow dances we did when the kids were asleep.” He took her hand and twirled her around.

  “Who could forget that? You taught me how to line dance in your boxer shorts.”

  “And the time the kids wanted to know what we were getting them for Christmas so they hid the baby monitor in between the couch cushions.” Seth laughed.

  “Mackenzie had her first bottle here in your favorite armchair when we came home from the ranch with her.” She sighed.

  “We did good work here. We built a spectacular life against the odds. People were so sure we were too different for it to last. I want you to know that I’ve enjoyed every moment since you came into my life. You and our beautiful children are what give my life meaning. It’s what makes my heart beat every day. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  He kissed her hard. “Now let’s go make some memories in our Texas house. The Ashcroft will be here and we can visit whenever we want. We’ll nev
er sell this place. This is where all our dreams came true.”

  Morgan and Seth got on the elevator with the kids and smiled, looking forward to the next chapter in their lives.

  ~ About the Author ~

  Rhonda Laurel is a contemporary interracial/multicultural romance writer whose two great loves are writing and landscape photography. She uses both as a vehicle to convey the complexity of the human spirit and the beauty of the world around her. Ebb Tide, For the Love of the Game and Masquerade were released in 2012. Shutter, Memories of You, Star Crossed, MVP, California Bored and Tourism and The Blake Legacy in 2013. The print anthology, The Rhonda Laurel Collection, featuring Ebb Tide, For the Love of the Game and Shutter released June 2013. Texas Heat, Love Notes & Football and The Perfect Storm, books 4, 5 and 6 in The Blake Boys Series released in 2014. Slow Burn, Hollywood Heat, Cowboy’s Heart, Tempting Fate, Executive Desires, and Meet the Blakes released in 2015.

  The author is happily building her backlist.

  Discover more about Rhonda Laurel here

  ~ Also by Rhonda Laurel ~

  The Blake Boys Series

  For the Love of the Game

  The Blake Boys Book One

  Rhonda Laurel

  This quarterback is making the greatest play of his life…

  Quiet bookstore owner Morgan Reed can’t wait to lie on the beach on her much-needed tropical vacation, but getting tackled by a tall, green-eyed stranger playing touch football isn’t exactly what she had in mind. Neither is falling for said stranger, or going along with the eccentric islander who sends them off with a mock wedding. But all’s fair when it comes to vacation romance, and Morgan has plenty of time to get back to reality when she gets home.


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