Nocked Over
Page 6
I lifted a hand over my shoulder in dismissal. “I’ll bring it back in a few minutes.”
I headed toward the metal skeleton with a healthy sense of determination and an unhealthy amount of bravado.
I told myself I could do it.
I assured myself I was up to it.
I tried not to look up.
I eyeballed a rickety-looking elevator that had been rigged on the side of the building and strode toward it. An extremely lean but muscular man with longish blond hair sticking out messily from under his hard hat was just climbing into the elevator as I reached it. I slid in behind him and said, “Twenty please.”
He looked at me, his grizzled jaw dropping unattractively, and then slid his gaze meaningfully over my apparel. I was, of course, wearing a skirt. It suddenly occurred to me that perhaps it wasn’t the smartest thing to ride to the top of a structure without floors in a skirt, with about a hundred men standing at different points beneath you.
Some of my determination leaked away. But I just frowned at the guy holding the lever of the rickety elevator and waited. After a moment he shook his head and pulled the “door”, which was really only a piece of wood with a cheap-looking latch on one side, closed and shoved the lever back.
We jerked into upward motion and I concentrated on willing my stomach to remain in the center of my body as we swayed from side to side and jerked from floor to floor.
By the time we reached twenty I was pretty sure I was green.
The construction worker pushed the wood barrier open and motioned for me to precede him out of the elevator. “Twentieth floor. Women’s undergarments and accessories.” He waggled his eyebrows at me.
I gave him a weak, aha, aha. My feet suddenly wouldn’t move. The elevator had a floor. Maybe I could just stand there and call Chet Adkins to me like a dog.
Here, Mr. Adkins. Come, Chet. Here, boy.
I sighed, knowing he would probably be too far away to hear me. Especially, I realized as I took a cautious step out onto the makeshift floor of plywood someone had thrown across the beams as a temporary walkway, since the wind up at that level was pretty intense.
I stepped onto the plywood, testing it carefully with my weight before emerging completely from the elevator, and was almost blown to the ground by a particularly rambunctious gust of wind. I tottered and, unfortunately for my dedication to my cause, looked down. I gave a little whimper and grabbed a nearby beam, wrapping my arms around it with unnatural fervor. I was suddenly unsure if I could go on. It was a very long way down. And there was very little holding me up.
And I was wearing a damn skirt!
Maybe if I just stood there clutching that beam long enough he’d eventually circle back to me. I mean, he needed to use the elevator, right?
The wind whipped at me, seemingly from all directions at once, pulling my hair into a tangled knot on one side of my head and jerking my jacket and skirt around until I was pretty sure everybody on the nineteen floors beneath me knew not only what color underwear I had on but what size and style too.
This was nuts, I decided as my self-protection instincts kicked in. I’d just get back in that elevator and go down to the ground. I’d wait to speak with Chet Adkins there.
Having made the decision to take the coward’s way out, I felt a little better.
That was when I heard a noise behind me and turned to see what was happening. I was just in time to see the little elevator car dropping below floor level.
The construction worker’s eyes were somewhere below the hem of my skirt and as I met his eyes with my horror-filled gaze he smiled and gave me a thumbs up. “I love thongs!” he informed me.
Oh lord!
I clutched that beam in pure terror for a few minutes and then I heard voices. Even with the wind roaring in my ears they sounded like they weren’t too far away so I made a sudden decision to try to make my way to them.
It took a minute for me to force my grip off the beam and another few minutes to get my feet to move. But once I started walking it got a little easier. I made my way toward the corner of the huge building and when I reached the end of the wooden walkway, I peeked around the corner.
There he was. Talking to one of his men, probably a foreman since he held a clipboard and seemed slightly more intense than the other men I’d encountered.
He was nearly at the other end of the building.
I looked down and saw that the temporary flooring ended a few inches from the corner but picked up again a few inches from the edge of the corner on the other side. This left a gap of about twelve or fifteen inches where I had to either negotiate naked beam or jump.
After giving this due consideration I decided I’d rather jump. Walking on that slick-looking beam in shoes with heels didn’t sound like a doable option. Before I could think too much about what I was doing and, most likely, freeze up totally, I grabbed the edge of the beam rising to my right and swung myself around, jumping to close the gap between the boards. A sudden gust of wind flailed against my back as I jumped, giving me a little extra push that I hadn’t been expecting. I squeaked as I felt the wind driving me too far forward and I landed on the walkway knees first, sprawling unattractively across the boards. I just lay there for a moment, embarrassed beyond words and trying to take physical inventory.
I had a sudden moment of panic as I wondered if I’d dropped the file I’d been clutching. Without that all of the stupidity I’d just indulged in would be for nothing.
Totally wasted stupidity.
But, looking down, I saw that it was safely squashed between the dusty plywood and my once beautiful blouse.
I expected at any moment to hear a deep male voice inquiring into my well-being. I both welcomed and dreaded it. A hand up would have been nice too. But when it never came I looked up, still clutching the edges of the walkway like my life depended on it. Which of course it did.
They were gone.
I gave a frustrated sob as I realized they must have gone around the far corner to the other side of the building.
I lay there for a long moment, cataloging my options. I could either slither on my belly to the end of the building, thereby ensuring the complete loss of all my dignity and completely ruining a great little suit and an expensive pair of nylons. Or I could be a man and stand back up.
It took everything I had in me to push to my feet and start walking toward that far corner. But finally I got there.
Peeking around the corner, I saw Chet standing alone looking out over the city. His foreman was gone.
I called out to him but the wind kept whipping my words away from me. It took me five tries before he heard me.
He turned in surprise and his face folded in displeasure as he recognized me. He started toward me with angry strides. “Ms. Charissa, what the hell are you doing up here? Don’t you know how dangerous this is?” He easily leapt around the corner and quickly sized me up.
I looked down and saw that the knees had been ripped out of my nylons, my skirt had a huge brown smudge across the front and my white blouse was filthy and missing a couple of buttons. My pretty lace bra was playing peek-a-boo from between the buttons.
Trying in vain to pull the edges of my snug-fitting blouse back together while still clutching my file as well as a nearby vertical beam, I knew I was a pathetic sight.
No matter. I just needed to do what I’d come up there to do and then get the hell out. I fumbled in the folder and pulled out a glossy photo of Chet Adkins’ match. Since I couldn’t get them together in the same room I had to go to Plan B. The arrow ceremony using a photo.
“I…” The wind buffeted me and I clutched my beam tighter, “I wanted to show you this.”
He frowned and looked at the picture I held out to him. The wind roiled around us, pulling the edges of the photo together so he couldn’t get a clear view of it. I fought to pull the edges apart but he finally stopped me with a large, warm hand.
“Why don’t you give it to
me?” His voice sounded a bit like he was dealing with a demented person. Maybe he was. I didn’t even know anymore.
I waited until I thought his fingers had a good grip on the photo and then I let go. He held it close to his body and pulled it open.
That was when I realized I’d forgotten to get my delivery system ready. I fumbled in my pocket and slid it on over my finger, cocking an arrow quickly.
He frowned as he finally managed to pull the edges of the photo open and saw what I’d given him. He held it out to the side in one hand.
“You came all the way up here to give me this? I’ve already seen this picture. It’s a good picture but…”
I opened my mouth to respond just as a gust of wind took the picture and blew it out of his hand.
Horrified, I watched it sail out into open space.
My little arrow was nocked, with no place to go.
Chapter Five
Cheating the Fates
I hung my head and cursed the Fates as the photo dipped and swung in the swirling air currents, just out of reach. Then, as if somebody in the Fates’ office heard and responded, the photo suddenly swung toward the building again.
I reached out a hand and grabbed it, willing the wind to stop blowing just for the split second I’d need to send my little arrow to its destination and held the photo up in front of Chet Adkins.
“Look at this picture, Mr. Adkins.” I infused my command with just enough magic to bring his head around and his focus to the picture.
As soon as his eyes lit on the face in the picture I sent my arrow flying. He slapped at his neck as it struck but didn’t take his eyes from the photo of his newly made and finalized match.
I handed him the picture and wiped sweaty palms on my ruined skirt.
“I wish you a long and joyous life together.”
He didn’t even notice me as I left. He was transfixed by the pretty face of his new love.
Now all I needed to do was get to her before he did. I quickened my steps as I headed back the way I’d come.
I didn’t even care anymore if I fell to my death hurrying. I just wanted off that damn building. Next I had to go into a preschool filled with dozens of screaming, energetic little kids with sticky fingers and snotty noses.
Compared to what I’d just survived it sounded like a day in the park.
I stumbled into my apartment and closed the door behind me, leaning against the cool surface and closing my eyes.
Blissful, calming silence.
And not one snotty nose in the place.
I opened my eyes and dropped the two battered and sticky folders on the buffet table beside the door. I kicked off my shoes and headed into the kitchen for a cold beer, pulling my cell phone out of my jacket pocket as I walked.
It was sticky too.
I grimaced and punched auto-dial for the office. I spoke to Becky and told her I would not be back into the office. I’d had enough fun for the day.
Glancing at the clock over the stove, I saw that it was four thirty. A good time to have a beer and a long soak in the tub.
I took my beer into the bathroom and pulled off my clothes, flinging them directly into the trash. They were ruined, destroyed, beyond saving.
When I’d gutted the condominium apartment I lived in and updated it, I’d added a claw-footed tub with whirlpool jets to the master bathroom. It was a ridiculous extravagance. But I loved to soak in a tub and the jets felt really good after a hard day. And let’s face it, I was a god after all, money wasn’t a problem for me.
I stepped into the hot, swirling water and sank back, sipping my beer and thinking I’d maybe stay there all night. It felt sooooo good. My only regret as I leaned back and let the magic fingers of water massage the tension out of my body was that I hadn’t hit the play button on my CD player before immersing myself in neck-high water.
Sighing, I briefly considered getting back out. But I decided against it and just waved my hand at the player. The beautiful sound of my favorite Celtic music filled the room. I tried not to use my magic any more than was absolutely necessary. But I figured I’d more than earned a little cheat.
I leaned back again and closed my eyes, immersing myself in the healing warmth of the water and the soothing tones of the lilting music.
I almost didn’t hear the doorbell over the music. And when I finally did I just ignored it. I couldn’t face whoever it was. With my luck it would be Dema Pence wondering why I hadn’t called her yet about…
“Now that’s a truly stupendous sight.”
I jumped and my head slid under the water. I came up sputtering and dropped my beer. Large, masculine hands caught it before it could hit the hard tile floor and shatter into a million pieces like my nerves.
Instead of handing the beer back to me, Bion raised it to his lips and took a swig. His eyes closed in pleasure. “Ah. That really tastes good.” He sat down on the closed toilet lid and stared at me, still sipping my beer.
“Wha-what are you doing in my bathroom?”
He grinned and lifted the bottle, “Drinking a beer and enjoying a truly phenomenal view.”
I frowned. “You need to leave. Right now.”
He grinned again. I couldn’t believe it. “I’m serious!”
He shook his dark head and took another sip. “I’m not leaving.”
I surged upright, my hands going to my hips in total outrage. “Yes you are!”
He frowned. “Don’t do that unless you want me to come in there after you.”
I looked down and saw that my breasts had risen above the soapy water, my nipples halved by the quickly cooling water. They were so hard they popped the soap bubbles whenever they touched them. I started to slump back down but a surge of anger, most likely fueled by my heretofore god-awful day, kept me upright. Instead I straightened, even pushing my chest out a little. “You wouldn’t dare!”
I knew as soon as I said it that it was a mistake.
Bion stared at me for a moment with those intense, green eyes. Then he shook his head and set the beer bottle down on the countertop. Rising to his feet, he yanked the tight, navy blue t-shirt he’d been wearing off over his head.
I bit back a gasp as pure, unfettered lust slid through me and warmth pooled between my legs. I clenched hard against the hot wave of desire.
Bion’s chest was smooth, wide and tanned a warm golden brown. Soft black hair curled in the vee created by the perfect mounds of his pecs. His small brown nipples were already pebbled with desire and I fought an overwhelming urge to pull him down to my level so I could suck on them.
Without moving his gaze from mine, he toed his sneakers off and unbuttoned his jeans. Any anger I might have been nurturing was long gone by the time those jeans hit the floor.
I gulped.
He grinned at me. “Be careful, you’re forgetting to be mad at me.”
I forced my face into a frown. “I’m plenty mad. You better…um…you better…”
He walked toward me, his long, hard cock bobbing enticingly as he approached. Then he leaned over the tub and took my bottom lip into his mouth, sucking it gently until I moaned. “I better what?” He pushed the drain lever on the tub and cooling water started swirling out.
“You better get the hell into this tub right now.”
He shook his head again. “Not quite yet.” He knelt down beside the tub and reached toward the nipple closest to him, which was now exposed because of the retreating water. He tugged it gently between his thumb and finger. I dropped my head to the back of the tub and sighed. I concentrated hard on that finger, which continued its journey down the underside of my breast to my stomach and then gently made a circle around my bellybutton. My stomach was covered in residual bubbles and quivered softly in anticipation.
He brushed the bubbles off my belly and found the faint line of hair that trailed from my bellybutton down into the soft mound of dark curls that arched toward him.
The adventuresome
finger slid through the damp, soapy triangle of hair and I spread my legs, resting my knees against the sides of the tub to give him better access. As his finger reached my throbbing clitoris, I shivered in anticipation. He stopped and reached for the faucet. “We need more hot water.”
I nearly screamed in frustration. “If you don’t touch me right now I’m calling the police and getting you arrested for breaking and entering.”
He threw back his dark head and laughed. The sound inserted itself into the throbbing place between my legs and caused a minor explosion there before traveling up to make my stomach clench. “The door wasn’t locked. I’m sure I heard you call out for me to come in.”
I lifted a single, dark eyebrow at him. “I didn’t call out and getting you to come in right now is exactly the problem.”
He laughed again and I pressed my knees together, riding out the reverberations that the deep, rumbling sound had caused. He stood up, shut the faucet off and touched my shoulder. “Scoot forward.”
I quickly complied and he slid in behind me. I gasped aloud as his cock pressed between my shoulder blades and slid down on a warm trail of water and bubbles to nestle between my buttocks. When he was seated behind me he reached under my thighs and lifted me so that his cock slid between my legs, jutting happily upward.
I reached down and cupped the soft, puckered flesh of his balls and then slid my hand slowly up the length of him, using gentle but firm pressure that caused his toes to curl. He returned the favor by reaching around me and inserting a finger into my moist folds.
I moaned and increased the tempo on his beautiful cock, reaching down to cup his balls with my other hand. His finger moved in and out of me in a matching tempo, allowing me to determine the intensity of our touches. As I neared climax I slowed the tempo of my strokes and he did the same.
His lips touched my ear and I shivered. “Stand up.”
I quickly complied.
“Turn around.”
I carefully turned in the tub.
He directed my legs into a wide stance that put my feet to the outside of his muscular thighs and then pulled my mons toward his face. I felt the soft bristle on his cheeks as he pressed a kiss first onto one wet, soapy thigh and then the other. His lips touched my quivering belly in a featherlight kiss that made moisture pool between my legs and gooseflesh pebble my skin.