Little Doll

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Little Doll Page 8

by Melissa Jane

  Her lace panties stood no chance as they were pulled down to reveal moist pink lips, the dominatrix taking her time eyeing off the aroused sex in front of her, then addressing it with her lips and tongue. The girl receiving pleasure writhed and moaned against her impending orgasm, her hips rising to meet the possessive mouth of her lover.

  Sophia jerked on the chain, pulling me out of my shock.

  “Your turn,” she said, her voice dripping with ice.

  She pulled on the chain again, urging me to follow as she spun on her toes, her lustrous dark hair fanning out as she did.

  Had she been smoking something? Digging my heels deeper into the lush carpet I refused to move even an inch. Sophia whipped around, her eyes ablaze with a wild fury, her face only inches away from mine.

  “Have you never been with a woman?” she asked, sensual curiosity playing in her eyes, yet she failed to hide the venomous undertone in her voice. Fuck, she was one scary woman!

  “What? No, I haven’t, ever!” I stammered.

  “Now is your time then, chica,” she laughed a little, her small smile adding a wealth of beauty to her usually sour expression. Her tone softened, the stark contrast in her demeanor catching me off guard. “Follow my lead, I won’t hurt you,” she said reassuringly.

  “I can’t do this. I - I won’t do this,” I said in a small voice that threatened to break. The whole thing was ludicrous and there was no way in hell I was going to be thrown in that bull ring.

  Sophia leaned in and whispered quickly so only I could hear, her tone laced with disdain.

  “Don’t be stupid enough to think you have a choice in the matter. Hector will not hesitate to have you humiliated in front of all these people.”

  “What are you talking about? This is humiliation!” I stressed. This might be a common occurrence for them at their sick parties, but it certainly wasn’t normal where I came from.

  She laughed mockingly, her eyes narrowing to small slits. “Chica," she whispered, "you have not seen the humiliation Hector is well known for. His reputation is built on it. He doesn’t care about your tears or your screams. He only cares that your spirit is broken in front of as many people as possible. Each and every person in this place will have you against your will… do unspeakable things to you. You won't be able to walk, talk or feel human for a very long time after. That is humiliation. The only other option to this… is death. Is that what you want? 'Cause I don’t.”

  She couldn’t hide the sadness in her eyes and I wondered if she had known this humiliation experience first-hand. I suddenly felt for the girl in front of me. While the other girls appeared to be living the dream, I feared Sophia had been a victim initially before becoming trapped in this hell.

  In my peripheral vision, I saw a flicker of movement. It was Aiden.

  Relief flooded through me knowing he was still here. But as quickly as I was relieved, hope plummeted when I saw him walking toward the door with two identically dressed men following close behind.

  Despite everything that was going on, my curiosity was piqued and I wondered briefly why they were leaving in such haste.

  As if reading my thoughts, Aiden stopped abruptly, causing the men behind him to almost crash into his back. Turning his face toward me, he paused for a few seconds whilst holding my gaze. His troubled expression caught me off-guard as his brows knitted together. Was it with guilt?

  With seeming reluctance, he turned back around to head through the door guarded by Carlos.

  Knowing what was about to occur, I didn’t know if I should be pleased he wouldn’t witness the sickening act or fearful that my one source of hope and safeguard was now abandoning me.

  Sophia nudged my shoulder roughly with her bony fingers to regain my focus. She had been watching me intently, fuming that I wasn’t paying attention to her words of warning.

  Over two dozen sets of eyes followed our progression, watching our every move, studying our subservient expressions and eyeing our bodies off with a lustful anticipation.

  “And now,” said Hector, having crawled back from under his rock to make the announcement, “watch our beauty in action. And remember, she could be yours very soon.”

  Fucking asshole!

  My legs wobbled unsteadily from the fear and I couldn’t help but think I resembled a little calf being led to slaughter. My nerves threatened to betray me as I stood as still as a statue in front of the guests. Sophia spoke gently into my ear, but I could barely hear a word. Her soft hand on my shoulder instructed me to kneel on the carpet before her. She mirrored my position, appearing to have no sense of unease or hesitation, like this was a regular Saturday night occurrence for her.

  Sophia’s gaze penetrated mine but, instead of giving yet another stern warning, her milk chocolate eyes were silently pleading for me to obey. The look was somewhere between tropical sun and arctic water.

  She let go of the chain and it hung loosely around our knees. It was beginning.

  Her hands clasped mine, but only briefly before her index and middle fingers began a slow sensual trail up my arms. The tip of her tongue traced the fullness of her lips leaving behind a glimmering shine.

  Sophia’s hands rested briefly on my shoulders before they made their way to my neck, gently massaging, but it did nothing to ebb my fear. I heard a clicking metal sound, then a jingle. Sophia had removed my collar, apparently trusting me enough in a situation where all I wanted to do was claw everyone’s eye balls out. With the shackle no longer between us, she moved closer on her knees until I could feel her warm breath against my face. Leaning forward a fraction she brushed her newly wet lips tentatively against mine. The gentle pressure increased until her tongue had parted my lips and had found its way into my mouth. I didn’t know how far she would expect me to go or what I would be forced to do but inside I was panicking to a point of no return.

  She pulled away and I opened my eyes to the room spinning around me. Sweat trickled down my temples and my lungs felt like all the air had been sucked from them. It wasn’t until Sophia pulled my bra straps down, revealing my breasts for all in the room to see, did she realize just how bad my state actually was. My stomach churned unhappily and I felt my body grow weak.

  Sophia’s lips travelled up my cheek to my ear.

  “Breathe,” she whispered. Her tone wasn’t for caring, again, it was a warning.

  I hadn’t even realized I had been holding my breath because I didn’t think I had any left inside me. Sophia’s perfectly shaped brow creased together and her grip became vice like.

  As soon as I released the air from my lungs, the room began to warp and my head spun like an out of control vortex. The faces in the crowd became a blur as nausea set in and my eyelids sank heavily.

  ‘Lie down,” Sophia ordered, a sudden flicker of panic crossing her beautiful brown eyes.

  Her voice seemed so far away as it echoed in my head, yet I knew she was close as everything went dark.


  Mascara-stained tears fell on my cleavage, leaving long jagged rivers of black over my white skin.

  Hector’s rage was beyond incandescent as he dragged me through the hall, back to my prison. I had been spared the humiliation Sophia has threatened earlier, but I feared what was in store for me now. Hector would show no mercy, my pleading would mean nothing except act as an accelerant for him to continue delivering the pain. That much I knew. What I didn’t know was how exactly this would occur.

  Back in the main room, the guests had witnessed a composed, calm Hector, who even had the audacity to make his potential buyers share a laugh at my misfortune. However, when the door closed behind us, separating him and me from the bemused faces on the other side and safely out of earshot, I felt the wrath he had tried desperately to conceal.

  The back of his hand smashed against my cheek, the brutal force leaving me dazed and with an incessant ringing in my ear. He grasped my elbows as my weak legs folded beneath me. He wasn’t saving me from landing heavily on the tiles; it was ju
st a rehearsed move for his next assault. Once I was somewhat steady on my feet again, Hector’s right arm curled, his fist smashing into my stomach just under my rib cage.

  Doubled over in excruciating pain, coughing and wheezing desperately for air wasn’t enough to appease the animal before me. In a rage, he picked me up and threw my limp body against the wall so hard I felt and heard the drywall fracture from the force.

  Sinking to my knees, I watched Hector’s raging face as he raised his fist and brought it crashing down onto my jaw. He didn’t care that I was a woman. He didn’t take it easy on me because I was smaller and weaker than him. He beat me like he was in a ring fighting a man equal to his own. Blood filled my mouth instantly and I could feel my lip was split, courtesy of his large rings. Hector’s hand gripped my neck in a choke hold, his snarling lips twitching with unadulterated fury, beady black eyes penetrating my own.

  “Tell me something,” he demanded, his menacing tone ice cold. “Is it in your nature to be defiant? Are you so arrogant and prideful you don’t care what happens to you?”

  “I’m sorry,” I gasped but the sound was barely audible. It wasn’t my fault I had blacked out. I couldn’t control what happened to me in this place so I failed to see the reasoning behind his aggression.

  “I do not appreciate blatant ingratitude, especially from whores like you.”

  Who the fuck was he calling a whore?

  He released my neck but only after smashing my head into the wall behind me. I was sore all over and suddenly not sorry but pissed off.

  “What do I possibly have to be grateful for exactly?”

  The trembling in my voice was not from any fear but more my rising anger.

  Hector’s lips snarled in derision, baring a gold tooth behind his canines.

  “The girls you saw in that room are all there because they are reliant on my generosity. They provide a service suitable for my needs and that of my guests and in return they are rewarded with the necessities of life. You are no different, you are used for a service and in return I house you well.”

  He spoke as if I was ignorant to his supposed humanitarian act.

  “You house me well? I am a prisoner here, against my will! How is that housing me well?”

  “You must have angels watching out for you from above.” Hector laughed, as if dismayed by the whole situation.

  “And why is that? What angel would want me in a place like this?”

  “Because if you were any other girl you would be dead by now.”

  “Right, because of Ethan I am different. What about the others, do you abduct them all too?”

  “Only the special requests. You will never come into contact with them.”

  “No one would be in this hell of their own free will. What do you do, threaten their families with torture or death if they don’t comply? Brainwash them into thinking you are their savior? This is sick what you are doing!”

  I couldn’t hide my contempt no matter how much my sense of self-preservation pleaded with me.

  His face seemed unperturbed by my insults yet his eyes flickered with a flaming temper.

  “Not every girl is born as fortunate as you. When they see an opportunity to help themselves and their family they take it. No complaining, no defiance. I only accept premium quality in my business, my clients expect no less. When I don’t have a girl who meets the criteria of one of those clients, I stop at nothing to find the right girl, whether she comes willingly or not.”

  Hector’s hand came up to my face, causing me to flinch at the movement. He laughed at my apparent fear of him but I simply wasn’t ready for another beating. Instead of resorting to more punishment, his temper seemingly abated for now and he drew a tender line with his fingers from my eyebrow to my lips. His voice was nothing more than a gentle whisper that would later feel like another punch in the face.

  “You on the other hand, have a debt to pay off. So look around you.” His fingers dug painfully into my chin as he moved my face from side to side. “Take a look at your luxurious abode and tell me again how ungrateful you are of my hospitality. You know how much of a kick I would get from hearing those words from your pretty mouth.”

  Hector’s voice had taken on that all too familiar sinister tone and I had no intention of rising to meet his challenge.

  I remained quiet, yet that too seem to anger him. Yanking me to my feet, he dragged me a few extra steps into the bedroom before throwing me like a rag doll to the floor.

  My head hung low, my body aching all over as I sat haphazardly on the plush carpet. Pain seared my scalp as Hector grabbed my hair in a fist, pulling my head back at an unnatural angle. His cigar-reeking face came down next to mine and it took all the will I had not to choke on the toxins.

  “You really are a stupid fucking bitch,” he hissed.

  Despite my resolve, tears were making an unwelcome appearance. I didn’t want the asshole to see me cry, as if in some way it would validate his sense of control to see my weakness.

  “I don’t care what you think of me.”

  Why I kept opening my mouth, I had no idea. To save face? Maybe. I was growing to realize he was a man with a short fuse and raging temper that would surely see the end of me quicker than I ever imagined.

  “You think you can fool me with your fake bravado? Do yourself a favor and don’t fuck me off more than you already have. You see, if you didn’t believe in God before tonight you should do now. My guests have taken to your supposed inexperienced naiveté and that, you fucking whore, is the only reason you are still breathing right now.”

  His tone was scathing and I didn’t doubt the sincerity of his words.

  With a grunt, he released my hair, allowing me to fall into a heap on the floor. I crawled on all fours to move away from him but not fast enough. Hector swung hard, his expensive dress shoe slamming into my ribs, the force propelling me onto my back. I was winded beyond words and gulping for air only made the pain intensify. I made no effort to quiet the groans that escaped my lips as my chest seized with cramps. Before being taken captive, I had never, thankfully, experienced being physically assaulted by anyone. How professional fighters did this for a living was beyond my comprehension.

  Hector stood over me, a polished shoe on each side of my stomach, his menacing face looming over me from above. “In fact, it will pay you to keep in mind that I own you. You answer to me, you do everything I tell you to do and you better start worshipping the ground I damn well walk on. It is me who determines your future, not you.”

  A swift backhand across my face left my cheek screaming in agony and my already split lip throbbing in pain.


  “Shut the fuck up!” he yelled. Spittle flew from his mouth, landing in a shower over my curled-up legs.

  “Remember, chica,” he said through snarling teeth. “Do not fuck with me or I will destroy you!”

  I believed every word.

  Chapter Eleven


  I was hurting, every part of my body aching beyond its limits. The quality of my fate was hanging precariously in the balance and I knew with fast-growing resentment I would be a fool to take Hector’s threats lightly. Cooperating with my captor’s demands was an element I could control; complications that arose from those demands would be out of my hands and, without a doubt, limit my chances of remaining unscathed.

  The grand room had been a death trap. The overbearing heat radiating from the abundant lights in the room had caught like fire in my lungs, sweat forming over my body, trapping pores from breathing. For an hour, twenty sets of eyes critiqued my every movement. Passing out had not been my intention!

  “That was quite a performance out there.”

  My pounding heart galloped in my chest as I reluctantly turned to face the intruder.

  Juan, arms folded casually across his chest, stood leaning against the bedroom door. A few beats passed, our eyes remaining locked in battle, not one of us daring to be the first to look away. While
Juan exuded an arrogant confidence, I on the other hand was struggling to keep my trembling undetected. After the face off with Hector, I had not yet prepared myself for another round in the ring.

  His sudden movement surprised me when he straightened from the door and advanced toward me like a predator set on toying with its vulnerable prey. I was in danger, I knew that, but there was nothing I could do to stop this man being alone with me.

  Juan’s strides were slow and deliberate, his eyes travelled languidly over my half-naked and now bruised body.

  “I’m here to collect what’s mine.”

  Juan was eerily calm, yet his voice was riddled with coercion. Lost for words I struggled to rise to the challenge. “I’m not yours.” It was all I could manage, unwilling to accept the fate he had in mind for me.

  “Oh, but that’s where you're wrong, mamasita.”

  I noticed it instantly, like a spark penetrating the blackness of the night. He wasn’t here to taunt, he was here to hurt me and there was not an inch of remorse in his eyes. The calmness evaporated from his demeanor, instead replaced with uncompromising lust. Scurrying backward toward the window, my knees become my only shield of defense.

  A smile twitched the corners of his mouth as Juan seemed amused at my lame attempt to create space between us.

  “I helped you back there, don’t you remember? You owe me. We all saw the way the old man was looking at you.” Juan was snide and arrogant but his strength lay in smooth talking. Making people question their own thoughts to suit his advantage. “Of course you remember. He would have had you in front of all the guests,” Juan said, as if visualizing the act for himself. “He would have had you and we wouldn’t have stopped him because we know he is good for it. Galvez has plenty of money to buy you and is one of our top ranking clients. But…” A perverse smile spread over his face. “First things first. Hector has other plans for you and so do I, although mine differ a little to his.”


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