Little Doll

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Little Doll Page 13

by Melissa Jane

  The tattoo boasted a stunning display of the grey spectrum, its intensity of light and dark only sucking me in further. I wanted to touch it, to trace my fingers around the lines. The fish were almost life-like, the elaborate detail of the scales bordering on three dimensional. It was possibly the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and he wore it almost too well. From what I had learned about the man already, Aiden wasn’t the type to be inked just for the hell of it. I knew what he wore was for a purpose. There was a story behind each element of the image and I wanted desperately to know.

  Lost in thought, I watched the rhythmic ripples of his muscles move the fish to life as he poured our drinks. He was too fast and, turning abruptly with a glass in each hand, he found me indecently staring. His eyes met mine. There was no mistaking the amusement on his face and he made no attempt to hide his satisfaction as the corners of his mouth twitched again. It was a trait I found endearing and sexy all at the same time. Leaning against the bar with controlled ease, he held my drink out to me. I walked toward him and, for the first time since entering his room, I became acutely aware of what I was wearing.

  I had forgotten the attire Sophia laid out for me for my first training session. Now it was Aiden’s turn to appraise my appearance, making no effort to disguise his appreciation of the extremely short and breathlessly tight black mini dress. The cut of the neckline revealed my breasts more than I would ever allow myself to show and the high stiletto heels, while already hurting my feet, elegantly accentuated my legs. I was overdressed compared to his state of undress, but this is what he had apparently requested. It felt more like I was ready to hit the downtown Manhattan clubs rather than a training session in whatever it was I supposed to learn. I accepted the drink of amber liquid, ensuring my fingers did not touch his in the exchange.

  “Salud,” Aiden said, raising his glass to clink mine.

  I was caught, frozen in time by the intensity in his eyes that speared through mine. I didn’t say anything as he downed his drink in one flick of the wrist. Following suit, I kept my eyes on him until I emptied the glass. It took a few moments before the burn assaulted my throat and everything further beyond. I coughed as the air I breathed acted as fuel to what felt like a fire raging inside of me.

  Aiden chuckled gently as my face reddened and my eyes widened in horror.

  “W-what was that?” I asked, my voice sounding hoarse. “Acid?”

  Taking my glass from me, Aiden continued smiling as he poured us another. He looked so much younger and carefree when he smiled. I was horrified by the thought that in any other time or place, I would have entertained the thought of a relationship.

  The burning had barely subsided by the time Aiden turned back with more rocket fuel. He noticed my apprehension as I took the glass once again.

  “You need it. You are too tense,” he assured.

  “I also need my bodily organs in working order,” I said flatly, before he raised his glass one more time.

  “It’s better second time round.”

  “I doubt that somehow.”

  This time, we downed the drinks in unison. I must have lost some feeling after the first drink because this one certainly lacked the overwhelming punch I felt earlier. Aiden had been right after all. My attention fell to the bottle on top of the bar. It was simply exquisite with its luscious curves yet such a shame it contained flesh eating, stomach intestine rotting liquid.

  “AsomBroso El Platino,” Aiden stated.


  “The tequila” He nodded to the bottle. “The best in Mexico.”

  “It looks like a bottle a genie lives in.”

  Aiden’s smile stretched across his face at my comment, an unmistakable twinkle in his eye. His disarming gaze remained on mine, a strange tension filling the air around us. The voice within my head called for sanity to break the connection, but I simply couldn’t look away. His eyes were gentle and engaging, yet his tense jaw line was telling a much darker story.

  “Come sit down,” he said, his tone turning cold and business like before he headed for the lounge. His quick personality change chilled me to the core. “Are you feeling relaxed?”

  “Yes,” I lied, but I couldn’t hide the trepidation in my voice. Despite feeling my muscles relax, courtesy of the tequila, a sense of unease still plagued me.

  Aiden strolled around the lounge behind me until he was out of sight. I could feel him close in the space, the air around us being sucked away. His warm hands came to rest on my shoulders and, just like he had two nights ago, he worked his thumbs in tantalizing circles over the taut muscles in my neck.

  “Can I ask you something?” I asked tentatively, deciding to throw caution to the wind.

  There was a pause for the longest moment and I wondered if he had even heard me.


  “I was wondering if you knew anything of Ethan’s whereabouts.”


  “I… um… just thought –”

  “Don’t mention his name.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Don’t mention his name, don’t even talk about him to anyone.”

  Aiden’s hands abruptly fell away from my shoulders, my heart rate quickening with his immediate hostility.

  “I don’t –”

  “Forget about your brother, Laila.”


  “Look, I’m sorry. The more you talk about him, the more rebellious you will seem. Do you understand that?”

  I nodded, even though I didn’t think it was the slightest bit fair.

  “You nod your head, but you are not really hearing my words.”

  “I just thought out of all the people in this house, you would understand my concern for him.”

  Aiden rounded on me, his beautiful eyes now a few shades darker. “You must understand my concern.”

  He was pissed off and frustrated. I didn’t know how much further I could push, so I just listened.

  “I have warned you already that your mouth will get you killed here, but you refuse to take heed. Hector and Juan do not care for you other than the money they will make from your sale. Ethan’s deceit is still a fresh wound with them and the more you meddle with it the more wrath you will feel. It’s as simple as that. Forget about him.”

  I wanted to argue the point but I knew he wasn’t willing to listen.

  Aiden studied me, his arms crossed over his chest, biceps muscles bulging. The telltale twitch in his jaw was back. I really had a knack for pissing him off.

  “He isn’t coming back to save you, Laila. So stop wasting your time.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because he wouldn’t be so foolish.”


  “Will they really kill him?”

  “You have my word. Ethan is a sitting duck but because Ethan is American, Hector is careful enough to distance himself from it. He doesn’t really want Ethan returned. Wherever they find him is where he will die. But the longer it draws out, the more trails lead back to Hector and his business.”

  “What about the money… or people… whatever it is that Ethan owes?” I asked in a daze.

  “Long gone.”

  So it was set in stone. Everything Aiden had told me two days ago was coming true, yet he didn’t seem at all bothered by it.

  “Enough of that, you are here for training.” Aiden dismissed the conversation, his focus returning to business. “Stand up.”

  I followed his order knowing I could never shake the dark cloud that hung ominously over my life.

  “Turn around,” he ordered. I did as I was told. “Doing what you’re told without a fight or hesitation will get you a long way, even if it’s a menial instruction. Now close your eyes and unfold your arms.” I hadn’t realized that my arms were wrapped tightly around my waist as if they would be my protective shield.

  A warm tingling travelled down my neck as Aiden’s breath caressed my skin. This man had a way of both terrifying and soothing me, s
ometimes even simultaneously. His cheek pressed against my left temple, giving my stomach butterflies at the intimate position he had us in. His unshaven face against my smooth skin caused a sensation that both consumed and confused my body while my mind screamed at me to remove myself from his hypnotic aura.

  Those emotions intensified as he slowly slid his nose through my short hair, delicious shivers circumnavigated themselves around my whole body. He inhaled the fragrance of my hair before letting out a heavy sigh. Hector had done the same damn thing to me when I first met him. At the time, the act repulsed me. Now, however, it was sensual and made me crave more.

  “You smell so goddamn beautiful,” he said in a low husky voice that sent shivers to all the right spots.

  I could feel the soft pads of his fingers slowly running the length of my arms, my deceitful body lounging in the glorious aftermath of it. Aiden responded to my newfound approval and stepped closer, his firm bare chest and groin fitting perfectly within the curve of my back and round ass.

  Even as I stood rooted to the spot, allowing my body to respond in the most inappropriate ways to this man, I realized he wasn’t like the others. He had made his intentions clear. They were dishonorable intentions, sure… but at least he wasn’t throwing me to the ground and beating me into submission like the other men in the house were so fond of doing. I had to trust him when he said he didn’t want to hurt me.

  Aiden brushed his lips past my ear and down to the crook of my neck like a falling feather. The contact was so gentle and restrained his full lips barely even touched my skin; instead, they teased every nerve ending I possessed. This guilty pleasure was all too much. My body began to shake involuntarily, but not due to fear.

  The soothing sensations of his trailing fingers turned into gentle massaging. My head lolled back against his chest exposing my neck to his mouth. Pain and pleasure blurred the invisible line as his hands flexed and gripped around my arms tightly. I was no fool, he was trying to control himself and the desire he was evoking, leaving the notion of teaching submission without dominance teetering precariously on the edge of failure.

  Being hypnotically drawn to the exquisite sensations Aiden was creating, I moved toward his lips still tentatively grazing my shoulder. I inhaled his scent which flared my senses to life. I hated him for how he made me feel. I loathed him for the way he made my body respond. But I couldn’t get enough. I was becoming an addict and I despised myself.

  Aiden’s mouth lingered at the crook of my neck with renewed intensity, my breath faltering as I attempted to swallow my desire. His touch held a magnetic force and I wanted him to travel further, to kiss me like he had done only nights ago.

  “What are you doing?” he said, his voice husky and strained.

  My eyes flew open to meet his, but I was too absorbed in how he made me feel to say anything.

  “I didn’t tell you to move.”

  The moment was broken.

  “What… I… I didn’t know…” Heat rose to my cheeks by the awkward situation he had placed me in. “I’m sorry,” I stammered. Had I been too presumptuous? Had he not felt the same connection?

  By the look in his eyes, I could see Aiden was battling his own demons. He ran a frustrated hand through his hair as he backed away, leaving me bereft at the distance between us. I couldn’t quite gauge his mood without seeing his face, but I could tell he was trying to compose himself. Perhaps he too felt the pulling force and the desire we both emanated. Either that or he was a very convincing actor.

  “Sit down,” he ordered gruffly. I did as he asked without hesitation. “Your role is not to seek your own pleasure. You are not to act on your own needs unless your master has allowed you too. And in this case, I didn’t.”


  “Most likely. I can't see any reason why he won’t take you as the replacement. You will need to address him as master.” He couldn’t have said the words faster if he had spat them. Did it annoy him that I would soon belong to this… Alexsonov?

  “Does that make you my master for now?” I asked, hanging my head low. I didn’t want to know the answer; it would only devastate me more. Somewhere in my warped justification I still believed Aiden could help me.

  He remained silent for what seemed forever, each passing second creating further distance between us. I dared to glance up at him only to find he wore a mask of indifference, yet his idiosyncratic twitches betrayed him.

  “Go back to your room,” he ordered, his voice ice cold.

  “No, please,” I stammered, “don’t be mad, I’m sorry. Just forget about everything that happened.” I was fearful he would grudgingly choose to not help me anymore and leave me in Juan’s hateful hands. I needed someone on my side, and Aiden was as close they came.

  “It’s not up for discussion. That was a direct order, now do it.”

  Closing the space between us, Aiden held out his hand to pull me to my feet. A chivalrous act, but in my current state of upset I was too numb to give him any of my energy. Pulling myself up off the sofa, I heard him curse under his breath at my rejection. At this point I didn’t care how he felt. Using his already outstretched hand to cup my left elbow, Aiden steered me toward the door. Outside, Sophia was waiting with her typical emotionless dead eyes.

  “Take her,” Aiden gently released me to Sophia, once again leaving me vulnerable to the evil that was the rest of the house.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Aiden opened the door the next day before Sophia had a chance to even knock, his timing of our arrival surprisingly accurate. It seemed no matter what the man wore, or didn’t wear, he was still a mouthwatering sight to behold.

  Tonight, Aiden was dressed in jeans and a tight black shirt that hugged his biceps possessively. He gestured for me to enter, all the while avoiding my gaze. There was no formal greeting, not even for Sophia, his mood instantly placing a dark cloud over the night’s proceedings. The atmosphere chilled some degrees and my hopes of reconciliation were silently dashed. I had left Aiden the night before feeling humiliated and dejected, but I had hoped he could have put the subject to rest. I still needed his help.

  After returning to my room the previous night with an anxious stomach, I had been unable to eat the meal Sophia had left. Instead, I opted for removing my heels and climbing under the comforter still wearing my dress and underwear. For an hour I had cried until the tears no longer fell and my swollen eyelids grew heavy. Sacrificing my pride for the greater good was a hard pill to swallow especially considering his assurances of help were beginning to feel like false promises.

  Now here I was again in his domain and he couldn’t even bring himself to greet me. For a fleeting, beautiful moment last night I had thought something had changed between us, an obstacle been overcome, perhaps. I couldn’t quite place my finger on it, yet I was certain the air surrounding us had felt different and incongruous for the environment I was being thrust into.

  Aiden had closed the door behind me before moving across the open floor space to his office desk, leaving me to stand alone and unsure of my purpose.

  Five minutes passed and nothing. Aiden hadn’t even deigned to give me a cursory glance over his shoulder. So I stood, waiting where he had left me, feeling foolish and finding myself staring at the way his muscles moved rhythmically under his shirt. Unaware of the attention, he continued to scan and discard the many documents he had been holding.

  When another minute passed with no hint of interaction, I tore my eyes off his body and wandered over to an artwork that stood out amongst the rest. It was similar to the photographic nudes I had seen the previous night, however this one was of a more intimate nature than the others. It was of a woman’s torso with a man standing behind her, one of his muscular arms draped over her bare breasts, the other hand spanning over her hip. The darkness in the background crept forward enough to cast deep shadows over their entwined bodies. It was an incredibly sensual and sophisticated composition and just like the others, no
t at all lacking in class.

  “You are fond of this one?”

  Aiden’s close proximity and gentle voice next to my ear sent traitorous shivers of delight through my body. He stood behind me, his chest barely touching my back with each heartbeat.

  “Yes, but they are all stunning.” I replied softly. A comfortable silence descended upon us. I could hear his gentle breathing, dangerously distracting me from keeping a level head. If I forgot everything else around me, it would almost be as though we were in an art gallery and not in a Mexican cartel house. “Why do you have so much of this particular work?” I braved the question when I could stand no more of the tension building between us.

  “That’s a good question,” he stated. By the tone of his voice he appeared relaxed, a stark contrast to how he was when I first arrived.

  “Perhaps it’s to bring back some normality to my life,” he said at last.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, a little perplexed.

  Aiden took a step forward so we stood side by side. He looked at me coyly and I was once again consumed by his viridian eyes and the need to feel the roughness of his face against mine. “Do you want the honest answer or a bullshit story?”


  “The truth of the matter is, you guessed the answer a few nights ago.”

  “I’m not sure I remember what I said.”

  “It’s hard not to become as fucked up as the rest of the people in this house, especially with how my father and brother are.”

  My heart dropped. “I hadn’t realized they were your family, I mean you are all so…”



  “Thank you.” Aiden shot me grateful smile that made my heart skip a beat. He was so devastatingly beautiful when he smiled. “Sometimes it doesn’t feel like it.”

  Prior to this revelation, I hadn’t been sure if they were all related or not. There were absolutely no similarities between Aiden and Juan.


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